Virtual Sex


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"I will Lin, but not with my fingers."

"What then Cat?"

"I have my vibrator."

"Oh yes, use that, use that to fuck yourself Cat."

"Have you got one Lin?"

"No Chuck won't let me," she replied.

I didn't bother to ask why, but instead switched on the bright pink vibrator.

"Oh darling," Lin moaned down the phone. "That sounds so good."

"And it feels wonderful," I told her as I ran the vibrating tip round the lips of pussy returning time and time again, of course, to the base of my clitoris.

That really is the most mega sensitive place for me. With the folds of pink, glistening skin pulled away the entire, fantastic stalk, that has only sexual pleasure giving as its reason for existence, is revealed and then my fingers, a lovers tongue or, as now, the tip of a throbbing vibrator can find the place where maybe my erotic paradise resides.

I was too het up to last long. I'd wanted this for some time and had thought of little more than having Lin over the phone for the past week or so. Being naked, hearing her voice and her low moans and now having my "friend" doing its business on my special spot were all too much.

"Oh Lin," I sighed holding the plastic against my clit and turning the power up a tad, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming."

"Yes Cat, yes, yes, yes, so am, so am I."

We both grunted, groaned, sighed and moaned our ways wordlessly, almost, to our climaxes.


Now and then I got very down about my net involvement. Not only was I, at times, spending hours a day on there, but also I was letting other things slip. I was rushing work, finding excuses to cut golf or avoid seeing friends and missing the gym. I was taking risks and breaking what I had thought were cardinal rules, particularly with regard to my daughter. I chatted while she was in the apartment, while she was in her room or the lounge, something I'd vowed not to do for fear of her catching me. But now it got worse, for occasionally I would get up after having gone to bed at the same time as her and log on again.

Late night brings an entirely different animal onto messenger, a more predatory one, a more assumptive go for it one; men who wanted just one thing and that they made very clear.

"Hi are you horny?" or "hi wanna see my dick?" Were far from uncommon greetings.

Greetings that just months ago would have had me immediately closing down his window. Now, though, as an experienced and adventurous cyber groupie I'd sometimes type back a smartarse remark.

"No, I'm Cat," or "why would I? Seen one seen 'em all?" Or things like that.

They confused most, for as we all know many people on the net in messenger or chat rooms have the intellect of a cretin. But some came back with equally smart or even smarter remarks. And sometimes with those, often after as short a time as twenty minutes or so, I would break my cardinal rule. My vow never to do anything with my daughter there. But I did. I did things while she was there. Things like squeezing my breasts, pinching my nipples and telling the guy what I was doing. And yes I'd cum with them.

It was probably the day after such an event that would find me full of doubt, guilt, remorse and confusion.

Why did I do it; what did I really get from it; why couldn't I seem to control it; where would it lead to? All these tormented me. I had answers to none of them, other than perhaps go and get laid, but that gave me even more emotional concerns so until after the divorce became final that was a definite "no no." So I reconciled myself to a few more months of self-sex aided and fully abetted by the wonder technology of the net.

"So you reckon that I can hide the folders so that no one could find them?" I asked the guy I was chatting to on the net.

"Sure it's easy; I'll explain it once you've gone through the install programme."

He was right and he did.

"So Cat, now you're installed and everything is hidden from prying teenage eyes do I get to celebrate as being the first night audience?"

I smiled. "Well I suppose I owe you that and you do deserve it, showing me how to stop hide the folders with the cam software. Hold on."

It took some time getting used to realising that everything I did was being watched by him but I slowly adjusted and after we'd chatted for half hour or so I began to relax and forget about the tiny camera transmitting my every look, glance and movement.

Lots of guys had asked if I was going to get a cam and I had always said no. But there was something about the idea that appealed.

I recalled the amazing feelings I got when Richard photographed me in my underwear, naked or undressing. The sensations I got when I touched myself as he was snapping away. How, after the initial nervousness of posing for him to photograph me in glamour shots to perk up our ailing marriage, I had begun to see the camera as a person and I started making love to it.

I guess there's a latent exhibitionist in many of us and that had confirmed it for me. I had always thought there might be, but neither I nor Richard or the other lover I'd had exploited it. Sure, with the lover I had for a few months I had sex in dangerous places; cars, trains, in woods and on beaches, but nothing really significant.

