Little Sister's Shadow

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Jill is dominated by her younger sister.
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Laying on a bed of rumpled sheets, her floor piled with dirty clothes, Dana tweaked her thick nipples and shuddered. Nothing was easy for her, least of all this most intimate of act. By now, most girls would slip a finger down there in the slick wet lips and begin to spin it about a delicate little button.

But Dana needed more. At least ever since Amy. Ahhhh Amy..

Thoughts of the cute little geek soon turned to fantasies and the heavy-set girl's loins began to grow hot. Dana sat up in bed and took a pillow and bunched it up and then stuffed it beneath her. She straddled it like a horse.

In her fantasies, it wasn't a pillow trapped beneath her was Amy. She rode the girl's cute little face.



Amy- ahhhh...Amy. Why had the little geek stopped putting out? She could picture the need in the girl's big brown eyes as she whispered, "Dana, you have the sweetest pussy in the whole world. I think I'm falling for you. Don't you want to...don't you want to be my girlfriend? All you have to keep my button."

But Dana didn't keep it. She traded it to someone else. Even though she didn't want to. She cursed herself for her weakness. She wanted to fit in. She didn't want to be made fun of.

Laughed at.

For being with...for being with a cute little dyke slut. But what a slut the girl was. A licker. God, what a licker.

Dana fantasied of Amy. Of that agile tongue. Right up in her sex. So far in her. Touching her in all the right places.

"Oh fuck..." Dana's fat hips ground into her pillow. She was soiling it, but she didn't care. She'd wash it later. Sweat dripped down her back and from beneath her large pendulous breasts. The bed was squeaking loudly. Too loudly.

But it was okay. Both her parents were at work. She was alone. Alone with her pillow. Alone with Amy.

Her orgasm hit and lightning danced in her loins. Oh fuck. Fuck. That was it. Ahhhh....

But then it was over. So soon. And she was left just a pillow. Amy was long gone. Someone had lost that pink button...that little button that controlled the girl...that made her do anything you wanted. Now the little geek did as she wanted.

Dana's orgasm faded quickly, leaving her feeling hollow. Feeling hungry.

She slipped into an old T-shirt from the pile on the floor. It was dirty, but it didn't matter. It smelled better than she.

Downstairs, Dana fixed herself a bowl of cereal, sat on the couch, and turned on the TV. Just her luck -nothing was on. She watched cartoons.

Then she heard the steps.

Shit! She should be alone. Her cheeks colored. Heart pounding in her chest.

She turned. Trying to keep the alarm from her eyes.

"Hey sis," Jill said. "What was that sound this morning?"

It was her sister Jill. Shit. She should be at the university. She shouldn't be...

"Sounded like the house was fixing to shimmy apart...and then there was that awful squeaking."

Dana kept eating but she suddenly wasn't very hungry.

Jill made herself a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch.

"Cartoons Dana?" Jill asked in her big sister voice "Still?"

Dana shrugged. "Turn it if you want. There's nothing else on." She regretted the offer instantly.

Jill reached for the remote. Then crinkled her nose.

"Oh reek..."

Dana blushed. She wanted to crawl underneath the couch. She'd been busted. She smelled of sex.

Jill sat down on the recliner and changed the channel.

"Really Dana," Jill said. "If you'd take a bath...maybe you could get a boyfriend."

It was too much. Dana didn't want to finish breakfast. She went to the kitchen to dump her bowl, but in a fit of rage - an inspiration really...she dumped the contents of her bowl on top of her sister's stupid head.

"You bitch!" Jill set her bowl down and stood up. She pushed her sister in anger, but the girl didn't move.

"You want to fight?" Dana asked and gave her older sister a shove with one hand. Then seeing the petite girl go back 2 feet, she gave her another. "Come on. Let's fight."

Jill thought the better of it - feeling suddenly uneasy. For all her life she'd been able to rely on brute force to get her way with her sister. After the tables turned, she used intimidation. But now the tables seemed to have turned.

"I don't want to fight," Jill said, struggling in vain against her younger sister, but the girl easily wrestled her to the floor.

"Because you know you'll lose," Dana said.

"I will not! Let me go!" Jill struggled, summoned the remainder of her strength to throw her heavier and younger sister off, but it was no use. "Get off me you cow. Get off or I'll tell mom and dad."

"You remember when we were little and you used to complain I was always in your shadow?" Dana said, feeling more confident by the second as she realized just how futile her sister's struggles were. "How's it feel to be in my shadow now, huh sis?"

