A Gnomish Dilemma Ch. 06

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Shannon and Gertie take a trip and find fun.
7.2k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/10/2018
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Shannon Knocksprocket was tired. She'd finished her evening with a party thrown by the Ironforge Miner's Guild. There had been somewhere around fifty or sixty Dwarves and another dozen Gnomes in attendance. Gertie had provided Shannon, Birdee, Claire, Corra, Norrah, Mary and Zilah as the escorts for the evening. They had returned long after midnight, exhausted and somewhat sore, but with full purses. After a quick bath, they fell into their beds and were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.

Thus she was less than pleased when Gertie woke her only five hours later.

"Whaaat?" She squeaked.

"I said get up, I need you dressed and downstairs. Come on."

"But you never book anyone this early..."

"Not a booking, young 'un. Business. Get dressed for travel. Here, I've already packed you a bag for a few days. Now hurry up, Mary's cooking us some breakfast!"

"Huh? Travel? Where?" Shannon asked sleepily but the grey-haired gnome was gone.

A few minutes later, Shannon stumbled into the kitchen. She dropped her bag by the door and sat at the big table. Gertie slid a mug of tea to her just before Mary placed a plate of ham and eggs in front of her. The food smelled wonderful and Shannon forgot her questions and started eating. The dwarf returned a moment later with a slab of buttered toast. She sat too and watched the pink-haired gnome eat.

"Ach seems ye worked up a real appetite! How'd it go?"

"Oh, the usual. Most just wanted a little oral or a quickie. But there were a few who wanted to take their time. They did tip well, of course. I think we took care of everyone. I didn't hear any complaints anyway."

"Good to hear," Gertie said. "Our business thrives on their word of mouth. Still, I think we can improve our income by adding an extra attraction or two."

"Whatdaya mean?" Shannon mumbled around a mouthful of ham.

"Well, since Zilah came in, we've seen a lot of new traffic as well as the regulars who wanted to give her a try. Amazing how many humans have come up from Stormwind to spend an hour with a Draenei. Then the elves started comin' in. Poor gal is overworked."

"She seems happy," Shannon said.

"Oh aye, she is that." Mary agreed. "An' ne'er a single complaint from the customers."

"Right, so I thought maybe we should consider addin' an extra gal or two," Gertie said.

"Another Draenei?" Shannon asked, "But I thought Comfort Givers were rare?"

"Oh they are, they are. I've asked her Mother to help me recruit another but she can't get anyone to think about it. So I decided to try somethin' different."

Mary and Shannon stared at Gertie a moment.

"We're goin' to Pandaria," she announced.

Gertie insisted that Shannon wear simple work coveralls for the trip.

"You don't want to stand out or look fancy when travelin'. It can land ya in trouble."

They took the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind and wound their way through the Dwarven Quarter, out to the Pandaren enclave on the north side. There, Gertie sat and drank tea with the portal master. After several minutes of quiet conversation interspersed with bouts of jovial laughter, the Pandaren stood and summoned a portal. He bowed to the gnomes.

"May the Red Crane watch over you."

"May the Mists protect you," Gertie responded. Then, taking Shannon by the hand they stepped through the portal.

Shannon stumbled, blinked then stared in wide-eyed wonder at the massive temple before her.

"Welcome wanderer," a Pandaren greeted her, again bowing low.

Shannon bowed in return then turned in slow circles as she took in the sights. The Shrine of Seven Stars was huge and ancient and very beautiful, but it was set in the corner of a valley, The Vale of Eternal Blossoms, sheltered by a ring of imposing mountains.

Finally, she looked at all the bustling crowd. There were, of course, many Pandarens, but fully half the crowd was composed of the other races. Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Draenei with a respectable number of Gnomes mixed in. Finally, she noticed Gertie standing to one side, watching her. Sheepishly she shuffled over.

"Sorry, Gertie."

"Not a problem. It IS a lot to take in the first time you get here."

"Wait, you've been here before?"

"Yup." The old gnome said, "Come on, we've got some travelin' to do."

As they strolled along Gertie elaborated.

"See most Pandarens honor family above almost anything else. Single Pandarens can be sexually promiscuous, but once they are married, well, that's it. They are fiercely devoted. Now they do have whorehouses, though they don't look like it. Often it is a single hut occupied by a single female and she has a list of approved clients. But it's all overseen by Madam Goya. She runs their Black Market, I understand she gets half their take. Then their home and expenses are their own too."

"That doesn't sound so good," Shannon said. "You gonna offer some of them a job with us?"

