The Big Tits Club Ch. 11-12

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The secret is out. Now what?
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Part 5 of the 38 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/25/2021
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THE BIG TITS CLUB by bluedragon


-- CHAPTER 11: Naimh --


"Hey, Matty?" Belle called. "Can you get the fancy plates out?"

Glancing over my shoulder, I nodded to Belle, set down the romaine lettuce I'd been shredding for the salad, and went to the sink to wash my hands. Heading out to the dining room, I opened the china cabinet and pulled out the "fancy plates" as Belle put it, along with the matching serving platters, gravy boat, and crystal stemware. It was customary for us to use these only for special occasions, like tonight's Thanksgiving Dinner.

I brought everything back into the kitchen for a quick rinse. Belle and I shared the space on autopilot, working in silence. Midway through rinsing, she bumped my hip with her elbow, and I automatically slid out of the way so she could clean her hands.

Mr. K poked his head into the kitchen and asked, "Anything I can do to help?"

"Nope," I replied immediately without looking up while I hand-dried the china.

"We got it, Dad," Belle added without looking up as she went back to the turkey. "Almost ready."

Mr. K chuckled and returned to the living room. On his way, I heard him comment, "They're so cute together."

"Of course," Mother replied. "They're a properly domesticated couple."

I tuned out the rest of the conversation and busied myself with everything else I needed to do for dinner. Mother was right: Belle and I were properly domesticated, and this was our third year handling Thanksgiving Dinner without parental support. Well, to be fair this was our third year handling it without Belle's dad's support. Mother had never really been involved, and she was the type that if you told her just once that you didn't need her assistance, that was good enough for her.

Ten minutes later, I plopped the finished turkey onto the big serving platter, Belle went and told our parents to please have a seat at the table, and the two of us started ferrying out all the food.

Taking holiday meals together had become something of a tradition for our two families ever since Belle's mom died. Mr. K and Mother were comfortable around each other, although it was clear there was no trace of chemistry between them. Tonight's meal was much like any other: unhurried, unpretentious, and utterly mundane. Mother and Mr. K did most of the talking, as they were the ones who hadn't seen much of each other for the past several months. And at the end of the evening, Mother and I walked back home.

As soon as we walked back inside our house, Mother turned to me with a gleam in her eye. "He has NO idea what you're doing with his little girl, does he?"

I blinked in surprise, pausing halfway through the process of hanging my jacket on the coat rack. "Um, what?"

Mother just gave me a look. She knew I'd heard her.

"Uh... well..." I stammered before admitting, "I had been wondering if he'd started to suspect."

Mother snorted and shook her head. "He doesn't have a clue."

"You can tell that?"

Mother rolled her eyes at me and put away her coat. With her back to me, she continued, postulating, "Perhaps he has a blind spot for you. You're the son he never had, after all. You're the golden child who can do no wrong in his eyes. And he still believes his daughter is the same innocent, adoring virgin she's always been." Mother glanced back at me. "For now."

"For now?"

Mother turned to face me, took a deep breath, and gave me a look with genuine concern in her eyes. "Be careful, Matthew. Belle isn't just any ordinary girl you can sleep with and abandon."

I frowned. "I have no intention of--"

"I didn't suggest you did," Mother interrupted. "Just keep in mind that you don't have the luxury of breaking up with her and never seeing her again. Belle's father will find out eventually, one way or another. Once that happens, the dynamic of these little holiday dinners is going to change. Whether it changes for the better or worse depends on you."

I blinked again. "That's... kinda heavy..."

Mother's smile was thin. "You're an adult now. Get used to shouldering the weight."

And then she headed upstairs.


Except for Belle, I didn't see any of the BTC girls until Saturday. Thanksgiving was a family holiday, of course, and Black Friday had always been the busiest shopping day of the year.

To me, a Friday off from school suggested sleeping in until noon, not waking up before dawn in order to get in line at the nearest big box store to get doorbuster deals on the latest cameras, computers, and other electronic gadgets. Nor did it suggest heading straight to the mall to buy overpriced clothing at a huge discount to bring them down to only "kinda" overpriced clothing. But that's me.

The girls on the other hand, were going to the mall in pairs. At least they never tried to drag me with them for Black Fridays, saying I'd just slow them down. And even after Wednesday's little catastrophic drive back from San Francisco, nothing was going to get in the way of their shopping day.

