A Strange Family Ch. 01

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Teased by his mom and sis, he can't resist an open pussy.
6.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/07/2019
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Edited by: Pope1944. Thanks!

Peter woke up in what used to be his bed in his parent's house. He had moved away last year for college, but was still grateful that they had kept his room pretty much the same as it had been before. As he stretched, feeling the warm sun in his face, he grinned, having slept a very long time.

A few minutes later he walked out of his room wearing a swimsuit. Peter enjoyed his parent's pool almost as much as he enjoyed seeing them. Every week-end he could come back, he swam as often as he could. This morning he even wanted to swim before breaking his fast. He ended up doing just that, but not in the way he envisioned it.

He smiled as he heard his mother and sister's voice coming from outside, already in the pool. As he turned the corner, he saw his dad sitting on the deck, reading his paper. "Well," he thought. "Looks like I'm not going to be able to do my regular series of lengths this morning..." But soon he realized that this would be the least of his concerns. After seeing that his older sister, Paige, was wearing her blue bikini, which was always a treat as it highlighted her still enlarged breasts, his heart stopped when he saw his mother, Reagan.

One look at Reagan told you all you needed to know to explain Paige's breasts. Even though his mother was 20 years older than his sister, they had, pretty much, identical breasts. He knew, after having overheard Paige talking about it with her best friend, that his sister was jealous of her mother's breasts. Then again, her friend told her that she knew she'd be able to enjoy them for a very long time instead of seeing them stretch and deflate with the years.

And Reagan's breasts looked anything but deflated and stretched. Especially this morning. Peter had stopped walking when he saw her through the patio door. He was pretty much used to seeing his mother in her one piece swimsuit, although her bikini still had quite an effect on him. This morning she was wearing neither of them.

As he stood motionless, he couldn't figure out why his mother was wearing a white t-shirt with nothing underneath. Drenched by the water. Essentially a wet t-shirt. Even from this distance he could see details he had only fantasized about her breasts: the way they stood and swelled when free from support, the shape of their lower curves and how far they stood out when freed, the exact size and shape of her aureolas, the thickness of her nipples, the height at which they rose when cold hardened...

All this from a few seconds and from afar. And he was supposed to go out and get closer? Much closer? Christ! He felt the first stirrings of an erection and knew that he had to control it. A quick glance at his sister's breasts, just as big and even more lively because they were younger, and Peter's instinct was to go back to his room. Or better yet, to remain here for a long while and enjoy the view. Even masturbate hidden in the kitchen as he stared at this glorious scene.

But he shook his head. "Fuck that," he thought. "I'm not a pervert! And I can handle this now." It was true that his girlfriend had a voracious sexual appetite and that just this last week they had fucked eight times. And so he strode out of the kitchen, realizing that it would be his mother's responsibility to explain her appearance.

As soon as she saw him, Reagan covered her breasts and laughed. "Oh gods! This is too much now... I gotta get out of here."

"No mom!" said Paige, laughing with her. "Peter's a big boy, he can handle this. Right dad? You don't mind?"

"Leave me out of this!" he replied gruffly, but Peter could see that his dad was smiling.

After a short silence, Reagan asked her son "So, Peter, what do you say? Do you mind seeing your mother's old breasts like this?"

Peter swallowed hard and avoided the question. "Why... Why are you dressed like this?"

"Oh..." his mother sighed, shaking her head. "I forgot my regular swimsuit at aunt Jenna's place and I spilled a drop of raspberry jam over my bikini top this morning."

"And I suggested that we could do a wet t-shirt contest this morning!" said Page, giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Ok, that does it!" their mom replied. "I'm getting out!"

But Paige stopped her by grabbing her arm. "Come on mom... Peter doesn't mind. Don't you, Peter?"

"Er, no... It's alright." he mumbled nervously.

"You really don't mind seeing my old breasts?" Reagan asked.

"Stop it mom!" Paige said. "Now you look like you're fishing for compliments!"

"Paige!" Reagan cried, but she was laughing.

Peter looked at his father, Michael, and they both shook their heads as they shared a look. With an exaggerated sigh, Peter dove into the pool and swam to the other end. While he knew that such borderline banter wasn't typical for most families, Peter had grown used to it. His was a strange family.