And of course in the real-sex starved situation I was in, where masturbation was my only relief from the pangs of frustration, any embellishment to my self sex process was welcome. I had accepted chatting, gone with exchanging steamy e-mails, taken on board looking at cams and had embraced voice sex. Having my own cam was the next logical and, in many ways, inevitable extension, wasn't it?

"I know Cat, I know exactly how you feel" the very considerate American guy said as I gazed at him and as he gazed at me via the magic of the cams.

Tom and I hadn't actually chatted that much, but we had exchanged emails for months. We had developed a complicated story about how I, a thirty five year old single woman living in the US, was seeking to lead a life that was to become more and more dedicated to the erotic, sexual experimentation and extending the boundaries of my sexuality. That had enabled us write the most graphic accounts of practically every imaginable sexual experience and encounter. It had been so exciting to write my parts then read his.

He was wearing a dark blue silk dressing gown and was sitting on a bar stool at the bar of his den in his house just outside Chicago. His laptop was on the bar and I couldn't work out where he had fixed the cam for this was before inbuilt cams, but he had a remote control in his hand that enabled him to zoom in and out. That was good for I got close ups of his face and then full length shots where I saw that the folds of the gown had parted a bit and one of his long, slender legs was bared. He wasn't at all self-conscious and I guessed, though did not ask that he had done this many times before. Tom had the sort of sexual curiosity and confidence that his divorcee life-style would let him make full use of the latest technology and sexual opportunities.

I had seen a photo of him and I knew that he was in his fifties, but I had forgotten what he looked like and so I was pleasantly surprised by his distinguished, ruggedly handsome demeanour and what looked to be a lean, fit, toned body. At least that is how he had described it and so far he was living up to his physical description.

"You just watch me Cat and let me ask you what I'd like you to do. Is that ok?"

"Yes, yes ok Tom, that's ok," I mumbled nervously into the microphone, getting my words mixed up a little.

"And if you get uncomfortable at any time we'll stop, ok?"

He knew this was my first time on cam. I had let him talk me into promising I would get one and that he would be my first cam lover. We had masturbated together a couple of times over the phone but this was new, well to me at least. We were going to watch each other masturbating as we imagined we were making love to each other.

"So Cat why don't you slowly undo those buttons on your blouse that are just bursting to be opened?"

Looking down I couldn't help smiling when I saw that the buttons on the crisp, white business blouse were indeed straining against the buttonholes.

I had been running late all day. The mother that was supposed to take my daughter to school had called to say she was sick and that meant I had to drive the fifteen miles or so out into the suburbs and then back again with the late rush hour traffic: a one and a half hour round trip. That would usually have been no problem, but it was on a day when I had to go to an ad agency as opposed to working from home as was the norm. I was required to sit in on a pitch and I arrived in the agency in Soho barely in time for the pre-presentation briefing from the Account Director.

But of course the day had gone pear shaped. By the time I was ready to go there wasn't time for shopping. I slipped into the white, lacy, very feminine underwear and pulled on the black hold-ups all provided by the client. As I did that my mind for some reason regurgitated Miles words about the female MD wanting me to model it for her.

"Mmmm Cat," Tom said, "they're looking every bit as good for real as they do in the photos," he went on as the tops of my breasts were revealed.

"Do they have to stop there Cat?" He asked moving on his stool so that the gown fell open a little more on his legs and gaped more at the lapels. He had a nice covering of hair on his tanned chest and legs and I thought, despite his age, he looked great. I began to get worked up.

"No Tom they don't," I said glancing at the monitor on my cam as my fingers fumbled the remaining four buttons beneath my bust under undone. I pulled the tail of the blouse from the tight waistband of the skirt and went to remove it.

"No Cat," he said quite sharply. "Leave it on a while."

I shrugged never failing to be amazed by the vagaries of men where sex is concerned. Some like you to keep your panties on even as they fuck you, while some want to rip them off you. Others like the bra being kept on so they can pull your tits from it while others want it off quick. Yet another lot likes the girl to keep her clothes on and bunch them round her waist whilst some and I have to say they're becoming the minority, want you naked.

