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Teasing wife lets 18-year-old paperboy see her breasts.
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Author's note: I have chosen to leave this as one long story rather than submit it in parts that I sometimes find distracting. My hope is that some might turn the "pages" only as far as they find satisfying while others might prefer to follow it to the end. It's how I like to read them here.


My wife, Judy, and I have been engaging lately in exposing her naked body to all sorts of men as foreplay to great times of sex between us that she likes to use as her excuse to do it. She has long been an "innocent" exhibitionist that enjoys being braless and can fluster even good friends or neighbors when we're out working in the yard where she will tease them with close-up views of her nipples poking into the thin tops that she deliberately chooses to wear when she knows she might get caught.

Our intentions have always been that I be there with her and that she won't risk embarrassing another woman by putting herself on display in mixed company but she has been know to impulsively deviate from those rules. I've watched her give lots of husbands opportunistic looks into her shirts when we're at parties away from the other wives and there have been times when she comes home from grocery shopping without a bra and when I ask her about it she sheepishly takes it out of her purse and tells me it was too hot to wear. I happen to know that the freezer section is one of her favorite spots to tease guys when we make special shopping trips out of town where she won't know the women shoppers around us. Wearing a too-small white t-shirt under an open jacket, while reading a label on some frozen package of vegetables, even the stock boys will stop work to get a good look at her nipples that poke out in the cold air.

She is a petite, 50 year-old blond beauty that surprises everybody that gets to see her in these ways because she carries herself with a sophisticated propriety. Her combination of poise and easy conversation during her exposures leave guys believing that they are simply the recipients of her dressing negligently with views that she seems unaware of granting them.

Since early in our marriage she has been self-conscious about what some would consider her relatively flat chest by Playboy standards but she eventually has learned to be proud of what she has and feeds on the diversity of attention that her nipples draw as prominent first impressions to her unsuspecting victims' eyes. Ironically, I think it's the small size of her breasts that makes her more approachable to guys, as if she might be less likely to be offended and maybe actually flattered by their notice of underdeveloped tits.

Probably only a little bigger than tennis balls, they have a natural upward turn that needs no support - even at her age - and the puckered nipples jiggling underneath her shirts present in a way that almost begs for a pinch that she would, of course, never allow.

When she's feeling especially daring or is drawn to a particular guy, she takes her teasing even further by letting her shirt "accidentally" gap open when leaning over to write a check or help put grocery bags in the car. That maneuver lets both breasts be seen all the way to their naked nipples dangling in the space created there and leaves the poor guy feeling guilty when she catches him looking and apologizes to him as she "discovers" her indecency and presses her shirt to her chest.

Her exhibitionism has definitely evolved over the years from me needing to encourage skimpy swimsuits and her participation in the braless movement popular during the 70's to what has now become her own creative drive to see how much she can get away with and still not be suspected of doing it deliberately. The comfort that has come with her sexual maturity has brought with it a freedom that has turned the way she uses her body into what she sees as a harmless sport that doesn't seem to disappoint anybody involved -- especially her.

Content for many years with the attraction she held with just the use of her supple little tits, for the last couple of years she has found ways to experiment with total nudity that needed a little push from me to get started but that she now seems to prefer doing without my direction. By walking nude through some strategically lit rooms in our house on certain evenings, she has enticed the 30-something, divorced neighbor guy taking out his garbage to risk a bedroom window peeping behind our bushes so he could watch her rub lotion for several minutes onto her naked body before my appearance in the room to turn off the light at bedtime.

The first time that she did it, we suspected movement outside the window but it wasn't until the third or fourth time that I went out in the morning to confirm footprints in the dirt and was surprised to also find the evidence of him jacking off there onto our siding. I thought his sexual release might excite her but it turned out to be a mistake to tell her of the discovery because she modified her exposures to him after that by only making quick nude passes by the windows in a strange twist of morality.

She admits to being a tease that guys might masturbate to in their own homes, but she worried about anything as overtly sexual as semen that a guy might direct at her in the real time of seeing her nude. She always wants to make sure that it will look like they are taking voyeuristic advantage of her in order to keep anybody from trying anything physical because of what they have seen.

When an unsuspecting guy near a store's dressing room catches her reflection in the mirror through a crack in a door, she might give him an eyeful of full frontal nudity but then eventually "notice" that the door is ajar and correct the situation without acknowledging his presence. And, when the circumstances have been such that neither of them can deny what he had been caught looking at, her surprised expression unfortunately leaves him feeling ashamed of exploiting her "negligence" that he shouldn't have taken advantage of and he escapes before she comes out.

If not an official mid-life crisis for her, I do think this new-found wish to let certain guys see her completely naked is a response to the curious combination of a relaxed attitude toward her own nudity at the same time that she's wondering if in middle age her body is losing any of its sexual desirability. Being comfortable in your own skin and your spouse's appreciation for it is one thing but despite my constant praise of her nude figure in our bedroom, it's after holding the interest of other men when they've see her "innocently" naked, that her aggressive flirting with me is a sign that I'm going to get fucked soon.

