A Family Affair Ch. 10


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The two sisters then alternated blowing me, which was something that very rarely happened. In fact, I hadn't had a threesome yet. I mean a proper one. But having those two women sucking my dick for the first time was a real thrill. Enough that I could feel my orgasm fast approaching, as I had been rather close with Simone on my cock in the pool.

"Getting close," I warned, and that's when Kelly took over sucking me again. I smiled again as I knew she wouldn't stop now until my orgasm. Simone leaned close, whispering into her ear, but Kelly's eyes remained focused on mine alone. I warned her when my orgasm was imminent, but when I felt that first spurt fire into her mouth and throat, she didn't stop sucking me until I was empty.

Then she surprised most of us by turning and kissing her sister, and it was obvious what she was doing. When they pulled apart, Simone looked at her, absolutely stunned. "Holy shit, Kelly," she whispered.

"I love him and I love you, Simone. I'm just taking my time until I'm ready to be with a woman properly. Kissing you is one thing. Fooling around a little is another. Making love is something else entirely." She raised a hand to her cheek. "But trust me, I do want to be intimate with my little sister."

Everyone noticed Simone's lower lip tremble before she hugged her sister tightly. "I've wanted to hear that for so long," she said softly.

I glanced to see Sandra and my mother watching them, Sandra wiping her cheek. "I love my children," she said happily, "And definitely want to hear that they want to be intimate."

"After I've been with Simone, I want to be with you, Mum." Sandra was up so fast, it made the rest of us chuckle as she cuddled her oldest daughter, and the fact they shared a rather passionate kiss wasn't a surprise. Sandra caressed Kelly's cheek, both of them grinning at each other. "I love you, Mum," she said softly. Sandra just hugged her tightly in reply.

Simone mounted my cock and resumed what we'd been doing in the pool earlier, leaning forward so I could get her breasts in my face again, which made her laugh. But she wasted no time riding me hard and fast, no doubt eager to enjoy her own orgasm. Moving my hands down her back to her fantastic arse, giving it a squeeze, that alone earned me another long, deep kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth, making herself whimper as she was practically slamming herself down on her cock by now.

Breaking the kiss, I moved my lips up her cheek to her ear. "Want to cum?" I whispered.

"I don't want to stop," she moaned, "Love your cock."

"Love your pussy, Simone. Love your entire body."

That sentence earned a kiss that was incredibly passionate. She knew I loved her body and I showed her how much every time we were intimate. In fact, I showed her plenty outside of being intimate, either giving her some polite compliments, or whenever we'd just hug, I definitely run my hands over her body. She particularly loved leaning back against me so my hands would move from her breasts downward while she liked to press against my groin, hoping to provoke an erection. She usually did...

Finally enjoying an orgasm of her own, there was no doubt everyone was watching her by then. She wasn't silent as she climaxed, but if anyone though she was done, they would be wrong. Leaning down to kiss me again, I grabbed her arse and started to thrust up into her. That was just what she wanted, moaning and laughing at once as I pumped her nice and hard.

"Oh, fuck yes, Mark," she cried.

That's when Sandra surprised us by leaning over her daughter. She met my eyes and smiled. "Does my daughter want a couple of fingers in her arse while you ride him?" Noticing my surprised look, Sandra smiled. "Please, you think I haven't had fingers up her arse while I've eaten her pussy, Mark."

"I don't know, but all I know is that it's a major turn on, Sandra."

Sandra disappeared, returning a couple of minutes later with a bottle. Pouring that on Simone, who didn't stop for a second, Sandra kissed up her back before resting her head on her shoulder. When she started to gently fondle her arsehole, Simone shuddered but there was no doubt she liked it. "Someone needs to film this," I stated, "Just send it to me please."

"Like the idea, do you?" Sandra asked.

"Simone and I have obviously talked about certain things."

Mum got up, grabbing her phone and started to film. I only knew Sandra had slid fingers into her arse when Simone stopped moving and moaned softly, relaxing on my chest so I could see Sandra sliding two fingers into her daughter's arse. "Fuck me," she whimpered, "Please fuck me."

Sandra and I timed our thrust, mine with a cock, her with her fingers, making sure we alternated so either her pussy or her arse was full. She leaned down to kiss me deeply, caressing my cheek with her other hand. "We need another night, Mark," she whispered.

