The Defiled Temple Ch. 02


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"Coming Pugward?" Shanti asked before Malika could speak. Her husky voice seemed rather a little too excited. "Malika and myself are going upstairs and I'm going to lick her sweet pussy on Eluria's bed."

Malika gasped in surprise at the ebon skinned girl's lewd statement but certainly didn't have any complaints with her plan. Looking over to Pugward once again, she smiled at him and leaned down to offer her hand so that he could climb up onto her shoulders.

Minutes later the trio had once again emerged into the main hall where they found the apprentices. The robed girls were walking in amidst the carnage and gore of the fallen demons and unconscious sorceress'. Some were still evidently nervous and when one of the corpses of the headless demons gave a death rattle as gases from within its body escaped through its open windpipe a nearby apprentice screamed and jumped into the arms of one of her companions. Eventually one of them walked up to the corpse and tentatively poked it with a wand that one of the sorceresses had been carrying. When nothing happened they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Malika what did you do?" Shanti asked in awe as she saw the results of the sisterhood's complete and utter defeat.

"I hardly did anything. It was all Pugward." She had to give credit where it was due.

"Oh stop, yer gonna make me blush!" The imp put on a faux bashful expression from his seat upon Malika's shoulders.

"But, you've annihilated the entire sisterhood!" The ramifications of just what Malika and Pugward had done were only now dawning on her as she surveyed the massacre.

The wandering apprentices turned to look over at Malika and her demonic companion. There wasn't a single scratch on her fair porcelain skin and there was plenty of it in view given that the sorceress had yet to change out of her ritual adornments. Her bare breasts with their hard little pink nipples were in full view and the transparent material that covered her legs did little to hide her thin black strip of hair or the pink slit beneath it that was now glistening slightly in the aftermath of Shanti's kisses.

Almost at once every apprentice except Shanti fell to their knees and lowered their heads in submission to their new leader.

"You are the High Sorceress, Malika." Shanti voiced all of their thoughts.

"No! No you are all free to go home. You have families waiting for you out there, the records of where you were taken are locked away in the library but I can open them to you. I do not follow the way of Lagria any more."

"Way to go Legs." She heard Pugward secretly whisper in her ear. Apparently the imp was proud of her.

There was a low moan of a familiar voice that interrupted all of their thoughts. All heads turned to see Eluria stir from her unconsciousness and rise up to sit and lower her head into her hand. The first thing she noticed was that her breasts were completely uncovered and seemed to have grown in size considerably. A baffled expression fell across her face before she seemed to recall what had happened and her head snapped up to look at the apprentices, her emerald green eyes eventually settling on Malika and Pugward.

"You!" She screamed with rage and many of the apprentices fell back with fright, scrambling back toward the walls of the great hall.

"Hey, look who's awake!" Pugward clapped his hands together gleefully.

"I'll rip your flesh from your bones Malika! I'll cast your soul down to the pit to be feasted upon for all eternity!" The former high sorceress stood up, apparently unaware she was completely powerless as she stormed across the room toward Malika.

Shanti looked between them uncertainly, waiting for her friend to do something.

"Stop." Pugward's voice rang clear in Eluria's ears and she found herself almost falling flat on her face as her bare feet simply would not take another step.

There was a moment that the violet haired woman seemed amazed at her inability to move though the viciousness soon returned to her eyes.

"Deckler! Kill them!" Her high pitched voice sounded like nails dragging over smooth steel.

Pugward sighed, shaking his head before jumping from Malika's shoulders. Eluria's eyes followed him until she saw what had happened to Deckler. Pugward stopped beside the corpse of the fallen demon and reached out to grab a flap of skin at the top and bottom of his neck where his head had once been attached.

"Dur, I don' wanna put up with your shit anymore bitch." Pugward said whilst opening and closing together the two flaps of flesh and doing his best impersonation of the dim witted Deckler. "You were always shit in the sack!"

Eluria stared slack jawed as the imp mocked her and a nervous twitter of laughter filled the room from the other apprentices. The demonstration that the sorceress was powerless certainly had the desired effect.

