2nd Best Decision Becomes 1st Best

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A unique resolution to a cheating situation.
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When the critical part of my story starts, I was 30 years old, married to the love of my life, Nancy, who was 32, we had two lovely daughters five and six years old, and we had been married for eight years. I remember complimenting myself on the good decisions that I made in life. This included who I selected as friends in high school and college, the college that I went to, the business I decided to get in, the company that I went to work for, and - best of all - marrying Nancy, the best decision of my life.

I met Nancy the first semester of my senior year in college when she was a graduate assistant for one of the business courses that I was taking. She was beautiful, voluptuous, smart, and funny. I don't know for sure what her first impression of me was, but my first impression of her was "wow."

I made sure to ace every aspect of the course that she was a graduate assistant for, and in the "lab" session that she taught made sure to ask only intelligent probing questions. Toward the end of the semester I got the idea from her body language that she was interested. The first day of the second semester I asked her out, we had a whirlwind courtship, and were married two months after I graduated from college.

One thing that I quickly learned about Nancy was that she was very headstrong and was impossible to manipulate, or even reason with, if she had her mind set on something. That was something that wasn't a problem for me, although she admitted that it had been a significant problem with men that she had relationships with before we met. What was a problem for me, though, was her apparent need to win every argument - however, I loved her so much that I learned to cope with it.


After college I immediately got a job in marketing with a Fortune 500 company and by the time that I was 29 I was a vice president of a Fortune 1500 company. Despite how intelligent she was, Nancy's one foray into the business world did not go well. She was an excellent teacher, but missed something when it came to applying what she knew to the real world; however, I believe that it was the headstrong nature of her personality that was her major drawback. So she returned to academia and at 32 was an associate professor at a prestigious university about 10 miles from our house.

My married life was great not only because both my wife and I had jobs that we loved, but we had great kids that were fun to be around, we had a truly loving relationship, and my sex life was better than I thought it possibly could be when I was growing up. Except for periods, which occurred about every six months, where Nancy and I had mysterious increases in our libidos so that we fucked like jungle cats for about 10 days straight, we regularly had loving sex which included experimenting with toys and great oral, as well as fucking in almost every rational position in the Kama Sutra. Nancy was particularly horny when she was pregnant and she required servicing every day, right up to the day before she delivered each child. I was one smug, satisfied, cowboy.

At the initial setting of this story, I considered my second best decision ever to be the hiring of my secretary of three years, Alisha. That could've been a really bad decision because Alisha, quite honestly, wasn't actually qualified for the job when I hired her. I'm not exactly sure what all of the motivating factors were in hiring her, but some were her tragic background, uber femininity, intense desire to succeed, and because she had to support a two-year-old and a three-year-old despite the fact that she was only 23 years old when I hired her.

Alisha turned out to be so smart that had she had the advantages that I did growing up she easily could've gotten a PhD in almost any subject that she wanted to. Although her verbal skills were no better than those of a senior in high school when I hired her, within 18 months she had no peers among the people that I supervised when it came to verbal and interpersonal skills. She was also highly organized, worked as hard as a single mom could be expected to work, and became the most reliable person that I knew. Just to prove to myself that my perception of her was correct, under the guise of corporate mandating that all employees should take a particular test, I manipulated her into undertaking an IQ test. She scored 135, significantly higher than that of the average college graduate despite her 10th grade education.

My smug, fat (figuratively, not actually, since I am 6 feet 2 inches, 195 pounds), naïve, existence came to an end 15 days after my 30th birthday. I got a call from the school where my six-year-old was in first grade that Monday morning. Since the school was close to the University where Nancy worked so that she could drop the kids off and pick them up most days, and since Monday and Wednesday were her busiest days, I was the emergency contact for the kids those days, so I got the call instead of her. If the same thing had happened on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, I might never have found out.

