A Stepmother's Dilemma Ch. 01

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Why can't Lori Lynn stop watching her stepson jerk off?
6.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/05/2019
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*I anticipate this story to run between 3-5 chapters, but occasionally my stories grow on their own. I hope we might find out together. I appreciate constructive criticism, and of course your thoughts and feedback. Thanks for checking this story out.*


Lori Lynn Watts frowned at her cell phone as it disconnected. Of course Alan had yet another business trip. Of course he had to leave tomorrow. Of course he was working late tonight to get ready.

Ever since his last promotion he'd been travelling more, and she'd tried to be supportive, she really did. It felt like he was never home, and even when he was, he was distracted. She was lonely, and worse, her libido seemed to increase with each failed attempt to seduce her husband. Lately, there had been a LOT of failed seduction attempts.

She held back tears of frustration as the screen of her phone went dark.

She sighed, then put her phone down on the kitchen counter. Maybe it was the age difference. At first, she didn't think it was going to matter, he was only ten years older than her, and she was only 34. Over the last year, though, he hadn't touched her more than a handful of times. Maybe his libido was slowing down? Or... She didn't want to think about Alan cheating on her, but his new boss was pretty (she meant sexy, but refused to admit it. Jenny's breasts were at least twice the size of her own, though Lori Lynn thought the woman's ass was too big). Jenny and Alan usually travelled together on his business trips.

She sighed, then ate alone and put leftover dinner on a plate in the fridge with a note to Cameron to help himself.

Alan came home while she was in the shower, making a ridiculous amount of noise in the bathroom. She waited a moment, straining to hear if he acknowledged her presence only a few feet and a shower curtain away. Her heart fell a little when she realized he wasn't going to address her.

"Hey, Alan," she said, trying to sound chipper.

"Mmmhmm," he mumbled, then began brushing his teeth.

"You have a good day?" she asked, trying again.

He spit into the sink. "Dammit, Lori Lynn, don't ask me shit while I'm brushing my teeth."

"Sorry," she apologized. He left, closing the door hard enough she could hear it.

Fine, he didn't want to talk. They didn't have to talk. She finished quickly, hoping to get him interested in a little fun. They didn't have to talk to have some fun. She toweled off, then stepped into the bedroom from their attached bathroom.

"Hey," she said, stepping towards him in just a towel. "We don't have to talk. I was thinking maybe we could, ah, you know..." The towel slid down her body and she stood naked before her husband, jutting out her perky breasts.

He looked at her with clinical detachment. "Not tonight, Lori Lynn. I'm tired, and I've gotta get up early tomorrow."

It was hard to hide her disappointment. "I can do all the work," she offered, trying again. She stepped into him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He pushed her off, a scowl on his face. "Lori Lynn, you're all wet. Gross. Get dressed, I'm not in the mood." He turned away from her and began stripping down to his striped, baggy boxers.

Her lips puckered in annoyance. "You never wanna have sex anymore," she said, though she said it softly.

He pulled on a pair of ratty old pajama pants, then turned back to her. "I'm tired. I work a lot. Cut me some slack, yeah?"

"Sorry," she said, digging through her panty drawer. She pulled on a comfortable pair, then pulled an old t-shirt over her head and finished with a pair of cotton shorts. "Fine. Good night," she said, pulling the door shut behind her loud enough to project her displeasure.

Despite there being nothing in the fridge she wanted to eat, and not even being hungry, she was staring into the fridge when Cameron let himself into the house. He was trying to be quiet, she could tell, but it didn't matter. Alan was already snoring, nothing short of a foghorn was going to wake him up now.

"Hey, Lori Lynn" he said, smiling as he came into the kitchen. "What're you doing up still?"

"Hey, Cameron." She sighed. "Can't sleep. There's dinner, if you're hungry. I could warm it up for you."

He reached around her into the fridge, his hand brushing her arm as he grabbed the dish. The innocent touch sent a sizzling sensation straight to her core. He grabbed the plate she'd saved for him and danced away. "I got it. You should get some sleep."

"I'm sleeping on the couch again tonight," she said with a glum smile.

Cameron cocked his head and listened to Alan's snores, then nodded. "Dad's out like a light, eh?"