"Oh heavens no!" Gertie answered. "Can't. That would piss off Madam Goya. I don't need her as an enemy. See many of them get into this because they are deep in debt and Goya buys the debt and tells 'em they can work it off. Course she charges interest so it could take years or a whole lifetime to pay her off. I can't afford to pay off a gal's debt. No, I've found another opportunity. See, sometimes a workin' gal's daughter goes into the business cuz she can't find a husband. Well, I've got the name of a gal with two daughters just come of age. I figure she won't want 'em under Goya's thumb and might agree ta let 'em move in with us."

Gertie was unwilling to fly by Pandaren kite, so a yak, wagon, and guide were hired and soon they were off. Gertie napped often on the ride, but Shannon was too busy gazing in wonder at everything. Eventually, she climbed onto the front seat next to the driver. He seemed, like most Pandaren males, a polite, kind, and peaceful fellow. Shannon introduced herself.

"Greetings, Shannon Knocksprocket. I am Wong Wei, son of Wong Dei and Wong Lei. What? Why do you laugh?"

"I'm sorry, Wong. It's just that in my language those names sound... uh, awkward."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Wong sounds like wrong, Wei sounds like way, and..."

The big red Pandaren pondered this for a moment the burst out laughing.

"Oh ho! I see! Yes! Haha!" he chuckled a moment further then reached down for a keg stored under the seat. He took a mug from his bag and poured some of the golden fluid then passed it to Shannon.

"It is Stormstout Ale, best in all Pandaria."

Shannon tasted it.

"I have to say this is the best ale I've tasted since I got here."

Wong eyed her. "Have you tasted anything since you got here?"

"Nope," Shannon answered, grinning.

Wong laughed again. "I like you."

Due to the fact that they had to take a long serpentine route, they would have to spend at least one night on the road. Wong found them an unused hut in the Valley of the Four Winds. He said it was not owned by anyone, but built for the use of travelers. Currently, it was unoccupied. It had one largish common room and two separate sleeping rooms. As he tended to the yak, Gertie took Shannon to the river below the hut. There they bathed the dust away. Shannon was amazed at the old gnome's figure. Gertie was grey-haired but beneath her typical coveralls, the woman was fit! She still had a nice shape and her muscle tone seemed firm and lively. Back in the hut, the three of them ate a delicious meal Wong prepared. Gertie then thanked the fellow and shuffled off to bed.

Shannon sat up talking with Wong for some time. Eventually, the conversation touched on family.

"I have no one." the big fellow said sadly. "They have crossed over. I am the last."

"Oh no!" Shannon said. "No girlfriend waiting somewhere?"

He sighed, "No. She was wooed away by another, some years ago."

She was struck by the sadness in his voice, the way his eyes drooped in weariness.

Shannon scooted closer to his side and hugged him. His fur felt so warm and soft.

"I know what it is you do Shannon."


"So..." he sighed again. "I... uh... that is uh..."

Shannon stood and stepped between the fire and the Pandaren. She unzipped her coveralls and shrugged them off. She smiled at him.

Wong looked her over. "How do you not get cold with so little fur?"

Shannon climbed into his lap and buried her face in his chest. "Simple, we find someone warm and snuggle. And Wong, you are soooo warm and snuggly!"

A few minutes later Wong was naked on the floor in front of the fire as Shannon toyed with his growing cock. While its base was furry, the shaft was bare skin. It was about the same thickness as an elf, maybe a human. But it was longer than any human she'd seen, closer to that of an elf. But where most elves were nicely curved with a round knob, the Pandaren cock was straight and had a pointed tip. She was seasoned enough to not hesitate when a cock was offered. Shannon kissed and licked it. She pursed her lips and ran them the length of that warm member as he sighed. She slipped the tip into her mouth and sucked on it gently, then ran her tongue in circles around and around it. Wong began to hum softly. Shannon continued tonguing his cock as she stroked up and down his shaft with her tiny hands. Suddenly he was spurting cum into her mouth. Shannon swallowed blast after blast as Wong sputtered apologies.

"I am so sorry! I did not have a warning, it was a surprise to me as well! Please forgive me!"

Shannon swallowed his last and sat up. She looked at him and licked her lips.

"You don't need to apologize Wong. It's what I do. And honestly, I think your cum tastes better than anything else I've ever had." She eased forward, toying with her pussy. "Now do Pandarens like to lick pussy?"

