Contact Literotica Editor: GoblinBrain

@GoblinBrain has published 3 Works since 01/01/1970

Your Message

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The Literotica Editor Program is open to site members only.

This system uses email. An email message from with your registration email address in the "Reply-to" field is sent to the editor. Any further contact is done via email.

Please make sure the email address in your profile is up to date. That email address will be shared with the editor you contact.

Literotica values your privacy. We do not store any data sent through this form. Emails are sent directly to the editor, and email content is not saved. Use "Send a copy to my email" feature to save a copy.

I have a Creative Writing degree and a fair amount of experience in writing workshops. Attention to detail and grammatical structure are my general focuses while editing. My process has been compared to performing an autopsy, so if that sounds what you're looking for, feel fre...
This editor will edit stories in the following categories:
Inter Raciale Liefde
Van Vrouwen houdende Vrouwen
Niet Toegestane/Met Tegenzin
Niet Menselijk
Speelgoed & Masturbatie
Gedachte Controle
Humor & Satire
Sci-Fi & Fantasie
Eerste Keer
Transsexuelen & Travestieten
Erotische horror
This editor can edit stories in the following languages:
Submission Format
This editor can accept submissions in the following formats:
Microsoft Word document (.doc)
Member Information
01/01/1970Member since
10/27/2023Editor since
10/31/2023Last updated