Maybe it was because his father had always been such a overt breast man that often complimented his wife's breasts. And then Paige had grown a pair of near identical breasts, which could have been awkward. But instead, Reagan had playfully teased him about it. At first when they were alone, one time in Peter's hearing and finally, one drunken evening, while Paige had been there.

Many 18 year old girls would have been horrified by the comment, but Paige had been so proud about her breasts that she merely smiled and blushed. While Michael had never directly complimented his daughter's breasts, everybody knew that the mom and daughter duo had stunning breasts... and that Michael was their number one fan.

Nevertheless, this wet t-shirt episode was something new. For the next half an hour, Peter managed the delicate balancing act between his desire to ogle his mom's breasts and not getting caught doing it. Nobody seemed to notice his darting eyes nor his growing erection.

At first, his mom did her best to smooth out the shirt and she kept pulling it away from her breasts to let the trapped air hide them. When she did that, it was almost decent. But after a while she seemed to forget about it and things became excruciatingly erotic.

Peter could see absolutely everything. This close, he could even see the white ring of air around her nipples because the t-shirt couldn't hug the sharp angle made by her protruding nipples. And so her aureolas looked like targets: the pale brown flesh of her nipples in the center, a thin white ring of t-shirt around them, a larger ring of the darker flesh of her aureolas surrounded, finally, by the pale white skin of her breasts.

The t-shirt also clung all the way to the underside of her breasts, not letting a single bubble of air masking the impossibly firm curves of those breasts. From time to time, her long brown hair clung to those curves, somehow highlighting the roundness of his mother's breasts. Even in the deep gap between her breasts the thin t-shirt was clinging to her skin. It was as close as he had ever gotten to seeing his mother's breasts completely nude.

When she eventually climbed out of the pool and Peter could help himself as he stared at her rounded ass, the white bikini bottoms clinging to her generous curves. As Reagan walked to her husband, Peter was still staring, but this time at the side of her left breast as it bounced freely with her every step.

His mother was turned away from him and his father hidden behind his newspaper, but Peter had forgotten about Paige. She had been silently floating around across the pool, but she suddenly appeared at his side. "Enjoying the view?"

"No!" he cried. He then looked away, more in surprise than shame.

"Oh what now," she whispered. "You're going to tell me that you haven't been looking at her?"

"Of course not!" he whispered, turning around to make sure that his mom wound't hear. "She's my mom!"

"So what?" Paige said. "She does have amazing breasts and everybody knows it!" Peter closed his eyes and sighed. "Tell me you're not hard right now." Paige added. "I know I would be if I were a dude!"

"You're crazy!" Peter cried.

"Just don't say that I never did anything for you!" Paige said before swimming away, a peculiar smile on her lips.

Flushed bright red, Peter slipped underwater so that nobody would notice it. He was a bit puzzled about his sister's last comment. Was she referring to the fact that she had encouraged their mother to swim like this? Peter didn't know. He would also remain in the pool for a while to hide the erection that Paige had predicted. Opening his eyes briefly underwater, he saw his sister's body and had an idea. An idea right out of his lust addled brain, but a good idea nonetheless. Peter grabbed a pair of goggles from the deck and dove back down.

For a minute or two he watched his sister's body from underwater. That blue bikini was wickedly sexy and she knew it. As he was wondering why large breasts looked and moved so differently when they were underwater, he saw Paige swimming directly towards him. When he emerged from underwater, she whispered "Looking at my body now?" She was grinning and continued before Peter could make a coherent reply. "Is your girlfriend giving you blue balls, dear brother?"

"No! In fact, we had sex eight times this week!" he said defiantly.

Paige's eyes opened wide. "Damn! Now I'm jealous. I haven't had that kind of action since Elise was born!" As Paige looked away, Peter glanced at his sister's breasts, still filled with milk as they were. Even before her pregnancy, his sister's breasts had been amazing, but now... "Nevertheless... I did catch you staring at mom's breasts, and now mine!" she added with a wicked smile.

Peter shook his head. When Paige had begun to talk about her breasts more and more as they grew throughout her pregnancy, he had been pleased. But now her openness was making him uncomfortable. "Before you try to deny it..." she said as she brushed the back of her hand against his very hard cock once again. "Know that I have proof!"

