Toby and the Girls Ch. 02

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Settling in and finding work.
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/13/2022
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By evening the three friends had cleaned the inside of the old abandoned inn using their magic. They were exhausted and decided to return to the other inn for a meal and final night before moving permanently into their new home.

The next morning, like most young men, Toby once again woke with a nice hard on. To his shame and embarrassment, he was cuddled against Bev this time and was unconsciously pressing his cock into her firm ass while he mauled her tit with one of his hands. He jerked his crotch and hand away as soon as he could. The sudden action woke not only Bev but Sam as well who had been cuddled up behind him. At least this time, he hadn't messed up his underwear.

Toby fought his way out of the bed, hoping neither girl knew what he had been doing in his sleep. He decided not to use the chamber pot since there was no privacy so quickly pulled his outer clothes on and took off for the jakes (outdoor toilets).

While Toby was gone, the girls took turns with the chamber pot and dressed. Bev laughed and said to Sam, "Did you see him jump when he woke up poking me with his cock? I thought he was going to tear my tit off when he jerked his hand away from it too."

"Yeah, it was all I could do not to laugh," said Sam.

"Do you think he made another mess in his shorts?"

"I don't know. I hope not. I sortta felt sorry for him yesterday. We have to work on him. If we're stuck here, and I think we are going to be, I don't want to let any of these assholes fuck me. Besides, I've always sortta liked Toby. It looks and feels like he has a nice cock too."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. How are we going to do this though? Do we draw straws or what? I know he's shy and, well, I would have trouble just coming out and asking him to fuck me."

"Yeah. Let's see if we can just sort of let it happen. Maybe we can manufacture accidents and tease him enough he'll get the hint and do us."

Sam giggled before responding, "Ok but I don't know how long I can go. I'm so Horney right now, and I don't have anywhere private I can go to rub one out."

"Do like me. I managed to get a small one last night while you all were sleeping. Of course, if we each had our own room at home it wouldn't be a problem."

"I don't think that would be a good idea. We might never get Toby to bed if we son't all sleep together. We can tell him we're afraid to be alone if he doesn't want to sleep with us. I don't think I could rub one out with you both in bed with me though. I get pretty wild and sometimes, even at home, I made enough noise I would almost get caught by my parents."

"Well, don't worry about it. In fact, that might be a way we can get Toby to do us. You know, rub one out and let him catch us. I hear watching that gets a guy going almost as much as girl on girl action."

"Well yeah, but show a guy just a little thigh or tit skin and you can get them going."

"Yeah, most guys, but Toby? I don't know. You know how he is. He'd probably just apologize and take off in embarrassment if he saw a little gash or caught us jilling off."

Sam giggled again and started to say something else when they heard footsteps approaching. They quit talking just before Toby pushed the door open and came back into the room. He said, "What are you two laughing about?"

Sam replied, "Oh, nothing much. We were just laughing about how fast you flew out of bed this morning when you woke up humping Bev."

Toby blushed and thought about leaving at a run. Bev hit Sam's arm and said, "SAM! Cut it out. You know he was asleep. He couldn't help himself. Besides, you just wish it was you he had in his arms."

"Oh, I know but it was still funny to see you two trying to act so normal.

"Enough of this though. I'm hungry. Do you think we can get some breakfast before we try to figure out what to do next?"

The other two decided that was a good idea and soon all three were trooping down the stairs into the common room. They took their seats at a table and ordered breakfast when the serving wench approached.

While they were eating Toby said, "I have no idea where we are or how we got here. I'm worried about how we're going to live as well. What if no one wants to hire us to do magic stuff? We need to find some way to make some money. I'm going to run out of change soon even if they are still willing to take my modern money. I just hope no one realizes the silver coins aren't really silver. That might make them mad enough to do something."

Bev said, "Yeah, you're right. I think I have a little change in my purse if it's still in the car. I always just drop spare change in the bottom of it and I haven't cleaned it out in a while."

Sam said, "Me too. Maybe that'll help for a while. But what can we do to make some money here? None of us are strong enough to do most of the work here even if we knew how. I suppose Bev and I could maybe work in a tavern or Inn as serving girls or cooks but it probably wouldn't pay much. I sure don't want to, uh. Well, we're NOT whores and that seems to be expected of the serving girls, here at least."

