Alicia's Nipples Can Cut Glass


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Sharon had readjusted her bikini but Alicia was now naked. She forced herself to stand and let them admire the biceps, buns and thighs of her gym-fresh body until she was given a fresh towel that she wrapped around herself for some belated modesty. With an air of defiance, she folded it in half and wrapped it around her waist to form a short skirt. They had stared at her pussy for long enough, it was time to cover it up. But let them admire her brown breasts, that's what she had them for.

The group moved to another room and she was interviewed as if she was a weird committee project. Yes, she had a passport. Yes, she'd had some martial arts and self-defence classes. Yes, she'd had life-saving and first aid classes. Yes, she had a clean police record. Yes, everyone was looking at her tits.

Yes, she had the job.

* * *

It wasn't a bad job to have; she had a clothing allowance from her new employer as well as from her official one. She bought an entire new wardrobe, including an outfit to match the other guys on 'security'. Not quite a uniform; more of a theme; skin-tight black yoga pants that showed off every rippling muscle of her butt, with dark shades. She looked like a bodyguard for a Ninja warrior.

One day she was told to pack a case for a few days, Angelo had a trip planned. She was asked to gather up all the passports of the group and allocated a seat in one of a convoy of cars. When they arrived at the airport they took a strange turn away from the main buildings and followed a narrow road which went some distance around the perimeter, eventually they stopped at an anonymous gate.

There was a group of guards ready waiting and she handed over the documents which were cursorily examined and returned. They all boarded the plane; it was as easy as that, nobody even saw the inside of the terminal never mind line up for an X-Ray machine and body-search.

Alicia had never flown on a private plane before; this had comfortable seating quite unlike the commercial 'cattle class' she had always used previously. The passengers had freedom to move around and there were none of those boring safety speeches about life jackets and opening the blinds before landing. She wondered if the plane was even equipped with those inflatable slides that were supposed to be used as floats in the middle of the ocean until rescuers arrived. Was that ever a serious suggestion with ten foot waves lashing over it? They'd be better off hanging onto Sharon; it would be a long time before she sank with her built-in floatation chambers.

They passed over sea, over desert, forests and eventually landed several hours later. This time there were no formalities involved at all, everyone just climbed down from the plane and left the airfield.

They rode in cars to a ranch where black security guards in smart uniforms carried rifles; other black people wore rags and worked in filthy conditions while all the white folks were in charge. They called out curt instructions which were carried out instantly.

But it was the hottest place that she'd ever been to. She became soaked in perspiration which became worse with any exertion. At least the buildings all had air con which was always set to cold. Her job wasn't demanding, just looking after Angelo and Sharon - and they spent their time inside a fenced compound so any risks seemed distant.

A senior guard took her to a gun range they had set up. She'd never fired a gun before in her life although once there had been a demonstration on a course once where a firearms instructor had fired a rifle through some old car doors to show that there was no point in hiding behind them in a fire-fight. Instead the advice was to duck behind the engine block which was the only part of a car that was going to absorb the energy of a decent sized bullet. She had no intention of being anywhere near express-delivery lead either way.

This guard showed her how to handle a rifle, how to stand and hold it so the recoil didn't knock her backwards, how to reload without dropping everything on the ground. After a few hours she was feeling somewhat bruised and it was a relief when Sharon appeared and announced that they were going for a drive into the hills.

Apparently she was now fully qualified to local standards so somewhat nervously she stashed her firearm alongside her in a 4x4 and drove Sharon along a narrow track through the forestry. When they eventually parked at the top of the mountain there was a panoramic view of the countryside for miles around.

She could see the airfield in the distance with the aircraft parked at the side and a maintenance crew working underneath. They seemed to be changing a wheel but it was difficult to be sure. In another direction there was a massive quarry with a lot of activity going on. Trucks, conveyor belts and people all worked in a haze of dust.

Alicia still didn't know where they were, so asked Sharon what it was called.

Boyley Knot was the answer.

