A Neighborly Affair 003


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I was surprised when he spoke to Carol. He told her he was disappointed in her for not telling me these things while we were upstairs. She listened quietly, and then he informed her that she would be punished for not adequately preparing me. I heard her moan just a little. I was a little shocked.

Looking at Bob's shoes, I still had my head down when he stopped, and I heard him pull his belt from his pants. I had no idea what was happening until he told Carol to stand up and bend over. I could see enough that she rose, moved to the chair where he had been sitting, and put her hands on the leather seat with her back bent. She spread her feet about shoulder-width apart. The next thing I knew, I heard that belt swish and then pop. Carol gave a little yelp. Nine more followed, and by the time he had given her the last one, she was screaming every time the belt hit her ass. When he finished, she was sobbing and snuffling. Bob told her to take me and go to the kitchen and start dinner. He didn't comfort, touch, or give her any sign that he loved or cared for her. He wanted to eat by 8 pm.

Dinner was interesting. It was delicious. Carol had made it earlier, and after heating it, she filled a plate and set it at the head of the table. She pointed to a cushion on one side of Bob's chair. Caro lsat on the other side. He fed us from his plate. It was interesting.

After dinner, I helped Carol clean the dishes and put away the food. We then returned to the den and our cushions. Bob was reading, and we sat there for quite a while. Finally, Bob stood and stretched. He told us to come upstairs to the bedroom. We followed him, found cushions on the floor, and knelt as he prepared for bed. When he was ready, he stretched out on the bed with his book and began to read again. After some more time, he put the book down, and I heard him speaking. He told us to go to the bathroom and care for anything we needed before bed. I followed Carol into the bath and started to shut the door. She grabbed it and opened it back up. In a hushed tone, she told me that I should never shut the door to the bathroom. I had to take care of all my business with the door open. That came as a bit of a surprise.

Once Carol and I finished, she returned to the bedroom. She pointed to one side of the bed and then moved to the other. I climbed in on one side of Bob, and she on the other. He was reading. After a while, he reached over her, put the book on the side table, and turned off the light. He pulled the covers up over us all, and it wasn't long until I heard him snoring lightly.

I went to sleep. I remember thinking this was not at all what I expected. Sometimes, during the night, I woke up startled. Bob had turned over and was next to me. I could feel his hand on my breast, and then I felt a hard cock on my rear end. His hand moved down and positioned his cock and then thrust it hard into my pussy. I was dry and not at all prepared. It hurt, and I think I grunted and then squealed a little. His other hand came from under the pillow, cupped over my mouth, and tightened my head against his shoulder. He continued to fuck me hard for several minutes and then orgasmed quickly into me. His hand came off my mouth. I was a little dazed and still smarting from the rough, unexpected intrusion. By the time I collected myself, he was snoring again."

Betty stopped Rose.

"Did he use a condom?"

"No. It was bareback."

"Just curious. Go on."

"I didn't sleep much after that. There were a lot of things going on in my mind. I guess I dozed a couple of times, but that was all."

It was Barney's time to speak.

"What bothered you so bad that you couldn't sleep after that?"

I saw Rose look down at her hands. She was having trouble talking about what she had been feeling.

"I guess I was feeling a little guilty?"


"It was the first time anyone had made love to me other than Jack since we got married. I suddenly was feeling guilty and maybe even a little remorseful."

"What else? I think there was something else as well."

Rose was now definitely showing her discomfort.

"I was... well... It wasn't like I had fantasized about. There was nothing there. No feeling, no romance, nothing. He rolled over in the middle of the night, didn't say a word, barely touched me, and simply stuck his cock in me and used me to get off. I was nothing but a place to deposit his cum after he used me like a masturbation tool."

"And that bothered you so bad that it disturbed your sleep?"

I watched Rose look down at her hands again, pausing for a long time before answering.

"No. That wasn't it. It was bad, but not the thing that was causing me to think."

"What was it?"

"It turned me on, and I liked it. I liked being used like that like I was nothing."

Barney nodded.

"Ok, go on."

Rose took a deep breath.