Looking down at her sister, Dana was feeling a familiar tingle. The kind she used to feel when she was atop Amy. But this wasn't Amy.

This was her sister.

Dana couldn't. Not to her sister.

But her body wanted this. Wanted it badly.

Dana was well versed at what to do next. She wriggled forward. Oblivious to the fact that her heavy ass squishing her sister's pert breasts. Bringing her sister's wrists beside her head, then trapping them beneath her calves.

"Fuck you are heavy," Jill grunted. Then looking up in horror, her sister's mousy brown sex was only inches away. The smell of her musk was heavy in the air. Her sister was fat common and nasty. But JIll was helpless to the younger girl nonetheless. "Oh stink..."

"Someone once told me I had the sweetest pussy in the whole world," Dana said.

"They lied....ooof...," Jill groaned.

"You're going to tell me that...." Dana said determinedly.


"Suit yourself." Dana said. This little bitch had it coming. She'd been in her sister's shadow for far too long. Now it was time for her to see how it feels.

The chubby girl trapped her sister's head between her strong thighs. Then she lowered herself. Hips humping slightly. Getting into a groove. Getting her older sister into HER groove.

No! Things like this didn't happen. They couldn't. But the facts were that her sister was riding her face. Getting off on it. Jill tried her best to resist. She held her breath. But her burning lungs and pounding heart forced her to draw breath. By the time her aching lungs panicked and inhaled, air was in such short supply. Her sister's soaking wet sex was mashed against her nose...her mouth.

Jill struck out with her legs. She twisted to and fro. But her sister couldn't be budged. Wouldn't be budged. Not till she was good and ready.

Dana finally rose up a bit, taking her weight off her sister. The older petite girl gasped for breath.

"Is it sweet sis?" Dana asked.

"Fuck yo-umphh." Jill's retort was cut short as Dana sat down once more.

The girl that looked up at her wasn't the same girl who'd always looked at her with that superior stare. No, this girl had a look of fear. Fear and respect.

"Is it sweet?" Dana asked once again.

Part of Jill wanted to scream. Fuck you. No it was disgusting. But a part of her thought better of it. Part of her was more pragmatic. Part of her told her sister just what she wanted to hear.

"Yes..." Jill said, taking great gasping breaths.

"I think you are lying," Dana said. And began to lower her ass. "You didn't even taste me."

"Wait..please.."Jill gasped. "I won't tell. Just let me ummmphhh."

It wasn't a conscious decision. Her head was ringing. Her lungs burned. The older girl began to lick.

"There you go. Lick me good," Dana said.

Jill licked quicker. She couldn't even taste the sickening twang or ponder just how wrong what she was doing. She didn't think about anything but pleasing her sister - and the next time she'd be able to draw breath.

"Useless," Dana sneered as she settled her weight down. "Get that tongue out. Fuck it. I'll do it myself."

Jill tried. She wasn't experienced in such matters. She thought just sticking her tongue out and running it over her sister's gushing clam would be enough. It wasn't. Ears ringing. Lungs burning. Operating on instinct, she worked her tongue deep inside of her sister.

"That's it," Dana moaned. "You aren't entirely stupid after all...."

It felt good. Just the way she liked it. It wasn't Amy, but it was close. It was a damn sight better than her pillow. Dana's chubby ass humping on top of her sister's face, the fat girl came - hard. But she wasn't done. Not yet.

Still sitting on her sister's face, Dana picked up Jill's bowl of cereal and ate a spoonful. She scooped up another spoonful and guided it down to her sister's lips.

"Hungry?" Dana asked.

"Fuck you," Jill spat.

Dana smiled wickedly and sat back down on her sister's pretty face. There was a brief futile struggle and several muffled cries. It was only after they stopped that Dana raised up again.

"Hungry?" she asked, once more holding the spoon above Jill's mouth.

Jill grudgingly opened her mouth and accepted the cereal. She chewed slowly then swallowed. She was now coming to realize that her sister was cruel and probably psychotic. She had to get through this...until her parents returned home. It wasn't as if things could get worse.

But they did.

"It's bland isn't it?" Dana said, sliding her hips forward. "Here, let me sweeten it up for you. Lick me."

Jill didn't have it in her to fight anymore. She'd end up doing what Dana wanted anyway. She obediently licked her sister's wet lips and accepted another spoon of cereal. Then repeated...licking...eating...eating...licking...

That was the day Jill became her sister's slave. She tried to run. She tried grab the phone to call her parents. Each time she ended up beneath Dana. Begging for breath. All thoughts of rebellion quashed. Even a look from Dana was enough to make her involuntarily tremble.