Belle came over a little after 4pm after her shopping trip with Mari, wearing some of her new purchases. I was thankful she hadn't arrived holding three or four shopping bags, expecting me to sit through a fashion show. I WAS happy to see her new lingerie, on the other hand. I was even happier to slowly peel her out of the brand-new lingerie, shove my head between her legs, and express my admiration by slithering my tongue up her slit. I ate her to two orgasms before crawling up her body, notching myself in her folds, and slowly pressing inside. Her soreness was pretty much gone by now, and I slow-dicked her to another blissful orgasm before pulling out and letting her swallow my load.

The second time, she let me fuck her from behind, and my little Annabelle waddled home with my cum squishing inside her cunt.

It had been the calm before the storm.

Saturday morning, the girls arrived.


We weren't supposed to meet up on Saturday, at least not as a group of seven. The girls all had families and friends and people who expected them to spend quality time together on weekends, especially holiday weekends. But every single one of them showed up promptly by 10am, as had been agreed upon by the end of that fateful Wednesday afternoon drive.

We were supposed to have driven back to my house after visiting the city Wednesday afternoon. We were supposed to have changed into swimsuits, collected in the hot tub, and gotten a little frisky. At one point in Chinatown, Sam whispered into my ear about how she was going to get all the girls to take off their bikinis in the hot tub and start grinding on me until my balls were the size of grapefruits so I would have an extra big load when I finally gave Belle a facial.

But Wednesday didn't turn out like that.

Belle came over early. Neither of us was horny, but it was nice to hold each other all the same. Mari and Alice arrived soon after, and then Naimh. And at 10:00am on the dot, Sam and Zofi rang the doorbell.

We gathered in front of the TV, as always. I sat in the corner for once, with Belle on the middle cushion and Mari next to her. Sam and Zofi were on the loveseat. Alice was in the armchair. And Naimh paced nervously back and forth behind her.

None of us knew quite how to start. Sam was the alpha, the one who always got the discussion going. But she stared down at her lap, holding Zofi's hand between both of hers for reassurance. Belle was pretty quiet, too. She wasn't on trial the way Sam was, since we still hadn't told anybody we'd been having sex. But in the course of Wednesday afternoon's little furball in the van, it had come out that Sam, Belle, and I had engaged in a threesome of sorts, which meant that Belle had prior knowledge of said de-virginization before Sam's admission in the car. And of course, as party to the crime, I'd obviously had prior knowledge as well.

Naimh, unsurprisingly, broke the awkward tension. But the manner in which she spoke surprised us all. "I forgive you, Sam," were the first words out of her mouth.

"What?" Sam asked in surprise.

Everyone else looked at each other in shock, and then at Naimh as she walked around the armchair and stood in front of the TV. "I know I was angrier than anyone on Wednesday. Gingers are known for their tempers, after all, and Irish gingers are even worse. But that was three days ago and I've had a lot of time to think since then."

Naimh took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and gave Sam a sincere look. "You were my first friend when I came to the States. You welcomed me into this special club with the unfortunate name. You introduced me to my best friends, and you introduced me to him." The redhead turned to look at me with a warm smile.

"I've asked myself several times what I would have done in your situation," Naimh continued. "All dressed up with hair and makeup, feeling like a princess... Matty in a nice suit and dashing like a prince... Big empty house and no other girls to distract him..."

"You already said what you'd do," Alice challenged. "In the van, you said the group meant more to you than sex."

"I know I did. It's really easy to promise that in a van coming home from a group trip," Naimh told Alice before turning her attention to Sam. "I imagine it must've been a lot more difficult alone in a bedroom when the clothes are off and his face is in your crotch."

Sam looked down and squeezed Zofi's hand between hers. "You're being very generous, Neevie."

Naimh sighed. "I'm not happy about what happened, but I do forgive you. At the end of the day, I think ostracizing you over this would do more to break up the BTC than you having sex with him would. The club means more to me than having sex with Matty, and it certainly means a lot more to me than holding a grudge against Sam."

"She betrayed the BTC," Alice yelled angrily. "She's the one who came up with The Rule in the first place, and SHE'S the one who violated it!"

Naimh shrugged and said, "I would be a hypocrite if I didn't admit I was main one pointing out The Rule says we can't 'date' him and says nothing about fucking him."

