A Couple Pt. 03

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West End women invade Silicon Valley.
10.9k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/25/2014
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Author's Note: Oscar discovers his women are full of surprises. If you are just joining the story, the first two parts are essential and may be found at and http://www.literotica.com/s/a-couple-pt-02


After a long flight from London, Natalie picked me up at the airport with a bright smile and a warm kiss. We drove down the Peninsula freeway and I looked at the sparkling ring on her finger. "I see you have a ring. Who is the lucky guy?"

The smile got even wider and her hand reached out for me. I intercepted it and munched on her fingers.

"So we missed each other by having sex with friends?"

"My sister and Madelyn said they were starved for affection. Attacked both at once."

"The Nordic blonds said much the same thing. Swam in the pool for an hour and came after me dripping. Made all kinds of kinky suggestions about doing me in the ass."

"Hmmm. This gets more interesting. Did you let them?"

"No, but I watched them. They spent a long time in the bathroom cleaning themselves out and greasing up. I think they were putting on a show. I asked them if they let a guy do them and they said yes. But only with a condom and a lot of cleaning."

"Did it turn you on?"

"It did, as much for watching them take turns being the guy as anything else. They had this big strapon in their luggage and the first moment I saw Inge plunge into Erica was completely erotic. They took turns and if they were acting the orgasms, it fooled me. Lots of noise, lots of pounding on each other's ass and shouting like a man."

"You've got me all turned on. Are we going to try it?"

She looked at me and the bulge in my slacks. The look was full of dark promise. "I cleaned myself after I went this morning."

"This is very bad. We aren't in reach of each other for two minutes and overcome by lust."

"I told you in Aland that you had changed me. Pressed a special button or something. I have dreams now about your cock. I suppose, having told you that story, I will have technicolor of you ramming another woman in the rear. What do you want to bet that some big hunk in London did Lisa's back door?"

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You, my dear slut, are being positively indecent." My hand was inside her blouse, where there was no bra.

"Let's talk about work, it's hard to screw on the freeway." Her laugh was just a giggle.

"I have an appointment with the WHO lead at the UN after we get to New York. No telling what's there. He seems to have a lot of autonomy."

"My lab director is being hard. Says the agency will be very pissed at losing me off the contract."

She glanced over, "Your girlfriend and fiance actually has work admirers."

"Why am I not surprised? I've already talked to you about my difficulties separating your fine mind from your fine body." Her hand had my fingers again. She kissed them and said, "You know, in a strange way, I'm excited about teaming up with Lisa and Madelyn to do Wall Street stuff. It's always seemed so exotic, especially those stories about fast trading advantage in milliseconds."

"So what about the lab?"

"I didn't tell them anything about the offer from Lisa. What's on the table is a one year leave to pursue numerical analysis research at Columbia, and keep 10% time on the project at the lab."

"They are trading on your name."

"Yes, but no matter. We will want to come out here to the house and pool anyway, especially when the weather is nasty back there and the twins are offering wild sex." She bit the end of my finger. I pinched her nipple back and she flinched and smiled.

"You know someone at Columbia?"

"You'll like this. The divorced wife of my thesis advisor is head of a small group affiliated with the physics department that does applied math research. You have to have strong credentials and bring money, but they are good people. The wife, Sharon, was ten years younger and a pretty thing. Haven't seen her in years, but I'll bet it was her wandering ways that caused the divorce."

I stared, "A colleague and a bedmate?"

I got a quick innocent stare back. "Didn't you say we were interested in exploration?"

She had on a flowered skirt. I wondered what was under it.

"You are going to make a spot on the seat, going commando and talking to me like that."

"Be a good boy and put some tissue in there." The look was her version of sexy and guilty.

I grabbed several sheets of tissue from the dispenser in the back and got my hand up between her thighs, which were tense with the driving. As I suspected, her parts were airing out and wet as could be. The tissue was worked gently into her crease, and her clit got some tweaks for good measure.

"You'd better be nice and hard for me. This is as bad as phone sex."

I thought about pulling myself out and decided I wasn't quite that adolescent.

"Are we hiking tomorrow?"

"We are. Claudia is leading one of those redwoods to the sea things. Are you good for ten miles after your dissolute lifestyle?"

