A Fool for You


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"Sounds like he was just trying to do you a favour to me," Bob said. "I like him. I'm sure your mother would like him."

"You date him then," she laughed.

"All I'm saying is don't judge people too quickly," Bob cautioned his daughter. He wasn't one hundred percent sure but he was almost certain he had met the young man at one of his wife's charity events that she constantly dragged him along to. He always grumbled and complained about it but by the end of the evening, she was more than demonstrative of how seeing him in a suit made her feel, so it was more for a show that he voiced his reluctance. Still he was sure he had seen the guy at something.


Quade couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity he had when meeting Bob Mackey. He didn't think he had ever met a mechanic before but it was a nice feeling, he liked the man and he more than liked his daughter. When he'd stuck around after the gig with his mates from school and met her, he'd gone from the initial feeling of lust to one of desire as he got to know her better. He had planned to ask her out when they started to leave but he had barely got out, "Would you like to," when she had stopped him with an aggressive kiss. "Sure, but my place is closer," she had winked and took his hand leading him up the street to a small loft apartment. He smiled remembering the moment well and getting hard at the thought of the chemistry they had together.

He wasn't a one-night stand sort of guy, and he felt uneasy about her attitude toward him this morning. Even at the auto repair shop, she had seemed cold and regretful of the night they spent together. It would have been easy just to shrug and walk away with the old platitude of "plenty more fish in the sea," but there was something about her, call it chemistry or kismet or fate but he wanted to see her again, and again. He wanted to get to know her better, and if he was honest, he wanted to fuck her brains out every night and day.

She wasn't even his usual type of girl. She was a tough rock chick who could match it with the boys he had grown up, playing around in bands with until he joined Greenpeace as an environmental engineer and travelled the world with the ship he was stationed on. His sister's illness had brought him home last year, and he had stayed after she had gone into remission. He tended to date quieter and studious girls who were environmentally aware and impressed with his Greenpeace credentials far more than his current job working for his Uncles company. Suzie hadn't even asked him what he did as a job.

"Carpe diem," he said to himself out loud. She obvious lived in the moment he should too instead of worrying about the future. He pulled his car into the small almost hidden driveway around the back. He loved living here in the old part of the city. It was one of the few inner suburbs that had a community that campaigned strongly against redevelopers that came in trying to change the look and feel of the place. Locking the car, he made his way back down the driveway and over two blocks to the old offices. If Suzie had just followed him she could have parked there too, he wasn't sure she would get a parking space near the office block.

"This place is awesome," Eks yelled over the noise of the music they had playing as they set everything up. "Thanks, man, where's Suzie?"

"She had to finish something for her old man, she be here soon," Quade said with a shrug as if he didn't care.

"Harry call Suz and tell her to hurry the fuck up, we gotta get rolling on this," Ecky yelled at his brother.

"I'm not her frickin' keeper," Harry grumbled loudly walking past them to the door and the stairwell which was slightly quieter pulling out his phone.

"Yeah but you are the music and lyrics team, I'm just here to look pretty and sing," Eks laughed.

"Shame you still need help with both those things," Harry continued to grumble shutting the door behind him. "Trouble in paradise?" Quade watched him slam the door behind him.

"They have history but it's well and truly over. He regrets it, she doesn't," Eks laughed.

"I wanna hear that story," Quade laughed with him.

"I don't know if you remember them at school, they were a few of grades below us, but when everyone started pairing up, they got together and stayed together for two years or so. They were always more best friends than boyfriend and girlfriend. Anyway, once they left school and turned eighteen they joined the band, and Harry decided that it was gonna be a whole lot more fun if he could take advantage of all the girls who were becoming groupies and happy to sleep with the band members. She agreed, and they broke up remaining best friends," he explained.

"Doesn't sound like a problem to me if they were always besties to begin with," Quade frowned at the story.

"Ah see the problem is that she has groupies of her own," he winked knowingly at his friend having seen them hooking up the night before. "I guess he expected her to be a nun or something while he wore his knob off fucking anything in a mini skirt."

"Now I get it," he chuckled. "So you're telling me she's a bit of a slut?" he didn't like the idea or saying the word in regards to Suzie, but he was curious.

