I'll Always Take Care of You Ch. 07


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I could barely contain my laughter as I watched an increasingly terrified Jen carefully eat banana bites from an increasingly turned-on Jan. Jan even went so far as to try mashing her clit against her sister's nose: but Jen seemed to know that it was coming, and managed to back out of the way. A relieved Jen finally backed away, chewing the last bite of banana in her mouth as a frustrated Jan sat up, frowning slightly.

Ellie focused her stare at Jen and began speaking to her, dragging out her frustration as she delayed allowing Jen to expel the banana that was driving her nuts. Ellie finally said, "Switch places, and remember, no cumming. If either one of you cum, we've got more bananas."

The panicked look on the twin's faces was finally more than both Suzie and I could take as we began laughing. Ellie started laughing with us shortly after Jan began eating the banana from her sister. From the look of concentration on their faces, you would have thought that they were defusing a nuclear bomb. The longer it went on, the funnier it got.

All things must come to an end, and Jan finally sat back on her heels chewing the last bite of Jen's banana with a relieved look on her face. When Ellie managed to re-contain her mirth, she looked at the twins and said, "Any time you feel like talking, remember how frustrated you are right now, and think of how what you say will hurt other people. Maybe you will remember to keep your mouth shut if you know what other people would feel when you open your mouth without thinking."

I stopped laughing when I saw the genuine contrition on the twins faces. In her own way, Ellie had managed to get through to them, using sex and humor. I was in awe of the beautiful way she had handled the problem, without being overly preachy or heavy handed.

Ellie finally relented and told the girls, "Go ahead, take care of your problems, we'll watch."

With a sigh of relief, they dove into each other's crotches and began eating each other out. It wasn't more than a minute when, one at a time, they began cumming. They didn't stop for several more minutes, by which time they had cum several more times each, as hard as I'd ever seen.

I escorted the twins to their bedroom, reassuring them that we all still loved them dearly, and that we had done this for their benefit. I explained how their behavior could block their success in life, and we cared for them too much to let that happen. I sent them to the bathroom to clean up, and encouraged them to bathe in the tub to be sure that they removed all traces of the banana.

"We're really sorry Davey. I never dreamed what I was doing would hurt anyone. I'll try to be better." Jen told me with tears in her eyes.

I hugged her as I told her, "I know that you didn't mean anything in a cruel way. Anyone who knows you would understand; but the people who don't know you will dismiss you as being totally without discipline."

Jan and Jen both hugged me, tears shining in their eyes as the thanked me and asked me to thank Ellie and Suzie as well. When they left, headed toward the bathroom, I went back to my bedroom to be with Ellie and Suzie.

"The twins asked me to thank you both," I said as I walked into the bedroom.

"I hope it works," Ellie told me, "I thought about it for a while and couldn't see any other way to get the point across."

Suzie was giggling when she said, "They were so frustrated and horny; from now on, whenever they see a banana, they'll get wet."

We were all laughing as I got into bed between the two girls. "We are going to spend most of the day in bed relaxing, while Suzie takes the twins out shopping." Ellie said, answering the question I hadn't even asked.

"Don't waste the time, because when it's my turn I won't waste mine." Suzie admonished her as she got out of the bed to prepare to leave.

Forty-five minutes later, we heard Suzie announce, "We're leaving now; we'll be back by five o'clock at the latest. Be sure that you remember to have a late lunch."

Ellie and I were lying against each other, caressing each other, just talking about everything. I wasn't horny, but feeling the skin-to-skin contact made me feel very content. Ellie stopped talking for a moment and I finally moved my gaze up to her eyes. She was staring at me intently. I wondered what she was thinking about, but thought that it might be better to let her bring it up.

She finally said, "Davey, do you know why our company is so successful?"

I was unsure why she was asking this question, especially now. I'd always known that the products that we developed and sold were the best on the market and the few competitors that we had were years behind us in quality and function. We hired the best people and gave them what they needed to excel. When I told her that, she just laughed at me.

