Awakening the Deluca Family


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"I am glad we did this," Rachel said, breathing deeply. There was something about Rachel when she was naked. It was like the stick up her ass came out when she took her pants off. Roseanna felt good now.

"Me too," she said, "This is nice." They lay for awhile quietly. Roseanna actually felt herself dozing off but then caught herself when her alarm on her phone went off. That meant she had twenty minutes. She felt confident.

"What was that?" Rachel asked, also waking from a light doze.

"Sorry, I had that alarm on for yesterday and forgot to turn it off," Roseanna explained. They both sat up and laughed, "We are so lame, we were about to fall asleep at 9:30 on a Friday night"

"Speak for your self, I was up late last night," Rachel explained, throwing her pillow at her sister.

"Oh yeah," Roseanna asked, "Why?"

"I was talking to someone," Rachel said mysteriously.

"Who was it?" Roseanna asked, this was promising.

"You don't know him," Rachel explained. Roseanna rolled her eyes. Her sister had a new temporary boyfriend every ten minutes.

"Were you on the phone?" Roseanna asked.

"No, we were online," Rachel explained.

"You were totally having cyber sex," Roseanna giggled and then flopped over onto her back.

"Ugh. You are such a pervert. If I had said I had been on the phone you would have been like 'you were totally having phone sex.'"

"No I would, I just know that if you wanted to do something dirty you were do it online so that you could blame on me later or something. Or so the dude couldn't hear your voice."

"I don't want to do dirty things so I don't think about it," Rachel said matter-of-factly, but with a little bit of real anger in her voice. It really annoyed her when her sister acted like this.

"Oh come on. I don't buy your saint act. I heard that you made out with Jake Fisher and then Dale Herschel on the same day. At the same party. You are totally a slut," Roseanna said laughing. That was not a lie, she had heard that rumor and was inclined to believe it. When she saw Rachel's face she was certain about it.

"Who told you that?" She said coolly.

"A little birdy," Roseanna said. Rachel knew better than to beg or threaten. If Roseanna wanted to tell her she would and if she didn't there was no torture on earth that could get it out of her.

"You are the slut," she replied, "I heard you made out with a chick on a dare." This was a rumor that Rachel had heard, but she didn't really believe it.

"It was your old buddy Deb Chu actually, we made ten bucks," Roseanna said. She was telling the truth. It was the easiest money she had ever made.

"That makes you a whore," Rachel said. She seemed really upset now.

"Whatever," Roseanna said, "I think you are jealous."

"Oh what?" Rachel said, taken aback.

"You're jealous because you want to make out with Deb Chu. You talk about her all the time. I think you are big dyke and you just don't want to admit it."

"Fuck you," Rachel said. Roseanna could tell by her sister's red face that she had struck a nerve. She decided to act impulsively, to try to seal the deal quickly. She leaned over to her pouting sister and quickly planted a kiss on Rachel's lips. They didn't move.

"Well, now you have kissed her, through me," Roseanna said. She kissed Rachel again. Rachel didn't move, she sat there, cold and unmoving.

"What did you do?" Rachel said finally.

"Don't act like you didn't like it," Roseanna said giggling and giving a knowing stare. Rachel couldn't help but laugh. While her mouth was open, Roseanna leaned forward again and kissed her sister. This time her open mouth met her sister's open mouth. She put her tongue into Rachel's mouth and swirled it around. For a moment it felt like Rachel would remain stiff again, but then Roseanna felt Rachel's hand on her cheek and felt her sister's tongue moving around in her mouth.

They lay down on the bottom of the tent; their hands caressed each other's faces and arms while they kissed deeply. They both noticed that their breasts were touching but neither drew attention to the fact. They felt their hard nipples running together. Roseanna was hoping that Janine would spring the trap soon and Rachel was trying to rationalize her actions by saying to herself they were like the same person and it didn't make her a lesbian or a pervert or anything like that. They lay together, kissing for a long time. Neither said a word.

Suddenly, the flap on the tent flew open. The girls jumped (Even Roseanna was a bit surprised; she had been so focused on her beautiful kiss). "Hey girls, thought you might like....Oh my God!" Janine said, doing her best at acting as she looked in at her beautiful twins, both nearly naked and their lips and breasts pressed together.

