Airstream Dreams


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I saw Marvin, our shop foreman, walking around the place with a funny look on his face. He seemed to be trying to figure out what was going on. He wasn't upset. He just couldn't figure out why everyone seemed to be in a good mood. I had a pretty good idea of what the good mood was about, but I had no idea what had caused it. After a while, Marvin just shrugged his shoulders and went back to his office.

Meanwhile, I was calling Karen each night to see how she was. I was hoping she wasn't going to change her mind and dump me. Not after the last weekend. It didn't sound like it and she seemed to be happy to talk to me. We set up a date for next Friday night and I'd pick her up at her place and we'd go somewhere nice for dinner, then maybe to the Riverside for some dancing before we went back to my place and parked the Airstream.

In the meantime, almost every guy in the place was using the Loving Hands cleaner and telling anybody who'd care to listen that it was the greatest stuff since jelly beans. As the week went on, I noticed things were getting back closer to normal. I mean, I could hear the odd grumble from the guys now and then. If you can believe it, some of them were complaining of too much sex! It seemed like what they thought was the very thing they wanted the most, was coming back on them. Well, I sure as hell didn't agree with them.

Another thing that caught my attention too. Some of the guys doing the complaining were quite a bit older, like in their fifties or so. Maybe that was the problem. They weren't used to that much exercise at their age. Just the same, these were the same guys who were forever bitching about how their sex life had shrunk to next to nothing. Make up your mind, boys.

I spent the week working and thinking of Karen. I had to admit that she had got to me in a hurry. Apparently, I had made a big impression on her too. We talked on the phone every night and we never seemed to run out of things to say to each other. I'm not much of a phone guy, but just hearing her voice was enough to turn me on. Friday night couldn't come too soon.

Karen worked as a receptionist and "Girl Friday" at a small law office in Pasco. It was steady work with regular hours and no overtime. That suited her and the pay was enough to have an apartment and a car. She had been married when she was young ... too young she said ... and it had failed inside five years. It was a reasonable divorce and she remained on speaking terms with her ex. She had been wary of getting involved with any men, hoping that some day the right guy would come along. Apparently, she was thinking I might be the right guy.

I was just coming off my divorce, so I wasn't anxious to tie myself down all over again, only to find out it might be another mistake. Just the same, I couldn't deny how attracted I was to her, and I figured I'd just let the chips fall where they may. In the meantime, I was getting looked after very nicely on our weekends together.

We'd been going together for about a month, and I was calling her almost every evening. On a Thursday night, I called Karen and we talked as we usually did about everything and nothing. I just wanted to hear her voice and I guess she felt the same way. But we did have a change in plans, as it turned out.

"Carl, would it be okay if Bonnie joined us tomorrow at the Riverside? She loves to dance, but she's really nervous about being there on her own. Too many wolves, if you know what I mean."

"I'm fine with that if you're okay. After all, we usually save the real personal stuff until later when we're alone," I said.

"Thanks, Carl. She's my best friend as well as my roommate. I'll lend her my car so if she wants to leave early, she can."

"That'll work, girl. Mind you, I could always find room for her in the Airstream," I kidded.

"Carl ... behave yourself," she said sternly, then laughed.

"Don't you worry, girl. I'm not doing anything to mess up you and me."

"That's my guy," she said brightly.

We met at Karen's apartment and the two of us headed out for a nice meal at a local restaurant. That was becoming our usual routine. Bonnie wasn't home yet from work, so she would meet us later at the Riverside.

Along about nine o'clock, Karen and I were sitting in a booth, just sharing some time together. The band was about to start up, so we would be out on the dance floor soon enough. Bonnie arrived just then, and we got properly introduced. I asked her what she'd like to drink and it turns out she was happy with the same wine that Karen liked, so that was simple enough. I was sticking to beer.

Bonnie was a fine looking woman too, even compared to Karen. She was a strawberry blonde with longer hair, well below her shoulders. A nice face with blue eyes and a sprinkle of freckles on her cheeks. She was built a little sturdier than Karen and had a pretty big set of hooters to show off. That would be a magnet to any of the guys that hung out looking for quick score. She had a nice disposition and laughed a lot, so she was easy to like.

