A Very Special Guy Ch. 04

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They say that all pussy is the same in the dark – is it?
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 06/10/2010
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I am one really lucky broad! The guy that pimped for me when I was turning tricks on Miami Beach, working my way through Broward College, told me that most girls never make it back once they've been on the street. But I had met a very special guy and we had fallen in love. Gordon and I had gotten married and I went straight. My business degree from Broward helped me get a job at Gordon's accounting firm in Knoxville. My friend, Gloria, also a veteran of the world's oldest profession, had moved to Knoxville with me and joined the firm as Gordon's secretary.

The whole thing almost went south when Gordon's boss, Walter, figured out that he had been a customer of mine the year before. He had recognized me, and he would have screwed up my marriage plans except that Gloria and I suckered him into a sexual evening with our pimp taking video from the closet. If his wife ever got a look at that video she would take him for every penny he had in a divorce.

Gordon and I settled down to a beautiful life together but, for some crazy reason, Gordon had become concerned about Walter's wife, Susan, and was trying to help her deal with the terrible way Walter treated her. Walter found out about them getting together and thought Gordon was screwing her. He figured he could use this to divorce her but he was worried about that video I had of him with two hookers.

I was meeting Walter this Monday morning to tell him that no way was my Gordon going to be a star witness in his divorce trial.

"You're not gonna do it Walter," I said. "No way! I'm not gonna let you use that stuff the detective got following Susan. If you try to, Susan's lawyer will get a copy of that video of you screwing two hookers."

"I can't believe that Geri! Your husband is fucking my wife! Aren't you mad about that?"

"Gordon says he's just talking to her. Trying to make her feel better because you treat her so bad."

"Talking to her my ass! Out at that deserted fishing camp in the woods all afternoon?"

I kept my cool. "That's what he says and that's what I'm gonna believe. You're gonna have to find some other way to dump that bitch -- I won't let you use my Gordon."

Walter settled down after that. He was unhappy about not getting a divorce but he couldn't care less about the time Gordon spent with his wife.

That night having cocktails by the pool I told Gloria about my meeting with Walter. She had her doubts about Gordon's interest in Susan, just like Walter did.

"He says he's just talking to her all afternoon at that deserted fishing camp? Do you really believe him?"

"Look Gloria. I almost screwed things up by getting jealous of Margie last month. I don't give a rat's ass if he's fuckin Susan. He's in love with me! And like you said, he's not gonna leave me unless I act like a jealous little bitch."

I couldn't forget last Friday night -- the whole weekend for that matter. Gordon had been as loving as I had ever seen him. That had been one hell of a weekend of sex and I had no doubt that Gordon was still in love with me. He could fuck Susan all he wanted to -- if he really was. He might not be. Gordon was a straight guy -- he was probably telling the truth.

A week or so later Gloria called and invited me down to her condo one night after work. When I got there she handed me a single-malt on the rocks.

"Sit down baby. You are not going to believe this. No way!"

"Believe what?" I asked, really puzzled.

"First the good news. Gordon is not fucking Susan."

"And you know that how?" I asked.

"Gordon wants me to teach Susan how to fuck," Gloria said, laughing.

"Run that by me again," I said.

"It's like this. Gordon really is just talking to Susan. He's decided that her problem with Walter is that she doesn't know how to please him in bed. He asked me to give her pointers on what a man likes."

I started to laugh. "Okay, when you got a problem go to a professional to fix it. You are certainly a professional Gloria, but Gordon doesn't know that. At least I hope he doesn't! Why did he pick you? Why not me?"

"I asked him that and he said it might embarrass you too much. He thinks I know a lot more about men than you do. He wants me to talk to Susan."

"That is the dumbest damn thing I ever heard," I said, trying to control my laughter.

"Well, I'm gonna do it but don't tell Gordon I told you. He wants to keep it very secret."