"'Atta boy dumbass, always knew you had it in ya." Pugward gave the dead demon's shoulder an affectionate slap before turning back to look at Eluria. His grin turned downright malevolent right about then. "You tried to kill my boss. Normally I'd be injecting boilin' hot mercury into your eyeballs right about now but you've got a nice ass and my main lady over there says I can keep you. Boy are we gonna have some fun."

Malika watched as Pugward steepled his claws together and scampered toward Eluria. She made a promise to herself to try to never ever get on Pugward's bad side.

"This will not stand! I will summon all the fires of hell to scorch you from the face of the earth! I will..."

"Shut up." Surprisingly it was one of the apprentices that had spoken up. A woman in her nineteenth year called Valeska who Eluria had always taken a special pleasure in tormenting.

The girl turned to the imp, her expression somewhat apologetic for interrupting what he was doing. He only winked at her in approval.

The apprentices' words had certainly taken effect as Eluria's mouth clamped shut and her screams of vengeance turned into muffled squeaks. As Pugward stepped closer she began to reach out to claw at the air just in front of him though she couldn't move forward with her feet still apparently glued to the ground.

"Reach down and take off your underwear." Pugward ordered.

Eluria's hands quickly pulled back and she slipped her thumbs under the thin string of her silvery thong to pull it down over her legs and let it slip onto the floor. Malika watched as the woman bent over and presented her bare pussy to the eyes of everyone in the hallway. Much to Malika's surprise there was a small tuft of light purple hair above the woman's pussy and she saw that Eluria had a rather puffy set of lower lips. Given the fact that she would have had to pleasure Deckler regularly it didn't surprise her that the former sorceress' pussy appeared a little pink and sore.

As soon as her underwear was removed she reached back to try and grab Pugward to strangle him.

"Bend over, arms at your sides." Eluria felt herself follow the imp's orders, her arms suddenly feeling a magnetic pull toward her body as she bent over. Her large breasts swayed like pendulums before settling to hang beneath her and her hair fell down around her face.

The nervous giggles of the apprentices emerged into full blown laughter at seeing her being ordered around by the little creature. Eluria began to panic, her eyes darting about desperately for some way to escape as her anger gave way to the realisation of just how much trouble she was in. None of her magics were working, she felt completely normal without the presence of Deckler's spirit inside her. The great hall was cold and she could no longer magically warm herself and the imp did not seem to be in a forgiving mood. What was he going to do? Fuck her in front of the apprentices? She had certainly done much worse to them in the past.

Instead of screwing her however, Pugward reached up to grab hold of her rigid arm and hauled himself up onto her back. Bent over as she was he was comfortably able to sit there without sliding off. His spider-like fingers slipped through her hair and he pulled two long tufts to tug her head backwards. She let out a muffled yell of pain as her eyes wildly looked around her for any help from her other sisters but found them all still unconscious.

"Now, let's start with a walk." Pugward ordered as he gave her hair a little pull and she found herself walking forwards. He didn't want to fuck her! He wanted to turn her into a damn pack mule!

The little imp rode on Eluria's back around the hall, eventually developing her pace into a brisk run. Of course he made sure to run her through every single pile of demon brains, gristle and sinew he found. The apprentices were now actively cheering him on and clapping as he made her jump over Deckler's large body several times as if he were a show horse. Her large breasts bounced with every step and Eluria was terrified to feel a dark tingle deep inside her pussy at being so humiliated.

Eventually she was ridden towards Malika and Shanti and saw Shanti with her hands cutching her sides and hunched over due to the show the little imp had put on. Malika herself had her hand over her mouth and was giggling at seeing the woman who once inspired so much terror being reduced to a mount.

"Mmmmrffff! Mmmrrrrff!" Eluria's screams of rage between clamped teeth did not help her dignity.

"Didn't want to give you a hunchback with sittin' on yer shoulders all the time boss." Pugward explained to Malika as he tugged on the 'reins' of his new mount in an effort to get her to stop mumbling.

The imp's actions had given the apprentices new confidence and Malika saw they were turning to the other sisters who were still unconscious and venting their long held frustrations.

"Hold!" Malika raised her hand for silence and stillness before she had a lynch mob on her hands. "Leave them. They will be taken care of I assure you. You may stay here for tonight in any room you like except for Eluria's since Shanti and myself have our heart's set on..." She turned to her friend and ran her tongue across her full lips. "...exploring Eluria's chambers."