And with that she dove away laughing. Peter let himself fall underwater again. "The important thing," he thought, "was that mom didn't see me." He was pretty sure that Paige wouldn't say anything, so he relaxed. And looked at her body again. She had lost most of her pregnancy weight except for those extra pounds in her breasts. This time Peter decided to be bolder and swam right up to her with his goggles. After a few minutes of explicit ogling, he got up, made sure his parent's weren't on the patio anymore and whispered "You have an amazing body big sister... And you're amazingly beautiful too."

"Why thank you," she replied, clearly surprised. "Just for that, I'll tell you that I really don't mind when you watch me as I breastfeed Elise. Especially now that I know what effect I have on you!"

As she finished she brushed his cock again. "Now, I better get out of the pool otherwise you'll never be able to leave!" she was laughing as she climbed out of the pool, making her ass sway excessively as she did. She winked at him before disappearing inside. Shaking his head, Peter tried to focus, to bring his head down back to earth. First his mother's amazing show and now his sister's clearly sex-starved behavior. At this point in the week-end, Peter had no idea that things were going to get a lot more crazy for the entire family.

Even when his mom shocked him ten minutes later, Peter didn't think that a sexual storm was brewing. As he walked back inside and found his mother alone in the dining room, wearing nothing but a towel, he smiled at her. After a quick glance around them, she said "You know you can stop hiding the fact that you're just as much a breast man as your father... Do you really think that Paige and I don't see you looking at us?"

"But I don't... I'm not..." Peter began.

"Don't worry sweetie," she said before kissing his forehead. "Neither of us mind."

Peter was left standing next to the kitchen counter as he watched his mom walk to her room. "Yeah. A strange family!" he thought as he took a deep breath and went to change himself. The rest of the day went by uneventfully although Peter tried to test the limits of his eyes' new found freedom. Once or twice he kept his eyes onto his mother's deep cleavage for a second longer than he previously would have. His heart skipped a beat when he saw his mother's soft smile as she caught him. This was crazy! Peter masturbated furiously before falling asleep that night, imagining fucking his mother every damn which way possible!

Peter woke up slowly the next morning, a nice sunny Sunday morning. His dream of making love with his mother blurred into his consciousness and he opened his eyes quickly, hoping that it was more than a dream. Alas, he was alone in his room. Alone with his raging erection! His eyes still closed, he released his hard cock from his boxers and moaned at the soft pleasure. He was tempted to masturbate again, but decided to keep this sexual energy in store.

He grabbed his iPhone and managed to squint until he read the time: it was eleven! He took a few deep breaths and listened to see if anyone was up and about. Nothing. His family must all be out enjoying the sun. He got up, wearing nothing but his boxers and made his way out of his room.

It was a bit risky, with his erection jutting out of his boxers, but he was pretty sure that he was alone. On a whim, he decided to turn left in the hallway instead. The kitchen was across the house on the right, but his parent's room was on the left. Making sure nobody was in their room, Peter went to his mom's lingerie drawer. Peter had many sweet memories of these little lingerie explorations over the years. It had been a long time since the last time he had done so.

Most of his mom's bras were regular beige or black things, but deep in the drawer, he found a few that stood out. One of them caught his attention. It was a bright white bra with mostly transparent fabric. Looking at the tag, he learned that it was a Paripari bra, model Abby. But it was the size that brought a smile to his lips: 34E. Still as big as they had been the last time he had checked.

Both huge cups were split in two by a solid white rib, and the two transparent parts were embroidered with fine roses. Grinning, realizing that he could easily see his fingers through the fabric, Peter imagined seeing his mother wearing that. His cock surged again. Between the cups was a vertical oval hole with a small bow at the top. On either sides of the cups, before the side straps began, there was another rectangle of lace, through which skin would show. The final touch was frilly lace on the top of the cups, some of which would be visible with a low cut top. Damn sexy bra!

Peter placed the bra across his cock while he searched for other sexy lingerie. He found a red bra, and quite a few thongs, but nothing that was as sexy as that Paripari bra. He wrapped one of the cups around his cock and glans, leaving a trail of precum inside it. Replacing the bra precisely where it had been, Peter shook his head and sighed. As much as he wanted to, he was not going to fuck his mother!

