A Casual Pick Up

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A timid young man falls prey to an experienced gay.
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It was around nine-thirty on a warm late summer's evening and Jasper was walking back home alone through the park, just vaguely feeling the effects of the several beers he'd drunk while he waited for a date who had never materialised. He wasn't used to being stood up, in fact this was only the second time it had ever happened to him. But then every time he looked in the mirror he could see why.

Jasper was twenty-two, around five seven tall, weighed just a sliver more than a wet dishcloth and was blessed with straight, mousy brown hair and spots. To top that off, he had been lumbered with a name that he hated. The reason he was never stood up was because he so very rarely got up the courage to ask a girl out.

He wasn't a virgin, there are girls who like the timid kind of man, but he was never going to be stud of the month either. There were many things he still wanted to try in bed if he ever got the chance, but it wasn't going to be tonight. Instead he would head off to bed and wank, again.

But before that could happen he had another more urgent use for his cock, and a diversion to the public toilets at the back of the park was needed. The beers were finding their way through his system.

The sun was setting and the park was not busy, so Jasper was a little surprised that two men already stood at the urinals, taking up the outer two of the four stalls and so forcing Jasper to stand beside one or the other of them. He wasn't too comfortable with this idea, he liked to keep a clear space between himself and anyone else while he was peeing, but needs must and he couldn't wait.

He stood there, unzipped, and took out his cock, being sure to hide it under his strategically curved palm and carefully directing his gaze down at what he was doing. There is an unwritten rule for using men's public toilets, learned at a very early age, that says that under no circumstances do you look in the direction of a neighbour, and so Jasper consciously ignored the man he stood next to. He was far too busy directing his own flow down into the channel in any case.

At the other end the man sighed, zipped himself up, gave his hands a perfunctory rinse and departed, leaving just Jasper and his neighbour. It was too late and too obvious now for Jasper to move along the row, and so he stood there, gradually emptying his very full bladder and carefully staring anywhere but at the man next to him.

After a minute or so, when his own flow began to show signs of abating, Jasper wondered why his neighbour was still peeing, and it suddenly dawned on him that he had seen no flow of urine running along the channel in front of him from next door. If he wasn't peeing, then what was he doing? Jasper risked a quick peek in the man's direction. His neighbour had an erection and he was masturbating. Not the frantic, hands flying kind of masturbation designed to make you cum right away, but the slow, sexy fondling and stroking that just brings that wonderful erotic pleasure – you know, the kind of thing you do while watching your girlfriend undress.

The man was older than Jasper, maybe early thirties, tall, well built, handsomely blond and very smartly dressed in suit and tie, not the sort of person he would have expected to be masturbating in a toilet. Jasper was, to put it mildly, shocked beyond belief. His eyes automatically shot from the man's cock to his face and then, when he saw the man watching him from the corner of his eye, back down to his own cock where the flow was slowing.

He didn't know what to do. The man was obviously aware that he had been seen, and he obviously didn't mind. In fact, Jasper suddenly realised, it was a deliberate display, though he had no idea why. He wondered if he should move away, but didn't want to seem chicken, and then he wondered if he should say something, but he knew his voice would come out in that ridiculous panicky squeak he had when he was feeling nervous. In the end he did what he tended to do – try to ignore what was going on.

He stood waiting for his bladder to signal empty, wanting to get away from this embarrassing situation, but his eyes were drawn and he couldn't resist glancing down to where he man was still openly playing with his cock.

"You can look if you like. I don't mind."

The sudden quiet voice made Jasper's eyes jerk back to watching himself, but once again his eyes were soon drawn back to his neighbour. The man had now turned slightly, making it easier for Jasper to see him, and his cock seemed harder than ever.

It was, Jasper had to admit, a nice cock, if there are such things, long and pale, with a fully circumcised head, and lacking both hair and veins along the length of a wide and very smooth shaft. He couldn't stop watching, his eyes seemed pinned to the man's hand as it ran slowly and seductively back and forth along his shaft, taking the looseness of his skin with it.

"Do you like it?"

The words were spoken in little more than a gentle whisper, Jasper nodded mutely, unable to speak and unable to tear his eyes away.

"You can touch it if you want to."

