A Good Break


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I longed to hug her to offer some comfort.

"Kerry, go to bed and put all of this out of your mind. Forget about what happened. Besides, friends don't abandon friends."

She smiled weakly. "Ok, I'm going to bed and pass out. But, it's nice to hear you call me a friend."

She stood and made her way out of my bedroom. I urged her to put what happened out of her mind; I still could feel her soft touch on my erection, feel her warm breath on my dick head and recall the sight of her nearly naked back. I imagined those buns moving under her nightshirt. I was going to have to get those thoughts out of my mind or I would die in agony from the erection begging in vain for relief.

I was tormented by dreams of Lola playing with Janice's practically nude body interspersed with fantasies of Kerry taking me in her mouth and bringing me to a climax.

My erotic thoughts shattered with another crippling cramp. I cried out.

I heard footsteps and then the hall light flicked on. Again, I saw an outline of a body and this time it appeared as if there really were no clothes.

My bedroom light blazed on and I saw a nude figure approaching. In a second, Rain was standing by the bed.

"Cramp?" she asked.

"Right leg," I moaned.

She pulled the covers down and climbed up. She told me to push against her. Rain was much smaller than Kerry and she placed my foot almost squarely on her pubic region, my soles feeling her dark stubble.

Although small, Rain is strong and she leaned into me and my cramp began to ease. Soon, the worst was over and she was massaging my calf.

"Thanks, Rain. But how come you're here?"

"Kerry called and asked if I could come up. She seemed a little wasted and was kinda' freaking out. She said she couldn't stay tonight and begged me to sleep here. She shoved some stuff in a bag, called a cab and bolted."

As she was talking, I couldn't help looking at her taut, young body. She was at ease sitting in front of me naked. My unease, however, was beginning to grow.

"So, what's up with her?" she asked.

"Well, she went to a party and had a little too much to drink."

"And, what? Something else must have flipped her out."

I explained how she found me.

"So, you're lying here with a boner covered in lipstick. God, that must have been a sight. I guess she just got jealous."

"Jealous of what," I said.

"Come on, Josh. I mean Kerry is like over her head in love with you. You gotta' know that."

"She's my assistant, for God's sake. Why does everyone think there's something going on?"

"Oh, I don't think there's anything going on. I think that's the problem. Plus, she sees that your ex and some gorgeous model have been planting kisses on your cock. And, by the way, sees me giving you a BJ. So, maybe she couldn't take it anymore."

"But, we aren't together..."

"Josh, wake the fuck up. She is so into you. That all she talks about—you. Boss said this and Boss did that. She is also over protective of you, just like a wife. You don't see any of that?"

As Rain spoke she got more animated, which caused her breasts to bounce and my foot to graze her pubic area. I was getting more turned on.

"I think you're mistaking her loyalty as an employee with emotion. I really like and respect Kerry, but believe me our relationship is purely professional. Maybe we might be more like friends. Now, answer me why you're naked?"

Rain looked at herself and laughed.

"Forgot I was, Josh. It was so hot in here, I just slept in the nude. When you screamed I dashed it. Hell, you've seen it all before. And, tomorrow morning this ugly stubble will go away. I'll have to show you how good it looks smooth and shiny."

The thought of her smooth pussy was the last straw. My erection slipped out of the opening in my pajama bottoms.

Rain looked at it and smiled.

"Nice shade of lipstick, Josh. Love the smiley face, too. How about I clean you up."

I nodded, expecting Rain to go get a washcloth.

Instead, she bent over and took me in her mouth.

"No, Rain, you shouldn't do this."

"Josh, I want to. I like you and I like giving head. Besides, it's obvious you need some relief. Don't worry, it's not like we'll be engaged or anything. Think of it as a neighborly gesture."

She licked me from balls to tip and back down. "Good neighbors are hard to find," I thought to myself.

Rain took her time sucking and licking. She straddled my leg, rubbing her naked pussy along my shin. I could sense her wetness as the coarse hair moved along my leg.

I wanted to last longer, but the sexual charge that had been building since Lola and Janice were here was too strong. As I unleashed my climax inside Rain's warm mouth, I envisioned Kerry's bare back and barely enclosed buns walking out of my room.

I think I must have blanked out. The next thing I realized is Rain wiping me with a washcloth and removing the last of the lipstick from my tip. She next wiped her pussy.

"Wow, that got me wet. Must be I really like your cock, Josh. It fits perfectly in my mouth. I bet we would be great at fucking. Maybe when you're better..."

"Rain, you are really sexy and sweet. But, I'm a bit old for you and already feel like a perv."

"Hell, you're not that much older. Well, at least you're not as old as my dad, or are you? Anyway, you're cool. And, don't worry about the BJs. I do like doing them."

She pulled my covers up, turned out the light and left me to wonder just what the hell was going on in my life.