I smiled and closed my eyes. Claudia was a no longer closeted lesbian at the lab who was a demon outdoor person and strong hiker. She knew every canyon and every trail along the Skyline. She liked me and we bantered about sex. I told her I would hit on her when Natalie threw me out. She said that was fine as long as she got to use her shotgun on my privates first.

I picked up Natalie's hand again and licked the tanned skin. "Ever since you accepted me in Aland, I've been in a fog. The boss asked if I had a cold or something, and laughed like crazy when I told him we had gotten engaged. He said, "Marry her quick, Oscar, so I can get you back to work!"

"You are being romantic again. I thought it was the woman who was supposed to get all soft and mushy?"

"I'm going to get out my little book of sonnets and read to you."

We were turning into her steep driveway and I got an annoyed look. "Sonnets? What about that hard thing between your legs? That's what turns me on."

There were groceries and my carryon to take in. I followed her shapely form, getting nicely hard and thinking about how to play the alpha male. I did want her, badly. Yesterday's frolic in London was fresh in my mind. I knew she was thinking about it too. Her Oscar's cock pumping in and out of his sister and her roommate.

My fingers were at the clasp of her blouse. "Where do you want to be taken. I'm done being nice to you if you reject my romantic impulses."

"Romantic mush! The guys who wrote that stuff probably couldn't get it up. Give me a hard cock any day."

I just dropped my trousers and shorts where I stood and pulled her to me. I knew she was bare and wet under that pretty skirt, which joined my pants on the floor. I had a tight grip on her hips and massaged the crack of her ass with my hardness.

She was in the middle of saying, "That's better..." when my fingers gave a hard pinch on her nipples and she winced. "Bastard. You're going to torture me first?"

I bent her over and drove hard. She grunted with the impact and I penetrated only halfway into her tight channel. Might as well have some fun, I thought, pulling out and picking her up. She struggled and wanted to know what I was doing.

"Stupid cunt, trying to tell me about sex!" She was naked now, kicking at me as I threw her on her back on the leather couch in the living room and plunged at her again. This time I was fully seated and enjoying my favorite woman. She had an energy that filled me with lust, driving back in as she twisted underneath. We called each other names and used our hands to pummel the other. I walked out onto the patio and threw her into the pool. Her eyes blazed at me, "Get in here and finish your job!"

I did, and she screamed at me as she came, "Oh god, Oscar, I love you."

I walked out of the pool with her in my arms, kissing. The hot water in her shower felt good as we clung to each other.

I sat on the floor applying lotion. She said, "Was that too violent?"

"When we are too old for rough sex, I will be unhappy." Fingers smeared the lotion to the top of her thighs and enjoyed what they found there.

"Is there more for me, later, or did the sexpots in London drain you?"

"When I don't have seconds to give you, I will be unhappy about that also."

She tousled my hair. "You are a dear. I have some nice shrimp salad for a snack."

Our chairs were touching as we enjoyed the salad, and the white wine I opened. The sun had set on us but the east bay hills were still lit. I closed my eyes and liked being back at Natalie's in California.

She kissed my neck and said, "Bed now?"

"I'm afraid so. My body is shot."

"I'm trying to finish a paper that is important to the project. I'll climb in with you later."

"Are you the lead author?"

"Yes, but there are two others, both women, who have been major contributors. It will help them with their promotions if we get it finished and published."

"How do you navigate the treacherous waters of research competition so well?"

"I trust my woman's instincts. You realize our engagement is stretching instincts?"

"And other things too." She punched my arm and we went inside.

She woke me, leaning for a kiss. "Come, the deer are by the back fence."

We moved carefully to the big french door to the patio. Two does and their fawns were eating grass along the fence line in the early dawn. The babies stll had their spots.

She pressed back against me. "Are we still thinking of babies?"

"It will change your life. You weren't raised with the mission to prove motherhood and a career go together."

"Will you change diapers?"

"Now who's getting all mushy?"

"Oscar! Don't be crude." She dropped her clothes and slipped into the pool. The deer looked but did not run.

The water felt good. We leaned against the side and watched the deer. The fawns were playing. Jumping and nipping at their mothers for milk. A good butt sent one of them sprawling.

