The Taking of Lena Ch. 11


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He finally released her lips and pushed her back down onto the table, and leaned forward again. She could feel his pelvis grind against her clit as he held himself deeply within her. He kept his eyes attached to hers as he slightly rotated his hips, exploring her deepest depths, whilst also teasing her clit.

Lena whimpered as her orgasm began to build, and she tried to cover her face to hide it from Renz. But he'd already noticed, and with a threatening smile, Renz suddenly increased the speed of his movements.

She tried to resist the feeling, to regain control over her body, for another release just seemed...animalistic. But the friction against her sensitive clit and penetration was too much for her. Lena shattered around his cock, squeezing him deep within her, stomach and pussy clenching rhythmically.

She could feel him slip out of her, giving her pussy a much needed break, and Lena exhaled in relief. She needed desperately to catch her breath, to lower herself from that state of hyperactivity.

But before she could relax, Renz placed his hands on her waist, and roughly flipped her over onto her stomach.

He surged into her from behind, cock spearing into her tight hole. Lena gripped the table and wildly screamed with each thrust, completely losing control of sensation again. She met his thrusts with a feral urgency, aware of nothing except for pleasing him. She tightened her body around him, wiggled her hips against him, and his loud moans drove her wild with desire.

She yelped in sudden fear when Renz hoisted her onto the table onto her knees, still keeping his body attached to hers. He pulled her back against his chest and snaked his arm over the front of her body, and squeezed her breast, hard, as he continued thrusting into her from behind.

Lena's head felt back against his shoulder as he toyed with her nipples in time with his thrusts. She felt a powerful, dangerous, frightening sensation begin to build within her, and she cried out, loudly, in fear of it.

Suddenly Renz stopped moving, and he covered her mouth with his hand, silencing her.

"You're getting loud, Lena...very loud," Renz whispered dangerously. She blinked several times in nervousness, unsure of how she felt about his hand covering her mouth. It frightened her, but also made her feel pleasurably trapped.

She felt his free hand travel down her stomach and between her legs, settling upon her dripping pussy. Lena moaned into his palm and jumped as he began rebuilding his speed, thrusting into her while rubbing her highly sensitive clit with his fingertips.

Lena slightly shifted her hips, and she felt his cock stroke that sensitive, demanding spot inside of her. The sensation within her surged, stronger than any orgasmic buildup she'd ever felt before. It was an ascension that was so fast and powerful, Lena thought it would kill her.

But she couldn't think of a better way to die.

Renz removed his hand from her face and brought it to her hips, keeping her still as he began thrusting again. His breathing was heavy against her bare skin from the exertion, but the sound only excited her to new heights.

She looked down at where his fingers were toying with her clit, and Lena licked her lips at the erotic sight. She could feel Renz swelling inside of her, pulsing inside of her, and she knew that he, too, was close.

"Come for me, Lena. Now," Renz growled loudly.

He increased his force with a threatening shove inside of her, but Lena only felt the pleasurable pressure in her body continuing to rise higher. Her tears were streaming violently, but she didn't care. She cared only for reaching her peak with him.

Renz pinched her clit between his fingers, and Lena screamed loudly.

"Come, Lena. I want you to scream," Renz ordered.

Lena succumbed to sensation and actively released all tension in her body, but she still didn't peak.

She only continued to rise higher.

She could feel Renz begin to tremble behind her, and he suddenly pulled her body close against his, so close that she could detect his heartbeat.

He brought his lips to her ear, his voice strained.

"Come for the man who loves you, Lena," Renz whispered.

Lena reached behind him and fumbled wildly, hoping to grasp a part of his body. She ended up settling on his neck, and she pulled him towards her forcefully.

"I love you, Renz," she whispered.

Lena squeezed around him, and with an ear-splitting cry, began to tumble down into the strongest wave of physical and mental ecstasy she'd ever experienced. She could hear Renz moaning into her ear as her body shuddered, but once she thought the current of orgasm had passed through her, she still felt like her body was on edge.

Renz vibrated his fingers against her clit and held himself deeply inside of her, and she was immediately ambushed by another wave of ecstasy.

She could feel Renz erupting deep inside of her, and that intimate feeling forced another powerful rush of pleasure throughout her body. Pulses of pleasure whipped through her body, and she could feel her pussy squeezing and clenching far too quickly for her to count. Every inch of her skin felt electrified, all of her senses rejoicing in rapture. Her body convulsed in eddies of white hot bliss, and once they ended, Lena collapsed onto the table, her body entirely spent.


Lena was awakened by the feeling of Renz's lips on her shoulder. She blinked several times to orient herself, realizing that they were lying together on a lounge. Nervously, she looked up at him.

She wondered if he would still be angry with her, but the expression on his face was satisfied and gentle.

"I know it was only our first try...but is that what you wanted?" Renz asked. Lena smiled broadly, blush forming on her cheeks.