And that's how Susan's lessons started. Gloria had regular meetings with Susan several times a week to teach her sex techniques. She even got a soft plastic dick to teach her how to deep throat. Gloria got some cocaine to spray on Susan's throat so she wouldn't gag at first and Susan got to be pretty good at deep throating that big plastic dildo. I sat in sometimes and suggested some techniques to Susan. We had a lot to teach her, but after about a month Gloria pronounced Susan ready.

"But how're you gonna get Walter to fuck her?" I asked, when Gloria told me Susan was ready. "He hates her guts."

"That's where you come in," said Gloria. "You're about Susan's size and shape and you got short hair just like her. In the dark it would be hard to tell the difference between the two of you, if she just grunts and groans, and wears the same perfume and especially if she knows how to fuck."

I shook my head, puzzled. "I still don't get it."

"I'll lay it out for you. I'm gonna invite Walter over for a little sex. He'll do it -- he's been smiling at me real friendly-like recently. Then I'll hint that you might join us because you're pissed about Gordon and Susan -- you've decided he's fucking her after all. I'm gonna hide Susan in my spare bedroom -- she can get to my bathroom through the hall entrance. You're gonna come down and tell us Gordon is out for the evening."

"We'll get him drunk and stoned and play around a little. Turn him on and get our clothes off. Then we get him into my bedroom and turn out the lights. You tell him you have to go take a piss."

"When you go in the bathroom, Susan will take your place and when she comes out I'll be sure the bedroom is completely dark. Then Susan and I are gonna suck and fuck Walter's brains out. When I get a chance I'm gonna leave and Walter is gonna wake up the next morning in bed with Susan -- who, if she's smart, will have him in the saddle before he figures out what's going on."

"It will never work," I said emphatically, trying to control my laughter.

"It will if Walter has had enough to drink and a lot of grass and the room is dark enough," said Gloria. "Remember what they say -- all pussy is the same in the dark."

I had my doubts. I was thinking about Gordon as I went back upstairs. Things could go very badly for me if something went wrong. I sat Gordon down and told him a story that was half way true. Walter was coming over to Gloria's to see Susan. It was a neutral place, I said, not like their bedroom. Gloria and I and Walter and Susan would have a few drinks and then we would leave them alone. If things worked out, they would make love.

It was a dumb plan. If Walter got wise that he was with Susan and started looking for me, things could get bad in a hurry -- especially if he was drunk. It was a dumb story. The whole thing was crazy. I didn't expect either Gordon or Walter to believe what they were told, but they did. Jesus! This was insane! It would never work!

The big day finally came and Walter was going to drop by Gloria's condo that night expecting to get laid. She told him I might join them. I made a visit to Walter's office that afternoon and acted friendly. He played with my ass and I kissed him. He told me he couldn't wait to get me in bed.

I played along, but I kept thinking that the whole thing would never work. We'd deceived this horny bastard once before when we made that video and he was bound to be suspicious. He couldn't be dumb enough to trust us twice. But sometimes guys think with their little head instead of their big one and hard dicks can be really dumb.

That night in Gloria's living room, Gloria and I fed whisky to Walter and I lit a joint to get him high. Gloria tried to keep him busy but he wanted me first and he got me on the couch and had my tits out and started sucking on my nipples. I played along as Gloria and I had planned. Finally, he had me stripped down buck-naked and was fingering my pussy, which got wet even though I was not turned on. Somehow we got him into the bedroom. Gloria had figured out a way to get it completely dark.

Walter had a hard on and started chasing me around the bedroom trying to fuck me. When the doors were closed it was so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face and we kept bumping into things. Walter finally caught me from behind, bent me over, and got his cock into me. He held me firmly, so I couldn't get away, and started pounding away. He was drunk but he could still fuck.

After several minutes, I spun away from his grasp and told him I had to piss. He quit chasing me and I headed for the bathroom where Susan was hiding. I turned out the lights, flushed the toilet, and Susan headed back into the bedroom in my place.

I listened through a crack in the bathroom door. Walter had started fucking Gloria. He was stoned and drunk but he was horny and he came fast the first time -- or maybe he just thought he did -- I wasn't sure. I couldn't see a thing, but I could tell what was happening by Gloria's comments.