At four they repeated the mornings performance, but instead of cereal, Dana fed her sister wine. Three glasses of wine and countless servings of pussy.

And after?

"Go ahead and tell them if you want," Dana said. "But see if they believe you. Back from college. Drunk. Assaulting your little sister."

"But I didn't..." The ramifications hit Jill. She'd be the one blamed.

That night she kept silent of what she had endured. She kept to herself lest her parents smell the wine on her breath. And perhaps...perhaps it was over.

It wasn't.

The next morning, she heard her door open. She pretended to be asleep. She felt her bed give. By the time she opened her eyes, it was too late. She was trapped beneath the covers and her sister was already sitting.

Yesterday, it was funny, listening to her sister's bed squeak. Hearing the headboard pound the wall. Her disgusting grunting moans.

But today, today it wasn't funny. Not one bit.

Dana felt her passions rise. Oh yes, this was much better than a pillow - so much better. It wasn't Amy, but it was close.

Jill had a lot to learn. But the summer was young, and there was plenty of time.


A month later....

"You don't believe me?" Dana asked the attractive red-head sitting next to her on the sofa. "Hide over there in the alcove and watch."

"Sis.."Dana shouted, after the girl was hidden out of the way. "Sis...what the fuck are you doing up there?"

Jill padded downstairs. These days she stayed upstairs out of the way for as long as she could. It was her rare opportunity to escape further abuse from her sister, and she took full advantage. She saw her sister there on the couch, wearing nothing but her large night-shirt. Her fat legs were spread. Her pussy was there, dark and hairy. So gross.

The sight of it was enough to make Jill's heart pound and her breath to quicken. Not from anticipation, but from fear. Too many times she'd been trapped beneath it...gasping for breath.

Maybe not this time - if she played her cards right.

Seeing her chance, Jill knelt down in front of her sister and kissed her calves. Then up to her knees. Her fat thighs.

A strong waft of musk assaulted Jill's nostrils. God, the girl hadn't bathed... still it was better than the alternative - of being held down - trapped - nearly smothered.

"You smell yummy sis," Jill lied. "Did you use strawberry shampoo?"

"Uh- uh," Dana said. "Just this cereal bar."

"Are you sure," Jill said, moving between her sister's thighs and starting with a few light kisses - that quickly turned to licks.

" have the sweetest pussy," Jill lied by rote, she said it so often the words came easily. She took special care to flick the metal stud piecing her tongue, along her sister's clit. Just the way Dana liked it.

Jill went down on her sister. She was well experienced now. She knew Dana's moods. If she didnt' initiate sex, Dana would. And if Dana initiated sex, it would be on Dana's terms. Roughly riding her sister's face. Bruising her lips and callously depriving the smaller girl of oxygen.

No, this was better. With Dana eating and watching TV, she wasn't likely to get up from the couch. All Jill had to endure was the occasional pulling of her hair and the assorted rude comment.

They came soon enough.

"You love that pussy don't you? Lick it little sis. Get in that pussy. Stupid, I want it on my clit. I can't hear you. Suck it. Stupid little shit."

"Slurp..." Jill sucked on her sister's pussy. Slurping it. It was disgusting, but Dana liked it, so Jill obliged. Doing her best to please the unpleasable bitch that was her sister.

"My weren't lying" said Lisa from her hiding place in the alcove. "She's really doing it."

Oh God! Jill stopped immediately. Heart pounding, she jerked back.

Only to have Dana hold her fast by her ponytail.

"Did I say to stop?" Dana asked. "Don't piss me off little shit."

Despite the humiliation, Jill continued to lick. She had no choice. But dear God...who had seen. Who knew her shameful secret? Worse, the girl would surely think she volunteered, not knowing the cruel alternative.

Dana smiled smugly to the cute redhead entering the living room. "I told you she would, but you didn't believe me. She does everything I tell her. She's my little pet."

Her expression changing to a snarl as she barked at her sister. "And she's gonna get her skinny ass beat if she doesn't follow orders. Now what did I want to hear?"

Face beet red, Jill resumed slurping noisily on her sister's disgusting wet sex.

"Check out her ass." Dana said.

No please no. It was too humiliating for Jill to bear. Yet she could feel her night shirt being lifted. Baring that horrible tattoo.

Lisa couldn't believe it. She'd seen a tattoo just like this before on a classmate - a classmate that had been a sexual slave to nearly half the girls in the senior class. But that girl had been a little dorky geek. A skinny pale little nerd who couldn't do any better.

