Punishing The Unruly Son Ch. 01


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Mom stood up and walked to the kitchen counter and picked up an envelope that was lying there. She walked back over to the table, stood next to Bobby and pulled out ten, one hundred dollar bills from the envelope while both Bobby and I watched. She tossed them down on the table and looked at Bobby, saying, "I'll give this to you right now if you just want to leave. You're welcome to visit as long as you call ahead of time."

"No." Bobby muttered as he sniffled. "I don't want the money. I'll take the punishment."

"You're sure?" Mom asked him. "You realize this might be the most difficult thing you've ever done? You're willing to make amends?"

"Yes." Bobby answered, wiping the tears from both sides of his face now.

"Alright." Mom said. "I accept your decision and I honestly hope you will be a changed young man when the seven days are over."

"I need to talk to your sister for a while," Mom added, "and while I do, I want you to get a screwdriver and a hammer and take the door off your bedroom and the hall bathroom, just like you and Dad did when you painted the rooms a few years back. Put the doors neatly in the garage against the far wall and then come tell me when you're done."

Bobby started to say something, but, Mom shook her finger at him saying, "No talking. No arguing. When I speak, you say 'Yes' and do it. Now, go do what I asked, please."

Mom glanced at me and asked me to come with her, and together we went up to her room and she closed the door so we could talk in private. Sitting on her bed, she took a deep breath and let it out as she looked at me. "Well, we're committed now." Mom sighed.

"Okay," Mom said, "I guess I better tell you a little family story before we go any further."

"Once upon a time," Mom began, "my older brother..... your Uncle James, was pretty much out of control. My parents tried everything they could think of to correct his behavior, but, nothing worked. Finally, out of desperation, my Grandmother...... your Great Grandma Katherine, suggested my mother try using Petticoat Punishment, or, Pinnaforing on my brother."

Mom explained that Petticoating, or, Pinnaforing, was a method of punishing unruly boys that was used decades ago. While some considered it emotionally cruel, Grandma Katherine swore by it, and after some discussion, convinced Mom's mother to try it out on my Uncle James.

This type of punishment had many variations and varieties, but, mainly called for these unruly boys to be temporarily stripped of their masculinity by dressing them in girl's clothing for a period of time. The end result was that the boy's embarrassment and humiliation was so great, the threat of being punished like that again was usually enough to keep them in line, and the memory of the experience was never forgotten by the boy.

Mom explained that some forms of this kind of punishment also included variations like confessional spankings and forced nudity. "I know some of this might sound extreme," Mom explained, "but, I can attest to the fact that your Uncle James' behavior changed, and my mother would tell you today it's all because of the way he was punished."

Mom told me she did some internet searches on her computer last night and found plenty of web sites that extolled the benefits of punishing boys and young men in this manner, along with many stories and actual testimonials of success. She said she ran across a web site that provided easy to understand instructions on how to do it, and they provided lists of embarrassing and humiliating things that could be done to the boy being punished.

"He's going to lose all his privileges, rights and privacy." Mom told me. Then, taking another deep breath, she told me he'd immediately be deprived of his clothing. "He'll only be allowed to wear bras and panties when we allow him to wear anything at all."

My face must have gone white, because she reached out and shook my arm to get me to pay attention to her. "Don't worry, if we go out, or, if someone comes over, we'll give him some of his clothes to put on, but other than that, he'll either be naked or dressed in a bra and a pair of panties."

She told me she found a very interesting write up at one of the punishment websites that gave comprehensive information on how to incorporate confessional spankings into a punishment for a teenage male. When I told her I didn't have any idea what a confessional spanking was, she explained it to me.

"Apparently," Mom said, "confessional spankings are used in cases where the person being punished has a lengthy list of known wrong doings for which they are about to be spanked. They're given a chance to confess their yet undiscovered offences, and, for each confession, the severity of the original spanking is reduced."

She explained that in the case she read, in order to receive the reduced spanking and amnesty for the confessed offences, the person being spanked had to submit to an act of humiliation as part of the spanking. For the young man in this case, he was spanked naked in front of his family, and, his anus was fingered by the person delivering the spanking, as well as everyone who was in attendance.

"In other words," Mom said, "this kid got a less severe spanking than he would have originally gotten because he voluntarily admitted his additional offences. The thing is, he had to let everyone finger his butt before he was granted amnesty for those new offences."

"I guess that's better than being spanked again, or, getting a worse spanking." I replied.

"Oh, yeah," Mom said, "I fully agree with you. But, being fingered up the bum is one of the most humiliating things that could ever happen to a teenage young man, Sandra."