When Walter rolled off of Gloria, Susan started sucking his cock and when he got hard she took him deep throat. He kept calling my name and holding her head in his hands. Then Walter started fucking Susan, and Gloria headed for the bathroom. Walter was pretty groggy but still able to fuck, although it was obvious that he wasn't going to last much longer. I figured he'd pass out in a very few minutes.

Gloria and I went out the other door of the bathroom, got our clothes from the living room, and cleaned up a bit in her second bathroom. As we were getting dressed we exchanged a few whispered comments.

"Did he come with you?" Gloria asked.

"No. I got away before he had time to. What about you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think he did but he was so drunk it was just a little squirt," Gloria said. "He was really into Susan when I left. He's sure she's you, and he's not gonna be awake much longer."

"Yeah," I said, "But what happens in the morning when he wakes up and sees he is in bed with his own wife."

"I told Susan to get him in the saddle before he's completely awake. When a guy is fucking it's hard to make him mad. Maybe this crazy idea will work after all."

"I hope Susan can follow our story line," I said. "I really wouldn't want Gordon to know that Walter stripped me down and fucked me."

"Well, he didn't come," Gloria said.

"Yeah, I'm sure Gordon would be glad to hear that," I said sarcastically. "Just keep your fingers crossed,"

We headed upstairs to our condo where Gordon was waiting.

"What's happening?" Gordon asked anxiously as we walked in.

"They're sitting in the living room drinking scotch," Gloria said, sticking with the story we had decided on. "They've had a lot to drink. They're getting real friendly. We'll have to wait and see whether anything happens."

We had a few drinks. Gloria and I waited apprehensively for the phone to ring or for Walter to pound angrily on the door. Nothing happened. Walter must have passed out by now. Finally about midnight we went to bed. Gloria used our guest bedroom.

The next morning, Saturday, Gloria went down to her condo about nine o'clock. I was nervous. The whole thing was riding on what happened when Walter woke up and discovered it was Susan he'd been fucking. Gloria was back five minutes later.

"They're fucking," she said. "The room is bright with the morning sun and they're banging away like newly weds. I didn't interrupt them."

Gordon and Susan went back to their place that afternoon. They were hand in hand and she was giggling as they walked out to the parking lot.

It was midmorning on Monday when I had occasion to stop by Walter's office with some accounts. He smiled as I walked in. It was the first time I had seen his genuine smile. Every time in the past it had been more of a leer.

"I guess I owe you a big thank you," he said.

"Did you have a good weekend?" I asked.

"You girls taught her a really great bag of tricks," he said. "I don't think she's tried even half of them yet. Jesus! How did you teach her to deep-throat?"

"That's a professional secret, Walter. We know our job. I'm glad you liked it. She's good. Those tricks we taught her will last you for a while, but I figure you're too big a bastard to give up playing the field completely," I said.

He chuckled. "Any time you want to play just let me know. I almost got you Friday night."

He said "almost." Maybe he doesn't remember that he actually fucked me a little. Well, I can gladly forget it too.

"You're fun Walter -- and I think we're finally gonna be friends. But Gordon is enough for me," I said.

Then I added, "Oh, and we taught Susan the facts of life about men. She'll probably let you play around a little -- she's always known you did that -- but, Walter, don't get too blatant about it. Don't make her lose peoples' respect. You owe her that."

He nodded. "I'll be careful. Things are gonna be better around the house now and I appreciate what you gals did for me - and for Susan. And you never had a guy involved helping you? Not Gordon or anybody?"

"Well I'll be damned Walter! Are you jealous?" I chuckled.

"No! I just meant ... well ... Gordon wasn't fucking her after all ... was he?"

He said it like he was afraid that Gordon had really been fucking Susan.

I laughed. "You're jealous! You really are! You've been fucking everything in sight and now you're jealous of your sweet, loving, little wife. Oh God Walter! Do you know how good that makes me feel?"

"I am not jealous!" Walter said stubbornly.

