Admission of Guilt

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Making amends is a lot more than just saying 'I'm sorry.'
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*Disclaimer: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

**Explanation of: symbols When you see ">>>>" this signifies going back in time. When you see "<<<<" this signifies a return to present time. When "----" is seen, this signifies we're still in the same time line, just a different location or character is occupying the time line.

I put this explanation in because I am just so damned tired of readers complaining 'your stories jump around too much...' 'It's hard to read...' Lives are not stagnant; nor should a written representation of it be stagnant.

Chapter 1

She wiped down the counter while there were no customers in the shop. That was why Sandra paid her fifteen cents more an hour than the other two girls; when there was nothing to do, she found something to do.

The only negative thing that Sandra could ever find to say about Kaylee Richards was that she never smiled. She was polite and patient with the customers that came into the sandwich shop, not an easy thing sometimes, but she never smiled.

The door chimes rang out and Kaylee turned around to see who had entered the shop. Her pasty white skin went even more pale and her green eyes opened wide in horror.

She had seen that handsome face, seen those beautiful hazel eyes a million times, always in her nightmares.

"Hello, Kaylee," Grant Johnson said quietly.

"No!" Kaylee screamed out loud and ran to the rear of the sandwich shop.

She fumbled with the knob of the 'Employees Only' door and flung it open, and then scrambled through and slammed it shut behind her.

"Um, Hi, um, help you?" " Sandra asked the tall, handsome young man.

"No, no ma'am, I wanted to talk with Kaylee," he said and turned to leave. "Please let her know I'll be back tomorrow."

Amidst her babbling and sobbing, Kaylee begged Sandra to take her home and when Sandra told her that the tall, good-looking man said he'd be back tomorrow, Kaylee started screaming hysterically.


Kaylee Richards looked up from the romance novel she was reading and froze. The guy that had just walked into the senior homeroom of St. Thomas Aquinas had to be the most handsome young man she'd ever seen. He looked like he could have been on the cover of the cheap paperback she was reading. Curly brown hair, hazel eyes and a dimpled smile. The khaki uniform did little to conceal his muscular frame.

His eyes stopped for a brief millisecond on her, then slid right past her and stopped on Peggy Campion.

"Of course," Kaylee grumbled and tried to resume reading her novel, but it was pointless. Romance was dead, non-existent in Kaylee's world.

She was bone-thin, five feet, three inches, and weighed ninety-one pounds. Her bright carrot orange hair hung limply down to the back of her thighs; its limpness seeming to emphasize her too large ears, sharp nose, and over abundance of freckles. She was absolutely flat chested and had little more than bumps for buttocks.

How could she ever hope to compete with Peggy Campion? Peggy had thirty-eight D breasts, a twenty-nine inch waist, and thirty-four inch hips. She had a pretty face, blonde hair, and a boisterous, out-going personality.

"Hey, I'm taking you to the movies this Friday night," Grant smiled as he walked down the aisle.

"The fuck you are," Steve Hebert, Peggy's boyfriend said.

"Wasn't talking to you, homo," Grant said and sat down at the rear of the classroom.

Steve glared at the newcomer; he and Peggy had been dating for two years and no new guy was going to just come in and steal Peggy away from him.

Grant ignored Steve; the looks that Peggy was sneaking his way told him he was going to take Peggy to the movies on Friday night, whether Steve liked it or not.


Peggy moaned, half in excitement and half in frustration. Grant's kisses were feather light, teasing. His fingers were feather light and dancing on her flesh. It was so different from Steve's clumsy grabs and gropes.

He opened his mouth and she opened hers for his tongue. He sucked onto her tongue and drew it into his mouth, rather than shoving his tongue into her mouth. Again, he was so different from Steve's clumsy attempts at kissing.

"Next time," he whispered into her ear. "Next time, I'm going to eat you."

"Says who?" she giggled coyly.

"You do," he said and cupped her pussy through her tight jeans and rubbed the heel of his hand against it for a moment, then walked away, leaving her breathless.

Finally, she regained her senses and let herself into her house.


"Aw, fuck you, you bald-headed bastard," Grant said into the cell phone. "I tried; she ran screaming and locked herself in the back room."

"Shit, I don't blame her," Adonis joked. "Lord knows I want to run when I see your ugly ass coming my way."

"Wow, Adonis, anyone tell you you one funny mother fucker?" Grant said bitterly. "Anyway, I told this woman that works there that I'd be back tomorrow; I'll try again."

"Take God with you," Adonis said.

