Teacher Finds a Master Ch. 07


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Her hair was growing down her back, but not nearly long enough yet. The same went for her nails, which she was forbidden to cut, or bite. Her breasts looked bigger, even though she had been slimming. Several times a day she had to massage them, even in school. When convenient her master massaged her breasts, and she thought it was just something he enjoyed. He did, but the purpose was to increase her bust size.

'This is a present for you, slave,' he chuckled. 'Wear this corset all day, except when showering of course. I will tighten it a little bit each day, to slim down your waist,' he explained.

Making herself more attractive to her master was paramount in this new life. Like massaging of her breasts, wearing a corset would be a rule strictly adhered to. He was pleased with the firmness of her breasts, so she was pleased to present them to him. It was a black bustier pinching her waist, and covering nothing else. There were laces at the back, which her master fastened.

This new life as a slave-girl was exciting, especially as she had a vigorous young master to keep her satisfied.

The corset gripped her waist, and he tightened it a notch more.

'Take a deep breath, in, more!' he told her.

Assured that his slave could breath properly, he slapped her bottom, and told her, 'Get on with your chores, slave.'

When she walked her breasts bounced in the cups. The corset was brief, and didn't cover her breasts. It only just covered her hips, so it was called a bustier. Having to change her body shape for her master didn't bother her. It was just another order to be obeyed, without question.

Wearing a corset all the time would trim her waist. It was being tightened a notch each day, so as to train her waist to reach a minimum size. She also had to massage her breasts to enlarge them every chance she got. There was plenty of room for them to grow and still sit in the cups. Not having any underwear, or much clothing, changing her shape wouldn't matter much. Besides, she hadn't ever worn clothes in her master's house.

Each day she learnt a new slave position, until she could jump to it from a single command. There was an awkward one, which she had to continue practicing to improve the pose. Sitting on the floor with legs spread out sideways was difficult. Her master didn't make an allowance for her age, she just had to practice until perfect.

Mrs Watson hadn't envisaged all this when starting out, looking for a strong man to keep her company. Having a master had been carefully considered, but being his slave twenty-four hours a day hadn't been contemplated. Playing a naughty game, for just a few hours a week, was all that had been wanted.

Being trained to serve a master seemed like a thrilling opportunity. It was supposed to be a bit of fun. The serious training had been so thorough, it reached right into her mind, so she thought of nothing except serving a master.

If she'd realised how devastating to her life the training would be, the internet would have been immediately disconnected. Emails had been sent back and forth, until she was hooked on this intriguing stranger. If only she hadn't gone to meet him in a hotel room. At the time, she thought it exciting and reckless. It turned out more reckless and stupid than she could ever have imagined.

It was obvious why she did it. Everything in her life was planned, safe, and boring. Now this! Her life was no longer hers, it was her master's to do with as he wished. A young guy didn't so much plan things as react to whatever life threw at him. She was subject to an adolescent's whims. It was a precarious life, fraught with danger, and very exciting.

Mrs Watson had put all her efforts into the training regime, with the same zeal she did everything. It might also explain why she had succumbed so completely to the slave training. Sitting at his feet, awaiting her master's next command, now seemed natural. Freedom had become to mean the ability to shrug off all responsibility, leaving moral decisions to her master. Escape made no sense, because she was happy, serving her master.

'You're a happy slave, aren't you,' he said, while stroked her hair.

'Yes, master. Your slave-girl is very happy to serve her master. It is all this humble slave wishes to do. This slave promises to faithfully obey her master, with loving attentiveness,' she sincerely spoke.

'Good, I am pleased to hear it, slave,' he laughed.

He'd completely corrupted his teacher, and loved the idea of it. He stroked her hair, wondering where to go with the training next. He wasn't sure she would obey completely, so a final test was needed.

'Did you enjoy being a pet-girl, slave?' Danny asked.

'Sorry master, your slave couldn't accept that girl as her mistress. Slave needed the firm hand of her master,' she pleasantly spoke.

'A firm hand, or a firm cock?' he laughed.

'Both, Master,' she sighed.