"Oh this is really great. I'm gonna tell Susan that if you piss her off, she needs to find a guy and fuck him. That'll keep you at home! She'll do it too -- she's very impressed with what we taught her. She thinks we know how to handle men and she'll do what we tell her to do."

"God damn it Geri don't even joke about a thing like that! I can't have my wife spreading her legs for some stranger."

"Oh but Walter, she'd never fuck a stranger. You can be sure it would be a friend of yours. Probably a very close friend!"

With that, Walter jumped up out of his chair. He was red in the face and he was shouting. I had him -- I really had him by the short hairs.

"God damn it Geri don't talk that way! Even if you're just kidding! Shit! Promise me you won't say anything to her. Promise! Please!"

I couldn't help laughing. "Oh Walter you're priceless. I think we really are going to be friends after all."

He looked relieved. "You were kidding me weren't you? Weren't you?"

"Well maybe a little. I won't say anything to Susan unless you give me a reason to."

I felt a lot better about Walter when I left his office. Our relationship seemed a lot better and I figured that Walter and I might finally get along. He was still an uncured, unrepentant lecher, but maybe he would run around a little less, and treat Susan a little better, if he got well serviced at home.

We had solved Susan's problem and my relationship with Walter was much improved, but Gordon began to ask some difficult questions. It all started very casually, but a light went on in my head with his first question.

"You and Gloria must have had a lot of fun in the singles scene on Miami Beach," Gordon said a week or so later after dinner. We were sitting on our balcony overlooking the pool sipping Drambuie.

I felt a tight cramp in my belly. Oh God! Not now! Please! Things are going so well. Was Gordon finally getting curious about what we had done to help Susan?

"We had a lot of fun playing the field," I said. "Of course, I had a lot of studying to do for college, but we still got out a lot."

"When we met," he said, "I got the idea you were more of the quiet type. Not a playgirl."

"I was the quiet type and so was Gloria. We dated a lot of different guys but we weren't playgirls. Would you be upset if I had been?"

He dodged my question. "You know your way around a bedroom and you and Gloria sure made an instant expert out of Susan. When you were single, did you ever do anything that I would be upset about?"

There it was. Flat out. One lie leads to another and another and finally to disaster.

"Of course I did, Gordon. You would be upset about a lot of things I did. Miami Beach isn't Knoxville. You knew you didn't marry a virgin."

He took another sip of Drambuie and then reached for the bottle and, wordlessly, refilled both our glasses. I had no idea where this was going but I was not going to lie. Nor was I going to volunteer anything.

"I have an idea that if I asked you, you might really tell me. For now, I'll just say I love you very much. But darling, remember, always remember, there is nothing you could tell me that would ever change that. Absolutely nothing."

Nothing? I wonder! I ran the numbers in my head as I had done so many times before. Those were big numbers! He had never seen my private bank account but he had an idea about how well off Gloria was. Maybe he suspects -- maybe he doesn't. I sighed deeply. Then I thought how much I wanted to be sure that nothing would change his love for me. I was ready to do anything to keep him. Anything! I had the feeling, deep inside, that this question was going to be asked again. My ugly past was not yet completely buried.

"I love you too, honey," I said.

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TreymonTreymonabout 5 years ago
Um yeah

I wonder how her husband would feel about Walther only fucking her a little.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 6 years ago

Gordon has got to be the most clueless cuck in history! LOL!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Loved it


Deep SoakerDeep Soakeralmost 13 years ago

I enjoyed your recent story about waiting twenty years and decided to read your earlier stories. Your writing quality is very high, and your characters and plots are interesting even if they are a bit different from my usual tastes.

I wonder where you learned some of the tricks of the profession. They add a touch of authenticity.

There was a small slip in this story that you might want to correct. Was it Walter or Gordon that went with Susan back to their place hand in hand with her giggling as the walked?

Thank you for making a Gordon full of integrity but also good in bed. I hope that Geri strives to match his example, and perhaps to candidly share with Gordon the nature of her previous life which has now been left behind.

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