"I do, I do," Grant agreed and flipped his cell phone closed.

He checked the flow of traffic, and then pulled his car back onto Highway 19.

He drove to the next stop on his list, grabbed his briefcase and put his best salesman's smile on his face, although he did not feel like smiling.


Kaylee let herself into the small apartment and fixed dinner. A chilling thought came to her mind; if he knew where she worked, he might even know where she lived. Every little noise had her jumping, nearly screaming.

After dinner, she knelt by the couch and said her prayers. She begged God to help her, to protect her.

Finally, she took not one, but two sleeping pills and chased it down with a large glass of wine. Since she really wasn't a drinker, the wine had soured, but the pills and the alcohol did the trick, and she was able to sleep.

Chapter 2

Grant sighed in frustration; the older woman told him that it was Kaylee's day off. She was stone faced when Grant asked if she knew how to get in touch with Kaylee.

Finally, he went to the last stop on his list in that small town and was able to sell the florist shop owner the insurance package.

"And can I order some flowers, have them delivered tomorrow?" Grant asked.

"Honey, you can do whatever you want," the young man said and smiled seductively at Grant.

"Just flowers," Grant smiled.

He was used to this kind of attention. The difference was that today, he knew how to fend off the unwanted advances. He knew that violence was unnecessary.


Kaylee felt guilty for taking a day off of work, even though Sandra had told her that she had nearly two months of vacation time coming to her. She also felt trapped in the small apartment. There was no television; she couldn't afford to get the old one fixed, and she'd read every book in the apartment hundreds of times.

But she couldn't leave; suppose he was out there, just waiting to grab her?


Kaylee heard the news; Peggy couldn't keep her mouth shut. She and Grant had gone all the way.

Kaylee felt like crying as she listened to Peggy go on and on about the intimate moment and about the sexual thrill she'd felt as Grant eased his large manhood into her.

"If he asked me, I'd do it," Kaylee confided to Gretchen Schenker, her best friend, her only friend.

"Well, duh," Gretchen said. "Like everyone else would too."

Kaylee bit into the peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich and looked up. To say something to Gretchen. Her eyes locked on Grant's hazel eyes and she froze.

"Oh my fucking God!" Gretchen squealed under her breath as Grant let a small smile cross his lips. "Did you see that?"

"See what?" Kaylee asked, trying to act nonchalant.

"Grant 'I am a fucking god' Johnson just smiled at you!" Gretchen said, piggish eyes wide with excitement.

"Oh, really?" Kaylee asked, feigning boredom. "No, hadn't noticed."


"Dude, you got to try this shit," Kevin O'Brien whispered hoarsely as he produced the bag of crystal meth.

Grant watched as Kevin snorted a small amount, shuddered slightly, then smiled happily. He mimicked Kevin's actions and felt the immediate rush.

Years of frustration and isolation seemed to melt away. Years of living under the shadow of being Jesse Johnson's son, or of being Parker Johnson's baby brother vanished. He was his own man, standing in the light of his own star.

Jesse Johnson was a powerful attorney, a real mover and shaker in the Oil City courts. When Grant said the name 'Johnson,' people immediately asked if he was Jesse's boy.

Or, they asked if he was Parker Johnson's brother. Parker Johnson, fated to be the star quarterback of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1994, just as he had been the star quarterback at North side High School in DeGarde. The season opener against Rice University ended that phase in Parker's life.

A Cornerback drove Parker to the turf, snapping both of Parker's legs. So Parker followed in Daddy's footsteps, becoming a fierce some attorney. But people still talked about 'what could have been...

Kevin had recognized the hunger in Grant and smiled; he had a customer for life now.


Kaylee pulled on the tee shirt and baggy shorts (with her thin legs, ANY shorts were baggy on her) and eavesdropped as Peggy prattled on and on. It wasn't hard to eavesdrop on Peggy Campion; she did not seem to realize what should be shared and what should be private. Nor did Peggy have any other volume but loud and brash.

"So, he's wanting to stick it up my ass, can you believe?" Peggy screeched, eliciting squeals of disgust or squeals of laughter.

Kaylee gasped; that sounded so vulgar, so vile. If he really did want to do something that disgusting and dirty, Grant Johnson just dropped a couple of points in her eyes.


She walked the half-mile to work and cursed herself for not calling Sandra and asking for a ride to work. She also cursed her father for not teaching her to drive.

"Not that it would matter," she said bitterly. "No money for a car anyway."