Sharon expanded, "The story goes that the bloke who founded the mine wasn't called Boyley or Knot or anything like that, he was digging around prospecting and looked up and said, 'This place is boiling hot.' So ever since that's what it's been called. That's what they told me anyway.".

Was this real or was she playing dumb? "What mine?"

"The diamond mine dear, it's why we've come to this shithole. Angelo is making some deals and we'll be going back home when it's all been sorted and loaded."

Alicia was surprised, "You're in the diamond import business? I had no idea. I suppose jewels are a lot safer than some of the alternatives."

Sharon was dismissive, "You mean drugs? The cops have dogs and detectors that sniff it all out eventually no matter how well it's hidden. But stones have no scent, nobody dies because of a bad trip and the money is dependable. Drugs is a mug's game."

She was more interested in the weather, "I love it up here on a clear night with the moon and the stars, it's much cooler than down there. And the lights are really pretty. I just sit listening to the insects chirping to each other in the darkness, it's a magical place.

"Even in the day it's great away from that dust, just the breeze to take away the sweat." With that Sharon stripped off her blouse and bra and sat down on the grass in her jeans.

Alicia wondered if she was going to make a pass, but after a while nothing seemed to be happening so she relaxed against a tree.

Eventually they set off in the car again and made their way back down to the house.

That evening, Alicia was bored. She was used to exercise and sitting around watching TV was making her feel fidgety. Sharon was in her room with Angelo and was not to be disturbed, so carrying the mental image of Angelo bouncing up down as if he was a kid in an inflatable castle, she changed into some running gear and set off along the track up into the hills. Soon she was away from the floodlights with the moon providing scant illumination of her route. Dodging the shadows that could conceal boulders, she came across a trail that went straight up the incline so took that, enjoying the burn in her muscles.

By the time she reached the top of the ridge she was satisfactorily out of breath and perspiring heavily. Sharon had been right about it being cooler up there; the breeze was refreshing even with her sports top blocking most of the benefit.

It was deserted and dark though; nobody was there to disturb the peace. Well, apart from the millions of creatures screeching away. It was almost deafening. She hitched her top up to expose her boobs and allowed the sweat to evaporate, then after some minutes felt bolder. The top had to go.

Standing with her bare boobs facing the wind, arms spread wide she sighed with pleasure. It really was exhilarating. On the plain below men worked like ants beneath the white lights sparkling brightly, unaware of her flashing her titties in the night. Okay, they might be small but they were cute and firm and she liked them. And men seemed to like them as well.

Impulsively she pulled down her pants and let the breeze reach other areas. That was great, a girl could get totally reinvigorated by air currents down there. She had to take her running shoes off to remove her pants altogether, but once she had shoes back on again she could walk around brazenly without worrying about stones and thorns on the ground. The sensation of having fresh air flowing unhindered was fantastic, maybe she would take up naturism one day.

She hung her clothes on a branch near to the path down the hill, and tried running along the crest. Her bosom was firm and hardly bounced at all; one of the benefits of being tiny upstairs. She didn't even really need a sports bra, it was just for show and modesty. And that was contradictory, like wearing a bright bikini at the beach that drew the eyes to the boobs and butt. She turned around and traced her steps back to her clothes and now she was feeling horny. What if someone could see her, what were the local laws about public decency?

She would give them a show, if anyone was watching. There was no sign of Sharon anyway. Her clit was beckoning and a couple of fingers sliding either side of that eager organ ensured that it was quickly full of life. Soon she was squatting down, leaning against a tree and giving it full attention. There was something about touching yourself under the stars whilst the crickets chirruped. Her hand moved faster and faster, and her legs moved further and further apart.

Ten minutes later she was sitting on the stones and twigs recovering herself. It took longer than usual; she had maintained the orgasm, repeatedly bringing herself back to climax, not allowing it to subside. Finally exhausted and racked with full-body spasms she relaxed and enjoyed the fading sensations as her feet returned to the ground. Somehow during her frenzied activity she had ended up lying on the undergrowth with her legs in the air. She had no memory of that happening.

