A Damn Good Fucking

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The Title says it. She got what she wanted.
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'Harder, bitch, harder!'

Joanne's reluctant grip on her husband's nipples tightened as she twisted them even more viciously to bring Aubrey to climax. Anything to keep him hard until he managed to come, anything to stop that soft flabby belly from hammering down and driving the breath from her lungs for any longer then necessary. He grunted at the sudden increase in pain and battered himself into her, his penis twitching as it spewed his seed into her pussy.

His balls emptied, he slumped across her with his cock already softening, lying there like a stranded fish until she half wriggled, half heaved, her way out from under him and left him gasping and sweating. She pulled on her robe and went downstairs to sit in the dining room, her head in her hands, wondering what to do.

She had had a belly full of the man, in both senses of the phrase. At thirty-three she should be in the prime of her sexual life, and even he, some sixteen years older, should not yet be past it. She should be enjoying a fulfilling, adventurous, passionate relationship, not having to beat his backside into a pulp just for him to get anything like an erection, and then wait for him to fall asleep so that he didn't notice as she silently gave herself a small degree of fulfilment. It was as if he blamed her somehow for his inadequacies and for his reliance on perversity to get his pleasure.

When they had met, nine years before, she had been stimulated by what she naively saw as his experimental approach to sex, and what he called his "little peccadilloes" were just an exciting variation on their more normal bedtimes. But as he had got older his kinky tendencies became more and more important to him and seemingly she less so, until now she was nothing more than a masturbation aid as far as he was concerned, and her own enjoyment counted for nothing. What she needed now, she admitted to herself, was someone to give her a damn good straightforward fucking, for it was a certain fact that she would never get one from him anymore.

'I'll be back around ten.'

His voice echoed from the hall followed by the sound of the front door slamming. She stared at the dining room door in surprise because it was so unusual for him to leave her alone for so long. As his virility had waned, so his jealousy had grown; frightened perhaps that someone else would step in where he failed.

She looked at the clock, at first not realising that half an hour had passed while she had sat there moping, then frowning for the time she had wasted without making any decisions. Two fifteen in the afternoon now, nearly eight hours before he returned and by then he would probably be at least moderately drunk. And that, she suddenly realised, was eight hours of freedom in which to do whatever she wanted, eight hours to get away from the house with all its reminders of her life with a self absorbed masochistic bully. Maybe a walk down by the ocean wouldn't be a bad start. Life couldn't go on forever the way it was, and she needed to think.

She pushed herself out of the chair, planning on a much needed shower before she dressed to go out. Maybe, she thought as the water cascaded over her, a light summer dress with nothing under it so that she could pleasure herself on a quiet beach. But maybe not, for with her luck she'd be caught by someone they both knew. Okay then, not commando, but a light summer dress was still the best bet. She aimed the spray at her pussy, trying to wash away the sticky reminder of their earlier coupling, reconciling herself to his so-called lovemaking. What she wouldn't give to have a normal healthy sex life. God, if only she had the nerve to take a lover.

She had often thought about an affair, and again she seriously considered the idea as she drove towards the sea before deciding once again that it just wasn't worth the risk. She'd never be able to keep it quiet, never be able to cover her liaisons, to account for the regular disappearances that an affair would entail. Aubrey might be a brute, but he wasn't stupid, and if he did find out she was pretty sure he wouldn't divorce her, he'd just make her life an even bigger hell than it was already. She drove around looking to find a spot to park that was near enough to the beach but not so close as to get the car covered in sand. He'd only want to know how it had got there.

Having parked up she wandered down a footpath through the dunes until it opened onto the beach, her favourite, quiet, secluded beach, and was happy to find it almost deserted on this weekday afternoon. There was a group of people clustered around a barbecue way off to her left, a couple strolling along by the water line and a gaggle of youngsters with kites, and that seemed to be that. Pleased, she sauntered the short distance down to the water's edge and ambled along beside the sea, strolling away from the others, head down, lost in thought, listening to the whoosh and suck of the tide on the pebbles and considering what she should do about her life.