Mrs. Alhamis came the next morning. She was going to be back to her regular schedule. Her husband was doing great. He didn't want her fussing around him. She had arranged for her sister to check in on him during the days and he was already starting cardiac rehab.

Kerry did not show up that morning, but called in. She said things in London were getting worse. My team in England was trying, but they seemed at ends on how to move forward. Chief was also on the call. She said Kerry should go over for a while. She could organize the office, get things in order and get the team focused. I said I'd think about it and asked Lola to call me back later.

When she rang, I asked her whose idea it was for Kerry to go to London. Lola said Kerry volunteered to do it. I knew she wanted to avoid seeing me again. I feared she felt she had embarrassed herself in front of me.

Lola explained that since our London office was just beginning to take off, it might be a good idea to have Kerry set up solid systems to start things right. After discussing how we could manage without her, I agreed. A thought was forming in my mind since last night. I realized this would be the perfect opportunity to solve what was becoming an awkward situation.

Lola said she'd send her assistant by each day to review matters and help with calls and emails.

So, I began a new phase of my recovery. Mrs. Alhamis increased my exercise routine and I began getting some strength back in my legs. Rain would come up at night to stay with me in case of a problem.

I confess she did show me her newly waxed pussy. It was so beautiful that I had a typical male reaction. Rain was so pleased at my approval that she gave me another spectacular treat.

For the next two weeks, I received outstanding day time care from Mrs. Alhamis and regular extraordinary night time care from Rain.

At my last check-up the doctor told me my casts would be coming off and I would start physical therapy. I welcomed the day and although the muscles in my arms resembled a child's, it was a tremendous pleasure to be able to move them and hold things, like a fork, a piece of paper and my own dick. Finally, I was able to begin to tend to my own bodily functions.

Rain stopped sleeping over but offered to help whenever I needed. I understood her meaning, but knew I needed to stop our little encounters. She once again offered to fuck me, but—as unbelievable as it sounds, even to me—I politely turned her down.

I was three weeks into rehab and going to the office about 4 hours a day when I got a call from London.

Kerry said she was just about wrapped up there and thought she should come back. I felt a flush of happiness that made me cover the phone. But then I thought I might choke up while speaking with her because of what I knew I had to do.

"Boss, I'm so happy to hear you're doing great. Seems like you're managing really well without me," she said with a laugh in her voice.

"You know, Kerry, I am. As a matter of fact, I was thinking maybe it might be best if you look for another position."

The silence on the line was overpowering.

"You don't want me back?"

"Things have changed, Kerry. I think you know what I mean."

After another long break, she said softly, "Well, maybe it's best if I look at other things."

"Right," I answered. "Chief will be happy to give you a great referral. I'll square everything with her. You've got a lot of vacation time coming. We'll add in a bonus for your work abroad. And, we'll put the word out to other companies. I'm sure you'll find something soon."

"Ok, well I guess that's it," she said.

"Guess so."

I heard the line go dead. I held the phone in my hand not wanting to admit to what I had just done. I knew it was the only thing I could do, but it did not make it any easier.

I had Lola arrange for first class transportation back for Kerry. She put the word out to our clients and soon there was a list of a dozen firms wanting to hire her. They had all worked with Kerry through us and knew how great she was.

I made sure I was out of the office when Kerry came by to collect her personal belongings. There was going to be a big farewell party on Friday at the city's best restaurant.

On Thursday evening, I called Kerry.

"Hi," she said coolly, as she answered my call.

"Hi. Sorry I wasn't around when you came by. Hear you've got a bunch of offers."

"Yeah. Chief has been great."

I heard the implied complaint that it was Chief and not me helping her.

"Hey, Kerry, can you stop by my apartment tonight?"

"What for?"

"Oh, you left some stuff here and I thought you should have it."

"Whatever I left I can live without. Definitely, live without," she said the ice creeping back into her voice. "Do whatever you want with it."

"Hey, you left it here. You need to deal with it. Come by at seven. See you then." I was definitely Josh the Prick as I spoke with her.

I hung up before she had a chance to answer. Would she come, I asked myself.

At 7:30 my doorbell rang. I saw Kerry on the monitor and buzzed her in.

In a minute there was a knock at my door. Taking a deep breath, I opened it.

Kerry was standing there, looking none to happy to see me. Still, she could not let her anger overrule her upbringing. Kansas girls are always polite.

"You look good, Bo.... You look good."

"Thanks, come in."

She stepped in and stopped in place. She looked around the living room taking in the many lit candles, the two dozen roses in a vase resting on the coffee table, right next to a wine cooler with a bottle of champagne chilling inside.

She looked at me. "What's..."

"Oh yeah, let me get what you left."

I went to the spare bedroom and returned with the black dress she wore the last night I saw her. I laid it on the back of the couch.