While I was once the coach who tried to help her set up her victims and train her in what guys are looking for, she has gradually become the predator in the teasing that feeds her self-esteem and releases her to perform increasingly risky behavior that I can appreciate, too. The following is an example of how she now seems able to justify anything to anybody as long as she can be seen as sexually desirable to him and we're all sharing in the experience that she initiates.

We have a new baby-faced paper boy, Brandon, who is a gangly, high-schooler who can't hold a job because of his weak social skills that also leave little doubt as to why he has complained of trouble with girls when Judy strikes up motherly conversations with him. He is a polite but simple eighteen-year-old who might be the type of guy who is reaching his potential with just a paper route - even if he manages to finish high school.

Always a sucker for the underdog, while befriending the kid who seemed interested in girls but was too unsure of himself to be of interest to them, she began noticing that his eyes would often drift to her chest when they were talking. What was puzzling to her was that early on she never happened to be braless at his delivery times and her small breasts don't usually offer enough shape to draw a lot of interest from guys when she is fully clothed. The mystery was solved one day though when he mentioned to her that he remembered her from the times as a younger boy when he would stop and talk to her while she was gardening.

It was a few summers ago that she had realized the freedom to go braless in her own yard had to be held in check if curious boys are out playing. While she appreciated the attention that the adult neighbor guys gave to her "wardrobe malfunctions" when she was weeding a flower bed or washing windows, she admitted to a naivete when it came to the boys that started asking about her flowers.

Within a couple of weeks that summer, I was the one that noticed that she had developed a fan club and even when I told her about it she was dumbfounded by the idea that young teens would be trying to look down her shirt at her middle-aged tits. Once I was able to convince her, she adjusted her times of outside work while dressed that way so that none of the kids would be around for the times that she still enjoyed putting herself on display for the older neighbors.

When she found out from Brandon that he had remembered her as a gardener it suddenly made sense that he still would have a keen interest in the covered and fully supported breasts that she hadn't really thought of showing him until now. She mentioned his remark to me that night and wondered aloud if it would be wrong to tease him a little the next time he came by since he was of legal age and seemed very interested in what was inside her shirts.

He's not mentally retarded but he doesn't act anywhere near his age and she wanted to make sure that she wasn't exploiting a socially or emotionally challenged kid by using what appeared to be his normally developed sexual curiosity to build her relationship with him. In a Nightingale sort of way, she had begun to think that she might be the key to getting him out of his shell as he was stammering less in their brief conversations and seemed genuinely interested in her advice about girls and her gratuitous compliments of him.

I knew of course, that her asking to tease him was less of a question of my permission than it was a warning for what she planned to start doing but I played along by assuring her that any teenage guy was going to welcome an opportunity to see more of a woman's tits anytime. I further reminded her that she would be in her own house with me there and she had become so good at her discrete flashing that there was no way she could be successfully accused of exploitation.

The next day -- I think as a test first to see how she was going to feel about using her body to build their friendship -- she met him with three buttons undone on her shirt and offered a quick glimpse of the edges of her lacy bra when she reached for the paper. It worked for both of them and by the end of the week she was treating him to longer "accidental" looks inside her partially unbuttoned shirts at her pushed-up cleavage while they talked and I settled into a chair to read the latest news. She had never before indicated a particular preference for young men but something about this shy, introverted teen had spawned in her a strategy to make his self-esteem her project - and maybe prove to herself that her 50-year-old body still could compete at the teenage level.

Since I was always there when Brandon came by with the paper, and she had plenty of creative ways to let him see her little titties that had become braless by the time July's heat rolled around, he began to rely on her show and actually began ringing the doorbell to hand her the paper when she answered it so they could exchange two or three minutes of pleasantries. She always stayed in the house so neighbors wouldn't talk but all pretense of this being a casual interest for his self-esteem only was lost when she started wearing her favorite shirts that she had learned to control expertly for her public anatomy lessons of a small-breasted woman.

By August, he was leaving us as his last stop and automatically came around to the sunroom off of our master bedroom where we sat on both Saturday and Sunday awaiting the morning editions. That room had long been a semi-private place where certain neighbor guys had learned they might enjoy an "accidental" sighting of Judy in skimpy underwear and a bra if they dropped by unexpectedly and just let themselves in when we were sitting out there. She would always modestly dash into the bedroom as they were coming through the screen door without a knock and she would come back out dressed properly with a laugh and a blush. But her choice of transparent underwear and the regularity with which she got caught by them never left me wondering if her exposures were anything but a deliberate tease.

Brandon, however, was being granted more prolonged and less modest flashes of skin than I had ever seen her comfortable with in the past as she got used to her role of counselor to him, especially when in the safety of the sunroom. While lingering there after handing me the paper, Judy would disregard his staring at the outline of her nipples while they talked or when she was letting him see into her shirt she would patiently oblige him the time it took for his inspection while she pretended to not notice. It was clearly putting him at ease and as a bonus served as an aphrodisiac for her that could be gauged by the frequency and intensity of our fucking after showing me during our foreplay what she was going to wear next for him. I couldn't deny that both of them were feeling better about themselves as she was, in a way, nursing him with her breasts.