She worked at the Walmart Distribution Centre in Hermiston and was happy to have the job. It didn't pay top dollar, but then, she admitted she didn't have any special skills to offer them. She was upbeat though, and didn't badmouth her employer or her situation.

"I'm a farm girl, Carl. I'm used to getting up early, working hard, and going to bed tired," she grinned. "This kind of work is a whole lot easier on my body."

"And a very nice body it is, if you don't mind me saying so," I offered.

"Thank you sir, but did you have permission from Karen to say that?"

"Damn. I'm in trouble, aren't I," I said, looking nervously at my girlfriend.

I didn't need to worry. Karen grabbed my arm and pulled it to her breast and said, "As long as you don't forget I come first, you're allowed to tell my best friend she's beautiful."

We were sitting in a booth, with Karen beside me and Bonnie across from us. Karen and I had been dancing a bit and when we came back to the table, Karen nudged me and nodded toward Bonnie. I got the message.

"Bonnie, would you like to dance?"

"Sure," she said, and quickly slid out of her side. I stood and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor. It was a pretty quick two-step number, so we didn't have any trouble getting started. I was thinking she was a pretty good dancer as well as a good looking woman and I wondered why she didn't have a steady boyfriend.

The first number was over after we had just barely got started and so we stayed out for the next one. As it turned out, it was a slow one, so we started off just the way we finished the first dance, apart. That lasted about twenty seconds before she moved into me and held me close. I could feel those big tits pushing into me and you can guess what kind of reaction that caused. I was getting nervous because I could see Karen was watching us and I didn't figure she'd be too happy with what was going on.

I looked at Bonnie and I was about to say something when I saw the look on her face. It was that funny look that Karen first gave me when we met and were dancing. Like her eyes didn't focus or something. She started rubbing her belly into my erection and I figured I was in real trouble now.

"Bonnie, I don't think Karen will be too pleased with what you're doing to me."

"Carl, you are the sexiest man I've ever met ... and I just can't help myself. Now I know why Karen is goofy about you. I'll try to behave myself, but it's going to be hard." Then she laughed, "Hell, it already is hard."

I breathed a sigh of relief when she backed off a half-a-notch and gave me some space. We finished the dance and I took her back to the booth right smartly. I hoped I wasn't in too much trouble with Karen.

It didn't seem like she was upset, so I waited a bit, then took Karen back out on the dance floor. When I looked over at our booth, I noticed Bonnie turning down an invitation to dance. In fact, she did that twice when Karen and I were up.

I danced with Bonnie a couple of more times. It wasn't like no one wanted to dance with her. Hell, she had guys coming over to ask her almost every song, but she kept saying no and after a while, the guys stopped coming. I guess word got around that she wasn't dancing ... at least with them.

Bonnie tried to behave herself on the dance floor, but every once in a while she'd give me a belly rub and smile as she did it. She knew what she was doing, and what it was causing too. Lucky for me, the band decided to take a break after the third song, so I took Bonnie back to our booth.

When we got back to the booth, the two women decided they had to use the ladies room, so off they went together. They were gone about ten minutes, a lot longer than I thought was ordinary. When they came back, they were both wearing big smiles and talking to each other.

I was about to ask them what they were doing that took so long when the band started up and Karen immediately pushed me out of the booth and led me to the dance floor. It was another quick two-step, so we didn't get much of a chance to talk. That was followed by a slow, romantic style song and Karen just folded herself up into me. I don't think we could have got any closer if we wanted to.

"Carl, you know how Bonnie is my best friend?"

"Yeah. She's a nice lady."

"Yes she is. And she's very good looking, don't you think?"

"Yes she is. Not as good looking as you ... but close."

"Good answer," she grinned. "Anyway, she's kind of lonely and I thought you and I could help her with that."

"Oh? How?"

"Well, we could invite her to join us tonight," she said, looking at me very carefully.

"Uhhm ... I don't get it. She's already joined us here."

"No, sweetie, I mean ... in the Airstream." She was watching me carefully for a reaction.

"Oh. Jeez, Karen," I said, scrambling to think of something to say. "I didn't think you were into sharing. I mean ... are you talking girl-girl, or boy-girl, or what?"