When she was able to stop laughing she finally said, "I didn't think so. Do you realize that we have almost zero employee turnover?"

Now that she mentioned it, and I thought about it, I finally realized what an advantage it was for our company. Skilled technical people are generally not fully productive until after a year or more of employment. "Why do you think that is?" I asked her.

Ellie looked at me, smiling as she took on the tone of a graduate student lecturing a freshman class. "Between you and your dad, we have the happiest, best paid employees in the industry. Nearly a third of our employees are millionaires. Beth and Anne started working for us when mom got sick; and have been with us a little over five years. I did the paperwork to fully vest their retirement plan; at the current value of their stock, they both have $112 thousand dollars of equity for their retirement."

I never paid attention to that stuff. I always was searching for ways to keep our employees happy and help them out where ever I could. I was glad that she thought that I was being successful.

Ellie was watching me to see if I was going to say anything and, deciding that I wasn't she continued, "Dad set up that Credit Union for the employees, but then he went one step further. He found a bank that would give all of our employees discount mortgage loans. We only have one employee that doesn't have a house of his own who has been with us for ten years."

I thought about it for a few seconds and then said, "Kyle, he was devastated emotionally and financially when his daughter died. He tried to hide it from me, but when I found out about it I paid off the balance of his hospital bill. I would have done more if I known earlier. He's got another daughter, two sons, plus a wife who stood beside him through the toughest thing a family needs to face: we should do something to help him get his own place."

Ellie grinned, shaking her head at me and said, "That's exactly what I mean. Not only did you know who I was talking about, but you knew the situation and about his family. Davey, your employees would walk across broken glass for you bare foot because they know that you would do the same for them. Think for a minute, when was the last time that you said hi to anyone at work, when they didn't smile and say hi back?"

Ellie was looking at me as I tried to understand what she was asking. I shrugged in confusion as I looked at her for clarification.

She shook her head as she began talking again, "Let's try another way, did you ever notice that when you used to go into the company gym at six in the morning, half of the female employees were there? When you started working out before lunch, most of them started working out then? Did you ever even notice that half of them were working out braless, doing their best to do a bouncy exercise in front of you?"

She was stroking my chest possessively as she continued, "Suzie used to come over and watch the girls trying to catch your attention. When you left the gym, all the girls would leave. She'd come in to my office and tell me all about it. We always thought it was so funny that you never seemed to notice."

I had a feeling I was beginning to understand what she was trying to tell me as she continued, "Do you remember when we moved your martial arts room to the much larger room?"

I nodded and then she continued, "We told you that we moved it to the larger room because so many people signed up for the self defense class we had, but mostly we did it because of the bleachers along the one wall. A quarter of the women in the company used to take that class so that they'd have an excuse to watch you work out."

"Many of the male scientists, engineers and technicians started taking the class so that they could meet the cuter women. Davey, almost twelve percent of the employees are married to someone else in the company. You've done so much; I don't even know half of it. You start out with great people and end up with phenomenal employees and friends."

I looked at her and asked quietly, "Is there any other way?"

Ellie looked at me, shaking her head and said, "Davey, do you know about the new division that we started, New Wave Management Consultation?"

I nodded.

Ellie continued on as her hand moved down my waist toward my hip, "We are trying to adapt your management style to a system that we can use to instruct other companies, to expand their profitability. I told you that we'd looked into what it'd take to replace you... what we found is that, given the wide diversity of what you do, it'd take seven people to cover your duties, an average of six and a half hours a week worth of work per person. That's not counting your scientific duties."

"But how is that possible; I don't even work that many hours per week?" I asked briefly puzzled.

"Part of it is that you never have to look anything up. You know everyone's name, their birthday, their anniversary; you look at an employee and could tell me when they started with the company. Whenever anyone is in the hospital, you are the first one to visit and often bring their friends from work. You've taken a whole design group to the hospital when an engineer had to have his appendix removed. Davey, things like that go through the company like wildfire."