Shanti grinned showing perfect white teeth, silently approving of Malika's orders.

"Tomorrow we will find your families and return you to your homes." The sorceress finished.

"What if we do not wish to return?" It was Valeska who stepped forwards. "Many of us have only known this temple. I for one would follow you Malika in whatever you chose to do here."

The words weighed on Malika's mind somewhat. She hadn't considered that some of the girls might want to stay here and certainly didn't realise that they were now her responsibility.

"Hey, the boss is bushed. Or maybe she wants to enjoy some bush. Either way don't ya think she's done enough for you today? Y'all can argue tomorrow. Right now I've been promised some serious girl on girl action and I wanna collect." Pugward's words both calmed the atmosphere in the room a little and turned Malika a shade of fluorescent pink. Shanti only smiled at him and reached out to give her friend's hand a reassuring squeeze.

The apprentices began to talk amongst themselves and disperse from the hallway. Some approached Malika and wanted to thank her personally and offer their support. Strangely none of them had been so ingrained in the cult of Lagria that they felt loyal enough to try and help Eluria. Some of the girls approached Pugward curiously and as he waited for Malika and Shanti to say goodbye to them all he lit up another cigar and leaned back to rest his hands on the soft curve of Eluria's ass. None of the apprentices dared speak to him but he did leer at a few who got a little too close.

"So what are we doing with the sisters?" Shanti asked once the last of the apprentices had gone to find rooms for themselves.

"I say we get 'em some poles installed and put on a show!" Pugward offered his centuries worth of wisdom.

"I'm not sure." Malika replied, ignoring the imp since she didn't really know what he was talking about. "We could put them in the cells below the temple until we decide what to do with them. Pugward, Could you send them there and lock the doors?"

"Sure thing Sweet Thighs." The imp turned Eluria about and made a few intricate patterns in the air with his claws.

The unconscious bodies of the sisters began to disappear one by one in a series of bright green flashes. When the last one had gone the imp clapped his hands together and the bodies of the demons vanished too along with their gooey entrails.

"What did you do with the thralls?" Shanti asked as she walked across the marble floors, admiring the shine the little imp's magic had left upon their surface.

"Sent 'em to their mistresses cells, re-animated what was left of 'em and 'den gave 'em a serious craving for pussy." He grabbed ahold of Eluria's long hair again and jabbed his heels into her sides to have her skip across the hallway.

"Pugward!" Malika's eyes widened at him, horrified he would do such a thing.

"Relax! I was kiddin', they're on the trash heap outside. Their brains were smellin' up the joint."

With a sigh of relief Malika joined him and Shanti and began to walk toward the stairs that led upwards to the sleeping chambers. Pugward followed them up the stairs in spite of having a little trouble manoeuvring Eluria up them. She didn't seem to be able to keep bent over and walk up a staircase at the same time. Pugward had to crawl up on her shoulders so she could stand up straight and carry him along with them. It was an incredible comfort to her back when he told her she could straighten up. It wasn't just the imp sat on her back but also the weight from her engorged boobs that made the position so uncomfortable.

"Eluria, lead us to your rooms." Malika ordered as she discovered the higher levels of the temple to be much more complex than she had thought. On her previous visit she had been taken straight up a long spiral staircase to the tallest tower and wasn't able to appreciate just how much like a labyrinth the place was.

"Mrrrrff!" The former high sorceress looked as if she was ready to flay someone.

- - - - -

That didn't stop her obediently walking them to her rooms however and they stopped in front of the doors. Without her magic she couldn't open them herself and had to rely on the imp to send a surge of energy forward that blew them wide open.

Malika suddenly giggled uncontrollably and Pugward turned to see Shanti running her fingertips under the woman's arms before reaching up to cup her large bare tits and squeeze enticingly. The pair seemed to forget about Pugward and Eluria and stumbled into the room fumbling with each other's garments. Luckily all Malika had to do was slide the apprentice robe from Malika's shoulders and the girl was completely naked once again. For her part, Shanti became annoyed with the flimsy belt that held Malika's skirt together and ripped it open.

