Long-Distance Runner


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"See for yourself, sweet thing," the black girl said sarcastically. Tiffany stared daggers at her, but snatched up the envelope and opened it. Half way through the stack of photos she groaned and sank to her knees.

"Oh my god," she murmured. Gail actually felt sorry for her there, but that was why Van was running things. They all knew she was too kind for her own good. Gail just wasn't the kind to be able to do this. She watched impassively, as Tiffany gathered herself and stood back up. The look on her face made Gail want to go give her a hug, she looked so shocked and forlorn.

"I assume these aren't the originals," she said at last.

"Nope, and that's only a few of them," Van said smiling.

"What do you want?"

"Well, first off, you can use the phone right there to call your old man and have him get his bully boys off my ass. Tell him it was a big mistake and you aren't mad at me, anymore."

"And if I don't?" Tiffany said defiantly. Gail could see her weighting her revenge vs. those pictures. She was so vindictive that Gail worried she wouldn't give in.

"Well, sugar panties, if you don't, our little secret affair is going to become public knowledge and those pictures of you are going to be all over campus."

"Secret affair? What the fuck are you talking about, you black bitch?" Tiffany snarled.

"Just this, girlfriend, I'm going to let everyone know I'm bi and that you and I have been carrying on an affair for over a year. My boyfriend has known about it for six months and is cool with it, he would be happy to testify to that. You see, our little tiff on the field, the other day, was because you want me to dump him and stay with you fulltime. When I told you I was not as sure I was gay as you are, you got mad and made a scene."

"No one will believe that crap," Tiffany said without conviction.

"Take a look at those pictures again, sugar britches. The only thing people are going to wonder about is how you managed to keep it a secret for so long," Van said, smiling evilly.

"You wouldn't do that. They would know you're gay too."

"Beats prison time, bitch," Van said icily.

Tiffany's face was a study in competing emotions: anger, embarrassment, indignation, a healthy dose of fear. In the end, fear won out. She placed the call. The conversation was very short and Gail wondered fleetingly if there had really been anyone else on the other end of that call, but she decided not to say anything.

Once she had finished convincing her Dad it had all been a big mistake, she hung up and turned to Van in a defeated tone.

"What else?"

"You're going to be respectful of me, from now on. You say yes ma'am and no ma'am when I address you," Van said.

"Yes, ma'am," Tiffany said icily. It was obvious she could barely contain her rage.

"That's better. As far as I am concerned, that's all you have to do to keep those pictures private. Of course I may decide I want some more of your ass, in which case I'll expect you to be at my beck and call," Van said, grinning.

"No fucking way!"

"Go ahead and hit send, Gail," Van said. Gail looked at her sharply, wondering what she was up to, but just nodded.

"Wait! Send what?" Tiffany blurted.

"It's a mass email of a video clip of you eating my pussy. You can do it privately and spare yourself the embarrassment, or, if you want to be stubborn, the whole fucking school can watch you licking away. It's up to you," Van said.

Tiffany stood frozen, for a moment and then her shoulders drooped, and her head fell to her chest.

"You win," she said quietly.

"Of course I do, you smug cunt. I always win," Van said.

"As far as I am concerned, it's the same," Trish said quietly. "Show me respect and be ready to come give me head whenever I feel like it. Football season is coming and I get so hot while the team is on the road..."

Tiffany nodded silently. She looked utterly defeated and despite her hand in it, Gail felt sorry for her. She tried to tell herself Tiffany had it coming, but it didn't make her feel any better about her part in it.

"Well, as you can tell from the pics, Trisha and I have already sampled the merchandise, but poor Gail was left out taking pictures. We will leave you two to work it out," Van said. She and Trish both laughed heartily as they exited the room.

Once the door closed, Gail went back to her doodling. She was totally uncomfortable.

"Are you going to leave me standing here all day?" Tiffany asked sullenly.

