A Story of Guilt


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"What's going on?" He asked her.

"Please sit down, Jack." Sandy told him.

Jack sat down.

"I don't want you to say a single word until I am done, then you can do anything you want to me, OK?"

Jack nodded.

Sandy began at the start, explaining what she felt like after the accident. Then she went on to the long story, how over many months one thing led to another, how she became relaxed like some things were normal.

Jack's expression changed from concern to surprise, then anger but he kept quiet until she had finished.

"How could you do that? You let that guy actually fuck you?" Jack said quietly through clenched teeth after Sandy fell silent.

"Yes. It happened. I don't know why. I don't know how that happened, for some reason I could not stop it. Jack, I am so sorry, nothing like that will ever happen again." She burst into sobs.

"I am not enough for you then, is that it?" Jack stood up, stone faced.

"Oh God no, it isn't that. I love you more than anything!" Sandy cried.

"Didn't that asshole know you are married?"

"Yes, he does." Sandy said flatly.

"I think I need to go see the fellow." Jack just stood there, looking at her calmly now.

Sandy was surprised, his reaction was not at all like she would have expected.

She thought that he would just kick her out. Yet he appeared to be still calm.

Perhaps things would be all right after all, she thought. She started to get up.

"Can you please forgive me, honey? Please?" She asked.

"So where are you going to go?" Jack asked her, his face expressionless.

"I...don't know." Sandy answered. Defeated, she sat back down. There was no swaying Jack once he made up his mind, she knew that very well.

"Well. Good luck to you." Jack told her. She stared at him for several long seconds, then he turned and walked away.

Sandy's world crashed around herself, she picked up her suitcase and walked out the door.

There was nothing more to say, her life was ruined, over. She had lost her man.


It was nearly two months later when Randall's phone rang.

"Yes, I work with men." Randy said when the male voice on the phone asked. He booked for later that afternoon, glad to have gained another client. Things had been on the slow side and he had his rent coming up soon.

That afternoon, he answered the knock, glad to see his client was not a fatty or some old coot. Big dude, but at least in shape, and he looked clean.

Randy did prefer the ladies but those were few and far between, so whacking off the guys paid the bills.

Every now and then he got to fuck one of the housewives, that was always a kick. Like that last one, what a fox! The best piece of pussy he had ever had, hell, she liked it so much that she left scratches on his shoulders.

It had taken him months to get her to that point. Too bad she apparently didn't like it that much after thinking about it, because she had never called again.

Getting to hose some asshole's wife was always a kick in the ass. Slipping a little dose into their glass of water made the tough ones easy. He always kept it mild enough that they never even knew.

Hell, they usually came back for seconds, even thirds.

But to make a few extra dollars, jacking off some guy was always worth an extra 20-30 bucks and those clients were fairly easy to come up with.

He couldn't do anything like that when he worked at the stupid spa, that was a shame.

"Hi! I'm Randall, come on in." He held the door as the large man walked in and looked around.

Showing him the massage room, he explained how to get ready.

"You can be completely nude if you want, I am VERY liberal with my work." Randall grinned at the man, then left the room.

He was kind of a cold acting dude, he didn't change expression.

"Ready." The man answered when he knocked a few minutes later. He was hoping this guy had a big one, he looked and acted straight so probably the jerk was just curious.

What the hell, sometimes the guys were fun, too.

Randall opened the door and felt himself instantly pulled into the room. The big man was fully dressed, he turned and locked the door.

That was a shock.

"What's going on? I don't have any money." Randy asked, frightened.

"You remember Sandy. You know her. She is my wife."

Randall's eyes flashed with surprise. He looked around for some way to escape, but the big man was in front of the door and there was no other way out.

"Hey, bud. That wasn't my fault, she came on to me." He whined.

"No she didn't." Jack told him, just before he hit him. There wasn't much of a struggle after that, it was simply a beating.

Randy came to, the big man was still there, crouched down beside him. He tried to scoot backwards away from him but the wall was in the way.

"Awake, huh?" The man hit Randy between the legs with a huge fist.

Randy screamed, then his voice changed to painful moans as the man just stayed there, kneeling down looking at him. Finally he spoke quietly.

"Now you are going to tell me the truth. No way in hell would my wife let you fuck her, you piece of shit. You drugged her, didn't you? Talk or die right here today, pick one."

The man's voice was flat but harsh, Randy knew he was dead serious.

"Yes. I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" Randy cried.

The big man just looked at him, nodded, his face had no expression at all.

"Where is it?"

"In the top drawer." Randy told him without hesitation. He was terrified, his body shaking, almost sure the man intended to kill him.

