Extending the MILF List Ch. 21


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Candice wobbled to her feet.

"I have lube. Lots of lube. French lube." She warbled. She looked like a jet ski running out of gas. I stood still and watched the scene change. Jamie hadn't come for Ellen so he was plenty hard when he got arranged with pillows and sister Xavia lowered herself onto him. They both groaned and then started kissing like they liked each other. I had a moment of pride and then guilt, and then pride again. I can't explain that so don't ask.

Candice appeared with a bottle of lube shaped like a slipper, the sort that genies always wear in the cartoons. It was pink and green with a red cap...weirded me out honestly but lube is lube and what it comes in doesn't matter...now what it goes in, that matters.

She and Ellen took a sudden interest in Xavia's ass and she had to learn to kiss, fuck and have fingers sliding in and out of her ass at the same time. She looked confused. Having her mother's fingers, yes fingers plural, stuffed in her bum may have had something to do with it. At one point she pulled her mouth loose from her brother and gasped, snorted and I do believe the girl came. Her ass started bobbing and Candice and Ellen had to just wait and watch for her to slow down. Me? I felt like I was watching the last train to Clarksville pull out without me. Pulling out was never my style, now that I think about it.

Xavia coasted to a gasping, panting halt and her mother immediately pushed fingers into her ass, fingers, yes fingers. Two at first but then three that made Xavia groan from right behind her tits. Jamie lay under her, watching her experience that penetration and, I presume, enjoying its effects on the hold her cunt had on his cock. Ellen looked at me, her eyes glowing like two green coals.

"You going to stand there with your dick in your hand all day, Sonny or are you going bring it over here and finish what you started?"

I looked down and by god she was right, my dick was in my hand! Such things shouldn't surprise me but having them pointed out to me sometimes does. It's not that I'm not paying attention, I am. It's just that I get focused on some little detail that just drinks attention like skin drinks mercury...like Xavia's tits. They way they moved when she did, not floppy, not wobbling but firm and stately, like they had something to prove!

"Sonny!" Ellen snapped her fingers. "For fuck's sake don't waste that thing, bring it over her and put it where it belongs."

"Belongs?" I repeated blankly. "Since when does my cock belong in her ass?" As least I got that much right.

Candice withdrew her fingers from Xavia's ass, or tried too but the girl simply lifted her ass trying to keep them inside her. First her mouth and now this. The woman was a natural born wonder, every hole seemed to be more accommodating than the last. Not just accommodating, lusty, too. She wanted to be filled, wanted my cock. God, I hate it when Ellen's right.

I moved.

On to the bed and into Xavia's ass. She opened up like a department store. My cock connected to her puckered asshole and slide into it, her body went still and all the motion in her was her labored breathing. I saw Jamie's hands move up from her waist to her tits. The girl grunted and her ass punched back at me, nailing her onto my cock. The motion took her off of Jamie's cock and that disturbed her so she punched back in his direction.

Now in a normal sense, that would have removed at least some of my successfully penetrative cock from her ass but Sonny is a fucking opportunist. When she punched Jamie, ramming her cunt down onto his cock, Sonny helped! Which is only to say this, I followed that splendid ass and when it came to a stop, my eager cock thrust deeper into her.

Xavia screamed.

It wasn't pain. Or if it was, she was a lurid twist beyond that barded wire boundary the rest of us avoid. No, she shuddered around the scream, her voice belting out the high notes like a tone deaf tenor hitting his thumb with a hammer. There was no music to her song, just the tense, clotted warble of a woman being double fucked. I felt Jamie under me and together we fucked his sister.

Now double fucking normally has two basic methods. The woman holds still and the men planted in her ass and cunt pummel her independently or the gentlemen, polite fucks that they are, take turn penetrating ass and pussy while the other one holds still and lets her grind on him, ass and pussy. I'm not being redundant, I just like using that phrase, ass and pussy, ass and pussy. It never loses it's music.

"Sonny! God, pay attention!" Ellen's snapping fingers got my attention again. "Jesus, where do you go when you look like that?" There was real wonder in Ellen's tone. I felt a little proud but didn't answer her.

I gave Xavia a little punch of my own and she groaned.

"I'm in her. That's where I am." I muttered, pointing out the obvious which, for all of her better attributes, Ellen could sometimes overlook.

Jamie and I began to fuck her. Together, like a well controlled machine. Xavia was confused, puzzled even. She kept trying to move with us but we were in sync somehow, I can't explain it. We'd both shove into her at the same time, staking her firmly between us. We'd then both pull back leaving her teetering on the ends of our cocks, a greedy cunt and ass unable to decide which departing cock to pursue. Just about the time she'd made a decision to go back or forward with her hips, we'd reverse course and drive into her again. She always seemed surprised and I suppose she was, by one or the other of us. Jamie and I worked that girl together and she hung suspended between us, taking us in cunt and ass with perfect aplomb.