Every noise made her turn; every car was regarded with suspicion. Passing in front of the pawnshop, she wondered how much a gun would cost. That thought was quickly pushed away; she was terrified of guns.


His sales manager was thrilled; none of the other salespeople on his staff ever wanted to go to the one-horse towns, preferring to stick to the big cities.

Grant smiled as he laid the paperwork on Benny's desk; it had been a successful trip to Baylor Lake.

Except for Kaylee Richards. The mere thought of her wiped the smile from Grant's face.

If Benny noticed the smile fading in his star performer's eyes, he didn't say anything; just jeered at the three other salespeople in the office at that time.

"'Oh, I can't go there! There's no sales there!'" Benny sneered. "Well, guess what? Fifteen! He made fifteen new contracts; so don't tell me there are no sales there.

Chapter 3

"Flowers for Kaylee," Bobby sang out as he entered the sandwich shop.

"Wait, what?" Kaylee asked, shocked.

She'd never received flowers before in her life.

"Sign here," Bobby cheerfully said and Kaylee scribbled her name.

Bobby stood and waited for a moment, then realized there would be no tip forthcoming. Never having received flowers before, Kaylee did not know that a tip was expected.

Her blood ran cold. His name was on the card.

"Oh, what beautiful..." Shannon said as she came in from her sixth cigarette break that morning.

"No!" Kaylee screamed and hurled the flowers across the shop.

Shannon stood in shock as the vase shattered against the wall. She watched, open-mouthed as the normally so docile, so meek Kaylee began to stomp on the flowers.

"Going to need to go home?" Sandra asked.

"No!" Kaylee screamed.

"Okay," Sandra flinched.


He checked his cell phone again, to see if there were any missed calls; he'd put his cell phone number on the card with the flowers. Nothing.

Bender was another one-horse town that none of the other salespeople wanted to go to.

He smiled as he pulled into the parking lot of Robichaux Construction. The girls at Shapes Gym had recommended that he talk to Paul Robichaux about insurance. He vaguely remembered Paul; he'd been a year behind him at St. Thomas Aquinas High School.


Grant did a line of the crystal meth, gave his clothing a precursory glance; everything was good. Without telling his mother or father good-bye, he bounded down the stairs and out the front door.

He drove out to Peggy's house. Mr. And Mrs. Campion were friendly as always; they were thrilled that their daughter was dating Jesse Johnson's boy. They'd thought Steve Hebert was a little beneath them; his dad was an automobile mechanic.

"Yeah, yeah, it's gotten a bit warm kind of early," Mr. Campion commented as Grant was sweating profusely.

He ignored the buffoon; why the fuck did Peggy always make him wait? He told the stupid whore seven o'clock, it was seven twenty.

Just as he was about to get up and walk out of the house, she waltzed in, making her 'grand entrance.'

Peggy was nervous; she could tell she'd irritated Grant by making him wait, by playing her little 'power game' with him. They ate the spicy Mexican food; Grant leaving a good portion of it untouched, then went out to the Basin; the local make-out spot in Bender, Louisiana.

His touches were grabs and gropes. There were no kisses.

"Been waving that fucking ass in my face, then don't want to put out?" he screamed when she feebly tried to push his hands away from her zipper.

At first she screamed and cried in agony, but by the time he finished pumping his raw cock in and out of her bleeding bowels, she was just grunting and sobbing.

"Get out," he ordered as he screeched to a halt in front of her house.

"I love you," she sniffed.

"Are you fucking deaf?" he screamed at her. "Get out!"


Cathy Richards stuck her head in and smiled sadly; Kaylee lay on her belly, reading yet another one of those foolish romance novels. Cathy could tell her daughter, the love and lust in those books did not exist in the real world.

Cathy Lee had met Tommy Richards at a CYO dance and was instantly smitten; he was tall and muscular and blonde. He scanned the meager pickings at the dance and smiled at her. She shyly returned his smile and he strolled over and asked her to dance.

Her girlfriends looked on jealously as the good-looking youth danced with the skinny redhead, then as the band was drawing to a close, offered her a ride home.

Losing her virginity was over before it even began. From that time forward, he expected either sex, or a blowjob every time they were together.

When Cathy learned she was pregnant, a angry, resentful Tommy married her.

Tommy junior was born five months after their wedding. Joseph followed, and then Kaylee (named after her maternal grandmother, Kay Lee) and then Chad followed afterward.

Cathy knew Tommy could be an affectionate man, a loving man; he foisted quite a bit of affection and love onto his three boys.

But between husband and wife, kisses were grudging, hugs were hurried, sex was stick it in and roll over and go to sleep.