'Slave may suck on her master's cock,' he told her.

It was no longer a surprise to see this woman eagerly pulling his cock out, and sucking it into her mouth. She hadn't been very good at first. It didn't take long for her to become a well trained cocksucker. Trying to ignore the stimulation, he concentrated hard on studying. He had a place in college, but wanted to get a head start. It was no good, he needed to fuck his teacher, before she sucked him off.


School had been over for five weeks, and Mrs Watson had settled in as an obedient slave. Having obeyed her master's every whim, this particular order shook her.

'No! Please, master, please don't make me do that. I'll die of shame. Please, I promise to do anything you want, please! Please let me pleasure you, master, please!' she begged.

'Don't worry, slave. Robert will be gentle with you. He's had a skiing accident and can't get about much. All you have to tell his parents, is that you've volunteered to help him with his studies. After all, he was in your class,' Danny reassured her.

While slave was cooking breakfast Robert had phoned, with an ultimatum. Send her over, or the game was up. Danny revealed too much to Robert when they took command of her in the classroom. It was a big mistake, as Robert had guessed where she was, and what she was doing. He didn't know exactly, but new enough to guess at what they were doing.

'He'll tell the school, people will find out, and I won't have a job next semester,' his teacher complained.

'Don't worry about that. I'll email your resignation. I'll say there is a family problem, and you have to go back to your home city. Your stuff is already in storage, and your apartment paid up. This will be the final break from your previous life.' he said.

Mrs Watson was dumbfounded. How could he do that to her? She needed the job, and he was threatening it. No! He wasn't just threatening it, he was taking it away from her. He already jeopardised it during that last week in school. It was a miracle that no one had gossiped about her. If the truth had leaked, the principal would have fired her by now.

'You don't understand, I need a job, to earn money to live,' she pointed out.

There was no thought of a punishment for talking to her master without due respect. The whole situation was fraught with so much danger, everything else was driven from her mind. She was in a panic, as he'd obviously already planned to resign her from the teaching job.

'Don't worry, slave. I'll keep you as my slave, so you won't need to work,' he shrugged, as though it were nothing much.

'I can't rely on an eighteen-year-old for everything I need. What about later, when you get bored with me?' she said, looking scared.

'I won't. I get a good allowance from my parents, and my grandma left me a substantial inheritance. I can afford to keep you, slave. Now get a grip, and be a good girl, or I'll spank you,' he warned.

When it looked as though she were about to rebel, he pulled her over his knee, and slapped her bottom. He knew from experience this would bring her to heel, as well as exciting her. When overly excited, she was submissive and easily manipulated.

'Oww! Please, master, please don't hurt your slave-girl,' she whimpered.

He slapped her ass a few times, as hard as he could stand the sting. He cupped his palm so the sound rang throughout the room. After eight slaps of her bare bottom, both cheeks were red. She was quietly sobbing, which was a sound and a state of sadness he couldn't stand.

'I told you I will look after you. You won't have to work ever again. You will remain a slave-girl. If you don't behave yourself, or do as you are told, I shall sell you to someone less kind than me,' he promised.

'Yes, master, sorry, master. Your slave-girl will be obedient, promise, master,' Mrs Watson humbly said.

Trying to suppress the sobs, she rolled off his lap onto the floor. Getting onto hands and knees, she rested her chin in his lap. Looking up at him through long false eyelashes, with a shamelessly sexy expression, showed how stoked-up she was.

'Save that for Robert. Get changed, and I'll run you over there,' Danny harshly spoke.

Becoming bored was to be expected, but why now? She thought he would let her go, not share her with others. Was there more she could have done to keep his interest? It seemed getting dressed as a teacher hadn't been allowed in such a long time. In recent weeks she hadn't dressed at all, apart from a corset.

A casual skirt and top were selected, as the visit wasn't to the school, it was to someone's home.

Mrs Watson felt nervous, for she hadn't been out of the house in weeks. A finger was run around the silver collar. It was her slave collar, and she hoped it would look like expensive jewellery to the boy's mother.


