Jenna's Education


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Jenna looked at him, and then looked away. She was horrified by his words and horrified still more at what she had agreed to do with him. She decided that she would escape the first chance she got, and this thought finally allowed her to calm down enough to take a deep breath. His next words sliced into her brain as if he had used a knife.

“Of course, you want to leave now, having had a taste of your training, and the ring in your clit is there in part to prevent you from leaving. Remember when you told your parents that you would stay here this summer and work to earn money for school this fall? You will stay here with me instead of renting your tiny apartment as you have been for the past school year, and will live as my submissive slave. When you return to college in the fall for your sophomore year you will be a refined and elegant slave.

“Starting now, each day this summer you will receive lessons in submission and sexuality from me, most being taught right here in this basement. As you can see, you can scream as loudly as you wish, for no one will hear you to come to your rescue.” He noticed that while he was saying this, her eyes had closed and she had begun to sob slightly, forgetting the physical pain in her clit as the psychological pain of submission took over. He continued.

“I have your class schedule for the fall, and someone from my office is getting all your books tomorrow. During the day when I am not here you will begin reading them. Your grades were good your freshmen year, but I think you can make them better. And your tuition for fall? I will see to that. Your job this summer is to learn from me what a submissive slave is to be, and to read what I give you and be prepared to discuss it when I return in the evening. On the weekends we will be alone together as I dismiss the housekeeper then, and our training will be most intense. You will travel with me, which will further refine your education. Eventually you will submit to me, not because you have to, but because you wish to.” He reached out to turn her face to his. “I promise you that you will crave all this under my expert training. You will have no opportunity to escape, so do not make it hard on yourself by trying. Your training will be vigorous enough as it is this summer.”

He paused and looked deeply into her eyes. She looked back and said nothing, yet he could see the fight between submission and independence in her eyes.

“Sweetie, the path to independence is through submission. Without submission, you are nothing. You were born with the need to submit. Coming to me is you first step in admitting that. You will be perfection.” He bent over her and kissed her deeply, and she kissed him back, their tongues dancing wildly with each other’s. Finally he pulled away and she begged immediately, “Please Master do not go.”

He smiled down, satisfied, and she was glad to see it. She kept her eyes wide open and innocent, yet as soon as she was released she was going to bolt for the door. She did not know that he had already anticipated this.

“How is it feeling now?” he asked her about her clit.

“It stings, Master, but not so much now as it did,” she replied smoothly, honestly.

“Let’s work on making it feel better then,” he said as he gently undid her wrist restraints and massaged the muscles in her arms. He laid her arms gently by her sides and returned the stool to the place between her spread legs. He took a cool cloth and held it gently to her throbbing flesh. Despite the bonds, she jumped when he touched her.

“Oh Master it is so sensitive,” she whispered as the energy to fight him drained away.

It will always be more sensitive than it was before, but the soreness will diminish over time. Reaching for her right hand, he instructed her to hold the cool cloth against her sore flesh. She obeyed wordlessly for the coolness soothed the pain. He worked gently yet quickly to release the restraints on her legs, and when they were free he lifted them out of the stirrups and helped her to sit up.

Jenna winced as she sat up, to convince him that her tender clit was still stinging. Keeping her legs wide apart helped with this. She must make her escape now, she thought, and she looked through the open door to the stairs. He followed her eyes and knew what she was thinking. He smiled inwardly and thought that they might as well get this over with now.

“Is anything wrong sweetie?” he asked her, and he was satisfied to see her blush.

“Yes,” she stammered, looking again at the door, “I…I need to use the bathroom and was wondering if I could go upstairs to do that?” Again he smiled inwardly to himself. Her cleverness was admirable, considering what she had been through. “Are you sure you can handle the stairs, sweetie?”

“Yes, I’m sure I can,” she replied, and then adding an afterthought, “ If I go slowly.”

As she was saying this, he walked over to a dark corner with a plastic shower hiding it. Drawing aside the curtain, she saw a toilet and a small shower on a wooden platform. He snapped a wall switch and a spotlight from the ceiling illuminated the corner.