Jasper's mouth was suddenly dry and his heart was beginning to pound in his chest, but he found his hand tentatively reaching out towards the other man as if drawn by magnets. His fingers made contact, surprising Jasper with the warmth of the hard shaft. The man lifted his hand away to allow Jasper to hesitantly wrap his fingers around another man's cock.

"That's it, stroke it for me."

As if hypnotised, Jasper's fingers began of their own volition to run along the man's shaft, stroking it softly, gently, barely touching. In his head his mind was screaming, asking him what he thought he was doing, why he didn't stop, run away, thump the man - anything but play with this strange man. But Jasper was naturally passive and could do nothing except follow the other man's instruction, and get a strange kind of pleasure from complying.

His bladder was now empty and his cock lay limply in his other hand, but Jasper felt unable to put it away, even though it simply hung, flaccid and unemployed. For some reason he felt constrained to leave it out and he just held it between two fingers, getting a weird kind of adrenalin rush by keeping it in full view of the man now gazing down at it. He stroked the stranger's cock, wondering why he was doing it, but mentally comparing its warm, hard feel with his own limpness. Bizarrely, he felt he was letting the man down by not having an erection himself.

Footsteps sounded in the short entrance passageway and Jasper instinctively released the other man's cock and faced to the front, seeing from the corner of his eye that his companion was doing the same, trying to at least look as though they were engaged in the normal business of urinating. A middle-aged man came in to take up position at the far end of the urinals, a sudden splashing sound telling of his proper use for the place.

The sound of the newcomer urinating, a sound that seemed unnaturally loud to Jasper's ears, was the only noise to be heard as he and his blond companion stood still, waiting for the third man to finish. Even the sound of his final spurts seemed to echo around the building, before the man shook himself, rezipped his trousers and left, giving the two remaining men a dark suspicious look over his shoulder.

On their own once more, the blond man turned back to face Jasper, silently nodding and indicating downwards with his eyes for Jasper to touch him for again. For a second time Jasper found it impossible not to comply, and his hand, seemingly of its own free will, reached out to grasp the stranger's cock.

"That's nice, isn't it?"

Jasper nodded, knowing that he should be repelled but instead finding the contact strangely exciting. He began to run his fingers along the man's shaft and around the head, exploring the texture of the skin beneath his fingers. His heart was still pounding, but as much with apprehensive excitement as with fear, and his mouth was no longer quite as parched as before.

"Yes, it's nice." He managed to whisper finally.

Voices warned of others approaching and Jasper released his hold, snatching his hand away before their behaviour was discovered. The older man rolled his eyes skywards in frustration and, stuffing his cock hastily back into his pants, motioned towards the doorway, signalling that they should leave. Jasper hurriedly put his own limp cock back and followed, the two of them passing a trio of youths on their way in, the thought of being caught by those three making Jasper's heart jump into his mouth.

It wasn't until he was back in the park standing beside the stranger that he wondered to himself why he hadn't just stayed where he was and let the other man leave alone. Even now it wasn't too late, the sun had gone down and he could easily outrun the other man in the twilight, especially through a park he knew well. But he knew that he was too passive, too timid to do any such thing.

"Come on, my car's over there. We can go back to my place."

Jasper nodded consent and followed towards the car park, not quite knowing what he had let himself in for, but accepting whatever it was simply because he didn't know what else to do.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"Jaz." He replied, giving the shortened version that he preferred.

The man smiled, his teeth clear in the semi darkness. "Hello Jaz, I'm Paul."

The car turned out to be an almost new saloon and much more luxurious than Jasper was used to, and he wondered again what a man like Paul was doing in such an out of the way set of toilets.

They settled themselves in the comfortable leather seats and Paul started the engine, but before driving away he looked silently across at Jasper for a moment and then reached over, placing his hand firmly on Jasper's thigh. Jasper tensed and stared straight ahead, guessing what was coming but unsure how to react. The hand wandered along the length of his thigh, getting ever closer to the top, to its target, until eventually, seeing that he was not actively objecting, Paul placed his hand on Jasper's crotch, fondling and handling the younger man's cock.