Kaylee sighed. 'The Red Haired Heiress' was her all-time favorite romance novel.

She was at her favorite part. Roger had realized that he truly did love the redheaded Fiona, even though he had simply married her for her wealth. Would it be too late? Would she leave him and run off to America with the ne'er-do-well Jay, a rake and a scoundrel that was only interested in Fiona for her money?

There were so many ships in the harbor; which one was his wife and her suitor stashed away on?


Monday morning, Peggy was unusually quiet about the purple bruise on her left cheek. She was also uncharacteristically quiet about the fact that she and Grant were no longer dating.

"I heard it was because he wanted to do a three way," Gretchen whispered to Kaylee as they ate their lunch in the noisy cafeteria.

"A what?" Kaylee asked.

"You know, Peggy and him and one of Peggy's friends," Gretchen delighted in the scandalous tidbit.

"Ew!" Kaylee squealed.

Gretchen was Kaylee's only friend and Kaylee shuddered at the thought of doing anything even remotely sexual with the pig-faced, stocky girl. Plus that, Gretchen did not bother to shave her legs or her underarms for weeks at a time, and also had the beginnings of a mustache.

"That's what I heard," Gretchen nodded.

She was putting her lunch bag into her locker; Mom said bags cost money and if it could be reused they would reuse it.

"Hey, Kaylee, how's it going?" Grant said as he walked past her.

He almost laughed out loud as he heard the books and papers fall out of her locker.


"Uh, yeah, uh, let me see," the kid said, still studying the menu, even though he'd been staring at it for nearly three minutes.

Kaylee wanted to scream at the kid. The four people in line behind the kid also wanted to scream.

"Uh, yeah, okay, I want a roast beef po-boy, no pickles," the boy finally said.

"Yes sir, what size please?" Kaylee asked.

"Uh, what?" the boy said.

"Size. What size po-boy would you like?" Kaylee asked, gritting her teeth in impatience.

"Um, what size they got?" the boy asked.

"For the love of God!" one of the construction workers yelled. "It's right there on the fucking board! Small, regular, or king!"

"Oh, yeah, yeah," the boy giggled. "Yeah, get me a regular, no pickles."

"Yes sir, anything to drink?" Kaylee asked.

"Uh, y'all got..." the kid started.

"I don't fucking believe this," the construction worker yelled and stormed out of the shop.


"Oh, yeah, yeah, used to date, oh, damn, what was her name?" Paul smiled as he and Grant chatted.

"Peggy," Grant smiled. "Peggy Campion."

"That's right!" Paul laughed. "Yeah, we just finished doing a remodeling of her kitchen. Not Campion any ore, though. It's Dupre. Married Doctor Dupre."

"Still here in Bender?" Grant asked.

"Uh huh," Paul said.

"And you were dating that Cindy girl," Grant said.

"Still am," Paul laughed.

"The one from California, right?" Grant smiled.

He was glad he hadn't followed up 'That Cindy girl, the one that thought her shit didn't stink, just because she was from California.'

"What?" Paul laughed. "Cindy Jensen? No, no, I'm dating Cindy Broussard."

"The little red head at Shapes Gym?" Grant smiled.

He left plenty of material for Paul to look over, both personal and business insurance information, and drove down to his parents' home.

Margaret Johnson was very nearly in a stupor; three Valiums and several gin and tonics.

"Hi Mom," Grant smiled tightly.

"Oh, hello," she smiled and tried to remember what they were talking about.

"How's it going?" Grant asked.

"Fine, fine, your father should be home soon," Margaret, said.

"Mom, you eat today?" Grant asked.

"No, no, not really hungry," Margaret admitted.

She drank two gin and tonics while Grant sat there and was fixing a third when he left.

The girl at the rotunda fit in with Jesse's typical personal assistant. Young, blonde, and dumb. Her bra size exceeded her IQ by quite a few digits.

"It's not their dictation, it's their dick taking I'm interested in," Jesse guffawed to one of his associates.

It was hard to believe that such a well-respected member of the bar could be such an unbelievable chauvinistic pig. Grant repeated his name and again told the girl who he was,

He gave the girl his name again and told the girl he was Jesse's son.

"Um, you got an appointment?" she asked, not comprehending.

"Woman, please, just buzz him and let him know his son Grant is here," Grant snapped and immediately regretted losing his temper.

Chapter 4

Sandra waited until Kaylee made it up the flight of stairs and opened her apartment door. She honked her horn, and then backed out of the parking lot.