Toby said, "I wonder if we can make money using our magic? I mean, we were able to do things yesterday. Do you think someone would really pay us to do things like that for them?"

Bev said, "Don't know. It's worth a try though. You have enough change to last a few days. Let's see what happens before we try to do something else.

Bev raised her voice and said, "Hey Tommy. Do you know anyone that needs some magic done? We're looking for a little work here."

Tommy came over to their table and said, "I do not know Madam Wizard. I have some work that needs doing but it is more like labor than magic work."

"Well what is it and what are you willing to pay? We might be interested anyway. We have to make a living somehow ya know."

"Uh, well, Ma'am, there be piles o shit out back needin' to be spread on the garden and wood ta be cut and stacked. I needs some repairs to tha stable and Inn as well."

Bev looked at Toby and Sam. She raised her eyebrow and both her friends nodded before Toby said, "Take us to see what you're talking about please Tommy."

"'Tis hard dirty work. Not fit for gentle folk such as yourselves but if you insist, I will do that. Please follow me."

Tommy took them outside and showed them the manure piles, garden area and place to stack the wood. He started to show them the repairs needed but Toby said, "That won't be necessary Tommy. None of us knows anything about building but we can take care of the rest of the chores for you. Now, what will you pay?"

Offers were made and then counter offers back and forth until the deal was struck. The three were to obtain 3 meals a day plus their room for one month in exchange for moving the manure piles to the garden and cutting, hauling and stacking a winters worth of wood. Also included in the deal was a hot bath for each of them daily. They agreed to the amount but asked for money instead of the room since they moved into the other inn. They agreed they'd fill the outline of previous wood piles stacked neatly to a height of 4 feet (shoulder height on Tommy).

As he was leaving the group to go back inside Tommy mumbled to himself, "Crazy Wizards. A hot bath every day. They're going to rot their skins off. Who ever heard of such a thing?"

The first thing the group did after Tommy left was move and spread the manure. Using their magic, this took a little over an hour. Most of that time was figuring out how to spread the manure after they moved it to the garden area. They finally moved the pile then picked up a small section at a time and used an arm motion in a 'throw away' gesture to broadcast the manure.

After that little job was done, they went into the woods outside town and surveyed the available trees. Sam asked, "Ok genius, how are we going to fell these monsters, cut them to length, split and haul them?"

Toby sat on a downed log and thought for a moment. Finally he stood and walked toward one of the largest trees in the area. His plan, at first, was to cut it then some of the environmentalist statements from home came to mind. It would be almost criminal to kill such a beautiful tree. He wandered around some more until he found a tree damaged by lightning and a couple others that looked as if they had suffered wind damage.

Toby stood back from the lightning damaged tree slightly and pointed his index finger just to the side of it. A bright white orange light seemed to spring from his finger. He twitched his wrist to the side and the light cut into and through the tree like a hot knife through butter. The tree rocked a moment and slowly began to fall. Unfortunately, when it crashed to the ground it damaged several other smaller trees.

The girls rushed up to Toby and Sam asked, "How did you do that?"

He grinned and said, "Light saber."

They each grinned and soon, all three were using their index finger light sabers to work on the trees. The first thing they did was cut the very smallest limbs off and use telekinetic power to move the smaller limbs into piles nearby.

After they cut the limbs off near the trunk, they started to cut them into the agreed upon lengths for the fires. Toby said, "Wait. Don't cut them here. We'll take the larger limbs and trunks back to the wood yard before we cut them into proper lengths and split the larger pieces. It should be easier that way."

Bev said, "Good idea." She used her magic and picked up a large limb until it was floating about three feet off the ground. She gestured, turned and began walking toward the Inn with the large limb following along behind her. Sam smiled and did the same. Toby tried to pick up and move the whole large part of the trunk but it proved to be too long to maneuver easily so he cut it in half and soon had it following him toward the Inn.

It took the rest of the day to move the one tree. When they went back into the Inn Tommy looked up at them and said, "You are back early. Too much fer ya was it? A deals a deal."

