Fulfillment 05


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"Care to be more specific, El?"

"The car she was using was returned almost empty with excess mileage."

Randall looks at Lyssa, whom Emmett was still holding and who had not shifted back. "And we felt the need for violence?"

Ariel's answer comes out as a light growl, "She challenged me."

Emmett's eyes go wide and he sucks in a breath. Randall looks at their current female Beta. "Lyssa, shift to human." Lyssa stares at him, not dropping her eyes. Randall stares back and a rumble begins in his chest. Emmett sends, [Lyssa. Shift back.]

Lyssa huffs and returns to human form.

"Do you have anything to add?"

Lyssa grumbles, "Didn't appreciate the public reprimand."

Ariel responds, "I treat you as I would treat any other pack member. You're no different from anyone else here."

"Yes," Lyssa spits out, "I am. I may not be as fast or as strong as the rest of you but I can take any of you." She narrows her eyes at Ariel and Emmett feels her tension since he hasn't released her.

Emmett commands his mate, [Lyssa, don't do it. Stop this.]

She huffs out a breath. "Fine. I submit."

The tension in the room begins to drop.

Randall spins his mate in his arms. "Come, El, let's make some tracks."

Ariel looks at Lyssa, then to her mate, and nods. With a hand to the small of her back, Randall guides her out the door. Within a minute, two more wolves streak out into the cold, dark woods under the light of a bright moon.

Emmett closes his eyes, relieved, and continues to hold Lyssa. He feels her continuing agitation and can't stop the anger in his send. [What did you think you were doing?]

[She came at me like I was some irresponsible teenager.]

[Did you go driving again tonight?]


[Where?] He feels her tense up again. [Tell me.]

She huffs. [I went to the house.]

[Yours?] She shakes her head. [Lyssa, why would you go back there?]

[They're both gone, Em. Both burned to the ground.] She continues to fidget in his arms.

He exhales. [Do you want to talk about anything?]

[Nothing to talk about.]

[You challenged Ariel!]

[She was making such a big deal out of it.]

[If she felt the need, she wouldn't hesitate to scar you, even kill you. You know that.]

[For forgetting to fill the car?!]

[Lys, you know your responsibility for using a pack vehicle...]

[Don't you start.] Emmett sighs. [Lemme go.] He loosens his grip.

[You need to burn off some energy. Why don't we go for a run?]

Again, a huff from her. She shifts to wolf and takes off.

Emmett strips, sighing, and shifts. He threads his way through wolves who were trying to look like they weren't listening.

He then takes off after his mate, chasing Lyssa, again.

She runs quickly, streaking for the deepest part of the range, away from any of the more recent scent trails. He follows her, thinking of what he would do tomorrow, how he would approach Randall. Tomorrow was the full moon, and Randall would hear petitions from various pack members. It was up to him to decide on disputes within the pack, discuss members moving into, or out of, the den, any questions on the spending of large amounts of money. Any threats to the pack or range would also be brought up, particularly if there was a human element involved. It was a combination of a court and a town hall meeting.

Emmett is startled when Lyssa runs down a small deer.

It was a young doe, one of this year's fawns grown out of its spots. It bleats in fear as she gouges a chunk out of its shoulder and knocks it down. He arrives as she rips out its throat. [Lys?] Her head turns to him, muzzle covered in the deer's blood, and she snarls, warning him away.

He backs off, watching as she rips into the carcass, feeding on the warm meat of her prey. But he circles, gauging her range. Whenever he gets too close she charges and snaps at him.

She had never so completely given in to her wolf before, not even on her first hunt. It was as if her human side was completely subsumed. She didn't talk, wouldn't acknowledge him, unless he got too close to her kill.

As a much larger male, it wouldn't have been hard for him to take it from her, if he wanted to.

When she finishes, she moves off to the side and scratches a flank against a tree.

The smell of fresh venison calls to him and he grabs a few mouthfuls as she trots away, back toward the den, her belly bulging. After a few moments, he follows.


Joanna survives the meal with Nathan's family, the questions, the strange turns in conversation, the occasional growl from Nathan. At these times, she notices him looking at Kyle, once, at Kendra.

Little Nelson was a cutie pie, a little blue-eyed boy in his mother's lap. The other boys were boisterous the entire time, stopping to bolt their food only when Nathan's father yelled, "Boys!"