He laughed as he silently closed the drawer and left his parent's room. He walked to the kitchen, with his cock still poking out of his boxers. He was proud of his cock, and was still aroused every time he remembered his many girlfriend's groans as their pussies stretched to accommodate his size and girth. A few had even moaned in pain when he first penetrated them. Gods how he secretly liked that!

Peter was grinning like a fool, his turgid cock swaying left to right, when he heard a feminine voice whispering from the kitchen. He immediately stopped, listened for a moment and edged closer to the kitchen. It was his mother and she seemed to be whispering to herself. Peter was shocked when he heard the first complete sentence "That's it, look at her you old pervert! Look at her breasts in that tiny bikini of hers... Look at your daughter, flaunting her huge delicious breasts like this..." Peter's jaw dropped when he realized that she was talking about his father and about Paige, his daughter. "Filled with milk as they are, they're on the verge of ripping through that tiny bikini, you little tease!"

Was his mom jealous of Paige's breasts? Impossible! She seemed so proud that her daughter had developed great breasts! Peter kept listening and suddenly realized that his mother's voice didn't sound angry. "What would you do if she removed her top right now, my dear?" She was still whispering and Peter figured out that his mom was probably looking at them on the patio through the kitchen's window. Reagan added "Would you fuck her? Think she would let you? I already told you what I think... I think the little minx would let you fuck her silly!" And then Peter's mom giggled!

Peter could barely believe it. His mom wasn't jealous or angry, she was enjoying this fantasy! He was smiling, a small part of him finding the whole thing funny but a bigger part of him becoming even more aroused. When he heard her gasp and then moan, Peter's eyes widened again as he realized that she was masturbating while watching them! Christ!

He very carefully peeked into the kitchen and was floored by what he saw. His mother was in fact staring at Paige and her husband through the window. She was standing on tiptoes, her loose tank top pulled up around her waist. Peter could see her lovely naked ass and even though he couldn't see her right hand, it was clearly buried between her thighs. His mom was bent forward slightly, unconsciously offering her ass in the best of angles.

Peter, as well as his father, was a huge fan of her breasts. But that didn't mean that he didn't like her ass as well! Peter's already hard cock surged at the sight and his mind reeled as he kept listening to his mother's words. "Yes... there you go my love. You looked at her breasts again, pervert!" she said between two panting breaths, giggling like a young girl. "You know that if you barely touched them, they would leak milk... Christ's this is good!" she gasped. "Do you still have that milk fetish? Like when I was pregnant? I bet you do! Would you drink her milk from her breasts? Of course you would... I'm sure you even drank some of the milk she gave us for her daughter when we kept her for the night last month..." she giggled again. "Paige would let you suck her breasts... I'm sure of it! And I'd help you, lifting her heavy breast into your mouth... Shit this is insane!" she whispered, breathing very fast now.

"It sure is!" Peter thought as he was now masturbating behind his mother. He was standing in the kitchen, not hidden behind the wall anymore. If she turned around he would be caught. He was only 6 feet away from her. But his mom was 100% focused on the scene in front of her and engrossed in her fantasies. Peter could even hear the squishy sounds of her fingers plowing into her drenched pussy! He didn't know if he should clear his throat, walk over and caress her ass, touch her breasts, kiss her neck... Would she freak out? Of course she would...

But then again, she was fantasizing about her husband drinking his daughter's breastmilk and fucking her! Peter's fist was tightly wrapped around his big shaft and he knew his conscious mind was being overwhelmed by lust. Could he actually fuck his mother? He should walk back to his room and masturbate alone... That would be the sane thing to do.

At this moment his mom bent forward even more, her ass standing out even more. Her head very close to the window, maybe ten feet away from Michael and Paige outside. With the sun in their faces, they probably couldn't see inside very well. Peter's mom resumed whispering her fantasy "I can imagine you, dear husband, sitting naked on the couch with your huge cock up and her sitting upon it... You'd fuck her and drink her milk at the same time..." she gasped again, and Peter knew that her climax was impending.