Toby said, "No Tommy, we just quit for the day. We got your manure spread and one tree cut and hauled back here to the Inn. We'll cut and split the wood tomorrow then get another one or two. Now, if you don't mind, we're tired and would really like our baths before we have supper."

"What? I have to see this. You've only been working three or four hours. What did you bring back, a sapling? It'll take a lot of them to fill the wood yard."

The three friends followed him into the yard and stood beside him while he stared in shock at the pile of tree limbs and the huge trunk. His mouth moved several times before he managed to make a sound. "How? How did you do that? It would take a huge team of horses to move even one of those limbs much less that whole tree trunk."

Bev smiled and said, "Magic. Now, how about our bath water?"

He looked at her and turned to rush back into the Inn. Over his shoulder he said, "Right away Ma'am."

The three friends went back to their room to wait on their bath water (they were bathing in the room they used to rent). While they were relaxing (Toby in the one chair, the girls on the bed) they talked about their day. Toby said, "Well, I feel better about the future now. At least we have our food and shelter taken care of for the next month and we won't have to worry about using our 'funny money'. We need to keep our eyes open for more work though."

Sam said, "Yeah. Do you think we can hire a cook and maid for home? Do you think we'll make enough money to do that? I never did learn to cook very good and I hate cleaning a house."

Bev said, "Yeah. Mom made me cook some so I can make some simple things but I'm not sure I can do much in a fireplace like cook does here and I don't like to clean either."

They looked at Toby and he said, "Uh, you've seen my room." They giggled and agreed in unison.

Sam said, "What if we hire a housekeeper and cook and just let them live with us and eat our food? Maybe if we did that and gave them just a little money besides we could get by."

Toby shrugged his shoulders and Bev said, "Don't know. Maybe we should check it out. Surely we can figure something out."

They were still talking when the stable boy knocked on the door and carried the bath tub in when they answered. Right behind him came the cook and two wenches carrying water for their bath. It took two trips for the tub to fill to the proper level. After the help left Bev began undressing and said, "First."

Toby turned red and started to leave as he said, "Call me when it's my turn."

Bev said, "Where are you going Toby?"

"Uh, the common room?"


Sam said, "Yeah, why?"

"Uh, you're getting undressed?"

"So? Toby, we're going to be living together. What's the big deal? Besides, you were mauling my tit this morning while you tried to slip your morning wood into my cootchie."

"I WASN'T. I didn't know I was doing that. I quit when I woke up. I'm sorry."

Bev grinned before she said, "I'm not. Do you know how long Sam and I have been trying to get your attention? We've finally got you into our bed where we want you so learn to live with it stud."

"Uh, OK?"

That evening turned out to be a very educational one for all three of the young people. Toby had never seen naked girls before (other than pictures and video's on the internet) and the girls had only seen young boys naked when they changed their diapers while babysitting. Somehow, they all decided to help each other wash in the bath so, by the time they completed bathing, they were all intimately familiar with the bodies of the opposite sex. They all even knew what it looked like when Toby ejaculated because Sam was 'washing' his cock when it went off.

After their bath, the three made their way to the bed and the girls had their way with poor Toby. Twice each. They were almost too tired to go downstairs for supper and make the walk back to their house.

Toby was still very tired the next morning when the noises of the waking town dragged him from his slumber. He did have his morning wood but it wasn't nearly as rampant as normal. This time he was snuggled against Sam when he awakened. When she felt him move she quickly turned in the bed and gave him a short kiss. When she saw that, Bev pulled him to her and gave him another.

They made their way back to Tommy's and ate a large breakfast before returning to work. By noon, they had two more trees down and waiting in the Inn's yard. While they were eating the local blacksmith came to their table. He was wringing his hat and stammering as he tried to talk to them. He asked, "I hear you all three be wizards. Can you make potions? My son was hurt and has the bad blood now. Can ye heal him fer me?"

Toby looked at him and asked, "Bad blood? I don't know. What is that exactly?"

Bev cut in before the smith could answer and said, "We are called wizards and we have some ability to do magical things. We mostly do fighting and other magics but we could look at your son if you'd like. We can't promise to heal him though, at least until we see what his problem is. We'll be there as soon as we complete our meal."

The smith bowed and said, "Thank you Lord and Lady Wizard's," as he backed away from the table. After he'd backed two steps he turned and quickly left the common room, putting his hat on as he left the building.

