Iron Rain Pt. 07


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"Oh Nick you feel so good inside of me lover," Kat purred.

She began to thrust her hips backward driving me deep into her now. I eased my fingers from her butt and grabbed her by the hips and doubled the force and she rewarded with growls and grunts of pleasure. I knew she wanted to scream out but we both knew we shared a wall with the parents. I felt my orgasm get closer with each thrust of my hips and she was on the verge of her own by past experience and so I quit fighting coming and fucked her as hard and fast as I could and by the time her eyes rolled up in her head I was spraying her insides to overflowing.

"Damn but that was intense," she growled as she turned and kissed me and I was rock hard again and we were desperately running out of time.

"Kat... we need to..." I began but she dropped to her knees and attacked my cock with a hunger that surprised even me.

"I want to taste you on my lips and drink you dry," she said before renewing her oral assault on my cock.

This was no love play this was pure untainted lust. She was licking and sucking tip while both hands double stroked me. Kat wanted to swallow a load of cum and by god at this rate she was going to get it. I watched at her cheeks caved in as she sucked me off and her hands were squeezing and doing a little corkscrew motion as they moved up and down the shaft. I completely relaxed and let her have her way as if I could have stopped her. I began rocking my hips and she let me fuck her throat while she pleasured me and before too long she felt me swelling her mouth and returned to stroking me off. I bit back a scream as my second orgasm crashed over me sending another huge load of cum but this one was eagerly gobbled up and I watched her throat muscles move as she swallowed every last drop.

We dried off and dressed and as we did that I pulled up the statistics for the power plant, the second generation crystal processors and memory chips and to my surprise a water treatment plant of some sort.

'Guys, what the hell is this,' I wondered.

I ran through the schematics and to my utter shock it was a desalinization plant for removing salt from sea/ocean water. But unlike those of the past this one was cost efficient. This could provide much needed water to states and countries hit heavily by drought. Hell with enough of these the world could drastically alter the quality of life for millions. Well done guys! The jobs it could create alone were very promising with their construction and then their operation. The best thing is that they could be scaled up or down depending on the location and needs of the community. What had been a dread of trying to sell computers to the super rich now became a humanitarian plea to aid those in need and still make a profit. I was so stoked!

I was all but dressed I just needed to tie my bow tie when Kat stepped into the room wearing the little black dress that hugged her tits and ass but was still elegant as hell.

"Damn girl," I told her and she just smiled brilliantly.

"I was hoping you'd like it and the best part is no panty line," she purred in my ear.

"Evil," I groaned as she rubbed her ass against my crotch.

"Better believe it lover boy," she growled before turning around and tied my tie for me.

"Where'd you learn to do that," I asked and she just gave me that look and batted her eyes at me. "Oh, right I forgot."

"I guess my ass drove that right out huh?" she asked as she leaned up and kissed me.

There came a knock on the door and we both swore.

"Damn," Kat growled.

"Saved before I tore that dress off of you," I moaned.

The door opened and in walked mom and dad. He was wearing a handsome tuxedo while mom wore a blue velvet dress that made her eyes pop. With a half hour left before the event actually started the girls went to get their hair touched up and perfected by an onboard hair salon.

"How about we mingle and wait for the girls to make their grand entrance," I offered and with a pat on the back we headed upstairs to the main deck and the people who hopefully were about to make my three friends and I very fucking rich.

When we entered the main area I was glad for the two orgasms and the glasses of champagne to help take the edge off. I had Surfer up and running and doing facial recognition on each and every person in the room so that as I met them I could greet them by name. I didn't have to have him do financials on anyone they were all disgustingly wealthy. Dad followed me around as I worked the room and to say he was impressed would be putting things mildly. But it wasn't until she walked into the room and headed straight for me that I knew my pitch was going to net us a fuck-load of cash. Her beauty put most supermodels to shame with her long black hair and brilliant storm gray eyes were the least of her striking physical qualities. She had legs that went on for fucking ever and her tits and ass but Kat in her prime to shame. In a word she was perfection.

"Cyan Michaels," I said kissing first one cheek then the other.

"Nikolas Shaw," she greeted me with the same cheek kissing and pronouncing 'Nicholas' the way the captain had.

"Cyan this is my father Sebastian Shaw," I said introducing dad who followed suit and after the formalities were done there was a drink her hand and me on her arm.

"I must say Nikolas that I would never have guessed this handsome man was your father you look more like brothers," she said giving my dad a smoldering look. "Now where are the rest of you lovely family?"

"They chose fashionably late I am afraid," I replied smiling

"Just remember it is a woman's prerogative to make a man wait," she said moving her lips to my ear, "it makes the moment so much more intense."

As if summoned by Cyan's words Kat and Petra arrived to a general murmuring of approval by those assembled. After their hair had been done they looked as if they had just stepped out of fashion magazine for the ultra rich. Dad crossed the distance while Cyan and I stood where we were.