"Anyway," Mom said, "I'm considering spanking your brother as part of his punishment, and I'm leaning heavily toward offering him a chance to admit things we don't know about, and receive amnesty for them, and a lighter spanking."

"So, does that mean we'd be fingering his butt?" I asked.

"Precisely." Mom answered. "But, it doesn't stop there."

"Since he's going to be naked," Mom added, "he's going to be getting erections in front of us. At his age that's pretty much a given, and I've got a plan for that. But, Sandra, you need to be prepared to see your brother naked, and with an erection, and deal with it based on the rules I set."

We talked for thirty minutes while Bobby struggled with the two doors. Mom kept telling me I'd have to be mature about Bobby's situation, and if I wanted to see my little brother return to his previous sweet self, I had to act like an adult and work with her to make sure Bobby followed the rules and experienced the full benefit of his punishment.

"We're all adults here." Mom told me. "Let's try to act that way. If he follows through and does his part, we'll let him off the hook and he can have his second chance. If he doesn't play along, he'll move out and discover on his own how tough it is out there, and he'll learn his lesson that way."

Before I could ask any questions, Bobby knocked on Mom's bedroom door and told us he was done removing the doors. Mom got up to check what he'd done, leaving me sitting there on her bed, totally shocked at what was about to occur at our house. It had been years since I saw my little brother naked...... since he was a little kid, but he was almost a man now, and I found myself getting excited about seeing him naked..... seeing his penis.

I wandered out into the hall as Mom was looking at the door ways. "Good job, Sweetheart." Mom told Bobby, patting him on the back. "Now, your sister and I need to go out for a while. While we're gone, your first task is to clean that pig sty you call your room, from top to bottom. When we get back, I expect it to be vacuumed, dusted, linens changed, everything off the floor and put away neatly. We'll be gone no more than three hours and it better look perfect when I see it again."

Bobby looked up at Mom and I could see he was about to say something smart-assed to her. "No discussion." Mom said abruptly. "You agreed to follow instructions, remember? You get your room done, and then I have a few more things for you to do. Later, we'll sit down together and I'll discuss the rules of your punishment. Now, get started before I change my mind and start packing your stuff up."

The expression on Bobby's face changed so quickly, I almost burst out in laughter. I was totally impressed with the way Mom got assertive with him, leaving him no options other than to do exactly what she told him to do. This was already a change -- a good one, and as Bobby disappeared into his room, Mom asked me if I could be ready to go out with her in fifteen minutes and I told her I could.

When we were about to leave the house, Bobby had already dragged the vacuum up to his room and was feverously staring to clean. Mom told me we were going to the mall and asked me to drive. As we backed down the driveway, she pulled out her cell phone and called Mr. Hathaway, our neighbor down the street, and asked him if he could install a deadbolt lock at our house this afternoon. I only heard one side of the conversation, but, I gathered he told her it was an easy job and wouldn't even take an hour to do. She thanked him, said she'd call him when we got home, and thanked him for his help.

"We're going to lock his boy clothes up." Mom told me as she folded up her cell phone and put it in her purse. "We have to show him we're serious about what we say. We'll put the deadbolt on your Dad's old office door and we'll use that room to store his clothes. You and I will have the only keys."

"You're serious about all this?" I asked her. Mom nodded her head and said she was.

"And, he's really going to be naked, or wear bras and panties around us all the time?" I asked.

"That's not even the half of it." Mom said, turning to look at me while I drove. "One of us will be giving him baths each day, we'll be taking his temperature rectally and we'll monitor him in the bathroom, too."

"Sandra," Mom added, "It's like I said, he's losing all his privileges, rights and privacy. Wearing clothes of your own choosing is a privilege. During his punishment, we'll decide what he wears. Sometimes, we'll intentionally have him naked so he'll appreciate it when we let him wear his bras and panties."

"His bras and panties?" I gasped. "Bobby has his own bras and panties?"

"He will soon." Mom said, as she smiled broadly. "That's why we're going to the mall."

I sat there in silence as I drove, still trying to soak in everything I was hearing. After a few minutes, I got brave and asked her a question that I couldn't put off any longer.

"Mom," I began, "what am I supposed to do when he's naked? Or, when he's got an erection, or even when he's in his bra and panties? Am I supposed to look away, or avoid looking at him?"

"Absolutely not!" Mom answered emphatically. "That would totally defeat the purpose of what we're doing."

Mom said I should make it completely obvious I was looking at him. In fact, she suggested I make him lewdly display himself to me several times a day. "We have to constantly reinforce his embarrassment and humiliation so he'll get the full benefit of his punishment."