But then a sudden rush of water from the incoming tide broke her reverie and wet her feet, persuading her to turn back and to look for somewhere quiet to sit among the fringe of sand dunes that lined the beach. She soon found the perfect spot at the base of the seaward slope of a dune, facing the sun and shaded from the wind, and there she settled back, pulling her dress up onto her thighs to feel the sun on her legs and then leaning back against the warm sand. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift, still hazily going over her situation. There was not a lot she could do about it, she decided, for her husband would never change, that was for certain, and she had no real reason to divorce him. She daren't even have an affair for fear of being caught, even though the very thought of one sent an illicit thrill running through her.

She was still pondering over her life when she became aware that she was not alone. There was nothing that told her so, no shadow, or sound, but just an instinct, and it was that same instinct that made her open an eye very slowly in order to see if she was right before committing herself to looking properly. She was right. About ten or so yards in front of her stood a young man, maybe a dozen years younger than herself and dressed just in a pair of blue jeans and a psychedelic tee-shirt. He was looking intently at her, but at an angle so that it would appear as though he were just innocently contemplating the horizon. For a moment she wondered why, but then she realised. He was looking up her dress, and no doubt seeing more than he should under her hiked up skirt.

Her first instinct was to slam her knees together to maintain her modesty, but for some reason she didn't want to. She knew that she should be extremely offended if not absolutely outraged, but for some reason she wasn't that either. In fact his gaze was giving her a buzz; a tiny but definite adrenalin kick that was making her heart beat just that little bit faster. Opening her other eye, but keeping them both almost closed, she gazed back at him from between her eyelashes, taking in his blond hair, youthfully muscular physique and healthy looking tan. He was clearly interested in her, and the fact that she was having any effect on such a handsome young stranger did wonders for her battered self-esteem. It was the sort of reassurance that she could do with more of.

Relaxing on the beach had already left her knees a few inches apart and now she found them drifting wider, spreading inch by inch as if of their own accord and giving the young man a better view of the plain cotton panties she had so carelessly chosen. Maybe she would have worn something sexier if she had known, but maybe, she remembered her previous thoughts, she could have worn nothing at all. Her heart rate increased at the thought of his eyes on her pussy, and her knees separated just a little bit further until she was sure he had a clear view. Any more and it would be clear that she was deliberately opening her legs for him, but so far, she convinced herself, it was just the inadvertent exhibition of a woman dozing on the beach.

His eyes kept flicking from the horizon to her crotch, from there to her face, as he checked to see if she was aware of his presence, and then back to the horizon. Keeping her slitted eyes just that tiny bit open she smiled inwardly at his ineffective attempts at nonchalance, wondering how he could not know how obvious he was, and for that matter how could he not know that she had seen him. She wondered what to do, excited by his attention and aroused by the possibilities she was torn between making a sham of waking, acting as if innocent of her own display, and either pretending not to notice or simulating anger at his impertinence. There was a third alternative, however, and her heart banged as she considered it. Could she? Would she? Should she? Yes!

She let her legs fall wide open in an obviously premeditated way, spreading her feet and deliberately showing him herself to him and excitedly wondering if her increasing dampness would be visible. At the same time she opened her eyes properly, letting him know that she knew of his presence by looking directly at him. She told herself that he would either be embarrassed at being caught peeping at her and move away or he'd have the bottle to stand his ground, and then things were going to get interesting.

He was no coward. He did redden with embarrassment, but he responded to her eye contact by returning her gaze without flinching, and with a wry smile playing around his lips.

'Enjoying the view?' She asked quietly, trying to keep her nerves out of her voice.

'Err. Yes, thank you.'

She shot a quick glance up and down the beach to make sure her behaviour wasn't being witnessed, and was pleased to find that only the barbecuing crowd were still in sight, and they were mere dots in the distance.

'Come closer and get a better look.' She invited him, silently marvelling at her own daring.

'Thank you.' He repeated with mock solemnity, moving to stand between her feet, staring straight at her cotton covered pussy. She gazed back at him, her eyes fastened on a bulge that was visibly growing inside his jeans.