"Holy shit!" Roseanna said, more in excitement than fear.

"Oh my God!" Rachel said, feeling intensely embarrassed and ashamed.

"What in the Fuck is going on in here?"

"Nothing mom, we were just screwing around," Roseanna said, trying to put a little fear in her voice. She was pretty convinced by her mother's performance and it was not too difficult to play along.

"I can see that," Janine said, stepping into the tent. She was wearing a bathrobe but she looked gorgeous and fiery to her girls.

"I am so sorry mom." Rachel said, staring at her own breasts. She wanted desperately to cover up but she didn't to draw any more attention to her nudity.

"Me too," Roseanna said.

"Well what am I supposed to do now?" she said, "I mean how do I teach you a lesson for something like this? I can't even believe this. It is crazy."

"I don't know," Rachel said. Then it was time for Janine to act. They had to go quickly, they had to surprise her if this was going to work.

"I know what needs to be done. Roseanna, get over here," she said. Janine stood tall in the tent and Roseanna crawled over on her knees, "You suck your mother's dick," she said and threw open her robe. She was fully erect even as let the robe fall in a pile on the floor. Roseanna was hungry and she knew there was no time to lose. She opened her mouth and took her mother's penis with her right hand. She put her tongue against the bottom of the penis and started to drink it in. She moved quickly and dipped it deeper and deeper into my mouth. She had been practicing with a dildo. She wanted to be able to deep throat her mother's dick without even thinking about it. Her practice had worked.

She felt her mother's balls on her chin and the thick, salty warm taste on her tongue. Janine could not believe how skilled her daughter was. For a moment her whole plan was out the window and she just wanted to fuck her dick into her daughter's mouth as hard and as long as she could. Then a gasp brought her out of her daze.

She looked over at Rachel. The girl was watching in disbelief. She didn't appear to be completely repulsed, but she just looked more confused than anything else. There was something crazy going on and she didn't understand it. Janine hoped that that would be enough. She knew she was going to cum quickly if Roseanna kept working so smartly on her cock. She carefully pulled it out. Roseanna was disappointed, but she knew there were bigger fish to fry.

"Get over here Rachel," Janine said. It was not a question. It was an absolute demand and Rachel was in such a daze that she got on her knees and moved over to her mother. Roseanna moved out of the way and Rachel got down on her knees in front of her mother's cock. She felt like she was in a dream or something, but her mother had such a stern look in her eyes that Rachel knew better than not to obey.

She had never done this before and so she followed from Roseanna's example. She took her mothers...penis with her right hand. She felt the weight and could see Roseanna's spit and her mother's cum glistening on Janine's dick. She decided not to think. She opened her mouth and tried to jam the whole cock down her throat as her sister had done. She gagged loudly and pulled out.

"Take it easy baby, you don't have to do it like that, just fit in as much as you can comfortably," Janine said soothingly. In a trance Rachel started to work on the cock again. She took the tip into her mouth. She could taste the juices on it and found that she liked it. It was like her tongue and mouth knew what had to be done without her thinking. She bobbed her head gently and took as much of the dick as she could.

Janine was impressed. The girl was a natural. The pleasure was unbelievable. In some ways it was better than Roseanna's skillful deep throat. She pushed her cock in rhythm with her daughter's motions. It didn't take her long. The entire situation was so amazing. Janine took Rachel's head in her hands and suddenly her body got rigid. The orgasm ripped through her body and made her knees feel weak. Hot cum shot into her daughter's mouth. Load and after load dripped into Rachel's gaping lips.

"Don't lose any of that baby. Keep it in your mouth," Janine managed to say while moaning and trying not to fall over. In a few moments, the last few drops collecting in Rachel's mouth and Janine pulled out and fell to the ground, exhausted, "Share that with your sister. But don't you drink it either Roseanna."

Rachel was transformed. Whatever gene Janine had that made her crave cum had been passed down to Rachel. With that one taste of cum, she was hooked. It was all the will she had in the world to turn to Roseanna and kiss her. She wanted to suck her mother's dick again. She was already thinking about it as her mouth opened and hot, thick cum splurted out of her mouth and into Roseanna's. They kissed deeply and their tongues played and bathed in the cum. Janine watched and was amazed by how beautiful they looked as little stray drips of cum drooled out of their mouths and they ate into each other's mouths. Finally, Rachel closed her mouth and pulled away. All the cum was in Roseanna's mouth now. Janine beckoned her over.