"I'll have some rules about erections and masturbation." Mom added. "At his age, we have to take that into consideration and make it part of our plan. I'll fill you in on all that later, once I decide how tolerant I'm going to be about his erections, and, how much I'm going to let him masturbate."

As we pulled into the mall and parked, my mind was full of questions. It was also full of visions of my little brother running around the house naked, or dressed in frilly bras and panties. I have to admit, the idea of all this excited me tremendously. I was especially anxious to hear what Mom had planned on the masturbation topic. I'd seen a few of my boyfriends jerk themselves off, and it was something that captivated me each time I got the opportunity to see them do it. I wasn't sure how I'd feel watching my own brother stroke himself, but, if the moisture inside my own panties was any indication, I was going to be enjoying it immensely.

Entering the mall, we immediately went down to the big department store and the sales guy helped Mom select a deadbolt for an interior door. We got two extra keys made and once we were done there, Mom handed me two hundred dollars and suggested we spilt up to buy bras and panties for my littler brother.

"One of the web sites I found last night recommended two sets of lingerie per day. That will give us twice the opportunity to reinforce his nudity, embarrassment and humiliation. So that's fourteen bras and fourteen panties. I'll get seven of each and you do the same." Mom said.

"Let's each get a mix of everyday panties and bras, and some fancy ones, too." Mom told me. "Just use your judgment and be sure to get at least a few things that are super frilly and very girly. As far as he'll be concerned, they'll be better than being naked, so he won't dare complain."

Mom had to think a minute about sizes for Bobby, but together, we decided on a 38B bra and medium panties. "Those should be close enough." Mom said. "If they aren't, we'll just bring him in with us, return what doesn't fit and make him try on the new ones."

I had to laugh. The thought of pulling Bobby by the hand into a lingerie store and making him try on bras and panties was just too funny to keep a straight face. Mom laughed, too, when I told her why I was laughing. Then all of a sudden, she stopped laughing -- as if she instantly felt some remorse for what she was doing.

"It's okay Mom." I said, hugging her. "It's nice to be able to laugh again, though, isn't it? Can't you just see us in the dressing room with Bobby, measuring him for bras? The sales girl would be standing there with a tape measure trying to figure out his cup size and he'd be blushing profusely and turning all shades of red. Wouldn't that would be hilarious?"

Mom nodded her head and we both started laughing again -- standing right there in the middle of the mall with people walking all around us. I'm sure they didn't know we were laughing about dressing up my little brother in bras and panties, but it didn't matter. It was nice to see Mom with a smile on her face. In fact, she'd been in a good mood all day and I was extremely happy about that.

We finally agreed to meet back at this same spot in a little more than an hour, and as I walked away I immediately began to think about the stores in the mall, and which ones sold lingerie. There was one store I liked to shop at -- I didn't usually buy my lingerie there because I thought their stuff was way too girly for me. But, for my little brother, I was sure it was be ideal place to start. Maybe they'd have something ultra feminine..... something see through.... maybe in shocking pink with a lot of girly ruffles.

And I was in luck. They had the perfect hot pink bra and panty set that was exactly what I was looking for, and it was on sale! The bra had mesh cups and little pink ruffles that ran around the piping. The panties were devilishly sheer in the front and back, and I got this image of Bobby wearing them while he had an erection and I almost soaked through my underpants thinking about making him model them for me.

I went to another store and found a three-pack of the cutest, white cotton bikini panties I'd ever seen -- just exactly like little girl panties, with puppies, kittens and stars all over them. At another store, I actually found real training bralettes -- just like a little girl would wear, in a girl's extra, extra large, and I bought three for Bobby -- a pink one, a white one and a yellow one.

I couldn't resist getting him a set of microfiber boyshorts and a matching bra. As I shopped, I tried to pick out bras and panties that would match when he wore them together, or items that came as a set. I concentrated on light and pastel colors, thinking it would make him look more juvenile if I avoided colors like black and red.

On my way back to meet mother, I strolled into the VS store and looked around for the sluttiest pair of panties I could find. I came across this amazing mesh thong that was so tiny, I was sure it would never, ever hold a man's penis inside. I bought it.

Mom was late meeting me back at our spot, but, when I saw her walking toward me, she had a grin on her face that could only be described as huge. Even before she got close to me, she was already holding open her bags telling me I had to see what she bought.

Eagerly, she held the bags open for me and as I looked down into them, I realized Mom must have really enjoyed buying panties for Bobby. "You bought more than seven, didn't you?" I asked her, giggling.

