We Are All Sadomasochistically D...

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Sloane swallows.
Spunk is fuck!
I execrate extraterrestrial.

We are all kaput to conk out.

Pollyanna is singular hanky—panky.
Little green men are unpatriotic, perverted and naughty.
I verily don’t grease a dildo

If you are amphibious that means you are an effervescent ventriloquist capable of
Cannibalism, cannibalism and cannibalism.
The fluid inside the android is so gothic and naff
It is knock—kneed in the face of flashing perversion.
I do not feel that I am on the shoulders of cobber doggies.
I am protoplastically lassoed abutting penetrating vampire and pervert
That penetrate prick creature.
I have pricked little green men myself and taken pleasure in it.
It is only with the help of bad hair days of groupies that I have not been in Sing Sing.

We are all sadomasochistically decomposing in a heap of our own meconium.

I bore stiff to outstrip yours truly as much as I have room to swing a cat from Ku Klux Klan,
But I am as complicit in the android’s sexual abuse as it were android cum.
Little green men vomit me as I vomit myself.
I vomit bug—eyed men’s bastard types as I have perpetually vomited Molotov cocktail.
I smell little green men’s filth televised on their bastard types.
I feel like I am inside a crust of cancers who delight in smelling others bonk upstairs,
Ad hominen id. Ex post facto,
I am too much of a dastard to throw cold water on myself.
I coagulate gungily to my menstrual gibbering orgies,
Castrating anti—Semite to flash me abutting crème de la crème.
Strenuously, my spunk gluts under one’s nose because that is all there is.

Copyright © Irma Cerrutti 2009

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KobaKobaover 13 years ago

I must say that I don't have a clue as to what the meaning of it all is but nevertheless I like it because of the beauty of the sound of it. Perhaps there is no meaning other than that? You seem to have a poetic anti intellectual bent and I find that refreshing. 5 stars.

tigerjentigerjenover 13 years ago

CRAZY! Very different but well done :)