"Nothing else happened that night. Bob got up and went to the bathroom. Carol nudged me, and I followed her in behind him. He was standing at the toilet, not doing anything. I watched as Carol knelt beside him and took his cock from his pajamas. She held it with her fingers, and he began to pee. When he finished, she shook it off carefully, and then, to my horror, she leaned over and licked the last drops of piss from the end of his cock. Her lips went around the head, and she sucked slightly to get any remaining urine and swallow it.

When she finished, he simply turned away and went to get dressed. I watched as she licked her lips, looked at me, smiled, and then rose to follow him. I looked at her ass for the first time, and I saw that it was deeply bruised and still showed the welts from the belt. I got up as well. We waited until he got dressed and followed him downstairs. He started to turn into his office, stopped, looked at both of us and spoke, "

I want coffee. Then you can make breakfast. We will eat in the breakfast area.

I followed Carol to the kitchen and helped her start preparing breakfast. By now, I was really needing to pee and wanted to clean myself up a bit. I whispered to Carol, and she nodded, pointing to the hall bathroom. I had to go by the office door, and I know that Bob looked up as I went by.

After breakfast, Bob went back to his office. Carol led me upstairs. We made the bed, cleaned the bathroom, and washed the dirty clothes. When we finished, she spoke to me quietly.

If you want to go to the toilet again and clean up a bit, now is your chance.

I nodded and headed into the bathroom. I found a towel, wet it with warm water, and cleaned myself up as best I could. I brushed my hair a bit. When I returned to the bedroom, I found Carol looking at her butt in the mirror. When she saw me, she nodded, and we headed back downstairs.

Bob worked in his office all morning long. Carol and I prepared lunch and had it ready when he came out. This time, Carol and I made our plates instead of Bob feeding us and got to sit at the table.Carol was still naked, and I was wearing the lingerie. Bob had changed into slacks and a polo shirt at some point. After lunch, Bob returned to his office to work some more, leaving Carol and I with little to do. She took me to the den, sat on the cushions, and chatted softly.

She told me that this was pretty much a normal weekend for them. She was submissive to Bob's Dominant. She said it was almost a bit boring at times as she wasn't allowed to watch TV, read, or do much of anything else if he wasn't doing it.

I asked about the whipping with the belt, and she just smiled at me. She told me that he often let little things slide, but because I was there, he wanted to impress me that punishment was normal. We heard the office door open, and both assumed the position again as Bob entered the room.

Bob sat down in the big wing chair. He looked at both of us and then called me over. I wasn't sure what to do, but I got up, walked before him, and waited. He told me to spread my feet apart, which I did. He then ran a hand up my leg and caressed my crotch. I looked over the chair at the far wall, trying not to respond. Suddenly, he rammed two fingers inside me, and I grunted a bit. He began to work his fingers in and out. His thumb was running circles over my clit, and it didn't take him long to get the response he wanted. I began to move my hips against his hard. I have to admit that he knew all the right spots.

I don't know how long he played with me with his fingers. I felt his fingers disappear from inside me. It was a little disappointing. Then he told me to turn around and bend over. I did that. Carol was looking up at me with a faint smile. I smiled back, but I'm afraid my look turned to something different when Bob rammed his middle finger all the way into my asshole. I rose and squealed. He immediately gave me a hard slap on the ass with his open hand, and I heard his voice, stern and commanding.

Stand still bitch. No one told you to move.

I lowered my shoulders again, and he continued to twist and probe my ass with his finger. When satisfied, he pulled it out and told me to turn around and kneel. I did that a little shakily. I felt a finger under my chin, pulling it up to look at him. He was smiling, and I am afraid I smiled as well. He looked at me and then spoke again, telling me to open my mouth. I guess I looked a little puzzled and didn't respond. His other hand swung across and slapped my breast hard enough that I nearly toppled to the side. I put out a hand, steadied myself, and heard him order me to open my mouth. My breast was stinging like fire. I may have had tears in my eyes as I looked back up at him, but I opened my mouth rather than risk another blow like the first one. He stuck that middle finger in my mouth that had been up my ass just a few minutes ago. He ordered me to suck it clean.