"What's going on? Why am I here?"

"I wanted to give you back your dress. It's a beautiful dress. Looks great on you, too."

"What's with the candles, roses, champagne? Isn't this a little much for a person you fired?"

"Oh, did you think this was for you?"

Her face fell.

"Oh, no, of course not. I mean I was just an employee. That's what I was, right."

"Absolutely. A great one. Actually, the best employee a person could have."

"What the hell," she said. "Just give me my dress and I'll get out of your life forever. I'll leave now so I won't interfere with what you have planned tonight."

"Actually, Kerry, there is one more thing I want to give you."

She looked at me as I crossed to her.

Opening my arms I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly.

She was stiff in my arms. I pressed my cheek to hers and spoke into her ear.

"For all those weeks, I couldn't hug you. Now, I can. Thank you, Kerry. I would have never made it through that mess without you. I've come to realize that I can't live without you, either."

"But you fired me."

"Exactly, I certainly can't date my executive assistant. That would be totally improper. So, Kerry, will you consider going out with me. Let's say our first date will be tonight and then tomorrow I'd love to escort you to your farewell party."

Kerry pushed herself back from me.

"What are you saying?"

"Kerry, I'm saying I love you. If you will take a chance, I think we can be the best couple that ever was. Please say yes."

Tears filled both our eyes and she melted into my arms. I felt the strength of her body pressing into me. I looked at her and our mouths met. The warmth of that kiss traveled through my body like liquid fire. The only thought I had was I wanted more.

Kerry broke our kiss and looked up at me.

"Josh, I love you. I want to be with you forever."

"Hey, no more 'Boss'?"

"No, but I hope I will soon call you 'Lover'"

She took my hand and we headed to our bedroom.

I still had the big bed but the hospital tables were gone.

I pulled Kerry tight and let my hands slide down to her butt. The experience exceeded my fantasy. Her cheeks were full and tight. I pushed myself into her and she responded as we kissed.

I broke our embrace and started unbuttoning her blouse. Kerry stared in my eyes as I slid the garment to the floor. Her breast swelled behind her bra. I undid it and slowly exposed her pale breasts. Her large nipples were hard as my hands caressed them. I bent my head and took a nipple into my mouth. Kerry moaned and moved her hands to my belt. Soon, she had me undone and my pants dropped to the floor.

We moved together to the bed, pulling each other down. I undid her pants and pulled them down as I moved to kneel in front of her. I kissed her through her panties. She pushed against my lips. Hooking my fingers in her waistband, I eased her underwear off. She let her legs fall open. I marveled at the luxurious blond bush in front of me. Her womanly smell filled me and spurred my desire.

I ran my tongue along her sex lips and pressured her clit as it appeared from the folds. She murmured my name and urged me on. I spent a long time between her legs, until the moisture was running freely down her thighs.

Moving on top of her, I looked into her clear blue eyes.



I placed my tip at her lips. She grasped my shaft and guided it inside her. I was overcome with the warm velvet welcome and the strength of her chamber. She locked eyes with me and smiled. I bent down and we kissed for a long time as we let our bodies become one. Slowly, I began to move and Kerry responded. Soon we built a rhythm and were racing to the climax. I cried out and thrust one last time deep inside as I released. She pulled me tight to her chest and used her legs to push my butt so I was as deep as possible inside her.

We both came for a long time. I did not want to withdraw, even though I was softening. She held me close.

"Kerry, I..."

"Hey, Boss," she said, "I know. I still don't get my job back."

Amidst our laughing, I knew I had lost the best assistant I ever had. Funny, I could care less.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I have to agree with some of the following comments: it's a great story 'till we hit the ending. There's an element of real cruelty in Josh's actions that is completely at odds with the good guy image that has been established. Truthfully, I can't imagine that in a matter of minutes Kerry would have forgotten what he's put her through and jumped into bed with him. I'm baffled.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thnak you for this story.


I rated it fiur stars.

I lost interest after Josh ***fired Kerry by telephone&**8 and seemed to sadistically delight in gurting her with the roses.

If I had been Kerry I would have realized that Josh is a badly behaved man who does the wrong thing when he has the opportunity to do the right thing.

And what is worse, is that Josh does the wrong thing knowing Kerry is head over heels in love with him,

Either your Josh is very poor at analyzing behavior OR delights in hurting others.

As they say in advertising "never take a jerk to a job".

rjseversonrjseversonalmost 3 years ago

That was a great story. Extremely well written with just enough "reality" to keep it (reasonably) believeable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great, well wriitten story

I will keep your name in my file of favorite authors; keep writing and I will keep reading..

S_FoxS_Foxover 4 years ago
Story builds really well. ..... THEN

Boom, we have the nasty I’m firing you, followed by champagne, candles & roses. Not a good mix. Was reading a ***** story but it ended up * * *

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