The Mother I Never Knew Ch. 04


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I imagined she felt humbled and unappreciated for the first two minutes when I gave her a wink.

"Reach behind Sienna and feel her up," I directed Heidi. Heidi tentatively took to the task; not to humble her but to spread the pleasure. Heidi began to relish the pleasure, given and received, painful or playful. She stroked from Sienna's tailbone to beyond my sight but Sienna was liking it.

I did some rapid thrusts into Heidi's rectum before bringing a second finger into the fun.

"Touch Sienna's pussy," I directed Heidi. She worked three fingers in then drew them up for my inspection. Sienna sighed happily.

"Now spank that ass and finger-fuck my Mom," I commanded as I ran my hand to Heidi's left nipple clamp and started twisting it.

I had figured out that nipple clamps could be hellishly painful (though getting Heidi to confess what was what had been torturous) but I now knew what was painful for her and what might actually hurt her. For half an hour afterwards she had that kind of clingy playfulness that I was becoming addicted to – like I had done something really good for her.

Soon Heidi had rested her head on Mom's back, listening to her breathing and heart-rate while spanking her huge, inviting ass cheeks. She was also paying attention to Mom's signals to map out Sienna's orgasmic triggers and soon was working them over intently. Lucky me, Sienna retaliated by gobbling my cock all the way down, nose in my pubes and slurping up my meat greedily and lubricating the shaft with her spit.

"Oh fuck, Sienna!" I howled, overwhelmed in the moment and forgetting to warn her. Hot semen pumped up her throat, gagged her, and she spewed it back down. Heidi figured out Sienna's distress quickly and raised her head off Sienna's back, allowing Mom to get on all fours, coughing up the mess in her trachea.

"God damn it, Joshua, I'm so sorry," Mom pleaded like my lack of a warning had been her fault.

"Cum like the hot prison bitch you are, Sienna," I mastered the situation. "Heidi is going to break you in and then you two are both going to clean me up, damn it."

"Heidi, don't let her rest," I drilled her eyes. "After all, the more time you spend on her, the more time I'm going to have to punish her later – only her pussy and lips though."

Heidi reached for Sienna's right check, pulled her head around and began lapping up the cum and saliva there. Her hand was working like an epileptic blender and two minor tremors wracked Sienna's mature muscled form then she hissed out an orgasm and Heidi looked my way, eyes more akin to the electric laughter I knew was within her.

She didn't wait for Sienna's moment of fatigue to lapse, falling on my mostly rigid cock like a rabid minx. When she decided to give Sienna a moment cleansing me, Heidi seemed virtually angelic.

"I am so glad I get to play with Sienna, Joshua," Heidi sighed. It took that to mean being 'top' to Sienna.

"Kitten," Sienna exhaled a deep breath, "I'm so happy you are part of the family," which caused Heidi to kiss Sienna on the lips then give me an embrace full of longing and warmth. By the time we came up for air, Sienna was done though she continued to plant kisses on my phallus and lower stomach.

"That's some good dick," she murmured, recalling her handful of years with my Dad – when he wasn't being a total bastard.

"Mm hmm," Heidi agreed. "He is the best I've ever had." I knew she said it to make me feel good and it worked.

I felt pretty proud of myself and of how I'd grown more responsible and confident in my strength.

"Bedtime," I announced as Mom's show went to the 'next week' teaser.

"Do I have to wear clothes to bed tonight?" Heidi asked innocently.

"Yes; full body latex suit, suspended from the ceiling like a spider," I answered authoritatively. Mom and Heidi drew up short somewhat taken with the idea.

"No you two," I threw my arms up high. "Mom with night shirt, underwear and those comfort handcuffs. Heidi you get to wear either a bodice or stockings and garter belt. First you two clean up here while I'll check the e-mails."

"Would you be angry if I wanted to wear both," Heidi inquired sheepishly. When I stopped to think about it, I was bombarded with, "Please, please, please," around the volume of a sprite's prayer.

"If I let you wear both tonight, I'm picking out what you wear tomorrow," I glared. Heidi looked gob-smacked.

"No," she replied in a small voice. "I'll wear the stocking, garter belt and be good."

"Pity," Mom chuckled, "that would be the only way to see her in that Beige Power Suit you made her buy. I actually want to use my black one sometime soon Joshua."

"We still need a good tattoo place," I reminded her. "Can you find one?"

"Sure; not every contact I made in Marymount was part of the gang. If it is a place in New Jersey, you and – well you can give blood immediately," Mom shrugged.