"They are both stunning mother and daughter; it must be 'hard' sharing a home with two gorgeous women such as them? No? But then again a man of your breeding no doubt has little trouble finding suitable partners," the last she purred in my ear.

"I do well enough Ms. Michaels," I whispered in her ear.

"Oh shame on you dear boy, all my future lovers call me Cyan," and we were walking towards my family.

Introductions were made and I was drug off to meet some of Cyan's friends and I suspected lovers. Some I had already met and they were a lot more differential now that Cyan was on my arm or vice versa. Then there were the real movers and shakers that had decided to make an appearance and enjoy the maiden voyage. I noticed a look pass between Cyan and the Captain and he nodded and with a gesture the Numenor was on its way. We finished our introductions all around and made some small talk before I was led to out and onto the observation deck to watch the ship cut through the water under a full moon and a sky bursting with stars.

"Wow," I said amazed at the view of the heavens. "It's so beautiful."

"Yes it is," Cyan said equally impressed. "It is so sad that we have to travel so far away to see them all."

"We are heading south," I said as Surfer gave me a list of possible destinations.

"Very good," she said pressing herself to my side. "In ancient times the people could look up and see heroes and monsters and tell their children stories that passed on valuable moral advice much like the Brother's Grim of their time."

She began to point out and name constellation one after the other and a snippet of their story.

"That one," she purred in my ear. "That is Hercules and on one side is Lyra and the other the Northern Crown. My great uncle once said that he believed the ancients held certain qualities as necessary for a hero or a king to be complete. They were nobility and a gentle heart and these gifts lifted them up above the common man and set them apart."

"So the harp would represent the musician or poet and so the gentle heart. The crown of course standing for his nobility; so your great uncle believed these were Hercules' strongest personality traits," I said.

"Exactly, they were the pillars that placed him up as hero and demigod."

"Are you attracted to the heroic figure Cyan?" I asked looking her in the eye.

"What woman isn't drawn to a strong man," she purred.

"Hercules was strong and heroic was he not?" I asked.

"Yes and in the end it was his humble human half that we love all the more? The man who has power and yet uses it for others is the real hero is he not?"

"Not unlike you, your Cyan Blue foundation..."

"I am no hero Nikolas, I took money and built a massive tax shelter," she argued.

"A shelter that helps the heroes who cannot help themselves," I said smiling.

"I can see there is no arguing with you," she purred.

"No, I don't envy you Cyan always having to be in control..." I said and her eyes widened suddenly.

"Not always..." she whispered as I was leaning down for a kiss when a steward announced dinner was ready.

Smiling and frustrated we left the observation deck and found the main room had been transformed with tables and name cards assigning seats. My family, Cyan and I were all at the Captain's table and as we sat the meal was served. Kat was on one side and Cyan on the other and I felt that I had been in this situation before, but where? Then I remembered the diner in Dunwich and the pleasant seating arrangements. We ate in relative silence and I had to admit I was going to find the head chef and get some of his recipes from him. This was the most amazing meal I had ever experienced period. After dinner the tables were cleared and the champagne flowed and with a tapping of her fingernail on her wine glass Cyan Michaels brought everyone's attention to the captain's table.

"Everyone, we all know why we are here. This fine young man beside me is going to share with us the next generation of technology that will lead the way into this new millennia. So without further ado I would like to introduce the President and CEO of Numenor Technology Nikolas Shaw!"

I stood to the thunderous applause of those gathered for this event and then her words struck me. 'President... CEO... Numenor Technology...' I pushed it all aside and launched into my sales pitch and prayed no one saw my shock. The house lights were brought all the way down and the presentation began in total darkness and with the help of the watch that Jesse and Terry had sent I was able to wow and amaze everyone with the stunning holographic visual part of the production along with the dozen or so avatars I had chosen to display. From the regal and aloof Alfred to a stunning Kat look alike in a French maid's costume and finally my Silver Surfer avatar that swooped in at warp speed and stopped on a dime. I was able to show the exterior of the power plant we offered and with a nod to the captain the super yacht moved forward at full speed. I saved the desalinization plant for last and showed both the humanitarian impact as well as the financial benefits of growing a job market in their construction as well as day to day operation. To complete the presentation I bowed to the crowd and simply vanished and when they looked around I stepped up from behind Cyan showing them that the entire show had been a holographic projection and they went wild.

"Showmanship," my dad said smiling. "That's how to wow an audience."

The stewards arrived and began handing out the sample tablets for everyone and I took my seat next to Cyan.

"So," I asked her, "what do you think?"

"I think we need to talk business," she said smiling and rose to her feet and with a crook of her finger I was following her out and up to the helipad. "I am sorry I didn't tell you."

"Didn't tell me what," I asked.

"Your partners and I have been in communication for a long time now and they convinced me to fund your operations and rename the ship. Of course it was Terry and Jesse that made some last minute design suggestions for the yacht. If I could steal those two away from you I would but they are loyal to a fault. They believe in the plan and it means you as the face man for the company."