"Don't you fucking move!" The man said, getting up.

Jack walked over, opened the drawer. He took out the packet of white powder, went in and dumped it in the toilet. Then he walked back out, squatted down again.

"Just so you know, asshole. Your next client that walks in the door just might be someone I know, understand? Some friends of mine are nowhere near as nice and polite as I am."

An evil grin crossed his face.

"It might be best if you pick a different city, perhaps farther away than a week's drive? And the next time you even think of another man's woman, remember this!"

The big man grinned, then belted him in the crotch a final time.

Randy came to, the big man was still there, standing by the door. His face still had no expression at all. He glanced over at the pile of rubble that had been the massage table.

"You have one hour, then I am coming back. And go ahead and call the police it you want, I don't care. But if you do, they will let me go eventually, and next time I will use my rifle and you won't know when it is coming."

The man walked out the door, leaving it standing open.

Randy managed to struggle to his feet, gasping for each breath. He gathered up his clothes, stuffing them in a suitcase. Then he couldn't pick it up, his ribs hurt so badly he knew they had to be broken.

He could feel blood trickling down his leg, the pain in his groin was intense. Reaching up to his face, his nose felt like it was three times normal size, and one eye would barely open.

He opened the suitcase, grabbed some jeans and underwear, then struggled out to his van, tossed them in the back.

Back inside, he looked over at the clock, it had been thirty minutes. He knew he had to get out of there, the man said he was coming back.

Randy managed to make it down the steps again to his old van. Starting the engine, he put it in gear and drove away.

He never noticed the huge pickup that followed him to the city limits, where it pulled off the road and the man driving watched the old van vanish out of sight.


Sandy had spent hours getting herself to look perfect after Jack had called.

She was so excited she was trembling.

Two months she had lived in the tiny little motel, crying until there were no more tears to come. She only left the room to eat, and rarely even for that.

When she called Jack and asked if she could have a little money after running out, he just told her to go down to the bank and take what she needed. It was the only time she had called, even though every fiber in her being wanted to.

That was a surprise at the bank, her name was still on the account. Sandy realized right then that Jack must still have some trust in her. She withdrew the $500 she needed, left the rest.

That gave her some hope, but she still waited every evening for his call again.

He had called just one time, two days after she had moved out. He had made an appointment for blood tests. He told her where to go and when, she obeyed without hesitation.

The phone never rang again, not once.

Until finally it did.


"Mine are clear, yours too Sandy. Lucky I guess, considering." Jack told her.

When he asked her if she would like to go do something with him, she told him of course she would. For the next several hours she put on and took off every outfit she owned, washed herself several times, and spent an hour adding traces of makeup. Looking at herself naked in the mirror, she realized she was waif thin, even her breasts were smaller. She finally settled on her blue dress, one she had not worn for years. She left the bra off, it hung from her anyway.

"I want you to just do exactly what I tell you to do, got it?" Jack had told her. She had never known him to be like that, talking to her in a tone of voice she had never heard him use.

"Yes. I will." She answered meekly.

Jack looked very nice when he arrived, but she instantly spotted his hands. The backs of both of them were bandaged.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I fell." He told her. Sandy knew better than that but she didn't ask anything more.

She was surprised when Jack pulled up in front of the spa she used to go to. He parked the truck, came around and took her hand, leading her inside.

Sandy wanted to ask questions but instead she just did as he asked. Two of the women came out and led her away, she looked back at Jack and he was grinning.

Inside the room, the two women stripped her and bathed her, then handed her a warm white robe and told her to wait. One of them was back in a moment with a large bowl of hot soapy water and a safety razor.

Jack came in, she saw his hair was damp and he also had on one of the spa's white robes. She knew he had been in the other sauna being bathed.

He had her lay down, then he removed her robe. She looked up at him and saw he was looking at her naked body, like he had done so often before.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"I am going to shave you, when it grows back out you will be all mine again."

Sandy burst into tears at that.

"I am so sorry Jack. I don't know what happened, I will never...."

"Shut up!" Jack told her firmly, pushing her down onto her back.

Picking up the bowl of soapy water, he lathered up her pubic mound and then took the razor and shaved her carefully. Sandy lay there in wonder, watching him.

For some reason that simple act was the most erotic thing she had ever had done to her.

"There." He said when he was done. It popped into his head that perhaps he should have thought of doing that before, she really was spectacular.

It took all of his will power to manage to not just reach for her.

Sandy expected him to begin to make love to her, but instead he put her back into her robe and walked to the door.

He opened it and said something, two women walked in. Sandy knew both of them, they had worked on her in the past.