We chuckled and parted ways on that bizarre note. Soon enough we had gathered in our sleeping spots. Mom had said her good-nights and gone away; sleeping alone meant no handcuffs.

Heidi tossed and turned with me for a bit when I divined the problem. I got up while she watched, got three pillows to fence Heidi in next to me then resumed my sleeping position.

"I'm sorry for missing Sienna, Joshua," Heidi trembled. "Are you going to make me sleep on the cold, hard floor?"

"I think she gave us the night alone because she loves you so much she wanted to give you some time when it is just you and me," I confided. "To be truthful, I fucked her pretty hard this morning and I think she loved it. Now cuddle close to me and keep me warm, damn it. That's what I want and you had better do what I want, right?" I barked.

"Of course Joshua," she shivered. I had to drag Heidi's left leg and arm over my body but once she was there she clearly relaxed.

"Can I ask you an impertinent question?" she shook slightly.

"When you act with blind obedience, you steal from me your creativity that I cherish," I laid down the law. "If you are mine, you give me everything and you expect my best too."

"Do you want to disappoint me?" I asked softly.

"No," she gasped. "Please believe that your happiness is all that matters to me...ah and Sienna's happiness to," she added all on her own.

"I'm glad," I rubbed my nose against her nose, "because she'd spank you like a monkey if you said her name first."

"You laugh when you are afraid," she whispered that revelation, "like you get so quiet before you ready yourself to work violence."

"It was something I learned when I was in high school – when my mind and body got ready for pain I shut down every emotion and anything else that interfered with my reactions and planning."

She gazed at me quizzically. I nodded and she hugged me tightly. "It lets you be strong and fearless when you need to be. It helps me trust you the better I know you. I also bet Sienna was ecstatic that you've moved passed your foolish taboo. Isn't love the most important thing?"

"Only if you get to see that I am becoming more aggressive in our relationships and I love you for your part in it," I pointed out.

"Okay," she whimpered, hating to admit that I didn't want her as a doormat, but as a lover and her own woman – kooky but well worth it. Of course a warm Heidi rubbing against me had the inevitable physical reaction. "Are you going to play with my poor burnt up little bottom?"

"Nope – crawl over me, get a condom, put it on me then mount me cowgirl," I instructed her. "Those breasts look so inviting and ignored, except for those tender nipples and I'm going to get those too."

Heidi nearly burned the skin off my body as she vaulted off of me. Fifteen minutes later our sweaty bodies stuck together and sexuality hung heavy in the air.

"If I'm gone when you wake up, what will you do?" Heidi panted.

"Go looking for you, Heidi," I answered. She kissed me at the spot where the shoulder, chest and arm met before drifting off to sleep.

The doorbell roused me from a sound sleep. Heidi was still groggy when I slipped on my shorts, took my .40 from the bed stand and headed to the front. Sienna gave me a look from the door to check and see if I wanted her to lie low or back me up. My nod told her I felt I'd be okay...or at least okay long enough for her to get another gun and come to my rescue.

The windows were telling me that a steady rain was coming down. I practiced a trick Mom had taught me in one of our casual moments. I cut on the hall light and took an old hat from the closet and waved it over the peephole light. See, people outside can see the beam of light being cut off and if they wish me ill will, they might assume that disruption was caused by my head.

No one shot so I looked out. It was Natalie – with a carry-on over a shoulder, a rolling suitcase by her side and an umbrella overhead. I dumped the pistol into the top shelf of the closet and opened the door.

"Natalie, are you okay?" I stepped out on the stoop and pulled her tightly to me. She didn't resist as I trundled her inside.

"Joshua, I want to come home," Natalie shivered and choked down a sob.

"I want you to be sure Natalie that I want you – all of you, no restrictions," I stated. Natalie nodded but was fearful of meeting my gaze.

"You look pretty soaked," which wasn't terribly true, "so I want you to sleep in my bed tonight with Heidi. She'll be good, you know her and she'll be able to answer any questions that come up in the night."

"You don't' want to – right now?" she seemed confused and a little hurt.

"Two things Natalie: the final word is always mine and I don't want a worn out, scared and conflicted Sister – I want my Sister, Natalie Beverly; sensual and totally mine."

"I – we are really going to do this aren't we," she murmured dream-like.

"Do you have a shift tomorrow?" I inquired.

"No," she whispered.

"All the better – we will have some time to make you mine," I stated.

"Huh?" she gulped.