"Leaving for another business trip tomorrow morning. Came home late and went straight to bed." She tried to keep the disappointment out of her tone, but she knew she hadn't. She looked down, flushing, then tucked stray hair behind her ear. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Dad's been travelling a lot lately, I'm sure you're lonely." Cameron threw the plastic wrap away and pulled the bacon from the sandwich. He wrapped it in a paper towel then threw it into the microwave for ten seconds, then put his BLT back together and bit into it.

"Yeah, a little. That's not, I mean, nevermind. I shouldn't complain. You don't wanna hear this kinda stuff from an old lady, much less your stepmom."

He snorted mid-bite. "You are definitely not an old lady."

As she watched him eat the sandwich she realized he was no longer the lanky seventeen year old she'd met when she'd married Alan five years ago. He'd filled in, his shoulders broad and tall frame filled in with muscle. When had he become a man?

He had the same features that she'd fallen in love with when she'd dated Alan, a sharp nose and defined cheekbones, sparkling blue eyes. Unlike his father, Cameron had a neat and tidy reddish brown beard that hid his full lips. A stab of longing went through her as she caught a whiff of him, masculine deodorant and sweat.

"Did you just come from the gym?" she asked, imagining him working out, his face set in determination as his muscles strained and bulged. She wondered how it would feel to be held in his arms, her face pressed against his chest, fully surrounded by his smell instead of the faint traces of it she could smell now.

She swallowed hard as her core ached. Cameron was her stepson. She needed to put these feelings away, pronto. What she was imagining was wrong, and instead of making her feel bad, she felt... naughty. Stuffing the feelings deep inside, she turned her attention back to Cameron.

"Good sandwich, Lori Lynn. Yeah, at the gym, it's nice to go this late cause I've got it practically all to myself. I don't have classes until ten on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so it works out well." He polished off his sandwich and wiped his hands on his pants. "Any more bacon?"

She nodded. "In the fridge, I figured you'd be hungry. You want me to make you something else?"

He smiled at her over his shoulder as he retrieved the bacon from the fridge. "Nah, I got this," he said. A flush of heat went through her body, his smile setting her alight. Girls must throw themselves at him with a smile like that.

"Oh. Okay. How's school going? Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

He heated up the bacon, then popped two strips into his mouth at once. "University's good. Looking for an internship for the summer. Got midterms soon. No girlfriend, most of the girls in my classes are basic bitches."

The statement caught her off guard and she laughed. His statement also sent a thrill down her spine, and she immediately stomped out the fire that flared to life at the news that he didn't have a girlfriend. She couldn't think of him that way, no matter how sexy he was. Why hadn't she noticed how good he looked before now? "I'm sure you'll find a nice girl soon."

"Oh, I have one in mind," he said. She flinched, unexpected jealousy heating her cheeks before she caught herself.

"Good. That's good," she said, though she didn't feel it. "I should get some sleep."

"You're not really thinking of sleeping on the couch again, are you?" he asked, and even his frown was sexy.

"Yeah, once your dad starts snoring like that there's no way I'm falling asleep in bed," she admitted. "I'm fine, I'm used to it."

He put his hands on his hips. "You shouldn't be used to it," he complained.

She shrugged. "It's okay, Cameron. If you wanted to watch TV I can-"

"I'm gonna take a shower, then go to sleep. Take my bed, Lori Lynn, I'll sleep on the couch."

"I couldn't," she said, now embarrassed.

"I insist," he said. Before she could complain he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. His hands gripped her firmly as he led her to his room so she couldn't escape. "Sorry, it's a bit of a mess, but the bed's comfortable enough."

"Cameron," she whined. "Please, don't trouble yourself."

He chuckled, then smiled that smile again, aimed right at her. "Don't make me tuck you in, or I just might share the bed with you."

"It's big enough," she said as he ushered her to his queen sized bed, her cheeks aflame.

"Maybe next time." Cameron smiled, then gently pushed her onto his bed. "Get some sleep."

She hesitated for another second before she relented, the idea of sleeping on the couch already making her hips hurt. "Thanks, Cameron. You're the best."

He smiled again, and she decided he was more handsome than his father. "Gonna get some clean clothes, then I'll be outta your hair. Night, Lori Lynn," he said. He collected clothing and headed out, but hesitated on the threshold for just a second before he pulled the door shut, plunging her into complete darkness.