"Actually, she flirts more than anything. I think she does it just to drive him crazy. She hasn't been drunk enough to take anyone home for a long time," he continued to chatter as if it was common knowledge but became silent and shook his head when Harry walked back in.

"No answer," Harry grumbled. "I guess you're staying then," he looked at Quade.

"Yeah I thought I might hang around for a bit, be a general roadie or gopher," he smiled in what he hoped was a friendly way understanding why Harry was not as happy about his help with the band today as Eks had been.

"Know how to work a sound board?" he asked.

"No but I'm an engineer, I'm sure I can manage it," he said willing to prove he meant what he said and would help out if asked.

"Great you can help with this sound check this place has mad acoustics," Harry went to where his guitar lay beside a big amplifier.

It was half an hour later when Suzie walked in dragging her smaller amp and guitar case, panting from the struggle up the stairs. "A little help would be nice," she said breathlessly.

"I'll give you a hand," Quade offered moving from the sound board he had only just mastered.

"Have you met our new roadie?" Harry said acidly, "Oh that's right you know him better than any of us ever could." She flinched and turned a hard-eyed stare on him. "What? It's true isn't it?" He said defying her to deny it.

"Good grief. Are we doing this again? Seriously?" She marched over to where he stood. "I love you, Harry, as a brother, and that's probably why I want to kill you right now. We have been over this so many times I can't believe I have to say it again," she said angrily. "I love you. You're my best friend in the whole goddamn world, but I don't feel that spark, that chemistry that couples need. You have to stop acting like a jilted lover anytime I want to date someone,"

"So it's dating now?" Harry asked his tone surprised.

"Honestly, I don't know what the fuck it is. I haven't had the chance to find out. I've been at work all morning. So if you have fucked this up for me before I can even explore it, like every other time, I will never forgive you. Do you understand? Never and you can find yourself a new guitarist and songwriter," her voice became angry again.

"Okay, okay, I'm just being concerned, as a brother, we don't want another stalker fanboy messing things up," Harry said gently. "I'm sorry."

"Fine now help me set up you ass," she let go of the anger and turned back to see Quade picking up the amp and guitar case. "Where do you want it?"

"Just give it to Harry he knows where it goes," she sighed. "Look I'm sorry about that and earlier. Can we talk later?"

"Sure, if you want," Quade agreed easily and let Harry take the equipment from him. He then stepped back behind the soundboard glad to have a job to do rather than stand around like a fanboy. Roadie sounded way cooler in his mind. They ran through three songs that they hadn't managed to get up on their channel yet. Even raw and unmixed like this they sounded great.

"Alright I cut work early and got the equipment here," the band's self-appointed manager and their main fan said dumping his stuff on the table. "Oh good, you've roped in a new sound guy that will help." He walked over to where Quade stood and shook his hand. "I'm Red, and you are?"

"Quade," Eks came forward to intercept the hurricane that was Red. "He's the only reason we made the website at all, so play nice."

"Well done, well done," Red clapped him on the back. "So you can stay on sound, and we will film, edit and upload. The lighting leaves a bit to be desired, but we can work with it," he turned as two other men entered the large space looking around. "These are friends from work who helped with the equipment. Grant's a director and John's an editor. Grab some space where ever you can," he waved his hand around. "This place is great by the way how did we get it?"

"Once again, Quade," Eks said.

"Have you told her yet?" he lowered his voice and spoke directly to Eks.

"No I forgot to mention it," Eks said with a perfectly straight face.

"That was the deal, or I walk," Red threatened.

"Yeah right," he scoffed at the idea. "You're our self-appointed manager you deliver your own ultimatum."

Eks went and stood beside Quade watching as Red approached Harry and Suzie. "Wait for it," he whispered folding his arms across his chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Suzie yelled. "Could you be any more of a pervert, no!"

"Fine it doesn't have to be that song, it can be one of your own, but you take the lead at least once in a song tonight," Red argued back. "I brought all this equipment and a crew here tonight for your goddam band."

"Fine," she yelled.

"Fine," he yelled back and turned around to look at Eks with a grin. Then he walked to where his friends were unpacking a range of equipment.