"I want a night of the mature women in the household."

"Fuck it, make it a weekend, Mark," Mum stated.

"Caroline, we'd ruin him. In a good way. But think of the smile on his face when he returned to work on Monday. And he'd have empty balls all week once we're done with him."

"I know, and the smile on his face would last a month. Imagine the three of us on the floor wanting to suck his cock."

"Mummy," Simone whispered.

"You want more, sweetie?" Simone's nod was emphatic. "Another finger and faster?"

"Please, Mummy," she whimpered, "I love you both so much."

Sandra met my eyes. "She always gets emotional as happy as she is right now."

Simone enjoyed another orgasm a couple of minutes later. Definitely bigger than her first one, begging her mother to fuck her arse even faster with her fingers, while I was pumping her faster and faster. I could feel my own orgasm building, her pussy and arse now being pumped like I'd never seen before.

"Close," I muttered.

"Cum in her, Mark. Cum in my daughter. Fill her up with your cum. Maybe one day, you'll put a child in her."

For some reason, that set off my orgasm something fierce. Simone enjoyed an even larger orgasm, her mother really fingering her arse until Simone collapsed onto my chest, the universal sign that she'd had enough. Removing her fingers, she then gently took my cock out of her daughter as Simone snuggled into my chest, running my fingers up and down her back. Apart from quivering from the aftershock of her orgasm, there was no doubt emotions were high.

"Thank you, Mummy," she whispered, "And I love you both."

Sandra kissed her cheek. "I think you need Mark in your arse, sweetie." Deborah cleared her throat. "After he fucks Debbie, of course."

"Still waiting for him to use one of those tokens I gave him. Used up all the blowjob tokens. Good thing there isn't a time limit on using them, Mark."

I didn't want to admit, but I'd actually forgotten about them with everything that had gone on since my birthday. And the sex with Deborah was so good, I knew she enjoyed anal sex, I wasn't all that worried about it. Sure, it was something I figured might be worth trying, but I figured she would end up just offering it on a plate to me one day.

Simone eventually lifted herself off my cock, staggering naked to the back door, I assumed to go have a shower and relax in her room. Sandra offered her hand, and she escorted me inside to my bathroom, where she joined me in the shower. She was rather turned on, so having her pressed back against the wall as I used my fingers to bring her to orgasm probably wasn't a surprise, and certainly left a smile on her face.

"If I'm intimate with Kelly, I'll send you pictures," she whispered, "She won't mind because they're for you."

After drying off, she took my hand and had me follow her to her own bedroom, where all she wanted was my company to snuggle for a little while. It was nice to be with her like, as admittedly, I probably spent the least amount of time intimately with my aunts. I don't think either minded, as I made their daughters quite happy in return, but that's not to say I didn't find my aunts utterly gorgeous themselves.

Finding us lying back naked a little later, Kelly told us Amy and Mum had prepared dinner for us. Sandra kissed me before I left to put on some clothes, wandering out to find everyone at the table. The chair next to Heidi was empty as always, sitting down next to her, a kiss on her cheek which earned me a glance and smile. Not sure what it was, but I wrapped a hand around the back of her head and kissed her deeply, enough that, after I pulled back a few seconds later, her cheeks were bright red, her eyes full of lust, and the table was quiet.

"Well, hope you kiss me like that later," Mum said.

"I told Paddy and Chris about Heidi and I," I said, forking some steak into my mouth. It was cooked brilliantly as always by my older sister and mother. They were absolute dynamite in the kitchen.

"What was their reaction?" Mum asked.

"They were fine with it. Well, actually, they'd made a bet on whether Heidi and I had been intimate. But telling them we'd been together since my birthday, they honestly didn't care. Hoped we were happy, then we talked about other things."

"Guess you can't really say anything about us," Mum said softly. I knew she'd love to tell the whole world, but no-one, and I mean no-one, would ever understand. I glanced across at Amy, Deborah and Katie. I knew they felt the same way as Mum.