Wong laughed. "Pussy you call it? We call them flowers or blossoms. I will try, I am used to much furrier flowers than this."

"Well we call it eating pussy, but after looking at your teeth, well..."

"Hahaha, I see. But the male Pandaren must be gentle. The female has teeth just as sharp..."

His tongue was much bigger than any tongue Shannon had ever experienced. It felt nice though. Shannon turned around and lay on Wong' big furry belly as he lapped at her tiny pussy. Sadly, due to their size difference, she couldn't reach his cock, but he didn't seem to mind. She felt his tongue exploring her slit and teasing her clit gently then suddenly it was inside of her! It was long and supple and... thrilling! She buried her face in his fur and moaned. His tongue was almost as good as any cock and far more flexible. As she lay there allowing him to pleasure her, she watched his cock grow to full size. When he pulled his tongue out, Shannon scooted forward and took his cock in hand. She stroked it and kissed it, then turned around to face him. Shannon placed the tip in between her labia and lowered herself onto it.

It was nice. Nice indeed. His girth was perfect. It filled her without discomfort or stretching. But damn was it long! Shannon felt it sliding deeper and deeper. Then it rubbed along her cervix, and her pussy could take no more. She looked down and was amazed to see that she had less than half his length in her! Holy fuck! She thought. If Pandaren males are typically this long, how deep is the typical Pandaren pussy?

As she stroked up and down that long, lovely shaft Shannon found herself humming softly. How amazing was this? Here she was, a gnome from Ironforge, in a hut in beautiful Pandaria, fucking an awesome Pandaren cock and feeling his warm, soft fur on the insides of her thighs... By all the gods and makers, this felt sooo gooood!

Wong himself was surprised. He had been hesitant to taste her. What if she tasted funny, or badly? But she was nice and sweet. Her bare skin was an unexpected pleasure as well. His tongue explored her as he would any female and he was thrilled at her reaction. Then she had mounted him! He had not expected this. She was a little gnome after all. But it felt nice, really nice. It would be perfect if she were not so... shallow.

They fucked like this for a while, Shannon finally masturbating to orgasm. Wong cuddled her and they slept.

The next morning their journey continued. Gertie sat on the cart's rear edge and motioned for Shannon to join her.

"Well, how was he?"

"Gosh, you know?"

"Of course," Gertie answered. "Look, Shannon, ever since I took you in, you've been eager to experiment and explore. It seems like nothing is off limits for you. Why do you think I brought you along?"

"Gosh, I don't know."

"I brought you to evaluate any potential employees! See you, out of every one of my employees, are more willing and open to having sex with females and other races. I need you to judge the potential of these gals. Not just watching them fuck clients, but interacting with them too."

"Oh, okay. But... I don't know anything about Pandaren women."

"Well, you have Wong. He can answer your questions or at least some of 'em. Now, tell me about his cock..."

"Gosh Gertie, You mean you've never had a Pandaren cock?"

"Oh yes, but it was many, many, many years ago... And just once. I do recall it was too long but felt nice..."

"Oh it was, it truly was. To make him cum though, I had to give him oral and a hand job. My pussy just couldn't do it. But he did cum and strangely enough, I thought he tasted better than anyone else."

"Now that you mention it, I think I felt the same way. Must be their diet." The old gnome said staring off into the distance. "That was a long time ago but being here again, brings it all back." She sat there smiling.

Shannon wanted to know more, to ask her about her travels and her lovers but knew better. In this business, you don't talk about clients. Confidentiality was important, especially at Gertie's Place. They had a hard-won reputation as a classy, safe and proper joint. Gertie had fired employees and banned customers for violating her rules.

Shannon climbed up front and snuggled against Wong. He felt so nice, so soft and warm.

Wong liked the little pink-haired gnome. She wasn't ashamed of her career and certainly willing to please. Part of him knew it was improper for a big Pandaren male to desire her as he did... but he couldn't help it. Memories of the last night came flooding back when she cuddled up to him and he was surprised to find his cock swelling and growing. He tried very hard to get his mind off of her and his desire.

"We are now in the Jade Forest." He said. "This road will take us past Serpent's Heart. Then we will turn north and reach Dawn's Blossom village by lunch."

Shannon loved the Jade Forest. It was so lovely, green, and peaceful. Soon they reached a bridge over a river. She gazed at the water and was amazed at its clarity. It looked so inviting.

"Wong, could we stop for a few minutes? I would love to go down to the river. It's so beautiful!"