She shyly nodded as she curled up against him, and he brought his lips to her forehead. He had, undoubtedly, fulfilled her fantasy.

"You know...we're neglecting the guests," Renz said eventually.

Lena brought her hand to her mouth in embarrassment, completely forgetting about the party just outside.

"How long was I asleep?" Lena asked.

Renz chuckled as he shifted off of the lounge and began rearranging his clothes. It only took a few adjustments for Renz to appear perfectly polished and devastatingly handsome.

The slightly lazy smile on his face was the only indication that he had just found his release.

"Just for a few minutes, Lena. You were...a bit worn out," Renz said, winking on end.

Lena stood up from the lounge, too quickly, and she nearly fell over, but Renz caught waist.

Her entire body felt sore, and the sensation brought a shy smile to her face. 'Worn out' did not entirely encompass just how...delightfully satiated and exhausted she felt. It felt like every single muscle in her body had been worked to exertion, and she loved the feeling.

Lena adjusted her clothes to the best of her ability, but her hair was hopeless. Reluctantly, Lena released her hair from the few pins that remained, and it flowed down her back in wild waves.

"Are you still angry with me?" Lena asked, once they exited the lounge. To her relief, Renz laughed and shook his head.

"I never was, Lena. Not that it pleases me to see you kissing other men, mind you. But anger seemed to be a good way to make this...very specific request of yours more believable," Renz replied.

Lena paused and stepped away from him then, and looked up at him with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry," Lena said sincerely. Renz smiled down at her and gently kissed her lips.

"You're only eighteen, Lena. I'd be a fool to assume you'd never practice your flirting and charm on hopeless men," Renz said.

She was about to speak again, but Renz brought his fingers to her lips.

"But if you do it again, I think we've found a very pleasurable way to remind you just who you belong to. The soreness you feel now is nowhere near as sore as you will be. I've yet to show you the extent of my virility, Lena," Renz whispered seductively.

Lena winced as her body instinctively clenched in excitement as the sound of his provocation. She was beginning to like the idea of being his, but then she remembered why she'd been foolish in the first place.

"And when you make me angry? How will you be punished?" Lena asked curiously. Renz laughed heartily and stared at her in disbelief.

"Why Lena, were you angry with me tonight?" Renz asked. Lena looked away from him as hot blush returned to her skin.

"I was in a all of your former lovers," Lena said. Renz grabbed her and kissed her forehead before a new frown could form.

"Are you saying you felt jealous?" Renz teased.

Lena struggled to look away from him as her embarrassment returned, but Renz gently placed his hand on her chin.

"You've captured my lusts and you've captured my heart, Lena. That's what this means," Renz said. He reached into his jacket pocket and produced the diamond, and slipped it back onto her finger.

Lena gazed at the pretty way it glittered, but what she liked most about the sight was Renz's hand on hers.

"Don't ask me today. Or tomorrow. But...I want you to ask me soon. And...I will say yes," Lena said.

Renz raised his eyebrows and stared at her expectantly, and Lena bashfully nodded.

"And...I promise I will not kiss any other men," Lena finished.

His answering smile nearly made her fall over again, and she held onto his arms to steady herself.

"I accept your proposal, Lena," Renz said, kissing her deeply. Lena began feeling drunk again from his flavor, and she enthusiastically kissed him back.

"Happy birthday, Renz," she whispered sweetly.



The party had begun to quiet as the early morning hours approached, and there were few guests that remained.

Renz watched Lena as she walked through the ballroom, heading towards the women's lounge. Her steps were tentative...a result of the soreness between her legs, no doubt.

He was astounded by how unaware of everyone around her she seemed to be. With every footstep, heads turned and eyes widened to admire her.

But his Lena, his innocent, sweet Lena, was completely oblivious.

He wondered when the day would come that Lena realized just how beautiful she was. And that day would be a challenge for him, for Renz realized that the taking of Lena did not guarantee the keeping of her.

He could ignore the kiss and he could ignore her flirting. He'd been her age before, and that young soldier wouldn't have known what to do with her anyway.

But the idea of another man touching Lena more intimately, the idea of her desiring another man...that, certainly, filled him with anger.

Renz hoped that keeping Lena would not always require forcing himself on her. He'd tried to find balance, to be believable in his force whilst also not entirely scaring her. She'd been highly receptive, moistening and tightening and liberally coming with a wanton ease that astounded even him. As much as he wanted to attribute her orgasms to his sexual prowess alone, Renz knew that Lena certainly had a very strong, innate sexuality about her that allowed her to release with such freedom. In all of her sexual innocence and inexperience, Lena was remarkably very aware of her body's well as his.

Yes, he'd enjoyed rough sex with her, more than he'd ever admit to her. But there were moments when Renz hesitated, and wondered if he was re-victimizing her.

He wanted nothing more than to make Lena happy, to be her every desire, every wish, every fantasy. But he couldn't help but feel guilty for why she'd had such a specific fantasy.