"That's not what The Rule means anymore, and you know it!" Alice seethed.

"I knew The Rule," Sam spoke up. "And I know I violated it. I didn't mean to. It was an emotional night and everything just sort of happened."

Sam looked at me, and all of a sudden everyone else was looking at me, too. The details of that night hadn't really been discussed on Wednesday, just the fact that she'd mounted herself on me before I'd realized what was going on. In this, Sam had taken full responsibility and the girls held me blameless, even when I pointed out I knew exactly what I was doing when Sam and I had a repeat on Monday with Belle watching. "I genuinely believe she didn't mean for it to happen," I stated sincerely. "I mean, she didn't like... oops... accidentally fall and land on my dick. But... yeah... it was an emotional night."

Everyone collectively pondered that.

"Can I say something?" Mari asked quietly. She'd been very quiet on Wednesday, not saying much if anything when all hell broke loose aside from some surprised squawking, and it was a little surprising to hear her speak up now. Everyone looked around for a second and gave her their full attention. "I forgive her, too. To be perfectly honest, I'd always assumed one of you would sleep with him eventually. How could it NOT happen? There are still, what, nine months until we go to college? No way was everyone going to limit themselves to blowjobs and eating pussy until then. You guys are all such vibrant and sexy young women. We could all see how much things were escalating. And Sam... well... you've always been our leader. It sorta even makes sense that you'd be his first. I kinda get the impression you'd have been really mad if someone else had him before you, like that thing with Holly. You're... uh... competitive... that way."

Sam turned pink in embarrassment, but she didn't disagree.

"And even for me, once I realized it was going to happen eventually, I... uh... well..." Mari blushed and stared nervously into her own lap as her voice trailed off. Belle reached out to hold her best friend's hand. And we all waited patiently for her to find her voice.

Mari shot an embarrassed look at me and went back to intensely scrutinizing her own lap. She paused, took a deep breath, and added, "Honestly... I... I mean I was hoping..." She stopped, took another deep breath, and finally looked over at me. "Will you take my virginity someday, Matty?"

The room went silent. Everyone suddenly stared at me.

"I... uh..." I took a deep breath of my own to collect myself before finishing rather formally, "I'd be honored."

"Someday, not today," Mari added quickly, before exhaling in a loud rush of released tension. "I mean, I'm totally not ready yet."

I exhaled in relief too. "Uh, yeah. That's... uh, no problem."

Mari started crying then - not sad tears nor happy tears, really - more like tears released along with her tension. It was immediately obvious how much that admission had taken emotionally for Mari, and Belle slid over to hug her best friend. Even Alice, who was still upset, got out of the armchair to hug Mari from the other side. Naimh came over as well, and finally Sam and Zofi got up and reached in to rub a shoulder or arm or whatever they could reach. Lastly, I put my long arms around the group.

Eventually, though, the group hug disengaged. First I and then the girls backed off one at a time, like peeling layers of an onion, until only Belle and Mari remained. Mari was crying softly, and Belle was crying with her, and that's when Belle admitted through her own tears, "I've been having sex with Matty all week."

You could actually hear the air get sucked out of the room it happened so fast. Naimh was the first to regain her voice, squawking, "Wait, WHAT?"

Sam shot me a look right away, and I shrugged helplessly. She and Zofi were still kneeling on the floor just in front of Mari, and Zofi's mouth gaped open in shock while she covered it with both hands, her eyes wide as saucers. Alice had returned to the armchair and now planted both forearms on her spread knees, hanging her head down and shaking it slowly. And Naimh stood up and frowned, furrowing her eyebrows while lost in thought.

Belle started unspooling the story, still crying but obviously needing to get this off her chest. She explained about me visiting on Sunday afternoon to tell her about my post-wedding encounter with Sam, getting so angry with me at first and then following me back to my house still yelling while her dad just smirked at us, and then ultimately seducing me. She then explained how painful losing her virginity felt the first time because she was in too much of a hurry and we didn't prep her enough, but how the second time was so much better. And when she started explaining that she became so sore afterwards she could barely walk for a few days, Mari interrupted to exclaim, "I THOUGHT you were walking funny!"