She spent several minutes longer in that serene post-orgasmic state of heightened awareness when every sound seemed clearer, every light brighter. It seemed that she could pick out individual insects from the night-time chorus, every flutter of the breeze on her skin enlightened by her enhanced consciousness.

Eventually the effects wore off. Idly she picked up her clothes and made her way down the mountain and by the time she reached the end of the trail and she paused to get dressed again, all her sweat had dried, even on her coochie. The experience had been most refreshing.

* * *

"Have you considered getting bigger tits?" Sharon had a blunt way of talking.

"I'm quite happy with mine as they are, thanks for asking." Alicia had indeed considered the matter and decided that small was best. She had no plans for further surgical intervention to make herself resemble Sharon for sure.

"You find that people look at you differently when you have a big chest, it's unbelievable. You're tall and fit, so you have a big presence. But if you've never experienced the effect of a pair of double-D's you're missing out. Let's go shopping, have some fun."

She was the boss, or the bosses' wife which amounted to the same thing. So they got into the 4x4 and drove out to a local town where Sharon directed her to an upmarket boutique. It was locked when they parked outside but unnervingly was opened for them as they approached the door.

The manageress was a stylish lady with flawless make-up and chocolate coloured skin, who brought out a range of padded bras. Alicia tried several on, and finally Sharon selected one for her that boosted her chest to what she thought was beyond 'battleship' and more like 'aircraft carrier'. It felt cumbersome and she could no longer see the ground in front of her but Sharon approved of it and after all, she was paying -- and the bosses' wife.

It was something that Alicia couldn't really understand. Ever since she had left the uniform branch behind she had always worn thin unpadded bras, if anything. They showed the outline of the most sensual part of the breast especially if she was stressed or cold. That didn't worry her, it was a natural and beautiful thing. Sometimes she caught people checking her nipples out and they always looked away quickly, clearly they were the most exciting things about her body but these padded bras concealed them completely. They lacked any natural outline, the smooth profile was as as sexless and false as their inflated volume.

Standard female logic; boost the curves, emphasise the sexuality but turn all bashful when it came to the actual point. What was the purpose of a breast without a nipple anyway?

When they arrived back at the ranch events took another unexpected turn. Sharon took the bra and with some fiddling revealed that the very expensive garment had been made with mesh pockets, into which she inserted a couple of tiny bits of stone that she had ready. Suddenly she had a pair of fake nipples.

"Uncut diamonds, from the mine", was the explanation when Alicia looked quizzical. "You can keep one if you like, one for you and one for me when we get back. It's perfectly safe, the chance of customs searching us is zilch, the chance of them rummaging inside our bras is less than that and the chance of them recognising what these are, is non-existent. They look like bits of gravel, but you take one to a polisher and they'll turn it into a fortune. Think of it as our little enterprise, it's nothing compared to Angelo's mission but it keeps me in decent shoes. I can buy them here for pennies compared to what they're worth back home. I'll show you where to take them for a good price, cash on delivery. No tax, no foul, right?"

The tiny additions transformed the look even with a shirt over the top and suddenly she looked like a Hollywood vamp. It was a perfect fit and she could barely make out the bra straps; for the first time in her life it looked like she had big boobs.

* * *

Soon it was time to go home.

On the final evening she took a last trip up the mountain, by now confident enough to leave her clothes stashed near to the road and enjoy the freedom and cool air on her nude body as she ran up the hill in the starlight. Relishing the burn from her thighs as she powered up the steep slopes, leaping over the streams and gullies on the way.

When she reached the ridge-top she greeted the screeching bugs and viewed the land where men slaved away all day and all night unknowing of a bare lady on the hilltop.

For the last time she settled down against her tree and touched herself. It didn't take long for her body to respond and soon she was on her way.

When it came, as she knew it would, it was as overwhelming as ever. All the world was blotted out for an intense, glorious period, followed by the moment of clarity of perception.