"That's code for me to figure out what your body enjoys and you to become comfortable doing the same for me," I grinned down at her. "Also, I'm Joshua. That's the only title or name I'll ever need. Likewise, you are always Natalie, Mom is Mom, Heidi is my 'top' submissive so you can trust her to look after you and treat her like a Sister at all times."

"I'm not so sure about Mom yet," Natalie hesitated. I had to think on that one a second.

"If she ever bothers you, go to Heidi and Heidi will deal with Sienna. It is what she does," I assured my Sister. I picked up the luggage, put her umbrella in the stand and shepherded her upstairs to my room.

Heidi had the covers pulled up tight to her chin which made her eyes look even larger and more innocent.

"Hey Heidi," Natalie said somewhat unsteadily.

"Heidi, you got the stockings and garters so Natalie gets the bodice," I explained to my top.

"Hello Natalie and yes sir," Heidi popped out of bed and slithered between me and Natalie on her way to Natalie's room where such things in Natalie's size were stored.

"You will look great," Heidi soothed my Sister.

"Hi – what – what bodice?" Natalie stammered.

"I say who wears what around the house," I told Natalie, "and you must trust me to never foolishly humiliate you. Trust is key."

"I trust you Joshua," she said as she folded into my arms. I had to let go of her luggage but it was worth it. Natalie got a yawn off before Heidi returned with a white corseted bodice that contrasted nicely with Heidi's black stockings.

"I'm going to wear this to bed?" Natalie said. She struggled to sound apprehensive but I could tell she was much more curious.

"That and only that," I affirmed. "No underwear either."

"What if Mom sees me like this?" Natalie asked in a hushed tone as she started to disrobe.

"So what?" I looked at her questioningly. "You are certainly covering more than Heidi."

"What if Mom wears something like this," my sister, the doctor was figuring things out.

"Would you like to see that?" I offered.

"No! – I'm not sure," she stammered. "I mean, how much of her is – bulk – and how much is muscle?"

"Next time you talk to Teela you can say that Mom is mostly muscle but she carries some extra padding on her hips and ass," I described Mom. "I want her to grow her hair long but otherwise she's pretty delicious to look at."

Natalie stared, open eyed, at me then looked at Heidi who did what Heidi does when uncertain – she showered the conundrum with kisses. This time one kiss sufficed.

"Oh," Natalie gazed upon Heidi in a different way. "Oh," she repeated.

"Joshua," Heidi shuffled toward me, "can I spend some time with Natalie – alone?" Sometimes listening to one's top is crucial in delicate situations, or so I hoped. I gave a nod then left. Seven minutes later, Heidi tip-toed over to Natalie's room where I was waiting after unpacking her clothes.

Heidi took me by the hand and led me back to my room. Natalie was sitting there with her white corseted bodice laced up and exerting great deal of willpower to not dive beneath the covers. Idly I noted that Heidi had removed the pillow 'island' too. I kissed Heidi, gave her bottom one good spanking (on a spot that wasn't bright red) and sent her daintily off to the other side of the bed.

I walked up to Natalie and with gentle, steady pressure opened her legs.

"Beautiful," I commented softly while savoring the view. Natalie looked away and blushed. I put a finger to her chin and brought her gaze back. I leaned in and Natalie thrust up to meet me. We kissed like what we were, starved teenagers who had loved but never dared show it – now given a second shot at life.

"Good night, Natalie," I whispered then ushered her beneath the covers. I kissed her once more, cut off the lights on the way out and retired to Natalie's room for a restful night sleep. I hadn't won anything. I had Natalie, not as a trophy but as a mate and I had so many challenges and rewards advancing toward me with the Sun.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

did your editor quit you on this chapter? Suddenly you can't go 2 paragraphs without an embarrassing error that got through spell check but makes no sense. And psychologists and psychiatrists and psychoanalysts are not the same thing. You can Google that. Your analysis of the dynamics of Subs reads like a comic book version. This was a very good story that abruptly went off the rails.

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago

A well put together chapter! Thank you!

Jp1987Jp1987over 10 years ago
As always you never fail to dissapoint me. Keep up the excellent work.

Your writing is so enjoyable to read. The emotions portrayed by the characters are perfect and the storyline just keeps getting better. Keep it up and give a big thanks to the editors

FinalStandFinalStandover 10 years agoAuthor
Chapter 5 is Done!

I sent it to my technical editor yesterday so I hope to have it posted real soon. I can't make promises about when he'll have it done, I can give some previews to those who want a peek.

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