"No, baby. I mean girl-boy-girl. It would be the night every guy dreams of," she said, still being cautious.

"You're not serious, are you? I mean ... I thought ... you and me ... like we were special."

"We are special. We'll always be special, but you are such a great lover and I know you'll love Bonnie just like you love me. She's my best friend, and best friends share, don't they?"

"Uh ... I guess so. Are you sure about this, Karen? This could turn out bad for us, you know."

"No, it won't baby ... I promise. It's just that ... Bonnie feels like I do. You are something special and I want her to know just how special."

"Well ... I don't want to hurt her feelings. You're sure you're okay with this?" I asked one more time.

"I'm sure," she smiled. It was one of her nice, for-real smiles, and I guess that was the convincer.

"Okay, then. When do you want to go?"

"Well, since you're going to be very busy tonight, maybe we should go now."

I looked over at Bonnie. She was pretending she wasn't watching, but I was sure she was to see how I would react. I looked back and Karen and shrugged. I didn't feel real confident about this deal, but Karen and Bonnie seemed okay with it and hell ... every guy thinks about having a threesome with two beautiful women don't they?

Karen and Bonnie rode together in Karen's car while I took the Airstream back to my parking pad. The girls left their car in the visitors' lot and walked to the motorhome. I had left the door open, so they climbed the steps and came in.

"Wow ... Carl ... Karen was right. This is really nice. It's got everything you need, doesn't it."

"Yeah. Like I told Karen, I always wanted one of these and now that I've got one, I feel like I've got everything I'll ever need."

"Except a woman to look after you," Karen smiled. "Or in the case of tonight ... two women to look after you."

With that, Karen began to strip as she headed back to the bedroom. Luckily, the previous owner had installed a wall-to-wall bed that was almost as big as king size. There would be enough room for the three of us. I was about to follow her when Bonnie took my hand and brought it up to her lips.

"These are so soft, and they smell so sexy. When you started to dance with me tonight, I was wishing there was a way I could have you. I'm real thankful that Karen is so generous. I'm going to make you glad you decided to go along with us."

"So you two cooked this up together in the ladies room, did you?" I said, not trying to sound angry.

She nodded. "I told her I was so wet I could hardly stand it. I wanted to jump your bones right in the middle of the dance floor. I've never in my life felt like that with any guy. Maybe you've got some kind of aphrodisiac for aftershave or something," she kidded.

"I guess we better not keep Karen waiting," I said. "She's usually pretty fired up too when we get here."

Bonnie looked a little nervous when she stepped into my bedroom. Karen was already undressed, just wearing her usual bikini panties and sitting on the end of the bed waiting for us. I started to undress, thinking I sure would like to get a good look at those big babies Bonnie was sporting on her chest. I didn't have long to wait.

I didn't know how to begin, so I decided to start with Karen since she was my regular girl. I wouldn't leave Bonnie out, of course, but I'd let the girls decided how they wanted this to go. After all, they'd cooked up this scheme to start with.

Bonnie called herself a farm girl, and I could see she wasn't some skinny little thing. She was a bit thicker around the waist, but she sure as hell wasn't fat. Her ass was nice and round and tight, just like the rest of her. The rest of her except her titties, that is. She was well endowed, as they say. I don't know what size they were, but I can tell you they were big, and firm, and luscious.

Karen decided to go to work on my cock and had her mouth all over it in no time. Bonnie caught on real quick and fed me one of those big melons and let me suck on them for a while, changing sides now and then. Then Karen must have decided I was plenty hard enough and mounted me, driving my cock into her pussy in one long downward push. The only thing that could make this better happened when Bonnie swung her leg over my head and lowered her pussy on my mouth.

I was getting the royal treatment and the only thing that kept me from going off too quick was the fact that I was very busy looking after Bonnie and making sure she was getting her share. Her thighs were clamped over my ears, so I couldn't hear real good, but the motions she was making on top of me gave me the idea that she was doing just fine, thank you very much.

I don't think any one guy could look after these two women under normal conditions. These weren't normal conditions and I found I had to stop now and then to give myself some time to recover. Mind you, Bonnie and Karen kept helping me get back to upright every chance they could, but there was only so much a body could handle, and those two ladies found my limit.