"Honestly, I'd love to get on the radio and tell the whole world I'm with the nine of you. And I know most of you feel the same way, not just about me, but about each other." I put my fork down and looked around. "I'm going to sound overly sentimental for a man closer to nineteen than eighteen now, but this is a house of love. Paddy asked if I've considered moving out. I told him why would I want to? He obviously doesn't know the real reason why, but I now make love to my mother, sister, aunts, cousins, and I don't plan on anyone stopping us."

Heidi leaned close to me. "I think you should be with your mother tonight," she said loud enough for her to hear.

"Heidi, it's okay. I'm happy for you and Mark. Of course I am, he's my son with the woman he loves."

"Aunt Caroline, I'm the fortunate one out of all of us. I can be out in public with him like we are, the same with Simone and Kelly, at least. I know for a fact he'd love nothing more than to be the same with you, and his sisters, but unless you're in another city, state or country, then there's always the chance of being caught, even in a city of a few million. I know I'm truly the lucky one, so when we're home here, trust me, I get some of his time, but I want you to have as much time with him as you can."

Mum got up and circled the table, hugging Heidi ever so tightly. "I love you like one of my own," she whispered. Heidi didn't or couldn't respond to that one, hearing her try and reply but, whenever she tried, she only offered a choked sob. The mood was even better as we finished dinner, gathering in the living room afterwards once the kitchen was cleaned up. Sat in one of the chairs, Mum sat on my lap, sitting sideways and resting against my chest, occasionally turning to give me a soft kiss.

"You two are just too damned cute sometimes," Katie said, grinning away, "Mark is definitely living the young man fantasy of the older woman."

"Women," Sandra said, "Becca and I haven't really got our claws into him yet. He's going to have a MILF weekend soon enough. That's when you girls won't have him for a couple of days. It's going to be mature pussy the entire time."

"Actually, I have something to ask," Mum said, "Why don't we organise time off and go on holiday somewhere? I mean not in this country, maybe a Pacific Island? Find a nice resort, an apartment or something close to a beach, and just spend a week lazing around, eating, drinking and most definitely fucking."

I loved the idea, so did everyone else, spending the next couple of hours discussing the best time to go, if we could get the time off, how much it would cost, where exactly we'd go, and all other sorts of permutations. But we all agreed a family holiday away was just what we needed. The last holiday Mum, my sister and I had been on was a couple of years back. I mean the sort of holiday we'd be away for at least a week.

As it was Sunday night, everyone did head to their rooms earlier in preparation for work the next morning. Mum took my hand and led me to her room. As soon as the door was closed, we were all over each other. I was only in a shirt and a loose pair of shorts. She wore almost the same, so we were naked rather quickly.

"I'm eating your pussy, Mum," I murmured into her ear before kissing her again, "I just want to make you orgasm over and over."

She met my eyes, that sort of smile on her face that made me fall in love with her a little more, feeling fingers run up and down my cheek. "I love that it's you saying that, Mark. My son wants to eat my pussy and make his mother happy by making her cum."

"I love making you cum. Those adorable little noises you make as you get turned on, then when you do orgasm, I know I just want to do it again and again." I pulled her close, no doubt feeling my cock press into her body. "Once I've done that, you're going to get fucked, of course."

Mum wanted to try something different that night, ensuring I was on my back and she straddled me. Honestly, I could have just been like that with her all night. Making out with my mother was a lot of fun, and she'd admitted that doing it with me made her feel like a young woman again. I'd taken her out in my car a few times, going to secluded spots to just make out with her. Hadn't quite had sex in my car, as if we got caught, we'd be in hot water.

"I want to ride your face," Mum whispered when she wanted something more than a make out session, "Have you done that before?"

"No." I wasn't embarrassed by that. There was still plenty I hadn't done yet. "I'm guessing you have?"

"When my sisters and I... Well, there are plenty of positions three women can get in. One of us would lie down, with the one lying down being eaten out, the third sitting on the face of the one lying down. I always loved that position, no matter where I was."

"Climb on my face, Mum."

My enthusiastic reply made her giggle before I shuffled down slightly while she hovered over my face. I made sure I met her eyes and licked my lips as she teased me first, lowering her pussy just enough that I could run my tongue against her slit before lifting herself up. So I grabbed around her thighs and gently pressed her pussy into my mouth.