"She's got a great voice, deep and throaty," Eks whispered to Quade, "She just hates to take the lead. It's a never ending battle for Red to bully her into singing, he suggests something dirty, she fires up, he compromises, and she accepts the lesser of two evils."

"What did he ask her to sing?" Quade tried to hide the smile he felt creeping into his features.

"Going by her answer probably the Pink version of "I touch myself", he chuckled. "He loves those old dirty eighties gems. I swear he just likes to see her reaction to the titles, I doubt she's heard of most of them." The two men chuckled quietly.

"Her? I'm not sure I have, how old is that guy?" he continued to chuckles quietly.

"Not much older than us I think but he's a walking encyclopaedia of rock," Eks was enjoying having his old school friend back in town. The drummer Danny didn't talk much, but he had stuck with him as the band line-up changed a few years ago to include his brother and Suzie and they dropped the dopers that used to play with them when they weren't too wasted to play that was. "Better get this show on the road now that the gangs all here." He walked over to where Harry and Suzie stood next to Danny's drum kit.

Quade relaxed as the band all seemed to be talking and sharing a clip of something on one of their phones. Red Grant and John each held a camera and seemed to be waiting for them to start. The drummer counted them in, and they launched into the first of the three songs they wanted to record. They did it several times under the direction of Red and his crew, and Quade took orders from them as well as the song was perfected. It had taken hours just to get the one song down, the camera work done from every angle and the sound mixed the way Red wanted it.

"Can we use this space over the weekend?" Red asked walking toward Quade.

"I don't see why not but it's deemed as a residential area, so noise restrictions kick in about ten, so as long as your careful not to antagonise anyone," he said wanting to hang out with the band more.

"No problem we can go unplugged after ten if we're still working, need to break for food soon too," he smiled and patted his belly. "Alright, our new friend says we can use this space for the weekend so rather than rushing the other two I suggest we give them a go tomorrow. Unless anyone has anything pressing they can't miss," he looked around at the group who all nodded and mumbled their assent. "No need to act so enthusiastic, it's me and my crew who have to piece all that footage together into something worthy of YouTube fame."

"Let's break for food then," Eks said.

"As soon as Suzie sings, we can call it a night," Red grinned.

"Yeah alright, can you film it on my phone for me," she agreed surprising Red. "It's for my mum's birthday on Sunday.

"Keep your phone we'll film it properly for ya," he tossed the phone back.

"I'm only doing it once," she warned him.

"Yeah we'll see. If your filming for your mum you might wanna change your shirt, pit stains don't really go with the happy birthday theme," he laughed.

Quade watched as she looked down and wrinkled her nose and sighed. She put her guitar down and crossed her arms over and grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled up over her head tossing it to the side. Then took up her guitar again.

"What? You see more skin than this on any beach. Give me a break," she said to the stunned expressions of Grant and John. "Let's do it." She began playing a series of chords in an oddly familiar tune to Quade, who hadn't taken his eyes off her. Stepping up to the mic she began to sing, "When the little blue bird who has never said a word starts to sing."

"It's spring, its spring" Eks had stepped in beside her to add the backup vocal making her smile.

"When the little bluebell at the bottom of the well starts to ring," she continued. "Ding dong, Ding dong," Eks answered.

After the final opening lines, the band launched into the Joan Jett version of Cole Porter's classic, Let's Fall in Love. From where Quade stood it was amazing and so was she as she sang in a deep raspy voice and bounced around the stage. He wasn't sure her mother would appreciate the bra and the bouncing breasts that threatened to hypnotise him, but maybe she wouldn't notice in the same way he did.

"That was fan-fucking-tastic," Red applauded. "When did you add that to your repertoire?"

"She wanted a gift for her mum's birthday, and she's broke as usual, so she made us help," Harry chuckled. "It's the big five-oh," he added as an after-thought.

"You guys eat, I need a shower," Suzie said picking up the discarded shirt.

"My place is close we could get take out and a few beers and look at what the guys have filmed if you want?" Quade offered not ready for the night be over yet and after the rocky start this morning and not sure how she would take the invitation if he made it to her individually.

"This guy is gold," Red laughed, "Let's do it!"

"Yeah alright as long as I can have a shower there," Suzie agreed in the face of everyone else's enthusiasm.