“Here is what you need, without the pain of having to climb the stairs. First let me help you,” he said as he walked back over to her, noting the disappointment in her face. He treated her like a child as he wordlessly removed the cloth from her hand, then attached black leather cuffs to each of her wrists and ankles. Next he produced a chain from the medical cart and connected it gently to the ring in her clit. He used commands as he would train a dog. “Come,” he said in a firm voice and tugged slightly on the chain.

Jenna felt a burst of pain and pleasure from her clit as he tugged the chain. She stood slowly and began to follow him, spreading her legs so that her pussy lips would not brush against her swollen clit and cause more discomfort.

“Not like that,” he frowned at her. “Get on all fours and follow me.”

Jenna was so ashamed that she could not look at him as she got into position. As she posed in her humiliation, he threaded the chain up between her legs though her pussy lips and into the crack of her ass. The chain passed over her back and head and into his hand.

“Now come,” he said sternly tugging again at the leash, sending another pain/pleasure wave through her. She contained a groan successfully and began to move forward, thankful that the chain was not dragging the ground and causing more movement than it was now. Each subtle movement of her body and the chain caused sensations like she had never felt, and by the time they reached the corner she was breathing heavily and perspiring slightly.

“Do not move,” he commanded as he went to the sink to make the next preparations for her humiliation. She submissively held her pose as she listened to the sounds of the preparation. Although her face was just inches from the toilet, she concentrated her senses on detecting what he might be doing behind her. She could hear water running, and the noise of a cabinet door being opened, the closed again. She had no idea what it could be. He silently returned to her, inserted something lubricated and small into her backside. Her relief at the slight sensation of the small thing in her asshole quickly changed as she felt pressure begin to build in her lower belly.

Standing above her as the water flowed in, he raised the back high to increase the pressure and pain of the procedure, and was soon rewarded with muffled moans and writhing. When she had taken 2 quarts of the fluid, he stopped the flow, removed the nozzle, and inserted a lubricated butt plug so that she would retain the water until he wished her to expel it. The butt plug he wedged into her slowly as her ass was very tight. Stretching it to take his cock would be a task he would teach her to perform on herself in the following days.

“You may stand and then sit on the toilet,” the doctor commanded, and when she had complied, he attached her ankle cuffs to small chains on either side of the toilet on the floor, and her wrists her suspended above her head to another chain, this one hanging from the ceiling. As he was doing this, he said, “You can see why my training area is mainly in the basement. Almost everything requires modifications. Since my home and property surrounding it are worth a considerable amount, I cannot ruin the value of it by making these modifications upstairs.” He spoke nonchalantly as he shared this with her, as if they were chatting over after-dinner coffee rather than the awkward and embarrassing situation she was now in. Finally, he attached her clit chain to a small screw eye on the floor with just enough length that the chain was tight with no slack, but not stretching her clit. A continuous stream of pleasure/pain sensations throbbed in her newly pierced clit. She knew that she could not move at all without pulling the chain tight and causing sharp pain.

“You may not use this toilet until I give you my permission, is that clear? If you do, no matter what, you will be severely punished at the flogging table. If you feel that at any time you cannot control your bowels or bladder, you will tell me immediately. Is that clear?”

“Yes Master,” she replied, not sure what he had in mind. What kind of person sits you on a toilet and then tells you not to use it? Jenna was learning the sadistic depths that her master would go to in order to teach her a lesson. She regretted ever having the idea of escaping as the pressure in her bowels began to intensify. She could feel the large plug stretching her ass and knew there was no way the liquid would escape until the plug was removed. She thought herself lucky that she really didn’t have to pee as badly as she’d told him she did, but she didn’t know that situation would change also…

Standing over her, her captor said, “Remember all that I have taught you in the short time we have been together.” He snapped on a latex surgical glove, knelt before her and placed two fingers completely within her pussy. Her pussy was tightly stretched with the invading fingers but she said nothing, keeping her eyes focused on a spot on the far wall. Next he instructed her to lean back, and when she did, she could feel the clit chain tighten slightly. To make her predicament worse, he used his other hand on her lower abdomen to find and squeeze her bladder, evaluating its fullness. He pressed insistently with his fingers and hand and Jenna instantly had a severe urge to urinate.