My six-year-old, Lisbeth, simply had a minor stomach problem, but I thought that I should run her in to her pediatrician's office just in case it was something more serious. I tried Nancy's phone to advise her, but it went to voicemail. Since I know Nancy's schedule and that she might have her only break of the day within 10 minutes, and where her office is, and since it was right on the way to the pediatrician's office, I swung by the University with the intention of telling Nancy, or Nancy's secretary if Nancy was not in, what was going on.

Imagine my surprise when as I approached the building her office was in, in an almost hidden side entry way that was never used, I saw Nancy in a passionate embrace with another man. I stopped the car short, looked long enough to see his hand on her ass and one of her hands between them at the level of his crotch, took one photo of them in the embrace with the high res digital camera in my glove box, took a second photo when they broke the embrace with big smiles on their very visible and recognizable faces, and then drove to the doctor's office.

I was so shaken that had it been any other doctor's office aside from the pediatrician's they probably would've assumed that I was the one in need of medical attention, not Lisbeth. Fortunately, Lisbeth's problem turned out to be so minor that the doctor cleared her to return to school after lunch. Lisbeth and I went to a deli and had lunch together, splitting her favorite sandwich since I didn't have much of an appetite, and then I returned her to school.

When I got back to work I got my phone messages from Alisha, immediately went into my office, and closed the door. When Alisha could tell that I was done returning the three calls that I needed to, she rapped on the door and came in.

"What's wrong Blake, you look ashen. Was there something serious with respect to Lisbeth?" She asked.

"No, no, no," I blurted out much too quickly. "She merely had a minor stomach problem, and after lunch I returned her to school."

"Then why do you look like a zombie?" Alisha asked. "You might as well tell me, you know that I'll get it out of you eventually."

She may have been right, but I was in no mood to talk about it then. "No big deal; I probably just have the same little stomach problems that Lisbeth had."

Alisha wasn't buying it, but she left my office and I worked the rest of the day with the door closed. Actually "worked" is a euphemism because I got damn little done.

I feigned Lisbeth's stomach problem with Nancy that night. After eating half of my dinner, and playing with the kids for about half an hour, I told Nancy that I didn't feel good and in case what I had was contagious would sleep in the guest bedroom. I went into the guest bedroom, but I didn't immediately go to bed. I had to decide what to do. Doing nothing was not an option, but going nuclear and destroying our family wasn't one either.

I somehow got through the week without directly confronting the problem. My plan called for me to do it Saturday morning using my fake illness one more day, a fake business trip for two more which I spent in a local hotel, and a night at Nancy's parents' house. I basically pulled it off, although Nancy had a very suspicious look on her face especially when I did not come to bed Friday night for what she clearly hoped would be an intense sex session; I said that I had to work on the computer for about an hour.

"What's wrong Blake?" Nancy asked, dressed in her most inviting négligée while I sat at my laptop in the den.

With only one glance toward her I replied "We'll talk about it tomorrow morning and then I'll take the kids to the zoo so that you have some time to think."

"Why can't we talk about it now?"

"Because I fucking do not want to talk about it now, that's why. So just get the fuck to bed!"

That was the first time that I had ever, in our entire relationship, talked to her like that. The last time that I looked at her she was wide-eyed, but shortly left. I slept in the guest room again.

Nancy looked like shit the next morning. Pursuant to arrangements I made two days earlier, I sent the kids next door to play with the teenage girl who often babysat for them, with the promise to leave for the zoo within half an hour.

As soon as the kids were out the door Nancy started "How could you talk to me like you did last night..."

That's all she got out before I yelled "Shut the fuck up Nancy. Our 'talk' is going to consist of me talking and you listening."

That got her attention and she sat back in a kitchen chair.

"I don't know how long you've been having an affair, why, or what his name is, but it is very distressing to me to say the least."

Nancy opened her mouth like she was going to deny it, but I slammed my open palm on the kitchen table and she thought better of it.

