Family Freud


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[The girls continue to kiss around Zach's cock. But they are more forceful now. Their lips almost joust, fighting for space on Zach's shaft, pushing and fighting each other out of the way. They giggle as they fight, but they push each other hard. Zach gasps and watches with very wide eyes. Finally, as Kassie moves in an awkward position to get her lips on the tip of Zach's cock, Ashleigh gives her a gentle shove. Kassie yelps and then falls on her ass on the floor. Ashleigh smirks at her sister and then takes Zach's hand. She pulls him down so that he is sitting on his ass on the floor, his feet straight out in front of him. Ashleigh stands up and puts one foot on either side of Zach's thighs, her ass facing his face. Zach takes his cock in his hand and positions his cock below Ashleigh's pussy. Ashleigh carefully lowers herself down. Zach makes sure that his cock pushes against the Ashleigh's slick pussy lips. Ashleigh sighs as she gently lowers herself down onto Zach's cock. After a few moments, her ass rests on his thighs, his cock is completely inside of her].

ASHLEIGH: Remember, your older sister is always going to win. But I am a magnanimous winner. Come on over here and get your consolation prize.

KASSIE: I almost want it more!

ZACH: Oh fuck, this is so good!

[Zach's hands grasp onto Ashleigh's hips, helping her rise up on his cock. He then pushes her back down. Ashleigh leans back against Zach's chest, thrusting her hips down. One of Zach's hands rises up off of Ashleigh's thigh and gently grabs her breast. Kassie drops down onto her hands and knees on the stage. She crawled across the stage, ticking her ass in a slinky fashion. She looks over her shoulder at the camera and blows a kiss. Then she crawks between Ashleigh's legs. Ashleigh continues to bounce on Zach's cock].

ASHLEIGH: Eat that pussy, lick that cock sis

KASSIE: What do you think I am about to do, bossy!

[Kassie's tongue slips from her mouth and she leans forward. The top of her tongue presses into Zach's cock. Ashleigh's pussy then slips down over the cock, and Kassie's tongue rakes across her sister's hard clitoris. Kassie doesn't move her head or her tongue. She just lets it sit out of her mouth, flat and soft. She lets Zach's cock and her sister's clitoris. Sometimes, she rubbed her head back and forth. Occasionally, slipped her tongue back into her mouth to wet it and she moans as she tastes the flavor. Ashleigh continues to bounce on Zach's cock. He looks over her shoulder, watching Kassie lick her sister's pussy.]

ASHLEIGH: Oh shit! Oh shit! I am cumming! Keep your tongue on my clit! Zach, bury that cock inside me.

KASSIE: See, she is bossy

ASHLEIGH: Just please eat my pussy, Kassie! I am so close!

[Kassie rolls her eyes, but Zach buries his cock as deep inside of her as he can, his balls against her ass. Kassie wraps her lips around her sister's clit. Her tongue rolls around on it. Ashleigh's hands move down to her sister's head, holding her in place. Ashleigh's thighs shake back and forth and she leans back harder into Zach. She makes a high, mewling noise in her throat. Zach's arms wrap around her. Ashleigh's muscles begin to tense. Her voice grew louder and her thighs began to tremble wildly. Finally, her body goes limp and she breathes heavily.]

ASHLEIGH: [laughing and panting] Zach, you have a good dick.

KASSIE: And I have a skilled tongue.

ZACH: Let me see some more of that skilled tongue.

ASHLEIGH: [pushing herself up off of Zach's still-hard cock] Absolutely not! I am going to show you mine.

[Kassie backs away, and then Ashleigh spins around. Zach rises up off of his ass, onto his knees, his cock sticking out towards Ashleigh's' face. Ashleigh gets on her hands and knees in front of Zach. She wraps her hand around the base of his cock and immediately plunges his cock into her mouth. She opens her lips wide, moving her throat over his penis. Soon, his balls are against her chin, completely inside. She doesn't gag, but instead just pulls back until just the tip of his cock is in her mouth, then she does it again. Kassie stands up and turns towards the camera].

KASSIE: Now, there is one thing you all out there on the internet don't know. My sister would tell you, but her mouth is currently full, and our mother raised us not to be dirty like that. sister is not just a sister and a daughter. She is also a mother. A mother with a young child that she is still breast-feeding. And it has been hours and hours since she had a chance to pump her milk. Well, she is probably in pain. So I am going to take this opportunity and help her out.