"As far as I am concerned, you can go. Just make sure Vanessa isn't given any grief."

"That's it?" Tiffany asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah," Gail said quietly.

"You mean you have me over a barrel, and you're willing to just let me walk away? You don't even plan on taking advantage?"

"Nope," Gail said. "Because of you, my two best friends now know they are at least bi. I expect sometime during football season, when their men are away on a road trip, I might get invited to one, or even both of their beds. We can call it even."

The blonde practically snarled in reply.

"What the fuck! Is there something wrong with me? Am I not good enough for you or something?"

Gail was taken aback. She had fully expected Tiffany to be relieved and walk away so the girl's words shocked her.

"No, I just don't want to have sex with someone who isn't happy to be in my bed," Gail said in confusion.

"You're hopeless," Tiffany said, shaking her head and sat heavily, letting her body fall back onto the bed. Gail stared at her a while, but Tiff was just lying on her back, staring at the ceiling.

"What do you mean hopeless?"

"You really don't have a clue, do you?" Tiffany said as she sat up. When Gail stared blankly, the blonde smiled and shook her head.

"What would you say if I told you I know Stew Robbins is as queer as a three dollar bill?" Tiffany said.


"Or that I have never tried F, and didn't have more than five drinks, Saturday night."

"I don't understand," Gail said. Her mind was reeling now and she felt totally lost. Something was warning her that this could be a ploy and she wished Vanessa and Trish hadn't left her alone with Tiffany. Try as she might, she couldn't hate the girl, and she was really feeling guilty about what they had done to her.

"No, it was I who didn't understand," Tiffany said quietly. When Gail still seemed incapable of grasping what she meant Tiffany stood and picked up the envelope and began leafing through the pictures again.

"You're a good photographer, Gail. But really, was that necessary?" she said holding up a close up of the big dildo penetrating her ass.

Gail blushed, but said nothing.

"My ass is still sore. Vanessa has no couth," Tiffany said with a small grin.

Gail was beginning to wonder if this was all a dream. Nothing seemed to be making any sense to her.

"I went through a hell of a lot of work to have you turn out to be as sweet as I hoped you would be," Tiffany said, still leafing through the photos.

"I'm sorry, but I am totally lost," Gail said.

Tiffany laughed and tossed the pictures on the bed. Gail realized it was the first time she had ever heard Tiffany laugh without a sneer in it and it was pretty.

"Simply put, I set this up. All of it. I didn't expect to get double teamed by the Bobsey Twins, though. I was hoping you to be the one I ended up in bed with."

"So... you weren't drunk?"

"Oh, I was pretty sloshed. I don't drink much and if goes straight to my head," Tiffany said, sitting on the edge of the desk.

"Why?" Gail asked, finally.

"Why? Seems like a simple question, doesn't it? Why indeed," she said in a soft tone.

"Well, let's start from the beginning. I'm gay. I've known I was gay since I was eighteen," she said, toying with a stray lock of her hair.

"In fact, one of the black house keepers seduced me in my parents' own bed. Hard to believe, eh? I'm a dyke, just like you. Well, maybe not just like you. I'm also the only daughter of an extremely traditional and well respected southern family. My folks would just die if they found out I was gay and had no intention of marrying some suitably well-bred guy and popping out a litter of brats. They are hopelessly old fashioned, hopelessly racist, and bigoted, but they're my folks and I love em, ya know?"

"Yeah, I haven't told my folks for the same reason," Gail said quietly.

"So, what to do? Lesbians don't exactly grow on trees around here. The few I know for a fact that are gay, are so deep in the closet it would take a tornado to get them out. None of the nice girls I know showed the least bit of interest to my hints and there are always gold diggers to fear, even if I happened to find one."

"Then you came along. Openly gay, but quiet, low key, beautiful, and from all I have heard and seen, as sweet as the day is long. We were in freshman comp together; I bet you didn't even realize that."

"We were?"