For a few minutes they gazed silently at each other, he perhaps simply taking pleasure in what he could see while she was wondering desperately quite where things were headed. She licked dry lips, her heart now pounding hard inside her chest. The whole scenario was turning her on something wonderful, but she knew it couldn't last. Things had to move on or end. Dare she take it to the next level?

She fought with herself and her nerves, part of her shouting that even if she daren't take a lover, a one off with a stranger, especially such a handsome stranger, wouldn't hurt, would it? Another part, perhaps her conscience, was shouting equally loudly that once she crossed that line she could never go back, she would be a cheat, a common adulteress, forever! Oh God, but didn't she deserve to enjoy sex just occasionally? Hadn't she put up with enough of her husband using her body as a recreational toy? She knew which way the argument was going. Her conscience was losing the contest with her needs. She looked up and down the beach again, dry mouthed and heart hammering. It was clear, for even the barbecue set were packing up and moving away.

'Do you want to do more than look?' She asked hoarsely, taking that final step.

He didn't speak. It was as if he too was trying to overcome his nerves. It was clear from the bulge in the front of his jeans that he wanted her, but he just stood there, staring mutely. Finally he nodded wordlessly, timidly committing them both.

Now she wanted to just rip her clothes off and lie there waiting for him, but she daren't be quite that shameless, and in any case she wasn't sure he was up for being so blatant. She would have to act a little more circumspect than that and a little more self-assured.

'Lie down.' She instructed him, waiting impatiently as he silently laid himself on his back, his chest visibly heaving from his own excitement.

She knelt beside him, reaching for the belt of his jeans, undoing it, popping the fly and pulling urgently at his zip. She looked at his face, smiling reassuringly, not wanting to come across to him as simply a sex mad slut, even though she was truly behaving as one. Her hand found its way into his jeans, seeking and finding his erection. God, he was hard, a steel bar compared with her husband. Hard to extricate too, but eventually she got it out, pulling it out through his fly almost uncaring that she might hurt him. Even when he groaned she readily put it down to pleasure rather than pain. She stared at it in disbelief, unable to easily comprehend that a man could be so hard and so big for her. His cock was long, stiff and blue-veined, with its purple head peeking through a generous foreskin. It seemed to want her as much as she wanted it.

She let go and stood up, her anxious gaze once again taking in the beach, relieved at its emptiness, and then reaching under her dress she pulled down her panties, kicking them free, not even noticing where they went, interested only in his cock. She straddled him, feeling round and under her dress to find his shaft, steering it to her, feeling it against her wet lips. She paused and then let herself sink onto it, feeling its hardness sliding into her, deep, very deep, until she was sitting on him with his length all the way inside her.

'That feels so fucking good.'

She had got so used to his silence that his voice surprised her. He was as nervous as she, although she doubted it was for the same reason. Again she scanned the beach for 'intruders', frightened of being caught having sex with someone other than her husband, though her outspread dress covered what they were actually doing.

'Yes.' She agreed.

She lifted herself until he was only just inside her and then let herself simply drop onto him. The thrill of such unaccustomed hardness penetrating her slippery passage made her moan with pleasure. She did it again, and again, rising and falling as hard and rapidly as she could on his cock until she was gasping with exertion and arousal.

'I'm getting close.' He told her suddenly, urgently.

'Me too.' She replied, suddenly realising that the signs of an orgasm were already creeping up on her. It was so long since she had expected to come during intercourse that she almost hadn't noticed. In fact it wasn't just creeping up on her, it was suddenly there, bursting through her, sending rolling waves of pleasure down to her nerve endings. She cried out involuntarily, desperately looking around her in case someone had heard even as she climaxed. She was so scared of being caught, but it was so worth it. She rammed herself down on him as she came, all her muscles, it seemed, going into spasm together, making her vagina clench rhythmically onto his cock. It was a short, fierce climax, so much stronger than anything she had enjoyed for years, but over almost as soon as it had begun. She whimpered with combined ecstasy and frustration.

