A is for Adventure

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Birthday challenge becomes an adventure.
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[This story contains oral, vaginal sex, affection, a bit of exposed sex, and an exploration of the word adventure. There is a motorcycle in the story and if you hate motorcycles and the folk who ride perhaps this isn't a story you would enjoy. No cheating wives/husbands, no orgies, no BDSM. It is in the Mature section because the main characters are sixty years old. Well, they were when this story happened.]


At the staff meeting on Wednesday the announcement was made that Colleen was having her sixtieth birthday and she had decided to celebrate all month. Mr. Walters, the manager, asked her to stand and tell us her plans for celebrating.

Colleen stood up. She was wearing a beige sweater and dark tan slacks. She stood about five foot seven and was a bit on the thin side. A first glance said, 'not much body', but I could tell she was more than what showed. Her face and hair were conservative and not too great looking, until she smiled. Then the light inside lit her up. I had been watching her for months and with interest but I figured she wouldn't be interested in me. I'm the guy who rides a Harley to work wearing a black leather jacket and wearing a shirt and tie underneath.

"I want to spend more time with friends this month. Go out to dinner, go to a play, take a weekend trip, have lunch at the beach. I also want to do something I've never done before."

"What?" The boss asked.

"I don't know. If anyone has an idea of something they think I haven't done that would be exciting, thrilling or great fun let me know. If you do something that is exciting and fun, invite me. I just might do it!"

The gears in my head started turning. By the end of the meeting I had a plan. I was willing to bet that no one else would propose anything as exciting and fun as what I would offer. As the company "bad boy" I knew I needed to give it a shot.

Back in my office I wrote her a note, emailed it to her and went back to work. My mail is set up so that whenever a message comes in and I'm using my computer a soft bell rings. Half an hour after I sent the note to Colleen, the bell rang.

"I want to hear your proposal for my exciting adventure. I hope it has something to do with your motorcycle! Can we meet after work today and talk about it?"

I responded with a place to meet and she responded 5:30. We were set. At 5:30 I was setting in a booth in the quiet place I sometimes had lunch in on weekends; an Irish Pub called McGinties. Colleen came in and found me. We ordered a Hart for both of us and a good dinner, to share. When the waitress left with our order Colleen said, "OK, I want to hear what you have in mind."

"First, I need to know how big an adventure do you want this to be?"

"I don't know. I want it to be something I've never done before."

"Have you ever ridden on the back of a bike?"

"You mean a motorcycle like yours?"

"On any motorcycle?"


"So a ride for a mile would be an adventure?"

"Yes." She squirmed a little at the thought of riding behind me on the bike.

"How about a ride up the coast to Big Sur, a night in a nice B&B and a ride back home?"

She shifted posture in the booth. This had her attention.

"I see what you mean. That IS a bigger adventure." She paused and I waited. "When you say a night in a nice B&B, you mean together don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"We've never even kissed or been on a date."

"That means in that one weekend we will both have some firsts. I like you, have ever since I joined the firm and met you. I may have been mistaken but you have always seemed a bit intimidated by me. You seem mostly conservative and I admit I'm a little wild sometimes. Since you want to let your wild child loose for an adventure, I want the pleasure of assisting you discover how much fun that can be."

"I admit, you are right, I have been intrigued and a bit frightened by you. You show up at work in a black leather jacket and a tie. Your motorcycle is loud and shiny. I have no idea what you do outside work." She paused again. "I want a little time to think about your offer. Is that OK?"

"Sure. Take your time. However, I'd like to talk with you about the trip I have in mind, so you have some real ideas about what I propose. Would that be OK?"

If she said yes to the planning, I believed she would go.

"OK. What do you have in mind?"

From my briefcase I pulled out some pictures and a map. The pictures were from a trip I had taken last spring to Big Sur. They showed my bike parked on various overlooks along the coastline of California. One or two had me by the bike. One showed my favorite B&B. The map was a print from mapquest of the route we would take. She looked at the map and the pictures as I talked. When I was pretty well done she changed the subject, just a little.

"I love what you have shown me. I want to do it." She held the picture of the B&B in her hand. "I want to be blunt and I want your promise you'll never tell anyone what I'm going to tell you."