Wong chuckled and turned the yak onto a side path that wound down below the bridge. Shannon hopped down and wandered along the water's edge. She kicked off her boots and rolled up her coveralls, then sat on a rock and dipped her feet into the refreshing water. Sighing she lay back and watched the birds flying far overhead. Soon Gertie and Wong joined her. After resting for a bit, Shannon sat up and looked around. They were quite alone, there was no traffic on the road over the bridge and they would be hard to spot from there anyway. She stood and pulled off her coveralls then jumped into the water and swam out to midstream.

It felt wonderful!

"I didn't know you could swim," Gertie called out.

"I didn't either, or at least, I wasn't sure," Shannon said, giggling. "Come on in! It's wonderful!"

Gertie shook her head. "I must be crazy," she said and stripped. She jumped into the water and then allowed herself to float.

"Come on Wong!" Shannon called.

Wong looked around, "Why not?" He stripped and jumped in.

The three of them swam, splashed and played for a few minutes. Then Shannon dove under the water and began to tug on Wong's flaccid cock. He tried to shoo her off, then tried to ignore her but it was no use. His cock began to grow. She held her breath for a long time then came up for air, grinning at him. Gertie swam over and soon the two gnomes were in a relay of sorts. One would duck under and suck on his cock as the other one caught her breath. Then they would switch.

A few minutes later, the three of them were on the grass below the bridge. Wong lay on his back, Shannon reclined on his chest as he lapped at her pussy, and Gertie was alternately riding his cock and sucking on it. He felt his cum rising and warned the older gnome. Gertie shoved it into her mouth and started sucking and swallowing just in time.

They rested for a few minutes afterward before dressing and continuing down the road. Shannon and Gertie sat in the back and talked. Talked and giggled. If Pandarens could blush, Wong would be.

About midday they arrived at Dawn's Blossom. Wong took them straight to the inn. They were in the room long enough for word to spread of their arrival. Pandarens are a decent, polite people, yet they too are susceptible to curiosities and two gnomish females traveling alone did cause gossip. After all, they were not adventurers or heroes, just two female travelers. Why had they come? Who were they? What did they want? No one knew. Then they emerged from the inn and walked the short distance to the kitchen next door.

Shannon had been surprised when Gertie pulled a tightly wrapped bundle from her pack and passed it to her. Now she strolled through the village in a beautiful new Pandaren ensemble. The skirt was long and flowed nicely. It was fine blue silk with elaborate embroidery. The matching blouse was also in the local style with a high collar, and full, long sleeves. It fastened all the way down the front with little knotted buttons and loops. Gertie had insisted she wear absolutely nothing under the two-piece outfit and the feeling of the silk freely moving across her hips and nipples was exciting. Then too, Gertie had unfastened several of the topmost "buttons" to offer a teasing neckline. Gertie wore a similar ensemble in burgundy and gold, however, she kept her blouse fastened all the way up.

They sat at a table and ate. The food was delicious. Soup, fried fish, skewers of grilled chicken, stir-fried vegetables and hot tea flavored with orange and ginger. Shannon fell in love with the cuisine.

"Gertie, where's Wong? shouldn't we have invited him to join us?"

"Hush child. We wouldn't want to embarrass him. We're the outsiders. They might wonder if we're too casual and friendly with our guide."

"Oh. I hadn't thought of that." Shannon replied. " I wouldn't want to hurt him or embarrass him. I like him. I like him a lot."

"Yes, I can tell," Gertie said smiling at her. "Tell me, if you could stay here... would you?"

"Gosh! Maybe. It's so beautiful and everyone is so nice and the food! I've never loved eating before..."

"And Wong?"

"Golly, yes, if Wong was around... Why?"

"See that's the problem. Pandarens have social customs and rules and a gnomish wife is not part of that. A gnomish paramour, maybe. Certainly for a prince but for a simple man like Wong? Unheard of."

"Oh... Well fuck. That's not fair."

"Fair's got nothing to do with it. But you're right. It sucks." Gertie said.

"It sucks donkey balls," Shannon added.

They finished their meal and at beneath a huge tree for a time. Soon Wong came up and bowed low, then spoke softly.

"The lady you wish to see is now available if you will follow me please."

The gnomes followed Wong down a winding path to a small house. He left them short of the door and sat in the garden. A Pandaren female greeted them and showed them in. The house was small. There was one common room that served as the kitchen as well. On either side were small sleeping rooms. Their hostess sat and her daughters emerged from one room to join them. Tea was served and pleasantries observed. Shannon evaluated the trio across from her.