His smell surrounded her as she pulled his comforter over her head. He smelled good, too good, and she couldn't help it, couldn't stop herself from getting aroused. His scent made her core throb as her pussy clenched hard, and her lower lips ache as they plumped with blood. She breathed in deeply, feeling like a pervert as she huffed his scent.

Her nipples perked up, she could feel them rubbing against the cotton of her shirt as she moved, trying to find the most comfortable position. The stimulation had been accidental at first, but the fire in her core continued to grow the longer she was immersed in his scent. Each brush of her fingers over the threadbare cotton had her core clenching with need.

She rolled onto her back and her shorts and panties were off before she even thought about it. Her legs fell open, pulling the blanket away from her body. She didn't fix it, the naughtiness of what she was doing was amplified tenfold at her indecent exposure. Laying on her back she couldn't smell him as clearly and she didn't like it, so she pulled his other pillow over her head, smothering herself in his essence.

Her fingers were dancing over her labia, she knew if she touched her clit she'd come instantly, and she wanted to enjoy this a little. She'd feel ashamed later, but for now she huffed in Cameron's musk as she rubbed her swollen lips with one hand and her swollen nipples with the other.

She imagined Cameron in her head, wondered how he'd make love to a woman. Wondered if he was still a virgin, or if he slept around. He couldn't be a virgin, not with how sexy he was, not at his age. She pictured his smile and her fingers sped up. He was showering now, he could come back at any second and catch her masturbating in his bed. The thought was terrifying and arousing, and had her hips thrusting into her fingers. Still, she avoided her clit, she wasn't ready to come, not yet.

Did Cameron jerk off in bed? Right where she was? Was he jerking off right now, in the shower? She imagined him naked, imagined him gripping a hard, straining cock, pumping his strong hand up and down his veiny shaft. Her orgasm snuck up on her, even without touching her clit. She writhed as the first wave electrified every nerve in her body, her hips inches off the bed and her toes curled in his sheets. She squeezed her nipple hard and her whole body convulsed in pleasure, her hips rising up a second time as she rode another wave of pleasure. She rocked her hips back and forth over her fingers, riding her orgasm out until it faded, replaced by contentment.

She lay there for a moment, enjoying the afterglow, then rolled over, cocooning herself in his blanket. She slept like a baby.

The next morning she found Cameron on the couch, sleeping in nothing but a tight pair of boxer briefs, his blanket and sheet thrown to the floor. She burned the image of his sexy, muscular body into her brain, then forced herself to get ready and leave for work before he woke up.

Cameron was already at home when she came back from work, which was surprising, he usually stayed out late most days, even when he wasn't working or at the gym. He wasn't in the living room or the kitchen, but his shoes were in the foyer and his car was in the driveway.

While it was unusual, it wasn't completely abnormal. Cameron was a creature of habit, but occasionally he'd surprise her. She let it go and went about her normal routine. She captured the dirty laundry from the bathroom hamper and combined it with the basket in the room she and Alan shared. Cameron was in his room, she could hear a low, bassy hum of music. As she passed his room with her arms full with an overflowing basket of dirty laundry she noticed the door was cracked open just a bit.

She'd passed by, but was drawn back by a groan slightly louder than the low thumping bass line of his music. Worried he might be hurt, she put down the basket and turned around. She couldn't have explained why, but she hesitated at the door, her fingers barely touching the doorknob. Cameron groaned again, but not in pain. She focused, listening hard at the door. After a second she could make out the sounds of him jerking off, low moans of pleasure and the telltale sounds of male masturbation blending into the low music.

Her face caught fire, and her loins were instantly tight. Cameron was masturbating, probably sitting in the same spot she'd pleasured herself the night before. It took all of her willpower not to touch herself over her clothing, but she didn't have enough willpower left over to force herself to walk away.

He moaned a little more loudly, and it sounded a little like her name. She swooned, her hand carefully pressing the door slightly wider, her need to see what he looked like when he touched himself driving away her reason. She closed her other eye so she could focus on him through the crack.

It was a sight to see. Cameron was stretched out on his bed, his shirt pulled up and tucked under his chin, exposing his toned chest and abs. His gym shorts were tucked beneath his balls, framing his impressive manhood. She gasped a little before she covered her mouth, she'd never seen a cock so big. He definitely hadn't inherited it from his father...