But this girl?

This girl was blond and petite. Her ass was perfect, her body to kill for. This girl could do better. So much better.

Lisa had first seen Dana and her sister together at the mall earlier that week. And she knew by instinct that something wasn't right. For Jill was following Dana around like a little puppy. What's more, she heard Dana bossing her older 0sister around. Ordering her. Calling her a stupid little bitch.

However that stupid little bitch was 2 years Dana's senior. She was a college student. She wasn't just pretty, she was nearly perfect. It should have been she that was bossing her fat younger sister around, not meekly accepting such comments.

Lisa traced the outline of the tattoo Jill bore on her backside. A perfect backside. The girl was a cheerleader back when she was in high school and she kept her figure after two years of college. Lisa could feel her loins grow hot listening to the girl suck on her sister's pussy.

When she saw them in the mall; she knew something wasn't right. She never figured it was this. Not in a million years. But when she asked Dana, the girl told everything. She bragged about the subjugation of her sister. She even volunteered to show her off.

"I always felt so sorry for Amy that when she got that awful tattoo. But my God. You - you gave it to your own sister." Lisa said.

"And a tongue stud too." Dana said. "Though she isn't Amy. She is learning. Aren't you sis?"

"Mmmmpphh." Jill mumbled from within the confines of her sister's thick thighs.

"Like I said, the stupid bitch isn't Amy," Dana continued. "Not by a long shot. She's almost useless..but she's better than nothing."

Jill never felt so humiliated.

"Is she like Amy in other ways?" Lisa asked, squeezing her thighs together. It had been so long since she felt a skilled tongue. "Do you have her button?"

"No." Dana said, breathing heavy. Grunting. Sweating. Getting into it. "But I have her. I own that ass."

"And you say she isn't any good?" Lisa asked. "Maybe you aren't encouraging her properly."

"Oh I'm encouraging," Dana said, harshly tugging her sister by the pony tail and shoving her face into her sex and grunting a warning. "Don't piss me off little shit!"

"Not like that. I mean like a reward," Lisa said. "Didn't you ever know...when you had Amy's button."

"Pinch it?" Dana asked. "Sure..."

"No..." Lisa said. "I mean more let me show you...."

Poor Jill felt her panties being lowered. Then Jill's hand delved between her thighs. She kept them pressed tightly together, but the girl was persistent.

Yet, it felt so good. Rubbing. Caressing. If only it was a boy. Not some dreadful girl.

Yes, that hand belonged to a girl. Yet, still it felt so good. Not rough like her sister. But soft and sensual and so very very good. Jill found her thighs spreading of their own volition. She was growing wet. So very wet. So very hot.

She didn't know why she did it. She gave a moan. Then opened her mouth as wide as it would go and sucked her sister's mons, the flicking her tongue over her clit.

"Mmmmmm....." Dana moaned.

"See? Isn't that nice?" Lisa asked.

"Yes..."Dana admitted. "What did you do to her? Did you pinch her?"

"I just rubbed her a little," Lisa said. "That's what I used to do with Amy. I'd put that little pink button in front of me and blow on it ever so gently while she licked me from behind."

"But Amy licked just fine," Dana said breathing heavy. Then gasping an involuntary, "...fuck..." Her sister had never done it quite like this before.

"That probably cause she was already trained by the time you got her." Lisa said. To Jill: "Come on baby, arch your back and spread those legs. Don't you want it?"

No, Jill didn't want it. Something the way the unknown girl was talking of training a girl scared her greatly. Yet, God, those fingers felt so soft. So loving and gentle. Nothing like her sister. She found her spine arching and thighs spreading, despite her reluctance.

"That's my good girl," Lisa encouraged. "Now make a little circle with that cute little ass. Come on. Work it for me. It's sexy. Don't you want to be sexy?"

Like any girl, Jill wanted to be sexy. To be admired. However as she rotated her hips...she felt some sort of wanton tramp. But she couldn't stop.

"Oh that's it. Just like that. That is so hot. Now I'm going to move my hand away and I want you to keep going. And while you circle you hips, circle your tongue. Hips up and down, tongue up and down. That's my good girl." Lisa purred, and so Jill did. Those delightful fingers driving her on and on. Making her work her hips as well as any stripper, work them despite the fact that those wonderful fingers were no longer touching her.

"Fuck...fuck..goddamn..." Dana moaned. God her sister was driving her crazy. "Fuck I'm gonna fucking hard..."