Now it was their turn to kiss and it was equally messy. Janine was surprised when, as they continued kissing, Rachel moved back to her half-soft cock and started sucking it again. She kept kissing Roseanna, tasting her own cum as Rachel sucked her dick again. She couldn't believe how talented Rachel was as she found herself cumming again. Just as she did so, Roseanna spit the last of the cum into her mouth. That beautiful taste, mixed with her daughters' spit was in her mouth. She drank it down slowly, letting the flavors dance on her tongue and in her nose. Rachel was doing the same with the second, only slightly smaller load of cum in her own mouth.

"I think you girls have learned your lesson," Janine said, standing again and putting on her robe, "Roseanna, would you please fill your sister in on the details. I am sure she is a bit confused. Why don't you too talk and...have fun out here tonight."

"Okay mom," Roseanna said and kissed her mother. When their lips broke, Janine turned to Rachel and kissed her as well. Their tongues met for the first time ever and they tasted the cum in each other's mouth. Janine knew that if she didn't leave now, she would not give the girls a chance to have fun together.

"I love you both," she said, breaking the kiss and slipping out of the tent. Roseanna and Rachel sat silently for a minute. Then they were on each other. There would be plenty of time for explanation later, when they were holding each other in the afterglow soul shaking orgasms.

Chapter 8: Gangbang

Janine had been right about work. Things had been falling apart and Janine spent the next few weeks fixing things there. However, it didn't improve her relationship with co-workers. It was going to take time to rebuild the trust they once had in them. While her body still cried out for her girls, her mind was able to focus once again. She spent many nights at work until midnight catching up. She just managed to avoid a formal reprimand at her monthly evaluation. She was starting to get tired and grumpy while at work and took her attitude home.

About three weeks after her experience with the twins in the backyard, Janine began to feel that she was back in control at work. She knew that if she kept at it, she would regain the trust of her employers. But it was starting to take a toll. That day, everything sort of came to a head. She had the most busy work day she could remember for years, even given her long few weeks. She had been given new responsibilities that week and her presentation was very difficult. Afterwards, she had found that she had forgotten to pack a lunch and was starving throughout most of the day. Towards the end of the day she found that she might have to come in on the weekends for a few weeks. Finally, on her way home from work her car had broken down and she had to pay nearly seventy dollars for a long taxi ride home.

When she finally made it home, she was tired, angry, and starting to think that her entire life had fallen apart. She was hoping her girls were asleep; she didn't want to yell at them because she was angry at something else. The lights appeared to be off as she walked in the front door. She was relieved by that.

She unlocked the front door and walked in. She saw a banner hanging in the foyer. She strained to see what it said but finally had to turn a light on, "Happy Birthday, Mom!" Janine was embarrassed and shocked. She had forgotten her own birthday. Her girls had not and they had set up a party for her and she had been too late to see it. She felt terrible. She turned off the lights and trudged up the stairs. Trying to think of a way to make it up to them.

She checked under their doors and saw that the lights were out as she made her way to her room. She pushed open the door and waked in. There was soft light in the room, from a dozen candles strewn about the room. There were rose petals all over the floor and soft music was playing. Janine smiled, she looked to her bed. Lying in all positions over the bed were her daughters. All four of them. They were all naked and smiling at her.

"Surprise!" They yelled together.

"Oh my goodness girls what is this?" She asked, deeply touched by the gesture.

"What does it look like? Its your birthday did you forget?" Roseanna asked.

"Tera, what are you doing here," Janine asked. She didn't realize that her youngest daughter knew her secret or what had been going on the last few weeks.

"They told me everything mom. I just want to make you happy," she said. Good old Tera, nothing would ever faze her or keep her from pleasing others.

"You girls are so wonderful," Janine said, her eyes filling with tears. She had always known she had a special family and this merely confirmed those intuitions.