[Kassie moves over to where Ashleigh is sucking Zach's cock. She drops down onto her back on the floor, perpendicular to her sister's body. She slides on her back across the floor. Ashleigh's breast slides across her sister's face as Kassie pushes under her sister. Kassie comes to a rest with her lip right against her sister's breast. She opens her mouth and Ashleigh's nipple pops into her mouth. Kassie slips her tongue out of her mouth, circling it around Ashleigh's nipple and it is soon glistening with spit. Then her lips suck in and it is clear she is pulling her sister's milk into her mouth. She sucks for several seconds. Ashleigh moans around Zach's cock. Kassie opens her mouth slightly and a white trickle of milk dribbles down her cheek. Kassie spread her legs as she continued to suck on her sister's tit, her fingers finger her own pussy. Kassie plays with her pussy lips and her clit as she licks and sucks, swallowing down her sister's milk. Zach looks down, craning his neck to watch. Ashleigh continues to moan and bobs her head faster and faster on Zach's cock. They stay this way for a minute or two.]

ZACH: Oh fuck this is hot! I am cumming

[Ashleigh picks up her pace, bobbing her head faster, getting Zach's cock deeper into her throat. Zach's hands squeeze on Ashleigh's head, his legs getting slightly wobbly. At the same time, Kassie continues to suck on her sister's nipple, pulling more and more of the milk into her mouth. She is no longer swallowing and it began to overflow, filling in the hollow of Kassie's throat as her cheeks bulge with Ashleigh's milk. Finally, Zach's body tenses and he lets out a low groan. He thrusts his hips hard into Ashleigh's face. Eventually, he takes a step back, panting. A moment later, Ashleigh springs up off of her knees. Kassie does the same. The sister's wraps their arounds around one another, their breasts pressed together. Ashleigh tilts her head to the side, and then the sister's mouths are pressed together. Their lips part and milk and sperm mix together in their mouths. Their tongues move together in the warm, sticky goo. Some of it dribbles down onto their breasts. They continue to kiss, pushing the load back and forth between their mouths, adding their saliva to it.]

ZACH: Damn, I'm still hard!

[Zach moves around behind Kassie and drops down onto his knees. Kassie senses him there. She leans forward into her sister, thrusting her ass back out towards Zach. Zach puts his hands on her slender hips, and presses his cock against her wet pussy. Kassie is desperately wet and Zach's cock slips easily inside of her, all the way in. Kassie gasps a little, and dribbles milk and cum out of her lips, before going back to kiss her sister. Zach begins to thrust his cock back and forth into Kassie's pussy. Her takes one hand off of her slim thigh, snaking it around her body and finding her clit. He continues to rub her clit as he rocks his hips back and forth. Kassie and Ashleigh wrap their lips more fully together, preserving as much of the milk and cum as they can as Kassie shakes while Zach fucks her. After a minute, Kassie begins to grind her hips harder, her body growing tenser and tenser. Ashleigh senses it. She rises up high onto her knees, bending Kassie's neck back. The sisters open their eyes. Their lips close. Ashleigh pulls back, her cheeks bulging. Kassie opens her mouth wide. When their mouths are separated by six inches, Ashleigh opens her mouth slightly. A thick dribble of milk and spit and cum pours out of her mouth, and lands on Kassie's pink tongue. Ashleigh spread her lips farther, more and more of the liquid lands in her sister's mouth. Some lands on Kassie's nose and chin, but she catches most of it. Soon, Ashleigh's mouth is empty, she steps back. Kassie keeps her head thrown back, she looks and finds the camera. She looks into it, letting her tongue move lewdly in the sperm and milk, showing it to the camera. She moans and cum bubbles form in her mouth and some of it dribbles out. Zach fucks her harder and faster. Kassie's eyes roll back in her head. Her mouth closes and she swallows down her cocktail in a single gulp. Her eyes and mouth open again at the same time, and she moans loudly. Her body begins to shake, her hands rise to her breasts and squeeze her nipples. Her orgasm bursts over her, her body trembling].

KASSIE: Oh fuck, internet, don't you want to see more of me! Fucking god!

ASHLEIGH: [smiling with evident pride] that's it, we are done!

FILIA SOROR: Woah. I honestly did not believe that you all could even come close to the first team. But that was...that was something else. We have never, ever had lactation on the show. I don't even know what to say. All I know is that whether it was a brilliant strategy or a nasty mistake is not up to me it is up to the voters. And the polls are! Remember everyone, you have five minutes to vote! I am certainly glad I am not voting, I don't know who I'd choose.