"Alright, I promise."

"I haven't been in bed with anyone in nine years. No one has seen this old body except my doctor and my cat. I don't know if I will be worth the trip for either of us."

"Thank you for telling me. Now, here's what I think, if you will trust me and do what I tell you I will let you decide when we stay somewhere if we have sex together. Sex or no sex, I'd like to give you this trip for your birthday."

"I accept, with one stipulation. I would like to spend one night with you before the trip. Then my anxieties will be dealt with."

I started folding the map and stacking the pictures.


"The trip is supposed to be an adventure. You want to take some of the adventure out of the adventure. I love the word adventure. It is the two words ad and venture. If you are having an adventure you get the picture, the ad, and you venture into new places. If you want the ad, you want a picture of you sitting on my parked motorcycle instead of a real venture into uncharted places."

It was silent at our table. I ate my part of our dinner and finished my Harp. She sat very still. If we were in a cartoon smoke would be coming from her ears while she thought about what I said.

"Damn you! You're right. I was thinking about trading a real adventure for the kiddy version. No, I'm in for the full ride!"

I smiled and pulled out my calendar. "When?"

She got her blackberry out and we compared schedules. Suddenly she said, "Can you take a Friday or a Monday off and make this a three-day-weekend trip?"

"Sure. I have plenty of days saved up."

We picked a weekend and decided she would ask for the time the next day and I would wait until Friday to ask. No sense alerting the rumor mongers too soon.

"Do I need to buy anything for the trip?" Colleen asked.

"Yes. I have a helmet that we can test for fit. Do you have a couple pairs of worn jeans?"

"Yes. I use them when I work in the yard."

"Are they worn in and look good or worn out?"

"I guess I need new jeans."

"Buy two pair of jeans and I'll prep them so you'll be comfortable in them. Do you have any boots?"

"High heeled boots, I have."

"OK. You'll need boots. Are you busy Saturday?"

"No. Why?"

"I'll take you to get good boots on the cheap. I'll ride to your house and we'll go in your car. Wear jeans."

Anything else I'll need?"

"A leather jacket."

"I don't own one."

"I have a friend who is about your size. I'll see of she'll let us borrow it for the weekend."

"OK. I need to get home and do things. Thank you for the offer and the adventure. I'm not sure I'll sleep tonight!"

"Do you want me to be quiet about the adventure?"

"Please. At least until we get back. Keeping it a secret makes it even more of an adventure."

"OK." We got out of the booth. I paid the bill and walked Colleen to her car. It was a three year old Nissan four door sedan, beige. At her car I opened the door for her and stopped her as she was ready to get in.

"Look around. See anyone you know?"

She looked. "No."

I took her in my arms and kissed her soundly. No messing around. I wanted her to know she had been kissed. When the shock part was over she started to relax and enjoy it. I broke the kiss.

Her face told the story. She wanted more. Instead of giving her more, I walked to my bike and followed her car out of the pub parking lot.

She got time off when she asked, on Thursday, along with questions about what she was going to do. She told Mary in the office that she was taking a short cruise to Mexico.

I asked on Friday and got the same questions. I said I had a relative in the hospital in Utah and I was going up to see him. I did have a relative in Utah, and he might actually be in the hospital.

On Saturday I arrived at her home at nine in the morning with the extra helmet. It fit. We went to The Boot Barn and got her into a nice pair of western boots, perfect for sitting on the back of a bike. The saleswoman was a biker and helped a lot. She recommended boot socks and we got three pair. She also recommended jeans she liked and told us how to season them. I didn't let Colleen see the tab. It was over three hundred dollars.

We had lunch together and I asked if, when we got back to her place, she would show me what shirts she planned to wear. She agreed.

She showed me such conservative shirts that I said, "You need more color. I wish I had us look while we were at the Boot Barn."

She said, "I'll take care of it. Wait until Friday morning. You won't know it's me."

As I left her she was smiling wider than I had ever seen her smile.

I had my bike serviced and cleaned. I made reservations at the B&B in Cambria, and dinner reservations at the best restaurant in Cambria, the Sows Ear. I planned to take her just over 200 miles on Friday, less than a hundred-fifty on Saturday and make the 200+ trip back on Sunday. I also bought massage lotion for her butt. I knew this would be an ambitious trip but well worth it.