"I couldn't help it." Mom blurted out, giggling back at me. "I saw so many things I thought would look so cute on him.... I just bought them all."

She showed me a little pink bikini that said "Bad Girl" on the front, and let me see some silky rumba panties she bought that were covered with teeny tiny ruffles all over them. She literally bought everything she liked, and when she said she told an innocent, young salesgirl at one of the stores she was shopping for her son, I laughed so hard my sides started to hurt and my eyes actually began to water. I swear, I don't remember Mom and me ever laughing so hard, and it was so much fun.

As Mom hooked her arm under mine and pulled me toward the exit, I turned to her and said, "He's got better underwear than I do now. That's just wrong!"

We continued to laugh and make jokes until we got to the car. When I started the car up, I looked over at Mom and she had this sinister grin on her face and was holding up a pair of black lace crotchless panties. "It came with a matching peek-a-boo bra!" Mom howled.

"For Bobby?" I asked.

She nodded her head and a pink blush spread over her face. Before I could stop myself, I said, "Mom, you're so wicked buying crotchless panties for your son."

"I know!" She said, giggling like a little girl. "But, I'll keep them hidden for now and only pull them out if he starts to put up a fuss."

"Oh, no you won't!" I exclaimed as I pulled out onto the main road. "You know very well you want to see him dressed in those, and I do, too, so don't you dare try hiding them."

This was probably the best therapy for Mom anyone could have ever prescribed. Admittedly, my panties were sopping wet by now over what we were doing, and I would have bet anything Mom's panties were drenched, too. Although I didn't have all the details yet about Bobby being naked in front of me, or having erections, or masturbating, I was extremely excited about the next seven days, and I began to wonder when I'd be able to see my little brother's cock.

Truthfully, big or small, the size of Bobby's cock didn't matter much to me. What really excited me, though, was the fact that I was going to see him naked.... a lot. If Mom was right, he was going to have plenty of erections, and as far as I was concerned -- any time I could see a guy naked, especially with a hard-on, that was perfectly fine with me and I vowed to myself that brother or not, I was going to enjoy the next seven days as much as possible.

To be continued...

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InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosalmost 2 years ago

Wow, that is pretty much abuse and no way to help a kid better themselves. Get him therapy not cruel emotional abuse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fuzzy is right about this story something like this is cruel and unusual if I was him I’d walk out that door with the 500 once I find out what the punishment is it’s sick and abusive they are doing this because they are evil people not because they want to help him

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 3 years ago

LOL !!!!! should be 2 week punishment

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearalmost 3 years ago

I don't know why I torture myself, I know these stories are always going to go to far, yet I always hope they don't... so I read them. This is the case here. All I can think, is if it were me, I'd have 3 choices, and 2 of the 3 would really be out of my control and most likely would be what would happen.

1st choice (the only one truly in my power) would be, when the extent of the punishment was known would be to take the offered 500 buck pack a bag and leave, and as I walked out the door tell them how sick I think they are and disown them forever.

No matter how you try to pretty it up or delude yourself by calling it punishment, no matter how you try to justify it with research (they thought electro-shock, and lobotomies where good treatments at one time too) it's abuse. Physical, emotional, and if the do the rectal stuff, it's sexual, as well as abusive incest.

2nd choice (would depend on which way my mind broke) I can only see this as abuse. so I can see my mind breaking into a deep depression, were suicide was the only way out.

3rd choice is if with the anger and everything I felt after the dad died, as explained in the story, that was why I was acting the way I was. I could see my mind having a psychotic break and becoming a serial killer, like on the tv show 'Criminal Minds' and going after guys that look like myself and staging the bodies in bras and panties, or raping and killing women that look like my mom and sister staging them in bras and panties after severely sodomizing them.

Of course none of those options would make a good story for erotica, so since this has several more chapters to go, I know it's not going to be realistic. It is just a story after all. I gave this 3 stars because the writing as a whole despite the subject matter is well done, and I will try to read at least try one more chapter to see if the writer can salvage this. I will not vote further if, as I suspect, it will not be salvaged. I hate to lower the overall score because I disagree with where the author took the story, it's their story not mine.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I enjoyed this story but as a mom of teenage boys and a feminist I don't think dressing a boy in clothes is the perfect answer. instead I strongly believe in having a teen boy wear no clothing at all and not have any clothing priveleges. when I am at home and I see both my boys on good behavior while both are totally nude it makes me feel proud how well it works. the boys initially agreed to do this for two days. naturally both got upset when I said this is how it is going to be from here on out till you reach 18 and there will be no exceptions boys even when our entire family celebrates.

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