"We have the lowest percentage of lost time of any company I've ever heard of. If you asked for something that was impossible, nearly everyone in the company would put in unpaid overtime to get you a prototype in record time."

Ellie had a funny smile on her face as she continued, "I don't know if you remember, but about a year and a half ago you started giving out birthday cakes and gift certificates to the employee's children. One of the employees decided to invite you to come to his son's party and you did. The next month you went to fourteen birthday parties. You were invited to over forty parties for the following month, but I had your secretary intercept them and send your regrets. I had to send out a memo explaining you were unable to attend children's birthday parties anymore due to the lack of time that you had available."

"I never knew, I thought that they didn't want me at their family parties," I said.

"I kept it from you. I knew that it'd make you feel like you weren't doing your job, but Davey, everyone else in the company knows." Ellie told me quietly.

We were quiet for a long time. I rolled on to my back and pulled Ellie to my chest. Ellie rested her head on my chest and continued to trace her fingertips over my chest and stomach. I continued to consider what she told me.

After several minutes, I noticed that her hand was working its way lower and lower. It was no surprise when she grabbed my now stiffened shaft and began slowly stroking me. Ellie whispered in my ear, "Make love to me Davey. Fuck me like you want it to last all day."

Ellie dragged the covers down and straddled my hips. She reached down and inserted my rock hard member into her surprisingly wet, tight cavern of delight. Slowly we rocked together for what seemed like hours. Ellie would occasionally faultier, curling her face into the mask of ecstasy as she came. Her soft groans and relatively gentle, rhythmic contractions were the sexiest things we'd ever shared. I finally came as well, sending my token orgasm into her clutching cunt. Despite the fact that it wasn't the most intense orgasm I'd ever had, it was the one I knew that I would remember for the rest of my life. I don't remember even another twenty seconds before I fell into a blissful sleep.


I woke some time later with Ellie's smiling face looking down on me smiling. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed in her robe. There was a room service cart sitting next to her with our lunch on it. We ate in bed and then talked happily for the rest of the afternoon.

We finally got up and went to shower shortly before five. I thoroughly and lovingly washed every inch of her body. She returned the favor when it was my turn. We stood together under the water, hugging each other happily for a long time.

We walked out of the bathroom nude when we were done, planning to get dressed and saw the other girls sitting on the bed. "What we really need now is some popcorn," Jen said.

After talking briefly about their shopping trip, they went to change for our evening out. They still hadn't told me what they had planned, but I trusted that whatever it was, I would enjoy it. By a quarter after six we were ready to go out for the evening.

I had been instructed to dress in my new dinner jacked and slacks and the women were all dressed in stunning evening dresses, designed to highlight their delightful curves. I knew that I was in for a wonderful evening.

Suzie had ordered a pot of coffee and we sat, sipping from our cups as we waited for time to leave. The phone rang a couple of minutes after seven; the limousine was downstairs waiting for us. Ellie called housekeeping to come clean the room, she'd told them not to do so during the day, but to wait until after she called in the evening and we left the suite.

The limo took us to the docks. We were boarded on a ship, going on a dinner/ sightseeing cruise. We were the youngest group on the entire ship. The band played jazz and big band music while the ship glided through the water. We ate our meal and talked a little and then, after our meals were done, we danced.

From the time that Suzie was a little girl, she had taken dance classes of one kind or another. When she was about twelve, she needed a partner to dance with her. Dad asked me to help her and I was glad to do something that made her so happy. We took lessons together for nearly three years and frequently would dance together with mom and dad on family evenings.

We taught Ellie and the twins to dance as well, but Suzie was so professional that most of our dancing was with each other. We had moved together so well that we would still occasionally dance a couple of songs together when the opportunity arose.

I spent most of the evening dancing with one or the other of the girls, but more than half of the songs were spent dancing with Suzie. The twins would frequently dance with each other, since Jen was much more comfortable leading (big surprise). Ellie and I danced well together, but she wasn't the superstar that Suzie was.