On Monday she sent me an email showing me a link to a catalog picture of a great woman's western shirt. It was bright and bold. I sent her an email saying I hoped it arrived before Friday.

Tuesday and Wednesday we were both busy making sure our work was caught up so there wouldn't be any problems leaving for our long weekend. I called her Thursday afternoon from my cell phone. I asked if she was up for more adventure. She said she was. I asked if she was packed. She said she had bought a small pack that she could wear to hold her things and it was ready to go. I said, "Then we leave at 5:30 from your house."


"You wanted an adventure! We're on it!"

"OK. See you at five-thirty."

I was packed and my pack tied to the front of my bike. I had stopped on Wednesday and bought a surprise for Colleen and that was hidden in the pack too. I changed into traveling clothes at the end of work and stashed my working clothes in my desk. By five-fifteen I was parking the bike in Colleen's driveway. Before I could even get off the bike she was out the door and in my arms.

We kissed and I started to get hard.

"Please kiss me like you did."

I did. Then I checked her out, seeing her dressed in great looking jeans, a western shirt of purple and green, the loaned leather jacket, the black boots... and that smile. I made sure her pack was secure on her and then I helped her get on the bike. I gave her a few minutes talking about how to safely ride on the back of the bike, got her helmet on and we were on the road.

I took some back roads to get us out of L.A. and joined Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. It was crowded and I rode in the traffic because I worried that lane splitting in the first hour would freak her out. In Santa Barbara we stopped for dinner and to see how she was doing.

She got off the bike and took off her helmet. I dismounted and my helmet came off. She hugged me and kissed my cheek, whispering, "I think I had an orgasm back there."

"Really? Can I check?"

"That won't help! I've been soaked since you called me at work!"

"So, you're having fun?"

"God, yes!"

"Good. Let's eat."

We ate out on the pier and watched the sun set. I don't know how romantic it was but from Colleen's reaction I think it was at least a nine of ten. All her talk was about how much fun she was having and a hundred questions about the bike and being a biker. As we walked off the pier Colleen said, "What's next?"

"You want more riding or stay here?"

"I want both! I love riding with you. I love the feel of the wind and having my arms around you, and seeing people looking at us as we ride by. They look at me like I'm a biker chick not some old woman!"

"Look at the people as we walk. We're not even on the bike and they look at us like we're bikers. That's a big part of why I ride. I love the reactions of ordinary folk."

"I'm sixty years old and I've never felt more alive than I have today. Thank you!" She took my hand and we walked the rest of the way to the bike. I walked passed the bike and into the office of the motel we were parked in front of. Colleen gripped my hand tighter.

I sent her out to the bike to get my pack and paid for a room with a view of the harbor. We would be on the second floor. The manager told me our bike would be safer if I parked it next to the office. I took the key for the room and gave it to Colleen on my way to move the bike.

When I opened the door to the room Colleen was in the bathroom and I could hear the shower running. A minute later I knocked on the door.

"May I come in?"

"Uhhhh... yes."

As the door opened I saw her jeans and other things folded neatly beside the sink. I was nude and semi-hard. I opened the door to the shower and Colleen was facing away from me. I looked at her, taking in the sights as I looked. Nice hips, firm cheeks, two dimples just above her ass, a slender waist and the hint of ribs. A rivulet of soap suds ran down her back and had started to descend across her right butt cheek.

I stepped in and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her knees go a little weak. I kissed her neck and she turned to face me.

"I apologize. I have an old woman's body. I..."

My lips stopped her speech. My hands began a slippery exploration of her body. She was sixty, but not flabby, not fat, and I discovered she had shaved everything. When my fingers touched her smooth pussy she started to go weak in the knees again. I stopped the exploration and said, "Let's get out and dry before we fall and get hurt."

"Let's get you all clean first."

Her hands and the soap cleaned almost all of me in record time. She left my ass and equipment until last. Then she did a good job on both. Not a sensual exploration but a good job of making sure I was clean.

She shut off the water and we got out. I grabbed a towel and started to dry her. She pulled back, just a little.

I stopped. "What's wrong?"