“Please, Master, it feels like I really need to pee right now,” she begged, not knowing if she could hold the urine that was pushing against the walls of her compressed bladder.

“Very good, sweetie, you can concentrate on that feeling, but just hold it and don’t go until I give my permission,” he soothed as he would to a child. He removed his two fingers from her wet pussy and then reinserted them, this time with a third finger. The pressure in her cunt was so very tight from the overly full bowels and his fingers that she began to squirm and the chain caused more pain. Her breath was ragged now with the torture of the chain and the feeling in her bladder and bowels, as once again he used his free hand to squeeze and manipulate her. She tried to close her legs to hold back the urine but the ankle restraints made this impossible.

“Please, Master, please please have mercy on me! I can’t hold it any longer! Please please let me release my urine. Oh, Ah, OH OHHH!”

As she was begging he watched the affect his ministrations were having upon her. He pressed even harder and her speech was reduced to a string of ohs and ahs and groans as she complied with his request not to release her urine. Her head was thrown back and he could see the muscles in her neck straining. Her torso was covered in a sheen of perspiration. He manipulated her bladder for another minute and watched as the restrains, the chain, and his hands began to take affect. Despite the pain of her clit, the extreme pressure in her bladder and bowels, and the restraints, his submissive and helpless slave began again the dance of passion, humping as his fingers rubbed her tight virgin pussy.


Jenna could barely think, let along talk, but she managed to spit out that one phrase from the combined pleasure and agony coursing through her body. Her humiliation temporarily gone, she didn’t know exactly what she was begging him to do or to stop doing, and the doctor smiled as he knew that she was learning that pain and pleasure were not opposites. He sensed that an orgasm was approaching, and he withdrew his hands from the writhing young woman.

“OOOHH Master please please do not stop!” Jenna begged, very ashamed that she should do so but unable to help herself. The doctor stood up, grabbed the back of her hair with his hand, and thrust his gloved fingers, glistening with her juices, to her mouth.

“Shhhh. I want you to be quiet now. That’s a good little sweetie. Such a good obedient sweetie. That’s right, good little slave. Does my sweetie like to suck her juice off Daddy’s fingers?” The doctor talked to her in the babyish tone he used with children who came into his office. It soothed them, but it made his slave’s degradation and humiliation more intense. He moved his fingers in and out of his helpless slave’s mouth, and she cleaned them completely with her lips and tongue, gagging slightly as he inserted them fully to the back of her throat. Here was another skill he’d teach her in the next weeks. He continued to use her mouth like this, watching her tearing eyes bulge with shame and pain. He guessed that this beautiful naive girl had no idea that a hard cock belonged anywhere else except in a willing wife’s pussy. He smiled down on her. It was going to be a long hot summer!

Finally he removed the fingers from her mouth, stripped the glove from his hand, and stroked away the tears that rolled down his slave’s cheeks. He knew she was on the breaking point and he had to assert his absolute dominance now, or she would continue to try to escape. He knelt by her side, tongued her ear for several minutes until she was writhing and shaking, then began to dig his fingers mercilessly into her ticklish ribs as she squirmed desperately. He whispered in her ear.

“Such a good sweetie to hold it all in for her Master. Just a few minutes more and I will give you the release you need. Next time you think about trying to escape, you will tell me your fears and concerns and we will avoid a situation as unpleasant as this. You will get enough torture and pain as a part of your training so don’t bring more upon yourself by acting foolishly.” He began again his assault of her ear, tickling and caressing it with his tongue, plunging into its virgin depths as he continued to tickle her ribs.

Jenna writhed uncontrollably. The pressure in her bowels was a constant pain, and she was using every bit of her energy to hold her bladder, which was stinging now as the doctor tickled her ribs. She was moaning and gasping, hardly able to breathe let alone talk. The doctor noticed this and decided to add one more punishment to the list for today. He moved away from her ear and said, “Remember to tell me when you can’t hold it anymore.” Before she could speak he increased his tickling from gentle playfulness to an all-out ribs massage that would leave her bruised. It had its desired effects immediately. Giggling hysterically, Jenna arched her back and shot a stream of urine into the toilet without being able to say a word. Despite the fact that he had deprived her of speech and had forced the urine from her, she had disobeyed him and now must be punished.