The girls actually started laughing, even Alice, and for the first time I started to think everything just might turn out alright. And that's when Naimh walked over, tapped my shoulder, and muttered brusquely, "Come on."

I'd been smiling at Belle and Mari laughing together while wiping their tears, but now looked up at Naimh in surprise. "Huh?"

The gorgeous redhead looked at me patiently, giving me a few seconds to figure it out before she repeated, "Come on. It's time."

I blinked in surprise. "What, now?"

Naimh laughed lightly before giving me a deadly serious look. "I've already been waiting for months, and I'm not waiting a minute longer than I have to. COME ON." Suiting action to her words, she grabbed my hand and physically pulled until I stood up.

I glanced back behind me while Naimh dragged me toward the stairs. I saw first Sam staring after us, and then my eyes met Belle's a second later. Sam was grinning, but Belle actually looked a little jealous. Then again, I figured Belle merely wished she could come watch.

Feeling my hesitance, Naimh glanced over and found me gazing back at the others. She stopped tugging my hand, which made me look at her. And after pursing her lips, Naimh's jaw set as she came to a decision and abruptly started dragging me back into the family room.

"Uh, are we not doing this?" I asked dumbfoundedly.

The gorgeous redhead shook her head, stating, "Changed my mind."

I misunderstood her. I thought she meant she'd changed her mind about having sex with me, but she was in a different head-space than me. Naimh actually meant she'd changed her mind about the location, something I didn't realize until she parked me back on the couch, knelt before me, and started tugging my pants off.

"Whoa, what?" I squawked in surprise once my pants and underwear hit the back of my knees. I wasn't remotely hard, but Naimh was determined. "I thought you just said..."

She seemed to realize my confusion, flashed me a grin, and explained, "Oh, we're still DOING this. We're just doing it right here."

Sam gawked at us, chirping, "After all that bitching about getting your own one-on-one?"

"I told you," Naimh said while tugging down her own jeans, which took a little effort since they were tight enough to seem spray-painted onto her. I watched the way the redhead's big tits wobbled in her t-shirt as she did so. "The BTC means more to me than sex. Being with my best friends means more to me than fucking him, which is why I've waited this long as it is."

I'd been waiting a long time, too, and watching the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen stripping herself down before me with the full knowledge of her intent to finally fuck me, I started getting hard despite myself. The sight of her neatly trimmed red beaver, proving the carpet matched the drapes, had me salivating, and Naimh giggled when she saw the direction my gaze.

"See something you like?"

I grinned and looked up at her pretty face. "Yeah... I still love your eyes."

Naimh laughed and reached for the hem of her t-shirt. But she paused before removing it, instead reaching up behind her back and unclasping her bra. "I know you love my eyes, but I think there are two other things you're dying to see right now." With that, she wriggled and slipped her hands inside her sleeves to pull the strap off one shoulder and then the entire bra out through the opposite armhole. When she was done, she was still wearing the tight t-shirt, but now her erect nipples were making prominent dents in the cotton fabric.

I blinked and stared at those headlights, nodding, "You have my full attention."

Now I've said before that Naimh was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen, but I don't think I've spent nearly enough time waxing poetic about her incredible body. Zofi had the slender model's build, and both Sam and Mari had more outrageous curves that simply screamed, 'FUCK ME'! Naimh was somewhere in the middle, not quite as tall as Zofi and not quite as curvaceous as Sam or Mari. Instead, it seemed like she possessed the best features of all of them. Still tall and slender but packed with Double-D curves and a tight ass, Naimh was a copper-haired comic book heroine brought to life. Her emerald-green eyes were large and luminous. Her face was high-cheekboned perfection. Her fiery hair flowed in silky waves around her face. On a scale of 1 to 10, she was an 11, and I'd wanted to fuck the shit out of her from the moment I saw her.

I had that same look in my eyes today, and Naimh recognized it immediately. With a grin, the busty redhead pulled the hem of the t-shirt up to the lower edge of her tits, paused, and then slowly inched the fabric upward to reveal the curvature of her underboob. She stopped again just before revealing her nipples, wiggled her torso a bit to make those puppies dance, and laughed when I groaned in anticipation. I'd seen her tits before, obviously. I'd freaking hosed down her tits with my cum a few times by now. But no matter how many times I'd already seen her naked breasts in the past few weeks, a slow reveal like this had me enraptured like it was the very first time.