"Your teats will get sore." I palmed them.

"Are you trying to encourage me or discourage me?"

I was hard and worked her hips up and down so he slid back and forth in her cleft.

"You are forty-one. We will be sixty when our child goes to college. That's an important choice. We could be doing other things."

We were letting the sun dry us on loungers, holding hands.

"If couples talked mating to death, the birth rate would go down."

"The planet is being overrun with humans. It needs to go down."

She lay on me. The shared warmth of our bodies was very comforting. Her lips were close to mine.

"I have a confession to make. I stopped taking my pills when I went to Aland."

My fingers dug sharply into her ass.

"Are you angry?"

"No, just absorbing how completely devious the whole past month has been. Is this part of following your instincts?"

Her lips sought mine and we kissed. "One morning at the conference in Riga, I was in the bathroom, popping the pill out of its little container and I looked at it. Then I looked up at my face in the mirror and said, "Why are you doing this, you love him."

"Talking to myself, just like that. I tipped them all out into the toilet."

I rubbed her back and behind and said, "Your analyst, if you had one, would find all sorts of depths buried inside that brain that were responsible for your flagrant irresponsibility." I swatted a hard globe.

She rubbed her mound on me. "I am supposed to have my period yesterday or today. No blood so far. How many times have you flooded my insides since we met on the island?"

"I have wonderful dreams of sex with you, but I don't keep count."

I was fully hard and she fitted us together. "You are not allowing any more analysis of your pregnancy?"

"No. I remembered the story my mother told me when I was in college, about how I was conceived. She went to one of my dad's conferences with him when she was his grad student. There was a dress up dinner with lots of champagne and dancing. She was very tipsy when they got to the room. He pressed her against the wall and kissed her while his hands were pulling her long dress up. He unzipped himself, pushed her panties to the side and took her. No asking, no time for her diaphram, nothing but hot sex. He didn't even apologize. Told her she was a great fuck and went to sleep."

"Did she say anything about how she felt when she found out she was pregnant."

"Yes. We were in her bedroom, lying next to each other. When she finished the story, we were both a little hot. She rolled into me, kissed me, and called me her darling Natalie. Told me I might have been an accident, but so were a lot of other kids and she loved me the more for it."

My hands were tight around her as she gently wiggled on me. "The emotion touches even me."

The wiggling got more aggressive. "That's nice of you to say. You know, the funny thing was, I thought at first she told me so I would be careful about sex with college boys. But it ended up with us kissing and hugging and crying."

"The world is full of surprises."

"Yes, now do me and dump another load in there."

My bride was pregnant when we went for a civil ceremony. Her boobs were bigger, something about her look was different, and my sister said other women could tell. I felt even more foolish and inadequate than I had before.

The missed period triggered other things, including a sense of urgency to get our lives organized in the new orbits we hadn't yet fully defined. The plan had been for a wedding later, but neither of us could figure out how to handle it.

I asked Natalie if we should tell Lisa and Madelyn. "No. I read that twenty-five percent of first pregnancies miscarry within ninety days. Let's wait."

Between her new attitude and her new circulating hormones, Natalie was eager for sex. Almost any time eager. She also redoubled her efforts in the gym, having read that weight control and fitness were important to the fetus. One evening, when we were in California, she came out to the pool in a nothing bikini that revealed she was bare under it.

She saw me looking and laughed. "I wondered how long it would take you to notice."

"Do those wax strips hurt as much as they say?"

She laughed again and plunged her tongue into my mouth and pushed my hand into her crotch. It was marvelously smooth. "We are going to the lounger and you are going to put oil on your fingers and get me off. The woman next to me said her biggest orgasms were when her husband worked on her with his fingers right after she had an appointment."

"You are a horny thing these days." We were walking to the lounger.

She lay with a space for me beside her and handed me a vial of scented oil. It worked. I had her in a complete writhing mess within a couple of minutes. She had to bite her arm to smother her cry as she came. And she wasn't a bit surprised when I plunged into her wet sex. After a few strokes, I stood her up, and we chased each other around the house, coupling wherever the impulse caught us. She screamed and I shouted and we left drips behind us.