Being forced to visit one of his friends, to do whatever the boy wanted, was frightful. It wasn't far, so she didn't have much time to think about an excuse. She couldn't look at her master when he dropped her off.

'Hi, it's so nice of you to help out. I guess you know what happened. The extra tuition will help. Though to be honest, I'll be glad of a break. Do you mind if I leave you to it?' Robert's mother asked.

'It's alright, Mrs Peel, I know how awkward adolescents can be. They can be very tiring. It was a skiing accident wasn't it?' Mrs Watson asked.

'Yes. He broke both wrists. I feel as though I'm his slave. Fetch this, feed me, do that, do this. It's never ending,' Mrs Peel moaned, as she led the way to his room.

'Oh! Hi! Mrs Watson,' Robert smiled, on seeing her walk in with his mother.

'He's been fed and had a drink, so don't let him put upon you. Mrs Watson is here to teach you, nothing else. He can pick up the water bottle with his arms. Thank you, so much. I'm only going to have a coffee with a couple of friends, but it is such a relief to get out,' Mrs Peel laughed.

'Thanks Mrs Watson, I appreciate you giving up your vacation time,' Robert smiled.

His mother slammed the front door as she ran out of the house. The car screeched out of the driveway, and Mrs Watson wondered if the woman was ever going to come back.

'Have you been giving your mother a hard time?' Mrs Watson asked, and gave him the look.

It won't work on me, Mrs Watson. I know all about you! he smiled.

'Well, really?' she said, trying to remain neutral.

'Yes, really. It's you I'm going to give a hard time,' he mischievously grinned.

The dress she wore was sensible. Something a teacher would wear during her time off. Not short or low cut, nothing that would entice him. If something was going to happen he would have to initiate it, and she wasn't going to help. Damn! She couldn't just wait for him to make demands. Instructions had to be fulfilled before his mother returned.

'I need to go to the toilet, you'll have to help me,' he ordered.

The tone of voice had her locked in to slave mode. It couldn't be helped, the obedience training was too ingrained. It felt as though she were Pavlov's dog, conditioned to react to certain stimuli. In her case it was a tone of voice, and a direct order, to which she found herself automatically obeying.

The terrible thought ran through her mind, scaring her. This was the first time away from her master's home, and already she was obeying a mere boy. What if she were out somewhere, and a strong sounding man spoke to her. Having to obey a stranger would be dangerous. It would mean only going out with a chaperone, or face the possibility of being dragged away somewhere.

Although Mrs Watson didn't have to help him walk to the bathroom, she wasn't looking forward to getting there.

'Sorry about this. You'll have to aim it for me,' Robert said.

He didn't sound sorry at all. She took a tentative hold of his penis, and was thankful that he soon let go a stream of pee. Did his mother have to do this, or did he usually manage without help. Obeying him was what she was here for, so no complaint could be made. At last he was finished, and she wiped his penis with a tissue.

He looked happy, and was starting to harden when she tucked it back into his shorts. More telling than that, was revealing how subservient she was. If she was willing to hold his cock while he urinated, what else was she willing to do? She knew the answer was anything he wanted, but did he know that?

'There are so many things a young man can't do with his wrists strapped up. Do you have a girlfriend to help you with intimate things you need to do? Don't be shy, you know I mean, masturbation. No? Oh, dear me, you must be desperate. Well, if you don't tell anyone, I could help you out. Promise me to study hard, and I'll do it for you,' Mrs Watson suggested.

At least the boy had kept quiet, with just a nod or shake of the head, when answering her questions. It was best to get this over and done with. It had to be done before his mother returned, or she would be in trouble with her master.

Robert was dumbfounded. From what happened in the classroom, he knew their teacher was controlled by Danny. He wondered what his friend had over the woman to have so effectively blackmailed her. In class she had obediently bent to whatever they wanted, and what they wanted was to humiliate her. It wasn't that she was a bad person, it was just because she was a teacher.

He nodded his head, unable to answer her. How could he say, yes please miss, when she was offering to give him a hand job. Surely he must be dreaming, for this straight laced teacher wouldn't offer to do that. With eyes fixed on her hands, he watched her lift the sheet and reach into his shorts.