“Slave, what is this? Have you disobeyed me? You do know that you must be punished?”

Jenna’s head had dropped to her chest, and she was sobbing. Her bladder felt so good now that it was empty yet she desperately needed release for the water in her bowels. Her Master lifted her chin and looked into her sobbing face.

“You have your choice, slave, since it is your first time. You may sit here for ½ hour and hold your water, or you may release it now and then move to the flogging table. Which is it to be slave?” He yanked the hair at the back of her head for emphasis.

“Please, Master….”her voice trailed off as she longed to beg for mercy, knowing it would yield only more punishment. She thought about her options. She could not endure the pressure in her bowels another moment, but the flogging table…A large cramp made the decision for her.

“Please Master, let me release my bowels and I will submit to the flogging table.” She lowered her eyes in humiliation as she said this.

“Very well slave, I will remove your plug and you will have 3 minutes to finish, then we will move to the table.” He released her hair and her head fell forward.

“Yes Master,” came the whispered reply.

He removed the butt plug with one hard tug and heard her yelp of pain with satisfaction. Before her asshole stopped stinging, the water began to rush from her body. The doctor watched closely as the water emptied her bowels completely, not giving her the dignity of privacy. With her still tied to the toilet, he bathed her with a warm washcloth, unfastened her from the restraints, and carried her to the flogging table. She hung limply in his arms, physically and mentally exhausted from her ordeal. He placed her face down on the flogging table, which looked like a wooden sawhorse covered with padding and black leather. He fastened her wrists and ankles to the bottom of the legs and she was laying comfortably, legs spread, bald pussy and asshole exposed, as well as her glorious round butt cheeks ready for punishment. She closed her eyes and rested, barely feeling her sore clit pushed against the soft leather. She knew that the pain would return soon enough, and for the first time that day she relaxed and let her master worry about administering the punishment.

She did not jump or flinch as his hands smoothed back her tangled blond mane to expose her face. She did not lift her head but looked up into his eyes.

“You are learning what it is to become submissive. Today you learned that planning to escape will get you into a lot of trouble. Now you are strapped again to the flogging table instead of being upstairs with me in the nice warm bed. And you haven’t had any supper yet. Tomorrow we will begin anew and hopefully you will apply some of the things you’ve learned.”

“Yes Master” she said softly, closed her eyes, and waited for her punishment. He went to the wall, selected a leather-covered paddle, and briskly warmed her ass with 25 hard stinging strokes to each cheek. She writhed and screamed against the padded table, pulling at the restraints despite her fatigue. It was over quickly except for the deep burning on her ass and the tears streaming down her face that refused to stop.

As she calmed down, he left her exposed on the table and put away the various tools of the dungeon. There was no need for words now as he came to her motionless form, removed all her restraints, and pulled her into an upright position. He took her hand and led her like a child to the shower. She shuddered from cold and glanced with revulsion at the sight of the toilet. He started the water in the shower, waited until it was warm, then opened a small cabinet that contained towels, a washcloth, soap, shampoo, and a blow-dryer. He said curtly, “Once you are finished here, go to the flogging table and put on what you will find there, then join me upstairs.” He left her and went up the stairs.

Jenna stood staring at the door he had just walked through for a moment. The steam from the shower reached her cold skin and felt good. She retrieved the shower things and stepped into the warm water. She quickly scrubbed her aching muscles, saving her pussy for last. She gingerly felt the gold ring and realized that if she was not submitted to the chain, her clit would not really be that sore. She shampooed her hair and got out of the shower. She dried off quickly in the cold basement and wondered what she was to wear as she dried her hair. She decided to use the toilet in case she didn’t get a chance to do so for several more hours, or even overnight. Clean and dry, she pulled back the curtain and looked around. It was orderly and quiet. She would have loved to look in all the doctor’s cabinets but she knew better than that. She pulled herself together and went straight to the flogging bench.