"I'm ashamed of my old body. I'm wrinkled and old looking."

"Did you think I proposed this trip and being with you because I thought the boss was wrong and you weren't sixty but nineteen?"


"Do you think the body I live in is the same age as the image I have of me in my head?"


"So, make me a deal. When I look at, and feel, and caress, and kiss your body I will only see you at sixty and when you do anything with me you see the me that is here now; sixty years old too."

"You're sixty?"

"Yes. I turned sixty last November. The body may not look great but everything works OK. Now, can I finish getting us dry?"

Colleen nodded. I dried her and then myself. We walked into the bedroom and stood at the foot of the king sized bed.

"Another adventure."

"Yes. Isn't that what you want?"

"Yes. What's next?"

"Remember kissing?"


"In my humble opinion kisses are better when the two people are naked. Shall we test my theory?"

"Wait. I have to ask: how long has it been since you were intimate with a woman?"

"You mean had intercourse? Three years."


"OK, what?"

"Oh." She held her arms out to me and I took her into mine. My almost erection pressed between us and we kissed. I liked how she fit and the feel of her skin against mine. We kissed a few more times and then I added tongue to the event. When I did she became almost frantic. Her body reaction was quivering and holding on to me tighter. When the kiss ended she pulled back a little and said, "Oh my God! Another first! I've never been kissed like that. What else are you going to do to me?"

"First, I'm going to lay you on the bed." I helped her sit on the end of the bed and lean back. I spread her legs and knelt between them.

"What are you doing?"

"Watch." She lifted up and used her elbows for support. I leaned in and kissed her pussy.

"Oh my God! Oh, my God!"

My hands spread her legs wider and I licked along her crease. She dropped back, flat on the bed. I licked again. She reached over her head and got a pillow, putting it over her face. I sucked her clitoris in and flicked it with the tip of my tongue causing her to flood my face with her juices.

"Oh God! Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Oh please!" She repeated over and over, yelling the words into the pillow. I kept licking and sucking her pussy in every way I could think of. Colleen was having a great orgasm and she shook and screamed to express what she was feeling. I backed away as the orgasm subsided so I could watch the muscles of her open cunt spasm.

Colleen pulled the pillow away from her face and softly said, "I'll die if you won't be inside me." Her eyes followed my every move. When I let go of her legs she grabbed them and pulled them up by her shoulders. I stepped up to her open cunt and put my cock on her.

"Here it is, Honey. The moment of truth. Let me know how this feels to you."

I shifted a little and pushed forward, hitting her wet opening and plunging inside. I had a fleeting thought to take it slow and easy, followed by the thought and action of going for the adventure! As I slammed in all the way Colleen hooked her legs behind her shoulders and grabbed my face with her hands. As my cock dove deep she stuck her tongue in my mouth. She was pawing my head and neck with her hands, thrusting against me, and doing her best to touch my cock with her tongue! She was folded in half and loving it!

I pulled back and slammed back in! Over and over we slammed together with her holding on to my arms and I held her legs in place behind her shoulders. She thrust against my every stroke.

"Cum in me, Pete! Cum in me! Oh, God!"

"Here I cum! Here I cum in you, Colleen!"

When I said her name she shook and came with me. I pumped as much seed as I could into her and then I started to come down from the high. I stayed inside her as long as I could but wanting to stay hard is a young man's game.

"Thank you God!" I said as I leaned to one side and slid off her body. She straightened her legs and snuggled against me. Both of us were covered in sweat and breathing hard. She held my cock as it continued to shrink.

When our breathing was somewhat normal she said, "Why would anyone ever think that was a sin?"


"I was married once. He was the only man I've ever been to bed with until right now. He only had sex with me when he wanted to get me pregnant. It was in the dark, in bed and with only a night light. I was married to him for nine years and never saw his thingy. He never licked me or touched me like you have. Why would someone ever think that what we just did was a sin?"

"Is that what he told you?"

"Not just him. When we got engaged my mother told me her version. She said sex was a wife's duty and it helped men deal with the stress of being a man. Our pastor said in church that sex was a test and that by resisting the urges we were becoming more God-like."

"When you were married there was no playing with your bodies? No foreplay?"