Feeling her cool hand on his dick, he nearly let go and shot his load. Fortunately he didn't. She gripped it, and stroked it. With the other hand she stroked his balls. The scrotum went tight, and hard.

'You must tell me how fast, and how hard to grip it. It is a long time since I did this for a boyfriend,' she explained

'Does this mean I'm your boyfriend now?' he smiled.

'No. I'm just doing this to get you to concentrate on work,' she emphasised.

He wished he knew why she was doing this. Finding out Danny's secret, or rather her blackmail secret, would mean getting free sex. Until college, then it would be back to the hard job of wooing girls.

She gripped the base of his penis, intending to stop him spurting too soon. This, together with the matter of fact approach, and that it was a teacher, kept him from an orgasm.

'My hand is getting tired,' she reproached him.

'Hey you two, do you want a lemonade?' his mother shouted up the stairs.

'Damn! I can't leave you with that. What will your parents say? What do you normally do? Watching You Tube is no good, there's no time, she'll be up her in a minute. You need to orgasm, and quickly. I volunteered to help out, that's all. Now I'm in a mess. Damn! There's nothing for it. You need special attention,' she said.

He watched her lips form around the head of his cock, and nearly cum. In silent intensity he watched his teacher's lips wrapped around his cock. She pushed down, swallowing his hardness. Her head began to rhythmically bob up and down the length of his cock.

He couldn't believe she was doing this! He started to blow his load, and heard her choke. He continued to spurt cum, as she lifted her head from his cock. The last string of off-white, sticky cum splashed her face.

'Sorry, Mrs Watson,' he stammered.

'It's alright, I'm out of practice. Should have told you what was acceptable. I think I swallowed a gallon of your cum,' she said, with a scowl.

She absently rubbed her tummy as though she'd had a full meal. Just managing to wipe away his cum, as his mother walked in with two glasses of lemonade, was a relief for both of them. He quickly glanced down to check himself, and was relieved to see his teacher had pulled the sheet up, covering his shrinking cock.

'Surely it wasn't that bad. You need to study, Robert. I'm sure Mrs Watson knows what you need, and is prepared to give it to you,' his mother smiled.

'I like to look after my boys. Give them special attention if they are deserving. Keep the promise to study, young man, and I'll be back to give you more of the same,' Mrs Watson promised.

'What do you say to Mrs Watson's kind offer, Robert?' his mother pointedly said.

'Thank you, Mrs Watson. I appreciate your help and look forward to you visiting soon,' he weakly smiled.

Thankfully his mother left them to finish up.

'I'd better not leave any evidence,' she said.

Lifting the sheet she used a flannel to wipe him down, then rinsed it out.

She patted his shrunken cock, and covered it up.

'It's very nice, Robert. Bigger than my late husband's. Was that alright? Good. How long will that keep you going for?' she asked.

'Tomorrow afternoon?' he suggested.

'Oh! I think that will be an indulgence, Robert, rather than a desperately needed relief. Mmm, well, I'll see what I can do. Next week maybe. You must promise me, to keep this between ourselves. Good. Also, I want you to spend as much time as you can, studying,' she firmly told him.

She didn't mention how he was to open a book. Maybe he could pay his young brother to help out. Mom and dad would agree, for sure.

'Thank you, Mrs Watson, I appreciate your, err, help,' he smiled.

'You are a good student, and need to clear your mind of such things, so you can get on with studying. The more you study now, the easier university will be. See you next week then, bye for now,' she smiled back.

Robert sank back onto the pillows, and laughed inanely. Did it happen? He was sure it did. So why did it happen? Damn, it! How was he going to survive until next week?

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StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 7 years agoAuthor

In the story it has been pointed out, it is a bad idea to have an irresponsible adolescent as a master, or mistress. A lesson to any story character, that is, if they have the choice of master! Unfortunately writers don't give their characters the choice. Anyone interested in joining Mr Anonymous in a campaign to protect story characters?

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