The time came for us to come. We mashed her between us and we came, together. Xavia wasn't left out either. She'd fought orgasm after orgasm to remain poised between our plunging pricks so when she felt us pouring cum into her perfect body, she exploded. Her body shook and rattled but she couldn't move, penetrated twice as nice and mashed between us, she could only let the orgasm shiver her timbers. She could barely breathe much less move between us. Her head bobbed a little but I bore her down onto Jamie's chest and and held her there while I pumped cum into that amazing ass that followed her around.

The orgasm unhitched me from reality, which I have often said is far overrated. Reality gets all the attention but in this case, the reality of the woman was not overrated in the least. I felt connected to her orgasm and strangely, to Jamie's. He rocked her, moving her world and thus mine. I felt helpless, transported, plugged into her ass like an afterthought to a genius, she came with her cunt and her ass merely squeezed me by accident. A fucking happy accident to be sure but I was the accessory but what a way to be insignificant!

Our mutual motion slowed and came to a stop.

"Fuck the Queen!" Candice mumbled. "It's my turn now."

I turned my lolling head to see Ellen put a hand to Candice's shoulder.

"I think your daughter just used them up for now. We need to get them time to rest.

"No. I want it now." Candice mumbled again, her voice sounded sober and serious. If a serious blond is like rain while the sun shines, then Candice was a cloudburst under a solar flare.

"No, men aren't machines. Well, they are but they don't have constant energy. You have to wind them up. Of course that means they then wind down. Wind them up too much and they break. Don't wind them enough, and they're useless." Ellen looked me and smiled her evil, I can eat you in one bite, grin. I pulled out of Xavia's ass.

It wasn't really in response to Ellen but maybe it seemed like it. It certainly wasn't a dare but Ellen snarled at me and backed up a step. I wilted. Not Ellen's doing either. I suddenly felt a horrible dearth in me. A gap between will and ability appeared as I stared at Candice. I staggered and turned away. I made my way to the shower and turned it on. I wasn't there ten seconds before Ellen appeared.

"Jamie is fucking his mother, since you wimped out." She stepped in under the water and took my lazing cock in both hands and began to gently rub it. She got some soap and applied it. That took some of the sting out of her words. I wanted to argue but I didn't have the energy. That last orgasm took any hair off that I had on my back, if there was any. I just stood there under the spray and let Ellen wash me. She didn't stop with my brown dirt cowboy cock. She did all of me and I just stood still and let her.

You know what? My god, I liked it? I was just focusing on that when she hit the water control wrong and doused us both with cold water, ruining a perfectly fine moment.

"Jesus left the boat! Sorry, Sonny!" Ellen snorted, turning off the water. Suddenly she was cold and shivering. I naturally enfolded her in my arms and hugged. She wriggled around and coated me with her little body. I felt a flicker of cock interest and then it faded. I was done. I felt like a boat out of gas with the shore "just over there" but too far to swim.

We'd turned off the water so the chill bundled into both of us. I got towels and rubbed Ellen down. I had a momentary twinge, here I was with what can only be described as one of my buddy's girlfriend, though Ellen was to girl as fish is to whale, the surroundings are the same but they are not the same species.

When we trickled into the main bedroom, we found Jamie between mother and sister, fast asleep and them out on either side of him. Home in the St. Vincent mansion wasn't going to be the same for a while, if ever. So I hoped. I reach for Candice shoulder, she was on her side facing Jamie on his back, one arm over his chest, along with Xavia's from the other side.

"What are you doing? Leave them!" Ellen hissed grabbing my elbow and pulling back my arm. "Come on. Let them sleep. You bent the world around them and they need time to recover!"

She put an arm around my waist and we toddled out of the bedroom to one of the two others. We did turn off the lights so their dreams wouldn't be all spot lighted. We are so considerate, me and Ellen. We picked one of the three other possible beds in the suite and crawled in. She cuddled up against me like she liked me which confused me. She was Sammy's girl and here we were literally sleeping together, one of life's truly intimate and private experiences, well, that someone might actually want to share I mean. The bitch was asleep on my chest before I'd had time to burp and so I just lay there holding still trying to figure things out. The next thing I new someone was shaking my arm.

"Sonny. Sonny! Sonny, wake up."

I was groggy, wool-headed and stupid, two out of three of which I could get over by myself. I was on my side an a hand kept shaking my shoulder, swooping in, grasping me and shaking me. I timed its approach and grabbed it with my hand and threw it away from me.

"Go away. I'm asleep. This is a recording." I mumbled, selecting each word like I was radio running out of battery power.

The fucking hand came back and shook me again. So I had to emerge to the next evolutionary level to recognize sounds.

"Sonny. Get up. Come on, this isn't funny!"