After the smith was gone Toby turned to Bev and asked, "Ok, you said we'd try to help. Fine. I don't mind seeing what we can do but what the hell is bad blood?"

"I'm not sure but I think it might be gangrene or blood poisoning. Depending on how advanced it is, if that's the problem, we may be able to help. Sam and I both had the advanced first aid course and CPR training. My grandmother was a big one for natural remedies and I read a lot of her books on plants so I may be able to come up with something."

When they got to the blacksmith's shop they found the man working. As soon as he saw them he stopped work and rushed to them. After a quick greeting, he led them into his small house where a young teen aged boy was laying on a pallet near the fireplace. He was sweating and pale. There was an ugly, dirty cut on his hand. It was filled with puss and there were red streaks running away from the cut up his arm.

Bev looked at the wound and began giving orders. She told the smith to put on a clean pot of water to boil and to drop the sharpest small knife he had in it. She asked for soap, clean cloth and alcohol or whiskey if he didn't have alcohol. He looked at his wife who was standing in the background wringing her hands. She jumped to do Bev's bidding.

When she saw the woman getting what she requested she said, "Ok now. It's too dark in here for me to see well. Let's move him outside in the sun and put him on a table or something about waist high so I can work on him. I'll need you to hold him when I start working on his arm because what I'll do will hurt a lot. I'll also need some clean cloth and want a good sized piece of it put in the water to boil with the knife."

After they had the boy outside, Bev washed his hand and arm with soap and water. She then peeled off the scabs and drained all the puss she could from the wound before she washed it again. By then the woman had the water boiling. They waited for what they hoped was 20 minutes then she used part of the water and more soap to clean the wound once again.

After rinsing the wound with boiled water she poured some whiskey over it and took some of the rags that had been boiling to wrap the wound. That done, she sat and concentrated with her hand opened. Soon it was filled with a blue powdery substance which she made the boy swallow. After giving instructions on his care the three wizards left.

While they were walking away Sam asked, "What was that blue stuff you made him eat?"

"I hope it was Penicillin mould. That's what I tried to conjure or pull to me. I'm not sure eating it will help but I know Fleming and some of his students made penicillin from it in some kind of an extract in our timeline. The mould got into a petri dish with staphylococcus bacteria and it killed the bacteria around the penicillin. I hope it'll kill his infection. I'm going to work on making some penicillin after I grow some of the mould.

"If he doesn't get better we may have to amputate his hand or even part of his arm. We need to keep an eye on him two or three times a day. Oh, crap, I meant to tell his mother to make him some willow bark tea if he had pain. That's a mild analgesic. Remind me to tell her that this evening when we go to check on him again.

"Well, shall we go back to the Inn and cut some wood? I think we need to cut and stack what we have there before we cut more trees. We might already have enough to satisfy our contract."

Over the course of the next few days, Bev's 'magic' worked and the boy got well without losing his hand or arm. They never were sure whether the mould helped or not but it didn't hurt him. She continued to work on her mild penicillin in hopes she could come up with a drug to help if it was ever needed again and she was sure it would be. They also got busy and had a still built so they could have some alcohol for disinfectants. Of course, they also made some money selling it to drink...

Between their magic wood cutting, the healing and alcohol they were some very well off young wizards and greatly respected. After almost a year they were well respected and almost revered by the townspeople. They even began having people from out of town several miles come to them for medical help or to hire them for heavier jobs.

Both of the girls ended up pregnant about a year after they arrived in their new home and the children showed magical talent at an early age. It was an all day task to keep them from causing trouble playing with spells. Thankfully, they weren't very powerful yet but they could raise sparks, float small objects around and even teleport short distances at the age of three years. The townsfolk were already learning to be wary of making them angry as well.

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MarkT63MarkT63over 1 year ago


dewinsludewinslualmost 2 years ago

I loved the story! Please continue it. 5🌟

bookmadcatbookmadcatalmost 2 years ago

An excellent offering from a master storyteller, just one problem you left us begging for more

Timtom12Timtom12about 2 years ago

That ending was some real quick handwaving.

ZarronZarronabout 2 years ago

loved the story more please

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