His eyes were closed, his cheeks pink and his mouth slightly agape. Strong hands caressed his flesh, one hand slowly gliding up and down his considerable member in time to the beat of the music, the other hand lazily circling his right nipple. The spiraling of his finger around the pert little nub was hypnotic. Light glinted off metal, and she realized his nipples were pierced, sending a thrill down her spine straight to her pussy.

Her core ached. She'd never wanted someone as much as she wanted Cameron, and it was both thrilling and damning at the same time. Her lust overcame her guilt at watching her stepson masturbate, she knew she'd feel bad about it later, but for now she was at his mercy, and he didn't even know it.

Her hand, the one she'd been covering her mouth with, was now on her breast, her finger pressing against her bra in an attempt to repeat Cameron's movements for herself. Her bra was too thick to feel the sensations and she growled in frustration before she caught herself. She hated that she had to wear thicker bras, but her nipples were always erect, it seemed. As she struggled with her bra her elbow bumped the door gently, pushing it open another inch.

She froze, a deer in the headlights. Had Cameron opened his eyes? She swore he looked at her for a split second, but he must not have, because he didn't stop. If anything, he sped up a little and pinched the bar threaded through his left nipple, tugged it. He moaned again, then repeated the movement on the other nipple.

God, she'd never considered nipple piercings to be sexual before, but she wanted to put her hands on that jewelry with an unexpected intensity. Was the metal always warm? Would it feel good to him if she tugged then? Bit them? Were they more sensitive than unaltered nipples? She longed to find out.

She pushed her legs together as much as she could, as if she had to pee, trying to keep herself from touching inappropriately. Cameron's body was a work of art and she couldn't stop herself from drinking him in with her eyes. He stretched out, his hands working faster.

"Lori Lynn... Mmm... Yeah, Lori Lynn, god, right there," he moaned. Heat flashed through her system and she felt like if she even touched herself just a little she'd cum right on the spot. "Yeah, suck my cock, god, yes, Lori Lynn..."

A stream of white cum shot from his cock like it was under pressure, landing between his perked, hardware-adorned nipples. He grunted, his hips lifting from the bed as a second surge landed just above his belly button. He sped up, continuing to wring his cock as another surge of pearly cum flowed onto his fist. He pinched his nipple hard as he grunted and thrust his hips, releasing one more flush of cum before he collapsed to the bed, eyes closed as he enjoyed the afterglow.

She rushed from the door, forgetting the laundry completely as she threw herself into a cold shower in the main bathroom, trying her best to calm down quickly before she did something terrible. God, she wanted to touch herself so bad, but she didn't.

The door opened while she stood there shivering in the water and her whole body clenched up. "Oh, sorry Lori Lynn," Cameron said. "Didn't realize you were in here. You don't usually use this bathroom. I'll come back."

She tensed. "Ah, um, theres a spider in my shower. Sorry," she croaked, her throat tight.

"Oh. You want me to go kill it?"

"No, no," she said too fast. "It's fine."

"You okay?" he asked after a brief pause. "You sound a little hoarse."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," she said, trying to sound normal.

"Musta been a big, hairy spider," Cameron said, and it sounded like he was teasing. He chuckled, confirming her suspicion before continuing. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything."

He left and she relaxed, though her breathing was still erratic. She stepped out of the shower and toweled off once she felt relatively calm again, then bent down to pick up her pants. Her dirty clothes were gone, she was sure she'd left them on the floor. Had Cameron picked them up for her?

When she finally emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a towel, she noticed the laundry basket in the hall was gone, too. Cocking her head, she heard the rhythmic thumping of the dryer. Cameron had done the laundry for her. She smiled, then bit her lip as her guilt kicked in. He was such a good guy, and she was lusting over him like a slut. Her face burned.

She tried to act normal around him that evening as they ate dinner, but she couldn't stop noticing him. She couldn't keep her eyes from lingering on those strong biceps, or the calloused fingers wrapped around his fork. From his full, luscious lips or the occasional gentle outline of his dick in his track pants. She was both relieved and disappointed when he left for the gym.

It was a difficult night for her. She struggled with a nearly overwhelming desire to touch herself as she replayed Cameron masturbating in her head, only held at bay by her guilt. She was supposed to be his stepmom! It didn't matter that she wasn't even old enough to have been his mother. Or he'd already been an adult when she'd come into the picture, just shy of his eighteenth birthday. He hadn't exactly needed a mother, so she never felt the need to fulfill that role.