"Not laughing. No punch line. Shut up!" I laughed then but it seemed like it was in a dream but then the voice registered, the thing that didn't make sense about it. It was male! There was a man in bed with me! That woke me up and I wasn't titillated either. I'm a lesbian, remember?

"Jesus toes, Jamie, what are you doing. Get out of my bed."

"What? What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not in your bed. Want me to be?" His voice drew me up another couple of evolutionary echelons to where you begin to recognize sarcasm. I opened my eyes.

It was dark. I mean Stygian dark.

I rolled over and sat up. I looked at the clock. It read four or five.

"It better be afternoon, buddy or I'm going to..." I stopped because I had no interesting threat that I could manage that I could back up. In a fair fight, Jamie'd probably kick my ass...so I was busy figuring out how to cheat when I realized I'd changed subjects. I got back to the central issue.

"What the fuck, Jamie? It's four in the morning."

"I know but, Sonny, they're gone."


"The women."

I rolled back over, thought better of it and sat up again.

"Well, you're not fucking me, buddy. I may swing but I'm a one way street." I chewed on that a moment and found I'd fucked it up. "I only swing one way, streets don't swing." Barely better but accurate. Once again I was missing the point. I tried to sit up again and found I was already sitting up which made the effort feel really stupid.

"Sonny, what are you talking about?" Jamie's voice twanged like a bowstring.

I was missing something but I'm accustomed to that.

"What am I talking about? I'm asleep." Well, that wasn't entirely true. Unless I was and this was a dream? No, I'm not wasting good dream time talking to Jaime while I'm sitting in a bed. I'm not that ridiculous.

"They're gone."


"My mum and Xavia." He swallowed hard. "And Ellen."

"No, she's..." I patted the bed, this way, that way. No Ellen. "Gone." I finished. I admit I had some snarky response all ready to counter the hint of panic in his voice and not finding Ellen in bed with me foiled my plans.

"I looked everywhere, every room. They're gone. No luggage either. Nothing. It's like they were never here."

"What? They cleaned the room and made the beds before they left?"

Jamie snorted, displeasure lurid in his tone. Can't fault a guy for trying, well you can but I usually don't and rely on the like indulgence of others.

"Sonny, they're gone."

"You keep saying that but why? Maybe they went out for breakfast." There that stopped him.

"I don't think so." Wrong again. "Sonny, I have a bad feeling about this."

I chuckled and I must have had my eyes closed because suddenly I could see his outline in the dark, against light from back in the suite somewhere. "Yeah, if your mom and sister are with Ellen, I'd be worried too."

"It's not funny, Sonny." I was still naked, he wasn't though, which, you know when you're just getting to know someone, that can be reassuring, that they aren't naked in your bedroom, I mean.

"No. You're wrong. It kinda is. We wake up in the armpit of the night and the women we were fucking have scarpered? When shit like this happens, you have to laugh buddy or it gets you down."

"It's my Mum, Sonny! She's vanished!"

"My mom is riding a giant cock around Asia and I haven't talked to her in ages." Oh now I felt really guilty...and horny. Oh my god. Mom! Both the filial feelings of a year ago and the more recent lust for her were in a boxing match in my head...and again I was way off track...

"Oh. Sorry."

"Don't be...I just hope he doesn't leave her permanently stretched out of shape. He's like a genetic sport." I got up, grabbed up a towel and wrapped it around me. I'm not the nudist guy, I guess.

I toured the suite and by golly Jamie was right. They were nowhere to be found. I didn't have a clue either. I had waltzed in, tied up Jamie and fucked them and didn't even ask if they had luggage...which isn't one of the things you think about when I undress a woman, so I had a deficit of knowledge to compare to the present to know if something had gone awry. One thing was sure, I didn't know what to do next...so I went back to bed. Jamie objected but I told him we'd deal with it in the morning. Sunday, the next day, would arrive whether I was tired or not. I fixed him a scotch from the bar and went back to bed. What Jamie did I don't know. I went out like a light during an air raid. Family Saturday, was over.

****Hey, you came this far, vote and leave a comment for the starving writer! It's your good deed for the day! Thanks for your support! -C

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
soooo hot

every page leaves me with my cock hard and drained . to fuck that many milfs and other women is just so sexually insane . Wish i was there to help with dp . i know it is just fiction, but fuck it is so hot . The whole series has left my cock and balls drained .Never stop writing such hot erotica!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Over thinking a situation

These great commentaries going on in Sonny's head, I think my brain would blow up if thought things out like that.Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Want more

Please release the next chapter. Been waiting over a year now

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I dont know why there are no more stories but those other comments make me think that you are not writing lately, i hope you are well! Greetings from Germany! Red the whole milf list and loved every bit of it

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Please continue!

Love this series. Sonny is really awesome. One of my favourite characters that I have found in all my years of reading anything. Though you would invlove sonny with Jeb Willis and do a spy type story arc. More of this storyplease. Need to know where the women went.

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