I don't think we so much as called it quits as I finally passed out and they had to admit defeat. Mind you, the story I got the next morning wasn't one of disappointment. Bonnie was smiling and giggling as she paraded around my motorhome, helping Karen make breakfast. I just lay in the bed, trying to remember all the good things that happened last night.

As I lay there, I began to get a funny feeling about what had been happening for the last month or so. I traced it back to when I first met Karen and that amazing night that we spend together after hardly knowing each other. I'd never had anything happen like that, until last night with both her and Bonnie. It was the same deal. Those two couldn't wait to get me into bed with them. It was strange the way it happened, but there was no doubt it did happen.

Those two women nearly killed me that weekend. I was almost relieved when Sunday afternoon came along and I took Karen back to her apartment with Bonnie following right behind in Karen's car. I told Karen that I'd see her again on Friday and maybe I'd try and find Bonnie a date so that we could had some alone time once again.

"Just be careful, Carl. She's a nice girl and I don't want to see her hurt. You make sure that any guy you hook her up with is going to treat her right ... or you'll hear from me. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be careful," I promised.

Truth was, I had somebody in mind. He was a nice young guy, just getting started in the business and he was working in the office under Marvin. I got the impression he was a bit of a farm boy as well because he couldn't help himself but get involved with what was going on in the shop. By the end of the day, he was usually as grubby as we were and I oft times wondered if he had missed his calling.

Just the same, Jerry Tuttle was pretty clean-cut, good looking, didn't swear much, and had pretty good manners from what I could see. On top of that, he was single mostly because he was real shy around the ladies. Bonnie would be a bit older than him, but not a whole hell of a lot. I figured once he spotted them rockets she was featuring, he'd be dead meat. That boy just needed some self confidence and maybe Bonnie was just the girl to give him some.

Just about everybody at the shop was using the Loving Hands goop to clean up, even some of the office staff. I guess Jerry was no exception because I could smell that peculiar odor on him when we met at the Riverside. Karen and Bonnie were already there and I walked Jerry over to their table to introduce him. I don't think that boy heard a word I said.

His eyes were radar locked on Bonnie like he'd seen nothing like her ever before in his life. I'd described her to him when I convinced him to let me set him up on this date. I guess I did a good job because he had the biggest smile on his kisser I'd ever seen and didn't even notice Karen. I could see my lady giggling as Jerry sat down beside Bonnie and took her hand. When he did that, Bonnie got that funny look in her eyes again, just like I saw last Friday.

It didn't take about ten minutes before she and Jerry were out on the dance floor and when that first slow number came along, she was grinding into him like she did to me. I could guess what was happening to Jerry, but between being red-faced and in full body contact with Bonnie, he wasn't about to back off.

Bonnie and Jerry lasted until about eleven o'clock before they bailed out. I'm sure they were headed for Jerry's place across the river and I'd hear all about it on Monday. I looked at Karen and she just laughed.

"Well, stud. Looks like you picked a winner for Bonnie. Those two couldn't keep their hands off each other ten minutes after they met. Something like what happened with you and me when we first me, huh?"

Karen was right. It was almost exactly the same as the first time she and I met. I was getting that funny feeling again. That feeling that told me something about this whole deal was strange. Something was going on that I didn't understand. Now, I wasn't complaining mind you. I had come out a winner all the way around. But just the same, something was definitely not normal.

When I took my lunch break on Monday, I spotted Jerry over in the corner of the cafeteria. He was by himself and it looked like he wanted it that way. What the hell, I wanted to find out what happened on Friday night with him and Bonnie, so I marched right over there and sat opposite him.

"Hey, Jerry. How are you?"

He looked up when he saw it was me and got a crooked smile before he answered me.

"I'm good. Real good." He'd gone red-faced again.

"How'd your date with Bonnie work out?"

He looked at me again, then looked down at this lunch, then back up at me.

"I don't know what to say, Carl. It was the damndest thing I'd ever had happen to me. Before I knew it, we were at my place and rippin' our clothes off. She plumb wore me out. I didn't get to take her home until Sunday afternoon. She just didn't want to go."