[While the votes come in, the camera just lingers on the family members. Some of them collect their clothes. Some of them talk excitedly. Ashleigh and Kassie talk together and laugh, not bothering to get dressed. Zach says something to them and they smile, he walks back over to his mother and says something to her. She looks nervous and smiles, nods. Alexis and Freddy, still naked, stand facing one another, their arms around one another. Their bodies are pressed close together and Freddy's cock is hard again. They whisper to each other and smile, seemingly oblivious to the entire world around them. Eventually, a buzzer goes off].

FILIA SOROR: Alright, that is five minutes! And the vote is in! Now, before we get to the final results, I can say for certain now that the Lincoln family will go home with a combined $19,500.00! That is not too shabby for third place. Now Amber, can you tell us the results

[The screen now splits. On one side, it shows Ashleigh and Kassie, looking nervous but happy. On the other side it shows Alexis and Freddy, looking sort of dazed and satisfied].

AMBER: Filia, I can confirm that this particular show had more voters than any other show in our history! There were over 10,000 votes worldwide. And in addition, it was one of the closest votes of all time. With that said, we do have a winner. Coming in second place with 49.2% of the vote...

[The screen shows the Morgan and MacLeod families looking pensive, waiting. The set is entirely silent].

AMBER: Is the MacLeod family. Winning $43,000.00 Which means that the Morgan family has won with a total of $46,500.00. Congratulations to all of our contestants.

[The screen shows the Morgan family jumping up and down excitedly and hugging one another. The MacLeod family shrugs sheepishly and then walk over to Morgan family to congratulate them].

FILIA SOROR: Well ladies and gentlemen, Family Freud thanks you for joining us tonight! I think this was one of the greatest shows we have ever done! The Morgan family was willing to do anything to win! And they had to beat the challenge put up by our other competitors. We really hope to see you all back again next week! Be sure to subscribe and if you want to pay more than is required, well we won't send it back. From everyone at Family Freud, have a good night, you pervs!

[Credits Roll. As they roll, in the background, a small square appears. It contains the Lincoln family, just from the head up].

AMBER: So, Zach, how did you enjoy the show?

ZACH: This was...I keep waiting to wake up or something. This was just absolutely nuts. But it was a lot of fun too. I feel closer to my mom! I had fun with two beautiful girls. I mean...this was the best day of my life.

AMBER: Candace, what did you find to be the most rewarding part of this experience?

CANDACE: Oh yes, I think I definitely feel closer to my son. When do the checks go out?

[Credits continue to roll. The Lincoln family fades out and the MacLeod family fades in]

AMBER: Freddy, are you disappointed you were unable to win?

FREDDY: Oh I...I hadn't even really thought of that! I mean we went home with some money...a lot of money, I guess I am not even really thinking about that right now. This is so much bigger than money.

AMBER: Alexis, what do you plan on doing with your winnings?

ALEXIS: Well, some of it for school I guess. But I would like to take my little brother on a trip maybe too. Some place quiet and secluded where we about this experience.

[Credits continue to roll. The MacLeod family, smiling, fades out and the Morgan family fades in]

AMBER: Ashleigh, are you proud of winning over some really stiff competition?

ASHLEIGH: I don't know that I am proud of anything that happened today. But I have to admit, I don't regret it! It was a lot of fun, and I can't believe I am saying that.

AMBER: Kassie, what do you plan on doing next?

KASSIE: This is just the beginning, Amber. You are going to be seeing my face and hearing my thoughts for a very, very long time!

[The Morgan family fades out. Credits end].

The End

Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. Seriously, don't complain to me about it. The only way you can change my mind about this is if you say, "I will pay you to proofread." So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Don't complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don't sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Awesome story. Sexy and absolutely hilarious. Filia was great. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Jeez what a dogshit story.

chasvtchasvt10 months ago

I loved the premise of the story and you told it great.

JGnCTJGnCTabout 1 year ago

Definitely different. I'm one of those "perverts" that watches the stupid Asian games shows where Mothers and sons end up having sex. this is very close to it. I don't know if you are going to follow with another one but if so, I like to make a suggestion. A competition among the winners of all the previous shows.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I was both turned on and grossed out. In the end let's call it a wash. As 8t happens, all of these contestants need a bath and STD testing. I have this 5 stars. Despite things going on that really gross me out (all of which involve urine, or various sequential combinations of ass, mouth, and cock, I can not deny the story is very well written and that many people enjoy thosr fetishes. Not everything needs tooled to titilate my taste buds, giving tantilizing tremors of cuming toothsome tantric tidal waves. The sea, shr is a salty sodden wench! Tide of go diving for a pearl lads.

Ah, i lost my train of thought and went off on a tangent. Anyway it was a delectable desert, with a touch to much dill.

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