In fact, he might have been getting too comfortable with her exhibitionistic predictability as she confessed to me one morning after he left that she noticed he was showing up wearing jersey running shorts that often showed the shape of his young "peter" hanging inside without underwear.

She told me about it the first time in an exaggerated matter of factness that seemed to be trying to convince me that she was just reporting what she had seen. And I was careful not to make her admit that she might be enjoying the trade he was offering. But whenever I would ask again if she noticed if he was still swinging free she always knew when he was and sometimes mentioned that he must be excited.

He apparently began to view us both as sympathetic ears for his dating woes because, in addition to the unusual friendship that was growing between Judy and him, on the days that I was the only one there for his deliveries he seemed anxious to share an explicit knowledge of women with me. It turned out that even though he had never seen a live naked female body or even kissed a girl, he had a basic understanding of a woman's erogenous zones through porn magazines that he had access to and was pretty free in divulging what he thought they wanted using vulgar locker room terminology as though that kind of talk would give him credibility with me when we were alone.

In an over-compensating sort of bravado that sounded like he was quoting stories from the magazines, he would tell me what he intended to do with a girl someday and how much she was going to like it when he did. It was clear that his fantasies had less to do with any romantic interest he had for those girls that spurned him now and more to do with his intentions to use them simply as vessels for his semen when the time was right.

I tried once to gently correct his misconception that a girl was going to eventually just lay down naked in front of him and beg for him to fuck her. But, I admit that my case for romance sounded weak to an inexperienced teenager whose ideas of women had been influenced so heavily by pornography that promised conquest and a beautiful harem that would compete for the feel of a virile young man's cock inside of them.

With his tainted understanding that was probably being fed by my wife's seductive presentation of her tits bouncing inside her shirts, I resigned myself to the role of a man-to-man confidant and let him enjoy her regular displays even though he never referred to her specifically when describing women's ploys to get a man. But the way that he talked about the girls his age that he thought must want to have sex with him because of what they wore it was inevitable that he would be reading Judy's suggestive clothing in the same way.

I worried a little bit about what would happen to him when he finally just assumed that a girl wanted bred and he tried mounting up on her because her role was to be fucked by the nearest alpha male, but I didn't suppose that my 50-year-old wife would be that girl in his eyes so I left him to those fantasies that he refused to have debunked.

She continued to grant him a lot of leeway with his unskillful leering at her tits that she would have normally rebuffed if a guy had been so obvious in his staring at them. Typically, if a guy spent too much time around her or made no attempt to divert his eyes when she would talk to him, it would result in her closing up the gap in her shirt or her crossing her arms in front of the thin material that covered her braless nipples. But her willingness to condone Brandon's blatant attention to her aroused nipples was indicating to me that this young guy seeing her body as something to lust after was going to be excused as youthful enthusiasm, at least while she was enjoying it, too.

Not wanting to disturb that chemistry between them that had increased our frequency of sex, I didn't bother telling Judy about his primitive views of women because she seemed so intent on maintaining the ruse of developing him emotionally while she had his attention visually. I had learned to leave some things unspoken over the years to keep her from becoming self-conscious each time she approached new boundaries in her exhibitionism and it sure looked like being viewed as a piece of erotic meat by a teenage kid had become the latest acceptable way for her to get turned on.

We still found a couple of occasions during those early summer weeks to let her be seen at that higher level of total nudity by a few guys in other settings but there was a shift of sexual excitement occurring that left her more enthralled by the tamer exposures of her partially covered tits when it was Brandon who got to see them.

Some mornings, after he left, I would walk over to where she stood in the doorway and teasingly reach into her pants to run my finger along her wet slit while reminding her of the effect he was having on her, too. It didn't seem to bother her that her pussy told the story of just how relaxed she had become as an object of sexuality to him but I was a little surprised when one morning she timidly asked me to keep my hand there and finger-fuck her to an orgasm as I stood behind her watching him disappear through the back yards.

Behind the insufficient privacy of a full-length window in the storm door, within seconds, her weight had sagged down onto my hand as she bucked against it and only as she recovered from her grunting and writhing did I notice that she had added to her excitement by completely unbuttoning her shirt in a brazen early morning flashing to the neighbor guy sitting in his patio chair who never looked up from reading his paper.

The forbidden nature of her age difference with Brandon was a catalyst for her naughtiness, I know, and his interest in her middle-age body seemed to be reason enough for her to keep it up. Especially since she could excuse it with the progress she reminded me almost daily that he was making socially. Or, maybe she was reminding herself.

Either way, with the comfort level rising for all of us, when I suggested a more daring plan that would give her a chance to be caught completely naked by him one weekend morning, I was still a little bit surprised when she agreed without an argument. He had been seeing a fair amount of her naked tits inside her shirts but it couldn't even be considered a bare-chested display yet so my half-joking proposal of a quick flash of total nudity was going to be a leap for her -- or so I thought. As it turns out, she had probably been waiting for an invitation to be bad.