"I am just the problem solver," I said modestly as that is how I saw myself.

"You have a knack for finding weaknesses and taking advantage of them," she purred.

"You mean like your ever present need for a strong man to take control," I asked sliding my hand to the back of her neck. "I would grab you by the hair... but we still have guests below."

I saw her visibly shiver and her eyes half way close for a long moment and it took a moment to realize that she had just climaxed.

"I have a business proposition for you," she leaned closer pressing her body to mine. "Our original agreement allows me some stock options when the company goes public but I want more. I believe in your product and want to be the exclusive distributor for you computers. Just the tablets and the watches..."

"The watch is a prototype..."

"...when they are available and trust me after tonight's presentation every man and woman down there is going to want one of those watches."

"Oh hell if they liked the watch they are going to kill for what comes after that," I said thinking of the contact lenses.

"What comes after the watch Nikolas," she purred in my ear and I gave her neck a little squeeze from behind and she quivered in my arms. "Very well I will be patient."

"I thought you were going to say good."

"Oh I am always good when I am not being naughty that is."

"So you wanted me to get you on your hands and knees and fuck you up here on the helipad?"

"OH GOD YESSSSS!" she moaned.

I cupped her chin in my free hand and looked her dead in her storm gray eyes and smiled. I moved her head this way and then that and I could feel her body shaking next to mine.

"MMMMMMM," I said pondering and watching her eyes widen in hope and then smiled wickedly. "No. After the maiden voyage is done and the guests have left you are going to come to me. I want you to be wearing something... accessible and I will pick out when and where we 'fuck'. Is that clear?" I saw her eyes look downward and she nodded. "Good now be a good girl and go entertain our guests." I said releasing her with a swat on her ass.

I watched her slink away her body moving so sensuously and with a look over her shoulder she bit her lower lip and left me to my thoughts.

Reality check! You just turned down kinky sex on the top of a yacht with the most beautiful woman you will ever see and for what? Angry frustrated sex later on... I knew just as I knew with Petra when I fucked her the first time that she wanted it. Cyan wanted me to turn her down. She needed me to put her off and postpone things. When we finally did hook up it was going to be nothing short of epic!

I heard the peel of thunder and looked southeast and saw the flash of lightning. I hoped we weren't heading into a storm that would put a dampener on things. I am sure the captain had things well in hand and I returned to the guests and learned just how successful the presentation had gone. As Cyan had predicted everyone was asking about the watches and I told them it was a teaser but was well into the development stage. I had orders for the watches even though they wouldn't even be ready for at least a year. Surfer helped me keep track and we would send confirmation emails in the morning. The party didn't break up until the wee hours of the morning and I found a sleeping Kat in my bed. My first thought wasn't if I was going to wake her up but how.

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Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
What A Story

Well it's going from strength to strength now. I've no idea which way it's going to go but am enjoying it.

With a little bit of tidying up it could definitely be published.

kdeville87kdeville87almost 5 years ago

I would love to have one of the watches and tablet or computer

notsooldpervertnotsooldpervertabout 7 years ago
Don't listen to peteco

It should be common sense, but apparently it needs to be said anyway for morons like peteco; if you don't like it, don't read it! It's asinine to read something you don't like, then gripe about how you didn't like it. You can see that it has multiple chapters before you start reading, and if that's not what you want to read, go read something else. You say it doesn't make sense as a stand alone story? What the fuck kind of idiot starts at chapter fucking 7 and expects to understand the characters and plot like it's chapter 1? And then to spread his stupidity he criticizes the author that he wasn't reading a stand alone story?

Don't pay attention to idiots Lost Boy. Excellent work so far. I would read your Numenor setting stories as non-erotic sci-fi (though I love the sex thrown in to spice things up lol). I'm not really a fan of Lovecraftian gothic horror, but I love the tech, and the secret society is a nice twist, too. Someone commented that they would have had reservations that it might be an ax-murder cult, but the obvious money involved and the prominent public and political figures among the high ranking members he was there to meet would allay those fears. My reservations would have been more along the lines of "Are these people the origins of the Illuminati stories, or are they in conflict with them? Just how many targets are painted on me now?"

Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I really like the story! The tech side is really enjoyable and the kind of fun stuff you think about when you're laying in bed and cant sleep. The sex is so-so...mostly I think because this is some kid fresh out of a boys military type school, and then magically he's acting and fucking women like he's an experienced, well rounded guy in his fourties, just doesn't float :/

...the whole secret society thing, hmmm, just weird! He really doesn't know what it is, what they do or anything, but he willingly jumps in feet first! ...even with subservient naked japanese girls fucking me I would be concerned this was an axe murderer cult or something and most likely say no thanks! Lol.

Anyway, a fun read none the less!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Very Nice Job

You have done very well in writing this story line! It is just at the right level of everything, just make sure if your going to end up typing an ending soon to try up all lose ends so we are not left wondering. Please keep up the great work with getting the story out.

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