"This is the way it's going to be if you care to stay married. If I ever get any indication whatsoever that any of our friends or family know about it, I'll be filing papers the next day; same thing if you ever bring him or them into this house." (She flinched at the word "them.") "Until I have proof that the affair or affairs is/are over, you present me with a clean bill of health from an STD testing lab, and you tell me how I can regain trust in you, I will be sleeping in the guest bedroom. When I return with the kids this afternoon, unless you tell me that you are immediately filing for divorce, I intend for our family life to go on the way it did before Monday, but we will not be having sex again until my three conditions are met."

With that I grabbed the car keys and left. Fortunately, it's hard to be depressed around little kids when they're having such a great time at the zoo, so I almost forgot about our situation until I returned late that afternoon.

Nancy was not at home we got there. She returned about an hour later, just as I was completing preparation of spaghetti and meatballs, and salad, about the extent of my culinary abilities. She was not wearing normal Saturday mom clothes, but a slinky dress and heels.

After Nancy changed clothes we had a fairly normal family dinner. After I cleaned up the dinner dishes, we played a standard Saturday night family game, watched a kids DVD until one was asleep and the other barely able to keep her eyes open, and we each got a child ready for bed and tucked in.

Once the kids were safely in bed, I changed into my bicycle riding duds, and took a nighttime bike ride for an hour. When I got home Nancy was watching a movie in the living room. She put the movie on pause, walked into the kitchen where I was consuming a liter of iced tea, and said "We need to talk some more."

"No we don't," I matter-of-factly said. Then I walked upstairs, took a shower, and went to bed in the guest room. I made sure to lock the door. I heard rapping on it, but tried to ignore it. When it continued I turned on an air cleaner so that the background noise drowned it out.

We had a basically normal Sunday. I even held Nancy's hand as we walked into church. We went to a family and friends barbecue, with the kids, that afternoon, and if anyone there could tell that Nancy and I were having problems they sure didn't show it. I did make a number of subtle inquiries with a number of my friends and family members, however, just to see if there was a possibility that they knew anything about Nancy's affair. Either my inquiries were way too subtle or no one had a clue. Nancy came up to me several times during the barbecue and gave me a hug. I always returned it with a smile on my face.

Nancy made one more attempt to talk further on Sunday night, but I responded to it by taking another nighttime bicycle ride and then after showering went right to bed in the guest bedroom.


Many people may wonder why I took the approach that I did with Nancy. There were many reasons why, the two primary ones being that the thought of not being with my kids every day was very distressing to me, and considering how headstrong Nancy was she very well could get her dander up, we would have a confrontation from which neither of us could recover, and the marriage would be dead for sure. I thought that in time the marriage might be salvaged, but not unless I took a strong position while still avoiding a nuclear conclusion.

I do believe that for the next three weeks everyone that we knew was fooled into believing that Nancy and I had the same relationship that we did before that fateful day. Everyone, that is, except for Alisha. Alisha had some sort of sixth sense, radar, intuition, or something of the sort, because she wasn't fooled for even one day.

One of the procedures that I initiated when I became vice president of marketing was, during the summer, a half day Friday every other week. It was so great for morale that I got higher productivity in the 34 and one half hours that people in my division worked during those weeks than during a normal 40 hour week. On a half-day Friday about three weeks after "the incident" everyone else had left except for Alisha when about 1:30 she came into my office.

"Come clean Blake; I'm not leaving until you do," she said, plopping herself in a chair across from my desk.

At first I tried to bullshit her; she was having none of it. "I know that you have to get the Jenkins contract done before you leave here today, this is a very comfortable chair, and I'm not leaving or letting you get any work done on the Jenkins contract until you come clean." Her crossed arms and legs, and cobra-like stare, left no doubt that she was going to do what she said. So I told her everything.

"How long is this going to last?" she inquired.

"I have no idea," I honestly responded.

"So you haven't had sex for over three weeks?"

"About that."

"Did I tell you that you pay me enough money, especially with your overly generous Christmas bonuses, that I was able to rent a small house and I now have an aunt, my only family member who is worth a damn, living with me so that I have a built-in babysitter?"