'I'm going to come soon.' He warned her, reminding her of his intention

His climax was near now and he began to thrust up at her from below, stabbing himself into her now that she was no longer moving on top of him.

'Can I come inside you?' His voice was an anxious gasp now.

'Yes.' She nodded vigorously. 'I want you to.'

The thought of him shooting his cum into her made her shudder with excitement. She did want it, very much. She held herself rigid above him, accepting his thrusts, waiting for the moment when he would empty himself into her.

'I'm coming.' He announced, pushing upwards even as she pressed hard back down on him, taking his twitching, jerking cock more deeply inside herself, feeling his cum spurting into her, flooding her womb. He groaned with each thrust, making passionate animal noises each time as his balls emptied themselves into her, and it was beautiful.

Soon he was finished, lying beneath her, panting and gasping with his chest heaving and his cock subsiding inside her. She clambered off reluctantly to sit beside him, her eyes casting around for her discarded panties, the evidence of her infidelity. She spotted them and pushed them into a pocket, not wanting to put them back on and signal a symbolic end to what she had just experienced because what she had experienced had been so amazing.

She had been carried along on a wave of lust, lust that had reminded her of what sex should be about. Short, sudden, and not very satisfying maybe, but normal and so very enjoyable all the same. She was finding it hard to believe how good it had been. She had somehow automatically expected him to request some form of stimulation, perhaps not the kinky, masochistic stimulation her husband expected, but something. Instead they had made love immediately, naturally, as it should be, and she wanted more.

She gazed down at him, suddenly smiling, trying to tell him of her happiness without having to explain. He smiled back, drawing a hand across his forehead as a make-believe sign of pleasant exhaustion.

'That was something else.' He told her, his voice still breathless.

She nodded. 'Yes, wasn't it just?'

She frowned suddenly as an audacious idea entered her mind.

'Can you do it again?'

'Yes.' His eyes lit up. 'Given time to get my breath back.

'Have you got anywhere we can go to do it properly?'

She wanted to undress completely, take her time and fuck him in private without worrying about being caught, to open her legs and have his masculine body between them, to have his naked skin on hers. In short she wanted the damn good fucking that she had promised herself earlier that day, and he appeared instinctively to know it.

'We could go back to mine, it isn't far away. But I share with two other guys and they might be there.'

'That's okay, your bedroom has a door on it, doesn't it?' So what if others could hear them, she didn't care if they could see them let alone hear them, anything if it would fulfil the need that had suddenly become so overwhelming.

'I don't know your name.' He stated suddenly as she drove through unfamiliar streets following his directions.

'Sheila.' She lied instinctively, plucking a name from nowhere to cover her real identity and make what she was doing deniable, even to herself. 'You?'


She had every reason to believe he was being truthful, but in reality she didn't really care. It was just a name to hang his memory on when the day was over and she returned to her abnormal normality.

'Hello Jake.'

'Hello Sheila.'

They burst into laughter together over the inanity of introductions made after having already had sex together, but then Jake suddenly became serious.

'Why?' He asked.

'Sorry?' She queried, not understanding the sudden shift.

'Why did you seduce me?'

She hadn't really thought of it as her seduction, although on reflection it obviously was, and so she had to think about for a moment or two. She used the need to shift lanes as an excuse for not answering immediately.

'I'm not sure.' She began, not wanting to explain too graphically. 'I suppose it was as simple as seeing you looking at me and realising that you were attracted to me. My husband is a fair bit older than me and he's not as interested in me as he used to be, and it's just nice to be wanted. You do want me don't you?' She threw a question back at him to divert his curiosity and to reassure herself. It was no longer just a case of wanting someone to fuck her, but of needing it.

'Oh yes, absolutely.' He chuckled. 'My only worry is that if the others are at home, they'll want you too.'

That was something she hadn't thought of. Even though she knew he was really jesting she felt another little shot of adrenaline from the thought of being lusted after by more than one young man. And she felt almost horny enough to have all of them. All of a sudden she was fighting an unbidden hope that it might happen that way.