She tasted as wonderful as ever, and her scent was delightful. I took my time eating her out, my tongue working her pussy nice and slow. She was trying hard not to gyrate on my face at the same time, nor trying not to force herself down, as I would like to keep breathing at the same time. I did provoke another giggle when I ran a hand around her arse and tickled her other tight little hole.

"Maybe some fingers soon, sweetie," she whispered, "In fact, I want to do everything I can with you, sweetie. Would you like that?" I managed to give an affirmative reply despite her pussy being in my face. "Anal sex with my son... You'd be taking my virginity there, at least in the sense of a nice, thick cock. My sisters have obviously had their fingers in there before."

"Oh god," I murmured into her pussy.

She looked down and grinned. "Like that, sweetie? The thought of your mother on her knees while her sisters had fingers in her arse?" I managed to nod and she started to move against my mouth, the signal she was rather turned on now. "We all did it to each other, though as far as I know, we never had anal with our husbands. I certainly didn't, not after... You know... But the idea of giving you my arse sends a real thrill through my body, Mark."

I knew she was turning herself on, and when I started to focus on her clit, I like to think that guaranteed her orgasm. When she did cum, she quivered on my mouth for a few seconds before she lifted herself off, quickly shuffled down my body, and lowered herself down on my cock, causing both of us to moan. Then she rode herself ragged... It was one of the most beautiful and erotic things I'd ever seen. She was almost wild with desire, rubbing her clit again as she bounced up and down. I kept her balanced by holding her hips, her eyes gazing into mine. The look in hers was enough to make me grin with satisfaction.

Enjoying another orgasm, I knew I'd cum soon enough myself, pulling her forward to kiss her as I started to pump into her. "Oh god, fuck me, Mark!" she cried softly.

"Love my mother's tight wet pussy," I whispered into her ear.

"My son's cock is the best I've ever had!"

"It was made for you, Mum. I was born for right now, so we could make love. We were destined for this."

That made her eyes open and a gorgeous smile to appear. Kissing me softly, she rested her forehead against mine. "The only problem is that you're the youngest. If you were Amy's age, we could have been doing this for years."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere yet, Mum, and you're still a young woman. We have many years together yet."

"I hope so," she said quietly.

As soon as I came inside her, she dragged me to the bathroom for a wash before returning to bed so she could snuggle, lying so she was facing me, spending more time making out as my hands never stopped touching her. "I wonder how many mothers are with their son like this?" I mused.

"Maybe more than you'd think. As you said, it's just something no-one would ever admit."

"All I know is that it's felt right from that first moment we kissed in that hotel. And I honestly can't get enough of you nowadays."

"Mark, you make me feel twenty years younger. Your father... He never made me feel this desirable, even when we were dating. Maybe what happened has dulled certain memories, but there are certain looks you give me which make my heart beat faster, and putting it bluntly, makes me so wet, I could wring my panties afterwards."

"You deserved so much better, Mum."

"I always had you kids to get me through the worst of it, but then there was you, Mark. After what happened, and you had a house full of women, you were still our little man of the house. All I made sure when raising you is that you would grow into a good man. And I think you've turned out exactly how we hoped." She smiled. "Well, having you in my bed after some great sex was never on the agenda, but I'm not going to lie here and complain."

Shuffling closer so I could hug her tighter, we wished each other goodnight, my fingers continuing to trail up and down her back. I lay there in the darkness smiling to myself for a while. No doubt Mum remained awake too. I made my mother happy, and that's all any son wanted.

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GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetronius8 months ago

How long can Make sustain this pace? Does he ever miss spending leisure time on something other than sex? At what point does even a young man at peak vigor get jaded?

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Mark's world is one of sex and love and every male wet dream, but will it last? Sooner or later, I fear that Mark's fantasy world will collapse, but maybe not as this author has a wonderful vivid imagination. Well Done 5/5

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICabout 2 years ago

What a fantastic series! (This is my first comment regarding this series.) You have a great imagination. Very clever writing, and touching storyline. I hope you continue the series. - Cheers

Magilla5Magilla5about 2 years ago

Good story, I really like the interplay between the family, that is some fierce cardio going on!

FrodovFrodovabout 2 years ago

Great story. Looking forward to the mature experience with mother and aunts at the same time.

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