Once again Jasper felt apprehension tinged with excitement and he felt himself allowing his legs to fall open, knowing that was what Paul wanted. Unexpectedly he found that he didn't mind the man touching him, he even welcomed the attention in a strange kind of way. It was almost pleasant, although he felt not at all aroused. Paul was watching him intently, even without looking Jasper could feel his eyes boring into him, searching for any reaction as he fondled the young man's genitals.

Suddenly he was fumbling with Jasper's zip, trying to pull it down and gain entry. Automatically Jasper moved to make the task easier, feeling rather than hearing the faint buzz of the zip descending. Paul's fingers found their way in, wriggling through his clothing and into his underpants, searching for and then finding Jasper's cock.

Jasper gasped as Paul's cool fingers worked his cock free of his trousers and he looked down to where another man was now playing openly with him. His cock was still soft, but he could tell it was about to respond to being touched, and even as he watched it started to fill out, slowly and jerkily coming to attention.

"That's better." Paul told him, his hand now stroking up and down Jasper's rapidly hardening shaft. "Do you like that?"

Jasper nodded again. There was no denying it, the feel of Paul's hand on him was nice, was pleasurable, and was having more effect then Jasper would have thought possible.

"Good." Paul smiled at him. "Then put it away until we get in, and then we can do a bit more, can't we?"

Jasper said nothing, his eyes flicking sideways to where Paul was putting the car into gear and getting ready to drive away. Part relieved and part disappointed he shoved his erection back into his trousers, his mind in turmoil from his unexpectedly positive reaction to being touched by another man.

The short drive was spent in silence, Paul occasionally glancing across and, if he caught Jasper's eye, smiling encouragingly, and Jasper simply staring straight ahead unless he sensed Paul's gaze upon him. He was partly reassured by Paul's friendly smiles, but still very apprehensive as to what might await him. That apprehension was multiplied when Paul thumbed the garage open by remote and drove straight in, the door closing behind him to make Jasper feel something like a fly in a web.

Paul's home was a large single room 'loft apartment' over the top floor of the building, very modern, very minimalist and very clean, the kitchen area all stainless steel at one end of the space and the sumptuous double bed on a raised dais draped in white and gold at the other. In between, a grey leather suite and large glass dining table were the main features of the living area, the table surrounded by tall backed grey leather chairs to match the suite. It was, by any standards, a luxury home for a single man. At Paul's request Jasper left his shoes just inside the entrance with his host's and walked in stocking feet over a deep pile white carpet.

"Beer, Jaz?" Paul asked, heading for the head high fridge.

"Thank you." Jasper was standing gazing about in awe at his surroundings.

Paul returned, placing two cans on a small glass-topped coffee table by end of the sofa, before coming to stand directly in front of Jasper.

"It's your first time with a man, isn't it?"

Jasper nodded, looking silently at his feet, unable to look Paul in the eye.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Paul chucked Jasper under the chin to make him look up. "And if ever you want us to stop, I promise you a ride back to the park, no questions asked."

There it was. Any lingering doubts that Jasper had harboured about Paul's motives were now gone. In his heart Jasper had always known that Paul was a gay man on the pick-up, but he had just not permitted his mind to accept the idea, even when Paul had played with him in the car.

Now he was faced with his biggest decision. Should he go through with whatever Paul had in mind, or should he demand to be returned to the park – and did he have the nerve for either? He was still prevaricating, still trying to get a decision made, when Paul reached forward and felt for his still semi-erect cock through his trousers. In a childish way he was glad that Paul had made the choice for him.

His cock responded to Paul's touch, trying unsuccessfully to uncurl inside the confines of his clothing. For a few minutes Paul fondled him through his trousers, but then he began pulling his tee-shirt out of the top of his pants and Jasper knew that he was going to undress him.

Paul efficiently stripped away Jasper's clothing until he was dressed in just the black boxer shorts that he had thought to impress his date with, if the chance had arisen. Instead Jasper found himself in the presence of a strange man, a gay man, who was clearly after his body. It was close to the moment of truth and he trembled visibly at the thought of what might happen.

"Don't be frightened, Jaz." Paul's voice was still soft and comforting. "We won't do anything you won't enjoy, and if you want us to stop, we will, I promise."