It was two in the morning, and Suzie stepped out onto the balcony where Quade sat nursing a beer. The guys were still huddled around the computer playing with the special effects package John had brought with him. She breathed in the cool night air and looked up at the stars before turning to face him.

"You did a lot for us today, I hope you're not expecting," she left the word hanging for him to fill in the blanks.

"No expectations but I would like a proper date. I mean I was trying to ask if I could see you again last night before you dragged me home and took advantage of me," he said innocently.

"I did no such thing!" She protested.

"Hey I'm not complaining," he laughed. "I don't mind a girl who likes to take the lead."

"You wouldn't want to complain," she said giving him a hard look before smiling, "I might have come on a little strong last night," she admitted. "I don't drink that much usually.

"Like I said I'm not complaining, and there're no expectations for a repeat tonight, especially with all your would-be protectors in the next room but a proper date might be nice, don't you think?" He said easily.

"I don't think I have been on an actual date since, well, since ever. Guys I meet usually come to the gigs, and we hang out after or at home. I'm not even sure that Harry and I had a proper date in high school. What does a proper date consist of exactly?"

"I guess it depends on the couple but to start with how about dinner and maybe a walk along the river to get to know each other. I mean for you to get to know me and what a great catch I am," he chuckled. "I already know you work for your dad. You play in a kick-ass band and even though you have a wonderful voice, you don't like to be centre stage. I know that you used to date Harry in high school and that he regrets breaking up with you. Let's see what else?"

"I know you're a friend of Eks," she said defensively.

"I am, we went to school together and kept in touch through Uni," he confirmed. "Then I took a job sailing around the world for the last couple of years, so we have a bit to catch up on, including the band which is why I was there last night."

"Sailing around the world sounds cool," she said.

"It wasn't as cool as it sounds but it had its moments," he said thoughtfully watching her yawn. "Why don't you go and get a couple of hours sleep?" he suggested. "You can use my bed, I promise not to take advantage of you."

"I should go home, I need to change my clothes before getting back into this clip thing tomorrow," she shook her head.

"How about a compromise, you sleep for a few hours, and then I'll drive you home to change and pack a bag with a few clean shirts and then take you for breakfast, it could be our first date. You know to spend some time alone together," he suggested." As long as you promise not to take advantage of me again that is."

"Yeah, I'm not promising anything, but sleep sounds wonderful right now," she laughed softly finding herself liking him more than she thought she would.

"Besides," he grinned, "You're not really dressed to be going anywhere right now." He enjoyed the sight of her in one of his Greenpeace T-shirts, her long slim legs looking even longer under its short length. "Not that I am complaining," he continued to smile at her. "You look better in that shirt than I ever did."

"Yeah you just don't have the legs for it," she laughed. "Thanks for the bed," she touched his shoulder lightly as she walked back into the apartment.

"So you're the new guy huh?" Harry said belligerently walking out onto the balcony a few minutes later.

"So you're the old guy huh?" Quade returned the words. Neither confirming or denying the statement.

"We're gonna take off and get some sleep," Eks said from the doorway behind him making Quade turn around to look up at him. "You doing your jealous ex-boyfriend speech?" He asked Harry. "She made it pretty clear earlier she didn't want you to do this."

"She's my best friend I'm just looking out for her," Harry rolled his eyes at his brother.

"It's alright I get it," Quade said in a friendly tone. "You care about her, and if I hurt her in anyway, I will have to deal with you, is that about the gist of it?"

"Nailed it," Eks laughed. "Can we go now?'

"Yeah alright," Harry said in a frustrated tone not being happy about being robbed of his moment.

Quade stood and farewelled the guys looking back at the mess they had left behind as he shut the door. He cleaned up quietly thinking of the girl asleep in the other room and lay on the couch conscious of their talk about no expectations. He was glad to have run into Eks a few days ago. He had gone straight to working for his uncle upon his return and hadn't had a chance to resurrect any of his old friendships and social groups. He'd had fun today, and if he was honest with himself, he wanted to get together with Suzie. She was the coolest girl he had ever met, and he could see himself being happy in a relationship with her. He fell asleep thinking of the night they had spent together at her place.