I twisted my head to the side a bit, and another slap came across my breast. I think I screamed a little. He worked that finger around inside my cheeks and over my tongue before pulling it out and then wiping it dry. I looked down and saw that the two stokes on my breast had dislodged the bra, and my breast was hanging fully out on that side. I started to rearrange my bra, and he slapped my other breast several times until it, too, was hanging out of the bra. I was sobbing now, and when he spoke, it was low and very menacing.

You do not do anything I don't tell you to do. Do you understand that, cunt?

I nodded and received another had slap on the tit. I screamed again, and he spoke.

When I ask you a question, you will answer and end it with Sir. Do you understand now?

I was sobbing but managed to answer him with a yes, sir. That seemed to mollify him somewhat. I wanted desperately to reach up and cradle my breasts, but it was clear that if I did, I would only receive more of the same. I knelt on the floor with my knees spread wide, sobbing softly.

Bob stood up and stepped around me. There was a big oversized ottoman in front of the other chair. He pulled it out to the middle of the room. His next instructions were to both Carol and I. We were to lay across the ottoman, side by side, with our butts toward the fireplace. When we positioned ourselves, I heard Bob unzip his pants and step out. I was pretty sure then what was about to happen.

He came up behind Carol, and I felt his hand rub over my ass. I assume he rubbed on hers as well. I heard her groan softly."

Betty stopped Rose to ask a few questions.

"Rose. Were you turned on by this time?"

Rose's head ducked, and her eyes went down."


"What about all this got you turned on?"

"Um... It was sort of the whole thing. Bob was so commanding. I liked that. I liked being out of control, used, and treated like an object. The slaps on my tit hurt and weren't enjoyable at all, but the after-effects were another thing. The burn on my tits was turning me on as well."

"Then the combination of the subjugation, the humiliation, the degradation, the physical abuse, and the sexual play all contributed to your being turned on."


"Ok. Go on."

"Bob started with Carol. There was no foreplay, or preparation, or lube. He just knelt behind her and drove his cock into her pussy. I heard her screech and managed to look over at her. Her face twisted in pain, and she was breathing hard as he continued to slam his cock in and out of her. I saw her relax just a bit. I thought maybe she was getting used to it and getting turned on. Then I realized it was because he had pulled out of her and was now behind me. Fortunately, my arousal was enough that it wasn't as painful as it seemed to have been for Carol. Again, he just banged his cock into me and started immediately to fuck me hard. I could feel his balls slapping against my clit.

Barney broke in at this point.

"You were already turned on by then. How did you respond."

Rose didn't look at Barney as she answered. She seemed focused on something over his head.

"I was getting hotter and hotter. I started to fuck back into his cock. I wanted more at that point."

"What did you want more of?"

Rose turned her head back down.

"All of it. I wanted him to fuck me more. I wanted him to make it hurt again."

"Good. Continue."

Rose took a breath to try and settle herself. I was almost sure at that point that she was turned on again just talking about the experience.

"He pulled out of me, and I groaned. I heard Carol yelp again and managed to look back and saw that he now had his cock back in Carol and was giving her the same sort of treatment. He did this several times, swapping back and forth between us. I was, by then, totally lost. All I wanted to do was cum, but he would fuck one of us until just before we could orgasm and then change. It was agonizing, at the same time, the most erotic thing I have ever experienced.

At some point, he just quit. He returned, sat down in his chair, and just left us lying over that ottoman. Both needed desperately to cum. He was stroking his cock as he watched us. Then he ordered Carol to lie on the floor on her back. She moved, and I heard him tell me to kneel over Carlo and suck her pussy while she licked on mine. I looked at him, and I saw him smirking. He told me one more time to eat her out. I got into position, put my head between her legs, and tentatively licked at her labia. I felt her tongue go straight into me. I gasped, and she raised her hips, smashing her now-wet pussy into my face. When she sucked on my clit, I nearly passed out. Taking a cue from her, I did the same, and in a very short time, a massive orgasm left me lying on top of her, out of breath and almost unable to move.