"Yes. Mr. Ritigliano's class. I used to sit and stare at you all the time, but you were oblivious. I wish everyone else had been. I started getting a few of those half-joke, half-serious comments from friends. You know the kind, I bet."

Gail nodded. She was intimately familiar with them.

"Too close for comfort, so I went out of my way to be a bitch to you, afterwards. I really hated myself for doing it, but, after I pledged Chi Omega, I had to keep it up. My sisters are such cunts."

"If you don't like it, why do you stay and hang out with them?"

"My mom was Chi Omega. I'm expected to be president next year and I will be," she said. She paused then and sighed heavily before continuing.

"I live with a large number of expectations and I won't shun them. My parents placed them on me and I can't disappoint them. Right or wrong, I will do my best to be a good daughter."

"I still don't have any idea what this has to do with... last night," Gail said.

"Well, I hit on it earlier this year, when that big assed Vanessa was always coming to your defense. It wasn't too hard to get her to overreact and once that happened, I figured all my troubles were solved; meet up with them at The Quad, fake taking a couple of tabs and too much to drink, let it slip that I was going to have daddy put her in hot water. I knew about your photography and I figured even a dip-shit like Vanessa would hit on that eventually. But I didn't know you as well as I would have liked to. I didn't count on you being so much more intelligent than the other jocks I have met."

"I don't understand. Why all the intrigue? If you wanted to go to bed with me, why didn't you just say so?" Gail asked.

"Ah, there we come back to my social position. I can't just walk up to you and say 'Hi, my name is Tiffany and I think you're hot, wanna fuck?' What if you're not as nice as I think? What if you take me to bed and then threaten to tell everyone? Even if no one believes you, I am in deep shit and won't be able to even look at a pretty girl for the rest of my time here. And what if they do believe you? Can I afford to take that risk? How much will one indiscretion cost me, if I decide I can't take that chance? Having a girlfriend is just too dangerous, at least until my folks pass on, but I don't want to sit around like a fucking vulture, waiting for them to die so I can get laid."

Gail stared at her.

Tiffany pointed questioningly at the small fridge and Gail nodded. After getting a beer and taking a deep draught, Tiffany continued.

"So, what to do? Obviously, I can't blackmail you to make sure you keep it quiet. You're out. I didn't know your folks were still in the dark, though I should have suspected. Well, if I can't blackmail you to be sure you will keep it quiet, what then? What if it was in your best interest to keep it quiet? Nice idea, but it took me a long time to come up with a way to insure that. Enter Vanessa, and snap, all the pieces fell into place. As long as jail time is hanging over her head, I know I can count on you to be discreet. It was perfect. I could pretend I hated it, pretend you were forcing me, and be sure you wouldn't tell anyone and at the same time, I would be getting laid on a regular basis. Best laid plans of mice and men, I suppose," Tiffany said with a smile. Gail laughed at the cute self mocking smile on Tiffany's pretty face.

"So, what happens? You turn out to be as sweet as I hoped you were. It just never occurred to me that you wouldn't press your advantage. Too sure of my sex-appeal, I suppose. Now I am in a fine kettle of fish. My plan backfired and the one I wanted isn't going to take advantage, while two I never even considered will have me working my poor tongue to exhaustion."

Gail laughed out loud then. Tiffany smiled with her and took another swallow of beer.

"Don't worry about those two. They are just as embarrassed by all this as you are. I am hoping they decide they really did enjoy it and want to try it again, but if they do, it will be with me or each other. I doubt either of them calls on you to fulfill your obligations."

"That's a shame. They were both great fucks," Tiffany said wistfully.

"Yeah, they are both beautiful."

"Not as pretty as you," Tiffany said.

Gail blushed and was unable to think of anything to say.

"So, now I am back to square one: alone and horny. What do I have to do?"

"I don't know," Gail said.