Nathan extricated them a decent amount of time after dessert had been served. Joanna thanked the women and said her goodbyes as Nathan led her from the house.

"So, is your head ready to explode?"

Joanna smiles. "No. Maybe. You really got your head stuck in a peanut butter jar?"

"I was just a pup and I'm going to kill Matt."

"It's a nice story," her mouth quirks and, as he turns to look at her, she begins to laugh again. He looks at her, resigned, until the snickering stops. She gets up on her tiptoes and kisses him. [My knight in shining armor was a pup, just like anyone else.]

His eyes widen as he looks at her while she continues to kiss him. [Knight in shining armor?]

As she pulls away she looks at him and smiles. "Mm, hm. Riding a very loud black horse. Saving me from the evil prince."

He sweeps her up into his arms and twirls her. "A fairy story, are we? Well, princess, I don't know if we should attempt the dangerous journey back to your castle tonight." She looks around. The temperature has fallen and wet snow covers the ground, a couple of inches deep. "I could borrow a car, if you want, or you could sleep here," they round the corner of the house. "I'll sleep on the couch."

Joanna looks at him with wide blue eyes and he watches her decide.

"Yeah. OK."

Nathan lets out the breath he hadn't been aware he was holding and puts his nose in her hair. He walks her to the door and opens it. "Welcome, Joanna, to my house."

He pulls her shoes off and drops them on the floor mat before setting her on her feet on the rug. He listens to her inhale, scenting the air, as he pulls off his own shoes.

He laces his fingers in hers, "I'll give you the dollar tour."

Nathan flicks on the light and she takes in the front room.

The carpet is beige Berber with speckles of different colors; the walls are white. Coffee and end tables of heavy, polished wood. The television was over 40 inches. The furniture is in browns, overstuffed, and comfy-looking. A recliner sat, turned towards the TV.

The dining room holds a small table, covered with papers, and a sideboard. The kitchen was small and spare, the counters virtually empty, but for the coffeemaker. The scent of seared beef fills the air along with roasted potatoes. "You cook?"

He smiles at her, a little sheepishly. "My mother made certain that each of us could make a few basic meals." Joanna cocks her head at him, smiling. "So we wouldn't be over at their house every night when we got hungry."

She chuckles. "Good plan."

"OK. Bathroom here. Bedrooms here." He opens the doors and she peeks inside.

One is made up as an office with a weight bench off to one side and shelves of music and movies on one wall.

The second, smaller bedroom holds his bed. He sucks in a breath when he realizes there is a pair of dirty pants on the floor. She suppresses a growl at the scent of an unfamiliar female. The scent, however, is old.

He hurries in and kicks the pants under the bed and pulls the bedcovers a little straighter.

Joanna smiles. "It's nice, Nathan."

"Uh, sorry. And thanks." There is a pause. "You wanna... watch the news a bit? Unwind from the craziness that is my family in one room?"

"Sounds good."

"OK." They go back out to the kitchen. "Something to drink?" He opens the refrigerator door. "I've got beer, um, cider," he grabs the slightly bulging container, "or a science experiment." He puts it back. "Or water, I guess."

"I'm good, Nathan."

They sit on his couch, a little stiffly, as he turns on the TV and runs through the channels. She's a bit nervous and he's surprised at how nervous he feels.

Finally, he snakes an arm around her shoulders and pulls her against him.

She doesn't resist.

After a bit, she pulls her feet up on the couch, snuggling into him. "Cold?"

"Huh, uh."

A pileup on the interstate. A shooting at the unemployment office. The weather. Continuing cool with more snow on the way. The results of the game. "Damn." She looks up at him. "I lost $20 to Luke." He looks down at her and smiles. He takes a deep breath. "Have I told you how good you smell?"

She thinks for a minute. "I don't think so."

He reaches around to cup her face. "Well. You do." He then leans down for a kiss.

When he pulls back she gasps for breath, her face still turned up to him. He pulls her into his lap and kisses her again. His arms go around her back, cradling her to him as he kisses her thoroughly. Her breasts are lightly touching his chest and he decides to see if she will allow him to lavish appropriate attention on them.

He strokes down her back then runs his hands back up, under her shirt. Her skin is soft, smooth, and he wants more tonight. So, he strokes her sides, finding she's a little ticklish on her outer ribs. He rubs his thumbs under the curve of her breasts.

A small moan comes from her, and he smiles. [Can I take the shirt off?]