I didn't rest long. I saw Bob's shoes in front of my face, and then his hand grabbed my hair and pulled me up until his cock was rubbing on my nose. I heard his voice tell me to open wide, and then his cock slid into my throat, causing me to gag and almost retch. I heard him chuckle. He began to move my head up and down his cock. When he pulled my head so tight to him that my nose crushed against his pubic bone. His cock was so deep in my throat that I couldn't draw a breath. I thought I was going to pass out. I felt his hips pump several times, and each of the pumps sent a huge stream of cum down my throat. I gagged again but managed not to throw up. Finally, he released my hair and stepped back.

The next thing I remembered was a flash. I looked up, and he was taking a picture of me sitting over Carol's face, my hair and makeup mussed, my tits hanging down, and smears of cum around my lips. He smiled and spoke to me again. He told me to let Carol up and that I should go up to the guest bathroom, clean myself up, put on my clothes, and get ready to go home because it was less than an hour until 7pm. He then simply walked off and left Carol and me in the floor.

I rolled to the side and looked at Carol. She was still playing there with a dreamy expression on her face. She looked up at me, and I heard her ask if that was the first time I had ever eaten pussy. I nodded yes, and she told me I had great potential. She rolled over and sat up tailor style, which opened her legs wide. She seemed to not have a bit of hesitation about exposing herself. She told me that she thought Bob had been quite satisfied with my first experience as a submissive. She then grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. Carol sat on the bed while I cleaned, fixed my makeup and hair, and dressed. It was nearly seven by then, and she told me I was free to go.

As I was leaving, she pulled me to her and kissed me. I have to say it was sensuous and not in the least unenjoyable. She then opened the door and patted me on the ass as I walked out.

I was still almost speechless and just sat there looking at my prim and proper wife after she had just told us all, in detail, about being fucked, spanked, eaten another woman's pussy, and face fucked. I barely heard Barney as he spoke again. It took me several seconds to realize he was talking to me.

"Well, Jack. What do you think now."

I know I stuttered on the words.

"I'm.. ugh.... It's.... ugh.... I don't know what to think."

Barney laughed.

"I would say that you enjoyed what Rose had to say."

My head jerked around, and I looked at him.

"What makes you think that?"

"Look at your crotch. I would say the size of the bulge and the wet spot from your precum is a good indication."

I looked down and didn't realize that I was sporting a huge erection inside my casual pants. I had soaked through both the boxer shorts and the material of my pants. I looked at Barney, at Rose, and then at Betty. Betty took up the conversation.

" Rose. I know the situation, but you should explain to Jack where he stands in all this."

Rose looked at Betty and then looked back at me. I saw a sense of resolve in her eyes.

"Jack. You are my husband. My only love and my life. I don't want to be married to anyone else but you. I love our life together, and I love you. I will always come home to you, but I am not sure you can provide some things I need. It's not in your gentle, loving nature. I hope you can understand that."

They all looked at me like they expected me to say something. I glanced down at my cock, and the stain on my pants. I looked back up.

"Can we hear that part about when he slapped your tits again? I think I missed some of that."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Jaydean409Jaydean4094 months ago

Very hot!!! Ignore the moralists!!!! They need to delve deeper into depravity!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

so she even says another man "making love" with her, not just sex.

his "friends" can keep trying to convince him he actually likes it but the fact he is uncomfortable at all says the opposite. rose even knows that but keeps going. divorce should be where this is heading but i am betting the author will just flip the MCs mind to accept it.

for those wondering real swingers will tell you that you should never do it unless you are both 100% comfortable with it from the very start because they have seen many relationships end where someone was dragged or pressured in to it.

WargamerWargamer4 months ago

That would’ve been it for me. She is looking for more than me and that inevitably means another relationship and in the end feelings.

Divorce IMHO looms. I see you are going to Cuck the MC in the last line of the story, so l see where this is heading

She does not love him, she thinks she does , but no she doesn’t.

So that’s the end of the line for me with this story.

Scores 1/5

FreedomBaseFreedomBase4 months ago

My estimation of "Free at Last" has turned around completely. Back when Jack was part of Betty's "Barney-Matt-Jack" threesome ROSE was watching (urging Jack on) and it only lasted 10 minutes. The turn around was Jack NOT watching, there was no "urging on" and Rose was gone for 24 HOURS ! ! ! What a let down ) ^ : ! Paradise Lost, as they would say on the islands.

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