Tiffany smiled and dropped to her knees. She crawled between Gail's legs and gently kissed her inner thigh, sending a shiver of desire through the lithe runner's body.

"Would it change your mind if I told you I have had a crush on you for almost two years and it would be the greatest moment in my life if you would take me to bed?" Tiffany asked softly. Her lips traced further up Gail's inner thigh and her fingertips hesitantly pushed Gail's thighs outward. The dark headed girl felt her legs spread without conscious thought.

"It might," Gail said. Her voice was a husky whisper and she could feel her desire rising in her chest. Her nipples were suddenly hard and her breathing seemed labored.

Tiffany's fingers slipped under the leg of Gail's loose running shorts and the lithe runner shuddered when those gentle fingers traced the outline of her pussy. Tiffany's lips followed, moving closer and closer to Gail's sex and the runner found herself tangling her hands in the cheerleader's hair and gently pulling her closer. Tiffany used her hands to pull the shorts aside and tenderly kissed Gail through her now damp panties.

"Gail, I've been dreaming of you fucking me since freshman comp. I'm sorry I went about it this way. I won't apologize for my actions, I have to protect my folks, but I wish I could have done things differently."

"Why me? Is it just because I am out?" Gail asked a she raised her hips and Tiffany pulled her shorts down to her ankles.

"Nooo," Tiffany said in exasperation. Standing quickly and throwing her hands into the air.

"Then what?"

"You're a fox. On top of that, you are so sweet and shy, but I think you would be a tiger in bed. You're the one I want because you're you. It probably started because I knew you were available, but it has gone so far beyond that."

"So, what do you want to do?" Gail asked. She was embarrassed to be sitting there with her shorts around her ankles, but even as she wanted to pull them up she wanted more to pull her panties off and get Tiffany's blonde head between her legs again.

"Well, if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to see the videos," Tiffany said, smiling.

Gail laughed and stepped out of her shorts. She went to her footlocker to retrieve the videos. While she was busy, Tiffany wiggled out of her tight jeans. She wore only a tiny white thong, which she also stepped out of, before poking around in Gail's small bookshelf, where she kept her meager supply of snacks.

"Popcorn?" Tiffany asked. Gail was frozen in place, staring at the girl's soft ass and had to will herself to reply.

"Sure," Gail stuttered, still smiling like an idiot. She looked at the three tapes and called out "What angle do you want?"

"Which one is the hottest?" Tiffany asked.

"They're all hot," Gail said with conviction.

"Whichever. I'm sure you have seen them all, so you won't mind not watching."

"Why won't I be watching?' Gail asked with a silly grin plastered on her face.

"Because you're going to be eating my pussy, if I'm lucky," Tiff said as she took a seat on the bed and spread her creamy thighs wide. She looked a little nervous and Gail realized Tiff wasn't as confident a she seemed. Knowing she was just as unsure as Gail was made her seem even more vulnerable and desirable.

"I think I can live with that," the long-distance runner said, with a huge grin.


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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy4 months ago

A hunter a prey a hunter a hunter oh another one ah no a prey or? Im confused …. Smile …. Not sure if you really can play a druggy and just squirm, but it worked and now lets have a beer, a video and cuddles? Oh yeah sex or?

Nice twist dramatic turn over lovely tale


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A bit far fetched this one but great fun!!

Thanks for sharing

cnsualsu1cnsualsu1over 2 years ago

i hope van molest tifanny more.



cnsualsu1cnsualsu1over 2 years ago

fuck. this is worst.

worst story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ruined by its silly ending. A non-consent story that turns-out to be totally consensual? What's the fun in that? If author didn't want to "go there" as to writing a true non-consent story then why bother? This is all supposed to be read as fiction and fantasy so I don't understand the gutlessness.

However, Tiffany's confession as to her first lesbian experienced: on her parents' bed with their black maid? Hot! Too bad Colleen Thomas stopped posting stories here so long ago. That would have been a great story by itself.

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