She looks a little dazed, licking her lips, and he got hard, right there. "Huh? OK."

He first pulls her around, to straddle his lap, then starts pulling up the hem of her light sweater. She raises her arms over her head, to help him. He throws the sweater to the other side of the couch.

Joanna is sitting on his thighs, knees on the couch, in her pants and a simple, white cotton bra.

Nathan pulls her against him again, hugging her tightly and filling his nose with her scent.

He smells warm, woodsy, masculine and she felt safe and, and what? She struggles for the right word to describe it. Cared for. Loved. That was it. Safe and loved.

He was kissing her, his warm lips on the side of her neck. As he works his way upward, she tips her head to one side. Light kisses move upward and he nips at her earlobe.

She gasps and giggles slightly.

Nathan takes her face in both hands and kisses her deeply, thoroughly, then moves to her other ear and down the other side of her neck. She was immersed in his scent, completely surrounded by him.

Nathan puts his hands at her shoulders and tips her upper body away from him slightly. He looks into her eyes and smiles, then dips his head to kiss the hollow of her throat. Her breath catches there and she feels her chest start heaving as he leaves butterfly kisses over her collarbone.

Joanna swallows, feeling his hands move. He unfastens the back of her bra and runs his hands under the fabric, covering each breast with a hand. As he rubs his thumbs across her nipples, she gasps again and experiences a strange sensation. It was like a little spasm, a twitch, down at her... where she... How? How was he able to make her feel that, down there, in her private place, when he was nowhere near there? He was touching her boobs, not her...there. But it was like her nerves were connected.

"Ah!" She jerks as he captures both nipples between thumbs and forefingers and rolls them lightly. And she's glad she has her arms around his neck.

She notices that he's watching her closely, watching her reactions to what he was doing. He seems pretty pleased with himself.

The last time he had touched her boobs they had remained fully clothed. This time..

She reaches for his shirt and manages to untuck it and unbutton a button before he stops her by pulling off her bra.

She watches his eyes go wide and tries to decipher the feeling she sees in them.

Was it lust? Love? Appreciation? What a weird word to think of.

As she contemplates this, his mouth moves closer and, oh! another jolt down there.

He's got the top of her body bare before him and, oh, he liked what he saw.

She was gorgeous.

He takes a few moments to look her over and notices the scar on her left side. "Joanna, when did you get shot?"

"Oh. Yeah, that. Well, when Emmett brought Lyssa into the pack, she was still human. We thought Thomas had claimed her, mated her, and Dad was ready to send her to him. She didn't want to go. Well, Emmett took off with her, out of the den."

"That's right. I remember. Your father asked for help to find them."

"Well, when we found them I asked to go along. Dad thought I could keep her calm while the others got Em. As they grabbed him, Lyssa came out, with a gun, and told them to let him go. I came around the door suddenly and she turned and fired."

"Lyssa. The Beta. Shot you?"

"Uh, yeah. She didn't mean to but she was only human and she was scared and she was trying to save Emmett."

His hand travels down her body and he touches the scar. "It's not too bad, is it?" she asks. He looks up at her and smiles, shaking his head, then couldn't resist the temptation to taste her. He leans down and takes her left nipple in his mouth and sucks strongly. He's glad to hear her gasp.

He suckles on that sweet nipple a bit longer while lightly kneading her other breast.

Tonight. Tonight he would begin to find out how she liked to be touched and find out some of the noises he could get from her.

As he pulls away she makes a small sound of dismay. He blows on that wet nipple and it seems to crinkle up even tighter. He looks up at her briefly and grins. She smiles shyly back at him and blinks.

Returning his attention to those sensitive, pink points, he flicks one with his fingernail and listens to a little whimper. So, he drops his head again and pulls the nipple back into his mouth. Her hands go to his hair as he flicks that nipple with his tongue, then sucks on it.

And, now, he smells it as she begins to moan. He smells the beginnings of her arousal. And the smell builds as he continues to worship her breasts. He imagines how wet she's getting, how it would feel to touch her there, to feel that slickness. He considers what she might taste like as he bites lightly on the soft, pointed tip in his mouth, her moan changing to a light squeak. She throws her head back and clutches his head tightly. He goes on, switching back and forth periodically, until she's panting in his arms.

Her chest heaving, he puts a hand behind her head and tips it back towards him. He kisses her fiercely, possessively. She kisses him back with equal fervor as he pulls her back against him.