I was a little surprised that she was bringing up such an irrelevant topic. "Uh, no; I didn't know that, but I'm happy that you feel that you are properly compensated."

"Did I tell you that I haven't been laid in five months, and that the last time was not that satisfying?" she said, uncrossing her legs and moving her thighs part.

I stuttered out "That's way too much information, Alisha."

"Actually, it's not, Blake. Your present situation has given me the opportunity I've been looking for over the last two years. A chance to change our relationship. You're going to be out of town Tuesday night next week, and you're taking me with you. If you don't, you can start looking for a new secretary starting Wednesday, at which point I will be giving my two weeks' notice."

After that mind-blowing statement, she got up, walked behind the desk, and planted the most passionate tongue filled kiss on me that I had ever received in my life while squeezing my rapidly inflating dick. Then she turned and started out the door. Just before she went out the door she said "I know all about the company's fraternization and sexual harassment policies. I also know how to handle them."

I sat at my desk stunned for the better part of an hour. By the time that I thought things through I realized that one of the reasons that I may have hired Alisha was because I sensed a latent sexuality in her that contributed to her uber femininity. While Alisha was not as beautiful or voluptuous as Nancy, I had to admit that she had the "it" factor which is impossible to properly analyze, yet can evoke a strong sexual response. I had some real thinking to do.

By Monday, I had a number of questions, and some decisions based upon how those questions would be answered. I called Alisha into my office first thing, and closed and locked the door.

"Were you serious on Friday?"

"Never been more serious in my life."

"You know that I have two little kids, probably will not be getting divorced, and that if I reconcile with Nancy that I will not be having sex with anyone else besides her?"

"I know that. I'm not asking you to fall in love with me. I'm asking you to use me for your sexual gratification until your situation changes the way that you want it to."

"How do we get around the fraternization and sexual harassment policies?"

"I've talked to a labor attorney friend of mine who assures me that if we both sign waivers, and we are discrete, if the company tries to enforce the policies against us we can prevail in a lawsuit. Plus, we both know enough about each other's personalities to know that we can be completely discrete and can trust each other to act honorably toward one another. If worse comes to worst, with your glowing recommendation I'll get a job someplace else."

I stared at Alisha for the longest time without blinking. She stared right back. I slowly walked up to her, grabbed her, and kissed her as passionately as she had kissed me on Friday while fondling her ass with one hand, and a boob with the other. When we broke our embrace I said "Get the waivers from your lawyer friend and arrange for us to travel together Tuesday. Reserve two hotel rooms on different floors but you won't be using yours."

Alisha got a big smile on her face, turned and walked out the door slapping her ass just before she exited my office. The rest of the day no one could've sensed that anything had changed in our relationship.

On Tuesday Alisha and I were very professional in the limo to the airport, on the plane to our destination, and in the cab from the airport to the hotel. After we got our separate keys at the hotel desk Alisha slipped the bellman a five dollar bill and asked him to deliver the suitcases to her room and we would get them split up later. Then she grabbed me by the hand and walked me to the elevator.

On the ride up in the elevator the look that she gave me had to be the most sultry look in the history of mankind. I really don't know how she did it, but within two minutes of when we got into my room she had all of her clothes off despite the fact that she had been kissing or rubbing her hands over me the entire time.

As I played with her surprisingly large - considering the conservative clothes that she always wore to work - boobs, she pulled down my pants and boxers over my steel hard cock. When I started to finger her she said "no foreplay this time; I've been looking forward to this for two years and I can't wait any longer."

With that she jumped into my arms, and I slightly stumbled so that my back was against the wall. As I supported her by her ass cheeks, she manipulated my cock so that it was at the entrance to her soaking wet pussy, and then flexed her crotch so that I was immediately buried to the hilt. She smashed her hips against me as she moved her pelvis better than any hula dancer that I've ever seen. I thought that Nancy was passionate; Alisha was in a different class. I came like a B-52, and she came just as hard, right along with me!