"Now we're cookin'." Pugward observed lecherously. "Put me down over there. Gently."

Eluria felt her hands reach up to carefully lift him from her shoulders and carry him over to the leather seat that overlooked the bed. His skin felt a little rough and scaly beneath her fingers and she found that after holding him her hands were coated in a thin layer of clear slime.

Malika and Shanti fell onto the silk sheets of the bed in each other's arms. Their hands traced exploring caresses across their bodies. Shanti felt so firm and strong against her slender fingers and Malika found herself letting her fingertips follow the well defined distinctly feminine musculature of the girl beneath her. Likewise Shanti's hands couldn't keep themselves away from Malika's creamy tits. She found she could draw the sweetest moans from between those full lips if she lightly pinched the hardened pink nipples on those incredible tits.

It wasn't long before Malika lowered herself to lie atop her new lover, her light alabaster skin contrasting against the rich dark hue of Shanti's. Their soft breasts mushed together as their mouths once again re-discovered the pleasures of their kiss. They were completely lost to the world, knowing only the touch of the other and the desperate need that was growing within them.

Pugward watched the whole thing with a perverted gleam in his eyes.

"This is way better than the pay-per-view shit on cable." He confided to no one in particular as he slid his shorts down his stumpy legs.

Eluria couldn't help but see the imp's small cock resting against his thigh. In proportion she supposed he might have been quite well hung but since he was only three feet tall it was still only two and a half inches. It was the same shade of sickly green as the rest of him with a few darker green spots along the length that she supposed were either natural colourations of his skin or possibly marks of disease.

The naked imp slouched back upon the seat, his cock slowly growing harder between his legs as he watched the two women attempt to devour each other. His long wiry arms stretched out beside him as he took in the view with a rusty sigh of contentment. Beside him Eluria stood fixed to the spot, unable to move or speak and still stark naked as she looked between the imp and the two women currently busy messing up her bed sheets.

"Hey bitch, whilst you're hangin' about why don't ya get me a beer?" Turned his head to look at Eluria.

The woman didn't move. Though she couldn't disobey him the woman simply didn't know where to find any beer. She had none stocked in the temple and without Deckler to transport her she didn't even know where the nearest village was off the top of her head.

"What!? No beer! You gotta be kiddin' me!? An' I hate conjured crap too. Always tastes like freakin' ash." One of his arms moved to allow him to scratch the end of his chin as he considered his options.

Shanti suddenly grabbed Malika's wrists in her hands and pinned them over the woman's head. Their searing kiss ended and their gazes met once more. The younger woman rolled off Malika before turning about and lowering her head toward her sweet prize. As Malika felt the hold on her wrists subside Shanti swung her leg over to allow the sorceress' crimson coloured eyes to look up between those thighs. She saw Shanti's dark pussy lips swollen with arousal and flanking the rich pink folds of her glistening slit. Malika slowly lifted her head to kiss those lips and taste her first pussy but was halted as she felt Shanti's mouth descend on her own highly aroused cunt. The feel of a tongue lapping against her so eagerly made Malika moan with delight, her heat of her breath caressed Shanti's most sensitive places. After a moment in which she savoured the pleasure she went to return it, opening her mouth to slip her tongue deep into the sticky sweet pussy of her friend. They were both inexperienced but made up for it with enthusiasm as they experienced sudden sharp jolts of intense pleasure and found each other's sweet spots.

Pugward watched all this and then looked back to Eluria. She did not like the look on his face one bit.

"I know what I wanna drink of. Put one of your feet up here." He ordered her patting the leather covered seat next to him.

She shuddered at the thought but found herself lifting one of her legs to place a bare foot where he had told her. This had the notable effect of presenting him with her own puffed up pussy and betraying her arousal at being shown off like a mare. A single drop of her juices trickled down along her inner thigh and the imp reached out to wipe it up with his finger.

"Mmmrrrff!" She screamed at him through jaws that would not open, her eyes bulged with renewed fury at being sampled in such a way.

Pugward lifted the finger to his mouth and licked off her juices like a connoisseur sampling a fine wine. He didn't spit it out after he'd finished tasting.