She had never been religious but this was like some spiritual awareness. Surrounded by wild untamed nature, clothed only by the blue-grey light that had travelled for millions of years across space, ears filled with the sounds of creatures living their lives as they had done for millennia. One mosquito had a slightly higher call than the rest, another had a different note that came and went. To her side was a gentle murmur of breathing. Inhalation, exhalation.

There was someone hiding in the shadows, watching.

She was certain. The sound was gentle, almost drowned out by the chatter of wildlife but it was there. It wasn't Sharon; she was back at the ranch. She was being spied upon.

She launched herself to the side and caught hold of an arm. Swiftly she pushed it back and sideways, just as the person instinctively recoiled.

The person grunted as she landed on top of him, it was a man's voice. Her legs entwined around his body, embracing and capturing him as a spider catches a fly. She locked her ankles and crushed his waist with her powerful thighs, with her arms around his head, chest against his face. With an added wrist-lock for good measure, her prisoner was helpless and gasping for breath.

She easily overpowered him, her legs alone being enough to prevent his ribs from operating normally. She squeezed even harder and his breath was forced out through his lips against her chest making a comedy fart sound.

He now stopped struggling and was clearly losing consciousness, so she relaxed her grip to allow some oxygen to get through. It might be inconvenient if he died. He gasped for air and tensed up once more, so she clamped down again until she could hear his ribs creaking.

She leaned back, so that her breasts moved away from his face and she could see him in the dim monochrome light.

"Gill, it's me." Not many people called her Gill and this man whose face she now recognised was known as 'Gee'. Dan, whatever his name was, the guy with the prickly chin who had eaten her out at the party.

"Gee, what the fuck are you doing?"

"Keeping observations on the plane of course, and everything else that matters."

"Like me?"

"Well I've been here much of the time, so if you put it like that, maybe. Can you let me breathe?"

Alicia had forgotten that she was butt naked with her legs wrapped around him. Also that her boobs were about an inch from his face. All he had to do was poke his tongue out and he could lick her nipple.

She unhooked her ankles and he fell back groaning, "Did you have to do that? You could do someone a mischief."

"Well, you shouldn't creep up on people in the dark."

"I wasn't creeping, I was sitting still. It was you running around in your birthday suit in the dark. Why are you doing that anyway?"

Alicia started to explain but decided on a different tack. "You should try it, being naked in the starlight. Let the breeze flow freely, it's difficult to express it unless you've been and done it."

He looked at her, his breath starting to settle but saying nothing.

"Go on then, do it. Get naked under the stars."

He didn't react so she took the initiative. She ripped off his shirt and tossed it away. He looked toned, although not developed like the gym bulldogs that she was familiar with. It was an honest, natural shape and matched his average, fairly nondescript face that made him such a natural in the surveillance world. He tried to resist but she easily brushed away his feeble efforts.

She unbuckled his belt and unfastened his jeans, tugging them down to his knees together with his underwear. What was unexpected was the immense size of his manhood. The guy was hung like a Salem Witch.

She pulled off his shoes and soon he was naked alongside her. She led him along the path along the ridge, so that they were away from the safety zone of him being able to grab his clothes. They lay down and looked up at the stars twinkling coldly against the black sky, and when she checked his body out saw that his member was pointing up at the North Star. It was enticing, thick and with the largest bell-end she had ever seen.

As she watched, it waved from side to side like those weapons attached to Daleks.

She had never had one as big as this, not by some measure. It wasn't very long as much as wide, and had concealed his balls but now had moved up so she could see them. They appeared small in comparison, but when she reached out and cupped them found that it was just an illusion.

She was reminded of a story she had been told once about dentists, apparently they could tell by bruising on the soft flesh at the back of the mouth if a person had recently sucked cock. She wondered if it were true. If any cock could injure a throat, this one could.

If, of course it were possible for her to get it inside her mouth.

Some time ago he had used his tongue on her, with some expertise. She had never returned the compliment and she didn't like owing people; it was time to repay the debt. She slowly enveloped him between her lips and went to work.