"Well come on and join us Mom," Rachel said, stretching out onto the bed. Janine didn't need to be asked more than once. She dropped her bag onto the floor and almost ran over to the bed. She jumped in between all of her girls and they were on her in a flash. She didn't know that her clothes were capable of being removed that quickly. In less than ten seconds she was completely naked.

She felt hands and lips all over her body and very quickly her penis was hard. The girls were all giggling as they played. Janine looked down and saw Jackie sucking on her balls. She didn't have a chance to watch long as Roseanna and Rachel carefully helped Tera onto their mother's dick. Tera groaned loudly as the hard dick slide into her sopping wet pussy. The girls had been lying on Janine's bed for hours, playing with themselves and they were all soaking wet. Jackie kept licking Janine's balls as Tera rocked back on forth on her mother's dick.

Rachel moved quickly, she straddled her mother's head and rubbed her breasts while Janine began to lick her daughter's pussy and suck on her clit. While the worked, Roseanna moved to the bottom of the bed and began to finger herself while she licked Jackie's pussy. Everyone had their spot now. They were working, moaning, groaning, and cumming as a family.

Tera was the first to cum, her tiny pussy was stretched to the limit by her mother's hard dick and she came hard. She continued to rock on the dick, feeling it push deeper into her body as the orgasm engulfed her entire body.

"Lick my ass now," Jackie suddenly said, before going back to licking Tera's juices off their mother's scrotum. Roseanna did as she was told, dipping her tongue into her oldest sister's asshole. Jackie had never felt a tongue on her ass before and she too was quickly cumming. She sucked hard on Janine's balls as she did so.

Janine was feeling the pleasurable pain of having her balls sucked deep into Jackie's mouth as she put her hands on Rachel's hips and forced her tongue deeper and deeper into the girl's pussy. Rachel was soon cumming as well, spilling juices all over her mother's face. While this was happening, Tera was pulling herself off of her mother's cock so that Roseanna could get on. Jackie was back to licking her mother, but as she did so she moved south. She was lapping at her mother's asshole and breathing in her mother's balls through her nose. She loved the hot scent of full balls.

And Janine's balls were full. She couldn't ever remember wanting to cum so bad, but even as Roseanna lowered herself onto the cock, she couldn't do it for some reason. Tera and Rachel moved to either side of Janine and began to suck and stroke her nipples. Janine felt electric, but still she could not cum. They moved in unison for a long time and Janine felt her body filling even more with cum.

Even Roseanna, who had a late start, began cumming before Janine. Her entire body rocked on top of Janine's body and hot, thick girl cum sprayed out of her cunt and wet Janine's body and Jackie's face. It wasn't until Roseanna pulled her body off of Janine that suddenly, Janine's body burst forth. Big, thick, hot ropes of cum shot out of Janine's cock. It covered her stomach in hot liquid, it shot up onto her tits and her face. She couldn't believe how much cum there was. Her daughter's didn't wait around to admire. They were on her body quickly, sucking the cum off of their mother's body, drinking it down and kissing each other and their mother to share it.

The night continued on in that way, as it did most of the next day. It would take too long to explain all of the things that went on in the De Lucca family over the next decades, but it is clear that that one month was an awakening for them. And as Janine lay with her family in her arms, naked and sticky with cum, she knew she would never try to keep a secret from them ever again.

Everyone: thank you so much for reading this story. Please, please rate the story and comment on it. Send me an e-mail through literotica or through the Forum if you want it to be private. I read all the responses and I want to give you all what you want. If you like this story and want it to continue, let me know where it should go. Also, if you liked this, read my other stories and comment on them as well (If you like the mash-up of transsexuals and incest, read my stories "Jealousy," "Biological...Father," "A Big Side Effect" and the Island for Dickgirls Series). If you have a suggestion for another story you'd like to hear and want me to write it I will CONSIDER doing it.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I would love more of this. Definitely going into my favorites list!

rahulsinghlove69rahulsinghlove69over 1 year ago

Ending seems to be rushed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

sexy ending just wanted more detail so longer for the sex parts

DUBLXLDUBLXLabout 3 years ago
Work of art

Second story I have read of yours, I’m hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

That was as hot a story as I have ever read. I had a hardon from the start to finish. Fantastic read.

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