Renz shook the thought away as he took a generous sip of brandy. He would dedicate ample time to understanding precisely what her fantasies were, and why she had them.

"Another year older and another fine party, Herr Wolfenbarger," he heard Karl say. Renz smiled faintly.

"So it seems. Where's Ava?" Renz asked, glancing at Karl. He could Ava's rouge on Karl's shirt collar, which was slightly loosened.

Karl cleared his throat and looked downward.

"She...went to check on your niece," he replied quietly. Renz laughed and placed a firm hand on Karl's shoulder.

"Be gentle with her. She is a widow now, you know," Renz replied. Karl's face reddened, and he cleared his throat again.

"Listen, while you're alone and appear to be in a good mood, there's something I need to tell you," Karl said slowly.

Renz frowned, unsure of what negative news Karl could possibly bring.

In an act of preparation, Renz quickly finished his brandy.

"What is it?" he asked.

Karl paced for several moments, and when he looked at Renz, he appeared fearful.

"Lena's monthly is late. She told me she'd missed it while in München. I thought it was likely a result of her stress and illness. But she's overdue it appears she's missed another," Karl said.

All of Renz's thoughts came to a halt, and his ears began to ring.

Karl was continuing to speak, but Renz's wasn't completely hearing what he was

saying. It almost felt as if he were underwater, unable to hear, unable to breathe.

"Renz? Lena might be pregnant," Karl said.

Renz was certain he heard him that time, and he blinked slowly as he returned to awareness.

A passing servant caught his attention, and Renz quickly beckoned him closer.

"Sir?" he asked cordially.

Renz extended his empty brandy glass and handed it to him.

"I'll be needing another one of these, quickly," he said.



Lena wandered back into the lounge where she'd originally left Ava. There were fewer women in the lounge, and Ava was nowhere to be found.

But Lena recognized Gisele still sitting with her two companions. And to her delight, Lena found that she did not care at all.

She could see that Gisele was about to speak, but Lena quickly sat down in front of her and interjected.

"Renz just made love to me," Lena said. She could hear several gasps in the room, and a flicker of embarrassment formed in her heart. But Lena stifled the feeling, and instead, embraced her shameless joy.

"Are you drunk?" Gisele demanded. Lena began to shake with laughter, and she brought her hand to her lips to contain her giggles.

"Oh, I am. I," Lena whispered. Gisele's eyes widened and her face began to look flush.

"Seven?" a woman next to her asked incredulously. Lena nodded enthusiastically, and extended her fingers.

"Seven. Renz made love to me. No, actually, he...he fucked me," Lena said, trying out the harsh word for the very first time.

Gisele brought her hand to her mouth in shock, and Lena wondered if she should stop talking. But she was too overwhelmed with her bliss and joy to pay any attention to propriety.

"He...fucked me. Yes, fucked me!" Lena exclaimed happily. She loved the sound of the word. It was aggressive, it was shameless, it was rude, it was provocative. It was just like Renz.

She wanted to keep saying it over and over.

"I'm not entirely sure how you were raised—"

"And it should be of no consequence to you. I may not have your breeding, your family's money, your schooling. But I have given my love today, and nothing you utter can steal that joy," Lena said happily.

Gisele whispered to her companions, and with three perfectly short nods, the three women left the lounge with upturned, disapproving noses.

Lena smiled to herself and reached for some of the exotic fruits on a waiting silver tray. She tried to be dainty, but she reached for more, suddenly feeling ravenous from her activities with Renz.

"You might slow down, there. You wouldn't want to burst out of that lovely gown," a smooth female voice sweetly said.

Lena looked up at the speaker and quickly swallowed the strawberries she'd stuffed into her mouth.

She stood up on shaky legs, slightly wincing as her sore flesh stretched. The woman was highly styled and dignified, with deep scarlet hair and a complex web of glittering diamonds surrounding her entire throat. She looked somewhat familiar, and Lena wondered if she was a royal of some sort.

Not knowing what else to do, Lena curtseyed to the best of her ability.

"I apologize...that must have appeared rude. I'm Lena," she rambled bashfully. The woman smiled kindly at her, green eyes glittering prettily.

"I know who you are, Lena. I've been anxious to meet you. I'm Ilise...Renz's first wife," she said.


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AvidFairyAvidFairy5 days ago

No one can tell me this is not a book. I just wish I could rate it 5 stars on Goodreads.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This could be a full fledged novel. Pleaseeee keep going!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

more please!!!! this is phenomenal writing! every single sentence has me hooked!!

GrinchgirlGrinchgirl5 months ago

OMG more, more, more ... I love this! When will the rest be available? I could not belu3ve how I did not want to put it down to work then hurry after work to read more till I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Purely captivating and classy.

BeautyandDarknessBeautyandDarkness5 months ago

This needs to be published! It would be so much easier to read as a full length novel on my Kindle through Amazon please!!!!! Lol

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