When the kiss breaks he sees something in her eyes and her hands go to his waistband. The sudden contact with his swollen cock makes him groan as he catches her hands, brings them to his lips, and kisses them. Quietly, his voice rough, he looks into her blue eyes and says, "Not tonight, Jo. We have a lot of time."

She looks at him, a bit confused and put out. "But, I want you to."

He brushes hair from her face and rests his forehead against hers. "It's not time. You want me to, Jo. I want us to. This is you and me."

"But, I'm ready, Nathan."

He smiles, stroking his thumb over her slightly swollen lips. "I know you are, I can smell you. But, I'm not." She opens her mouth to reply and he puts a finger to her lips. "There's no need to rush and so much to do before that." He sighs. "I've told you I want you, Jo. But I also want to enjoy the trip there. It'll give you a chance to explore, too. OK?"

She looks at him and he raises his eyebrows at her. "OK."

"C'mon. It's late. Let's get you to bed. We'll have to get up early so I can get you home."

She furrows her brow. "Oh. Work tomorrow."

He nods. "Did you need a t-shirt or something to sleep in?"

She bites her lip. "Um. Yeah."

"OK. Let me change the sheets and get you a t-shirt."



"Can you sleep with me, in the bed?"

He looks at her, considering how strong his willpower was. Thought of what it would be like to hold her in his arms through the night. "Sure."


Emmett caught up to his mate on the way back to the den. She was slowing as he came up behind her and she smelled good.

So, he grabs her by the scruff of the neck and plunges in. He growls lightly as she fidgets under him, growling lightly herself as they fucked in the cold moonlight.

After they were able to separate, she goes back to the den, upstairs, and after washing up, crawls into bed. He checks on a couple of things and slides in beside her. Lyssa is snoring lightly as he pulls her back against him.

And now, later, there is a whimpering in the bed beside him. Lyssa has gone to wolf again in her sleep. Emmett wakes, looks over and throws off the bedcovers.

Emmett gets up on an elbow and looks at his mate. Her muzzle and paws begin twitching and a questioning sound comes from her throat. "Lyssa?" Her legs now begin pedaling as if she were moving quickly; she growls. "Lys?" The pedaling continues and she snuffles. "Lys!" He puts a hand on her shoulder and she snarls and snaps at him, catching a finger and drawing blood. The twist in her upper body allows her claws to catch the sheets and her upper body ends up over the edge of the bed. The rest of her follows and she falls to the floor with a thump and a yelp.

Emmett peers over the side of the bed, where he sees Lyssa has shifted back to human form and is curled up on her side. She hasn't woken.

It takes him only a second to slide out of the bed and crouch beside her. He picks her up and places her back in the bed. She yawns and stretches. "Em?"

He kisses her temple. "Shh, sweetheart, go back to sleep." There is a soft sigh from her as she drops back into sleep.

But her sleep is restless. She rolls, moves, and whimpers, once rolling over quickly and inadvertently smacking him in the face. So, he pulls her into his arms, trying to comfort and quiet her. But she struggles, moaning. He releases her then and continues to watch, trying to figure out why this was happening and what was happening.

She was obviously having nightmares, but why now? He would have expected them just after they found her and Joanna, just after their rescue. But that was almost two weeks ago now. She was healed from the beating she had endured after Joanna escaped and had been fine through the party and the gathering.

He notes that she's gone quiet beside him and is glad for it but then shakes his head when she goes back to wolf.

He thinks back. Things had begun to unravel with the Ross wolf and their appointment in the circle. It had upset her to think of simply killing him outright. But she had been mad when he tried to take her place. And then, when Joanna was out and the Ross wolf had Lyssa by the throat, he and Randall had waded in and Randall finished him. Lyssa was again pissed at him. Emmett had done as she asked and talked to Erich about the fight. Erich had told him he had been a bit disappointed in the fight, that it hadn't gone on long enough for many of the others and that, while they understood it, Randall had just killed him after Jo and Lyssa had been pulled out. Randall had essentially taken their kill but, then again, he was Alpha.

Emmett had expected her to start spending more time with Madeline but that really hadn't happened. He attributed it to the work at the warehouse.

And, then, to top it all off, she had gone off driving for hours and had gotten into a brawl with Ariel! She was erratic, moody, and violent. It wasn't good for the pack.