We talked at some length about our correspondence and a few other things as at both sides of the Atlantic we sipped champagne as we had agreed, teatime for me breakfast for Tom. We both became nicely relaxed as Tom slowly let his gown slither open more and more. The lapels now gaped down to his waist and his legs were almost completely bare. There was no more than six inches of the robe down from his genitals. One shrug, one sudden movement, one overt action on his part and he would be bare. That excited me. He was raising the sexual temperature not just by how he was almost revealing himself but also by his remarks.

"We'd be so good together Cat. We would make love all night. You me and Mary or Kath or Lisa Cat, or all of us at once," he said referring to the women we'd had threesomes with in our wild narratives. "I want you so much darling."

He was priming me, arousing me, getting me ready and preparing me for what I had once told him I dreaded.

"Slip the blouse off now Cat," he whispered between telling me at some length how wonderful my breasts were and casually taking hold of the tie round the waist of the robe.

It was as though we were in the same room, well almost. I could look right into his eyes and feel his gaze boring into mine and roaming all over my body.

"Hey Cat, my lovely wanton randy Cat," as I dropped the bloody troublemaking blouse on the floor.

I heard Tom say, as if from afar.

"What shall we do next Cat? The bra and see those gorgeous tits or the skirt and get nearer to your pussy?" That pulled me back to reality, well the reality of the fantasy of fucking via a cam that is.

"I don't know," I said quietly suddenly feeling a little embarrassed in front of him my nipples very hard and almost bursting through the thin lace of the bra. He quickly got me back on track as he said croakily.

"Let's do the bra darling? Let's get those gorgeous tits out so we can play with them? You do like playing with them don't you Cat?" he continued as I saw him starting to pull on the tie. "Don't you Cat? Don't you? You do like playing with those big titties don't you?" he went on demanding an answer as he undid the bow at his waist.

I was transfixed. Aroused and intrigued I knew he'd got me.

"Yes Tom yes I do."

"Then my love, why not take that beautiful bra off and let me see your breasts?"

Reaching behind I slipped the clasp undone and flicking my glance from the monitor to the screen I watched my breasts slowly being revealed at the same as which Tom let go of the undone tie of his robe.

"Oh Cat they are fabulous," he sighed as he leaned forward getting closer to his screen presumably to get a better look at my boobs. "Oh yes, yes, yes," he went on moving back again and standing up. He was holding the robe together as he looked right into my eyes. He pulled the silk tightly across his body.

"Oh God Tom," involuntarily slipped from my mouth as I saw the outline of his erection. He'd told me he was quite large, but the outline under the silk looked enormous.

I dropped the bra onto the floor.

"You like Cat?" he asked pulling the material even tighter.

"Yes Tom, yes I do," I sighed as I watched so amazingly excited as slowly he let go of the robe. As if in slow motion the two sides fell apart so that standing proudly between them, surging its way right up the middle of his stomach all the way to his navel was his cock. His hard, thick cock. His warm throbbing, stunningly erect and obviously extremely ready cock.

His eyes not leaving mine for a moment he shrugged the robe off and stood before me totally naked. He was comfortable with his nudity for he did a slow twirl before returning to the stool and climbing up onto it.

"Ok Cat, do you approve?"

"Oh yes Tom, yes, yes, yes I do," I gushed at last now feeling almost fully relaxed.

He had been both considerate and clever in stripping first, but hey, who cares for I was now so up for this I could hardly wait.

Whether it was my better or baser instinct that took over I don't know. But suddenly I wanted to impress him, thrill him, excite and tease him. I wanted to be naked, to touch myself and see him do the same. Yes, I was ready and I wanted to masturbate for him in front of my cam.

As my hands found my breasts, which seemed so much heavier than normal, I wondered whether it was him or the camera. Whether it was my cyberlover or the lens that I wanted to fuck? I didn't know and quite frankly I couldn't give a damn so strong were the sensations of want flooding through me as I squirmed the orbs of flesh together.

Tom was gazing at me, a slight smile on his face his fingers slowly running up and down the length of his erection as I stood up. I was now full of bravado, totally relaxed and confident.

I stared at Tom.