Paul put his arms around Jasper, holding him close and stroking his bare back gently until the trembling stopped. To Jasper the action was confusing, part of him saying that he shouldn't be almost naked in the embrace of another man, and part of him taking comfort from the affectionate attention. He knew intuitively that Paul meant him no physical harm, what had worried Jasper was taking part in possibly gay activities, but Paul's promise to stop took away the worst of those fears. He looked up at Paul and forced a smile.

"I'm all right now, honest."

"I knew you would be." Paul told him, standing back to begin to remove his own clothes.

Paul took off his shirt and tie to reveal a strong, fit man, his broad chest scattered with blond hair and his stomach sporting a well defined six pack. Jasper watched, wishing that he had that kind of body instead of the puny frame he was cursed with.

"A lot of hours in the gym." Paul smiled in answer to Jasper's unasked question as he lowered his trousers.

Paul's designer underwear was in keeping with everything else about him, smart, stylish and understated, and it made Jasper feel even more out of his depth. How such a man could want to spend time with him he had no explanation, but he felt faintly grateful without having any idea why.

"Together, Jaz?" A smiling Paul asked Jasper, his fingers tucked into the waistband of his shorts ready to remove them.

"Together." Jasper agreed, still slightly uneasy but feeling far less embarrassed than he thought he should.

A count of three, a simultaneous stoop, a little hopping on one leg, and both men stood up to face each other completely naked. Jasper's gaze was immediately drawn to Paul's rock hard cock, standing proud, straight and smooth from a nest of light brown curly hair. His own cock was only semi-erect and, he thought, looked far less attractive with its straggle of hairs climbing part way along its length. Suddenly he realised that Paul shaved his shaft, and instantly understood why.

Paul took a pace forward and opened his arms, inviting Jasper into his embrace. For a moment Jasper hesitated, very mindful of his own and Paul's nudity, and nervous of the naked contact.

"Come to me." Paul encouraged him.

Hesitating only a second or so longer, Jasper moved into the arc of Paul's arms, shivering slightly as they closed around him and Paul pulled him close. Jasper was instantly conscious of Paul's cock pressing hard and warm against the flesh of his stomach and of his own resting at the top of Paul's thigh, but somehow it didn't seem at all out of place and he relaxed a little, his own arms going around Paul's shoulders to make the embrace mutual.

"That's better."

The words whispered into Jasper's ear were followed by Paul's lips planting soft kisses around Jasper's neck in an unexpected and slightly unnerving display of affection. He wasn't quite sure how to react, his mind told him that it was wrong for a man to kiss a man, but his body quivered from the delicious sensations, and he stood tamely in Paul's arms.

Paul sighed into Jasper's neck and his hands began stroking his back, at first moving softly up and down his spine, the thrill of the touch and a lingering apprehension making Jasper's heart pound afresh. But then Paul's touch became more insistent, one hand flat on the small of Jasper's back, holding him tight, while the other moved lower, cupping his bottom and exploring between his cheeks, squeezing and manipulating the soft flesh pf his buttocks. He felt Paul's cock press harder against his stomach, reminding him of its presence and causing his own cock to fill out and stand proud, pressed between the two men. Apprehension was replaced by anticipation as Jasper allowed himself to look forward to the inevitable.

Paul's fingers were deep between Jasper's buttocks and he felt the tips brush over his anus, making his gasp at the intimate contact. The fingertips returned, probing lightly, exploring, and seeking, while all the while little kisses were showered on Jasper's neck and throat. He couldn't resist, his arms around Paul's shoulders pulled the older man towards him in unspoken approval, and his head tilted back as an invitation for more of those warmly stimulating kisses. Paul's breathing was becoming more rapid and there were tiny pleasure noises now between the kisses.

"Touch me."

Paul pulled himself back to arms length so that he could look Jasper in the face and to leave a gap between their bodies.

"Touch me." He repeated, in an urgent whisper.

Jasper reached between them, his fingers fastening unhesitatingly around Paul's fully aroused cock, feeling the warmth now as heat and the hardness as complete rigidity. Both men groaned very quietly as Jasper ran his hand along Paul's shaft, squeezing it gently in his palm, Paul's eyes closing briefly from the intensity of the sensation. Encouraged, Jasper started to masturbate Paul, steadily and softly pumping his hand up and down the firm shaft.