They had portable tables with them, once they had those set up side by side a few feet apart, they left the room. Jack took Sandy's robe, had her lay face down on the table, then he covered her with a sheet. He quickly slipped off his own robe and got on the other table, pulling the drape over himself.

The two women came in with big grins and went to work. Sandy lay there looking at Jack the entire time, he was looking back.

The two women worked for only about 30 minutes, then the woman working on Jack softly tittered.

"I think it's time." She said to the other woman. The one working on Sandy looked over and smiled. Jack was lying on his back by now, and the results of their touch was very clear.

"Lucky girl! That's almost enough to make me want to break some rules!" The older woman whispered to the other one as they quietly left the room.

"Too bad it was all covered up." The younger woman whispered back. They were both giggling as the door closed.

Jack sat up, facing Sandy. She sat up and faced him. He was fully erect.

"I want you to come back home with me now, Sandy." He told her quietly. Sandy's face flooded with tears as she came off the table in a rush and hugged him.

It was over three hours later when they finally dressed and went out into the lobby.

"I know I said two hours, what do I owe you for the extra time?" Jack asked the women who were sitting in the lobby.

"Not a thing, not a single thing. Do either of you want to reschedule?" The older of the two said with a grin.

"Sure, why not? She can use the work." He laughed.

"Welcome back, Sandy!" The other one beamed at her.

They walked out holding hands to Jack's truck. He opened the door for her, then gave her a kiss.

"I guess I don't understand?" Sandy asked.

"Well. You can still get your massages, but just from the women, got it?"


"Things will be all right, and just so you know? I had a long talk with old Henry. He saw me sitting out on the porch and came over, telling me that he and I needed to have a long talk." Jack smiled.

"He told me I looked like someone had died."

"Then he told me that you and he had already had a chat. He also mentioned that it sounded like you might have been drugged, so I went over to find out." Jack held up his hands, the bandages obvious.

"He gave me a glass of water. Maybe..?" Sandy started to say.

"You were. I made the jerk admit it when I asked him to leave town. But you were also careless, that won't happen again. And Henry? That's a pretty wise old man."

Sandy nodded.

"From now on, things will be different. I know that some of that was not your fault, some of it was. But then, I should have been paying more attention myself." Jack said.

He reached out and put his arm around her shoulders, holding her firmly.

"Some things are hard to tell the truth about, aren't they?" Jack asked her.

"Yes. They are. It will never happen again, I will always tell you everything." Sandy nodded.

"I am sure of that. Now. Let's go home. It looks like I need to feed you." Jack said.


Old Henry peeked out past his curtain at the two kids sitting in their driveway. They were necking like a couple of teenagers.

He grinned to himself, letting the drapes close. Sitting in his chair, he picked up the photo of Millie, his late wife.

If the love is there, then people can get past most anything, and sometimes a little nudge is all it takes. He had spotted Jack sitting out there on his porch, then went over and just stuck his nose in.

"You want that woman, don't you Jack?" Henry had asked him after they had a long chat.

Jack had just nodded.

"Well then, get up off your dead ass and go fix things. Sandy belongs to you, all you have to do is go take her." Henry had told him.

From the looks of things, Jack had done exactly that.

He remembered his own upsets, some 40 years before. Millie's Granddad had been the one to come and talk to him.

Kissing the photo, he set it back down on the table by his chair.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Ugh I hate stories with rape in it like this. The women are always the dumbest bitches ever. Do they not know the cardinal rule that is never EVER take a drink (or food for that matter) from someone you do not know and fully trust 100% - and even then, don't do it when you're otherwise alone!? Fucking idiots I swear. If you're going to be that recklessly stupid then you deserve what you get.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Shut up stubbyboi, if she didn’t like him like that she wouldn’t be there, have some respect for a woman’s decisions

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger7 months ago

NIce story, nothing to dislike about it - but as we all know, some will find something.

A classic tale that nobody is perfect, some are perfectly foolish but as the old neighbour nicely summed up, with love most people can get past most things.

Enjoyed it, thanks.

StubbyoneStubbyone7 months ago

While very well written, hubby’s character was pretty full of himself and seemed to always feel he was in charge. It never felt like an even relationship. His character was just as much at fault as she was. She described to him, in detail, every move Randy made on her. Hubby’s holier than thou attitude and arrogance peaked when, during their couple’s massage he told her to “shutup.” Very disrespectful ! That simple statement dropped the story from a 5 to a 4. That was not necessary and made me dislike his character even more.

There was alot to like in this story and I gave it a 4. No smile’s because it didn’t leave me with good feelings when they reconciled. My feelings were, “she can do so much better and deserves a better man. “

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0358 months ago

Nice finish to a pretty good story.

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