"I want you Tom, I want you now," I moaned as I started to gyrate in front of him my hands on my skirt.

"Yes Cat," he grunted back his fingers excitingly slowly wrapping themselves round his length. "I want to have you, I want to fuck you Cat, Is that what you want me to do?"

"Yes, yes it is Tom; I want to cum, I want you to make me cum."

I knew I was now out of control, I was lost and I was well on way to doing anything and everything in front of Tom on my new cam. Was it for him, for me, for both of us or the camera I wondered as I slowly eased the tight skirt up and up my thighs?

I was sort of dancing, certainly moving, somewhat like bumping and grinding I suppose. I was acting like and indeed I felt like a stripper as I slid the hem of the skirt up and up and up: past mid-thigh, over my stocking tops, across that thin patch of skin between them and my panties and then over my mound until it was bunched around my waist. As I was doing that my movements were causing my breasts to jiggle, I was occasionally squeezing and pressing my boobs and pinching my nipples. My head was rolling from side to side my unkempt, blonde hair, now long released from the clips needed at the presentation, was tumbling down over my shoulders with strands of it falling onto my breasts.

"Yes Cat, yes, go, go for me," Tom was croaking as I saw that he had started to masturbate.

When I'm aroused I adore seeing a man masturbate, well I might with some when not aroused come to that! It's something to do with seeing his hard cock pumping in and out of what is in effect a surrogate cunt, a makeshift cunt, a copy of my cunt, I suppose. But it's not just that wonderfully erotic sight that does it for me. It's the whole bit. His body, the straining of his muscles, the movement of his hand and, as much if not more than anything else, the look on his face. The deep staring of his eyes, the opened mouth, the dropping of his eyelids and the, almost, trance-like look that comes over him as his body commands his mind to lose control.

The slow rhythmic pumping of his hand, up and down, up and down was so alluring and so enticing to me. It was also marvellously encouraging and it broke down any final inhibitions I may have had.

"Oh God Tom that's fantastic," I moaned truthfully.

"You like seeing me jack off do you Cat?"

"Yes Tom, yes I do," I replied, still gyrating on the spot, one hand holding my skirt up showing my panties and the other kneading my aching breasts and nipples.

"Cup it Cat, cup it for me?"

"Cup what Tom?" I asked somewhat bemused, realising what he meant just as he said.

"Your pussy, your mound, cup it for me."

It felt perfect, the absolutely right thing to do for him and for me. I swayed on the spot my hand cupping my warm mound, my middle finger between my legs stretched right along the slit in my pussy. I thrust my tummy out towards him and pressed more firmly bending both that finger and another one so they found and rubbed right on my clit.

It was very difficult doing what my mind and body so badly wanted me to do yet remaining within the focus of the cam. I'm sure Tom missed quite a lot before he advised me to stay still and suggested I sit in the big, black leather chair and focus my cam right on that.

"Sit down Cat, take your time and let's cum together," he advised pushing his erection towards me as if inviting me to lick it, something I would so absolutely loved to have done.

He shuffled forward a bit on the stool so that his legs were bent and both feet were on the floor. The wide angle, as he called it, lens enabled all of his body to be in the picture until he used the zoom thing which he did alternating between close ups of his face and his hand slowly and purposefully now pumping his glorious cock.

I was lying back in the chair my legs spread out before me, wide open. Yes it was a lewd, sordid and very wanton pose. It was made more so by my boobs flopping to the sides, my fingers of one hand pinching the achingly erect nipples and my other hand now being inside those thin, diaphanous knickers. It was a very lewd, sordid and wanton position and that matched my mood perfectly. I felt wanton, I wanted to look lewd and act sordidly. After all what else can you call masturbating in front of a camera as you watch a man jerk off for you?

"Take them off Cat, please take them off," I heard through the developing fogs of my impending climax.

"What, what?" I moaned my fingers stroking, probing and pressing all round my soaked lips and clit.

"Your panties, take your fucking knickers off for me Cat, I want to see you."

It seemed the most relevant thing for him to ask and the most welcoming thing for me to do. I wanted to take them off, I wanted to take my knickers off for him, show him me, flaunt it at him as I made love to it and myself.