How do I post a Personal Ad on the Literotica Forum?

The Literotica Forum has a section called Literotica Personals, which is an area dedicated to members posting their own Personal Ads. The Literotica Personals forum also has subforums (BDSM, LGBTQ, etc.), so please check which personals forum best matches your interests before posting.

We require that all members read and abide by the Personals Announcement at the top of the Personals Forum before posting a personal ad. We strictly forbid any commercial advertising or sex work ads, as the Literotica Personals are meant to be a fun place for Literotica members to find friendship and relationships.

The procedure for posting a personal ad on the Lit Forum is the same as the procedure for Starting a New Forum Thread.

To respond publicly to an ad placed by another member, follow the instructions for Responding To a Forum Thread. If you prefer to respond via Private Message, you can hover over or click the username of the original poster and then click the “Start Conversation” link to send them a message.

If you wish to remove your ad, start a Private Conversation with one of the Personals Forum Moderators, including the URL of your ad and your username, and they will remove it for you. You can also edit any thread you created yourself, just like any other forum post.