
Tall, separated, well-educated executive and open minded.

My stories are all true.

I married too young. She wanted a minivan, 2.3 kids, and a white picket fence, and I wanted to see the world. It was never destined to last.

After the pain of our divorce, I realized I was free to discover the world, myself, and others. I’ve traveled to 40 countries, mostly for work, and along the way found that the goofy geek I was in high school had become a successful executive that others found attractive.

My relationships have been as much about opportunity as they have been about chemistry – and the moment.

Now in my early 60’s, my stories share the people I’ve met, the things I’ve done, and convey what I’ve learned about myself.

I continue to travel and meet others and write about those encounters.

Perhaps we might meet someday – in an airport while waiting for a delayed plane, in a restaurant in the middle of the afternoon, in a grocery store as I shop unfamiliar aisles looking for a few things.

Until then, I hope my stories are – at the very least – enjoyable for you to read. I hope they stimulate your mind and body, and touch something inside that yearns for more – because my stories are all true.

Well, mostly true, anyway.

Drop me a line if you ever want to say hello.


North Carolina after leaving pandemic-ridden New York City



Author Stats

12 Years AgoMember Since
Last YearUpdated
15My Favorites
34My Comments
1Series Published

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Travel, Photography, Cooking, Writing, Woodworking, Reading

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