We spent about half time in California. I had wrangled an appointment in New York from the head of mission of the WHO, who said he was glad to have me, and appeared to mean it. He and my former boss in Geneva dickered over a transition period and settled on three months. This was fine with me. I did creative calendering, shorting both of them to have more time with Natalie.

The NewYork assignment for Natalie didn't work out. She told me she would soon be too big to travel, and did not want to be in the east late in her pregnancy. Her good news to her boss was that she wasn't leaving the lab, but she would be on a year's maternity leave in a few months. He smiled and kissed her on the cheek and told her she looked wonderful.

My wench had more devious plans. After an incredibly orgasmic weekend with Lisa and Madelyn in the Manhattan apartment, she insisted they come to Silicon Valley for some business development and stay with us. She'd reached almost twelve weeks and was beginning to show. We were sitting on the patio in swim suits on a warm September evening when she said to Lisa, "I have something to tell you."

They smiled and Lisa said, "We have been wondering how long you would wait."

Natalie said seriously to them, "You know why I waited then?" They looked quizzical.

"I didn't want to tell you and then lose the baby to spontaneous miscarriage."

They jumped up to embrace her and apply kisses. "Oh god, we were so dumb. We are sorry for joking with you."

"It's ok. The book says the odds of carrying to term are now 88%."

This conversation changed the atmosphere with Lisa and Madelyn, even though Natalie did her best to go back to the former lightheartedness. I even caught them tiptoeing around one morning when Natalie slept in. They were in awe when she made them run with her, belly showing, and work out at the gym when she did.

"Oscar, we have to have the ceremony! She's showing!" Natalie brought home magazines from the grocery store with pictures of starlets with big bellies and their oafish husbands looking embarrassed.

Eveyone's hands raced to the expanding belly to feel this feat of nature. There it was, a tiny push against her uterine wall. We were struck dumb. The women insisted on no more delay to the wedding. Email announcements were sent for a date on a Saturday two weeks hence. Please, no gifts, just bring yourself. We took a block of rooms in town and had them parceled out to friends who could come.

In the middle of this excitement, Natalie took the women to her game room on the lower floor and said, premptively, "Your new work space. The Silicon Valley headquarters of West End Enterprises!" There was wry humor when she insisted the location was indeed at the west end of Silicon Valley.

The two dynamos adopted the new idea with enthusiasm. In a matter of days, there was an architect, a contractor, a commercial electrician, and an Internet electronics expert. Permits appeared by magic. An impressive pad with a new transformer appeared at the foot of the driveway. A technical consultant with one of the fiber companies showed up and exited, all smiles, with contract in hand.

A week later, the old gameroom had been sheathed in firecode sheetrock, had two walls covered with specialized electronics racks, new lights, a fancy automatic fire protection system, and a giant air conditioner.

We sipped wine on the patio one evening in the midst of the work and Natalie asked, "So your Phd's dealt with market analytics. Where did you get all this technology expertise?"

My sister and Madelyn smiled at each other and laughed. "Shall we tell them?" Lisa asked.

Madelyn nodded and Lisa choked out, "We traded sex for engineeering!"

I took a deep swallow of wine and said, "I should have known. Tell us"

"There were these two very handsome guys who had been undergrads together at NYU, and were getting MSEE's at MIT. They wanted to date us but we were busy and putting them off. Madelyn finally relented and we agreed to have dinner. The conversation kept drifting around to computers and we were thinking bad thoughts about nerds when one said maybe they needed to look at the servers we had just installed in our apartment. Anyway, we got up there with their hands all over us. Things kept getting hotter and hotter. They said we were incredibly sexy and they were wild with lust. We had more wine and, well, you know what happened. The problem was, they had big cocks and were great lovers. We started out in two rooms, but the second time, they took us side by side on my bed and we screamed and screamed. In between, they had us naked in the bedroom with the computers and started talking to each other about how much better they could do if we let them. I tried to make a joke about better cocks and that's when they carried us to the other bedroom, beating our backsides, and did us together. But, funny thing, they came back the next day with a big sack of stuff and you wouldn't believe the good work they did on our system. They hugged us and said that if we liked the new system, we should call and ask for an upgrade. They would know what we meant."