I saw the admiring looks from all the men and most of the women as they watched her fluid movements on the dance floor. I watched her almost as if I wasn't there: like seeing her on a TV dance contest. She would have surely won. I could see the look on everyone's face, trying to figure out if she was famous.

We were on the ship for several hours, and I would have been exhausted if I hadn't slept earlier in the day. The limousine took us back to the St. Regis after we disembarked. Those few hours will always be one of my favorite lifetime memories.

The twins stumbled into their rooms as soon as we got back to our suite, but Ellie, Suzie and I went into our bedroom, disrobed and went to bed. We went to sleep holding each other tenderly.

I awoke before either of the women, and went to the bathroom. I managed to get back into bed without waking either one of them and drifted back off to sleep. I must have been sleeping deeply because I began dreaming that I was getting a phenomenal blow job. I didn't cum; but I soon felt two hands grabbing my chest and another hand pushing my hardened member into a sopping wet pussy and then playing with my balls.

I woke again and saw Suzie's tits moving in front of my face as she leisurely fucked me while Ellie massaged my balls and watched my face.

"He woke up. Good morning Davey," Ellie giggled to Suzie.

I nodded good morning to them both as I breathed heavily in excitement.

"I told you that he wouldn't sleep through it," Suzie chuckled, nodding back at me. She turned to Ellie and continued, "I spent all night rubbing my tummy against his woody while we danced last night. I knew he'd be too horny this morning."

Ellie began laughing loudly. When she was finally able to control her laughter she said, "He'd be too horny? He wasn't the one who woke me up by masturbating right next to us."

Suzie was starting to have problems talking as she grunted out her reply, "Don't laugh too much... or I'll pull down the covers... and show Davey... what you're doing with... your free hand."

Ellie's embarrassed blush and the subtle movements of the covers covering her crotch told me all I needed to know as we all three began, one at a time to laugh. The laugh quickly died on our lips as our excitement built too high. I felt my balls begin to tighten in her hand, until Ellie came loudly and squeezed much too hard.

It felt like I'd been kicked in the balls, repeatedly. I almost threw up, and lost any desire to fuck as I screamed in pain. Suzie stopped, looked at me and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ellie's crushing me," I yelled.

Ellie let go immediately, with a look of horror on her face matching the look of disappointment on Suzie's face. When her breathing returned to manageable, she asked, "Are you aright Davey?"

Before I could answer the twins chose that moment to run in. "Are you going to scream every morning from now on? It's much easier to wake up to than an alarm clock." Jen asked.

"What's did you do to him?" Jan asked horrified, when she saw how much pain I was in.

"I think I accidentally squeezed his balls too hard when I came. I hope I didn't break them." Ellie said with mounting concern.

By this time I was beginning to recover. The pain was only a tithe of what it had been at the beginning and I was able to think rationally again. I decided to let her know that I'd be alright by saying, "The only way they'll recover is if you kiss them to make them better."

Ellie smiled, knowing that no permanent damage was done, and kissed my still sore balls. The other girls decided that if they kissed my balls too, they'd get better even quicker and decided to help me along. Though I enjoyed the attention, I still wasn't ready to resume making love with Suzie.

I finally turned to Ellie and said, "You owe Suzie an orgasm."

Suzie smiled and quickly rolled over onto her back and spread her legs. Ellie moved in between her thighs and began applying herself to paying Suzie what was owed. Suzie's previous level of excitement allowed her to quickly return to the near peak of excitement she had previously attained. Within two minutes of Ellie starting, Suzie was grabbing the sides of her face, pulling her tightly into her crotch and grunting out her long delayed satisfaction. When her orgasm was completed, she pushed Ellie away with a grunt.

"That's what she owes me, but you owe me too Davey. When you're ready to fuck again, I get the first one." She told me.

I nodded silently as I realized that I would have to remember because it was important to her.

Ellie got all of our attention as she finally said, "We've got to get ready to go out, and we've got brunch reservations in a little more than an hour."