All Together Now

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Perhaps a weekend encounter can help their marriage.
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Thomas was standing directly behind Alicia with his hands on her shoulders. At least he thought it was his wife Alicia. After they were blindfolded each of the men had stripped and been led into the standing positions they were in now. He believed there were other couples standing in the same man-behind pose. He was right. Each of those couples had been blindfolded as well and all were waiting for the next part of the class to begin.

The leader was a man about fifty, Thomas thought, with graying hair and a bit more weight than Thomas had expected him to have. He was a happy man, who joked and laughed easily. Underneath that Thomas was feeling an intensity that made him just a bit uneasy. They had watched and listened to the leader, Nick, for two hours talking about the power of intention, the power of focus, the joy of sharing physically and mentally and spiritually. Some of what Nick said Thomas said, "Yeah, I've heard it before" in his head. Some of it he really wanted to be true.

"Listen to the sound of the world around you."

The leader's voice was soft and deep. From the direction of the voice Thomas knew the leader, Nick, had not moved and was still sitting on a table about ten feet in front of the group. Thomas could hear the sound of a windchime that he had seen on the front of the house when they had arrived. He also noticed the sounds of various people breathing, a bird somewhere, and another sound he wasn't sure of but thought it might be leaves rustling on a nearby tree. The normal sounds of a backyard, Thomas thought. "Notice your breathing. Feel the air as you allow it to fill your lungs. Feel the warmth of it as you let it go. Notice that you are breathing in the same pattern as your partner." Thomas noticed that Nick was right, he and Alicia were indeed breathing in sync. He noticed also that Alicia was wearing the perfume he had given her for her birthday. He loved that perfume.

"Step closer to your partner but not so close that you touch your chest to her back. Reach to the front of her clothing and discover the top button of her blouse. Undo it. Do not touch any part of her blouse except the cloth closest to the buttons and undo each button. Open each at my count. One."

Nick watched the clock they could not see. When fifteen seconds passed he spoke again. "Two."

Again he waited fifteen seconds. "Three."

At this point one man was having a bit of difficulty with a button and his partner's hands started toward the button to help him.

"Those being unbuttoned should not help, assist, take over or coach. Be patient. Some of these men are a bit out of practice."

Three women smiled and not one helped her partner.

When Thomas reached her waistband he stopped.

Nick called the next number, "Six" and Thomas didn't move.

He heard Nick suggest that if they hadn't reached the bottom of the shirt they should try pulling it out of her pants or skirt. That got Thomas to number six and then the blouse was completely unbuttoned.

"Seven" produced the last button being undone everywhere in the group.

"Take hold of the top part of the blouse and slowly remove it from your partner. Notice how it slides over her skin, how it feels and then hold it close to your nose and notice how it smells."

Nick watched as they did this and then he spoke again. "Hold the blouse out in your right hand and an assistant will take it from you."

Each couple had an assistant who took the items of clothing and hung them or placed them in the provided spaces at the edge of the deck. These same assistants helped move the blindfolded people when necessary.

"Find the clasping mechanism of your partner's bra and release it. Again, no helping. After it is released, grasp it by the shoulder straps and remove it, giving it to the assistant as you did the blouse." As if by command a gentle breeze touched all the women on the deck as soon as they were all braless. Some shivered; some took in a sharp breath.

"Put your hands on her shoulders and begin caressing her back. Be soft and very gentle. At times be touching so softly that you are starting to wonder if you are touching at all. Notice her warmth. The texture of her skin. The indention's made by her bra. Moles, scars, bumps and whatever other variations that you may notice. Remember these."

Nick watched as these men explored the backs of the women, discovering things that they hadn't noticed in years of being together. When two minutes had passed he spoke again.

"Put your hands at your sides and take a deep breath. Exhale. Now breathe normally. For the time being that concludes action commands for men. The following instructions are for women. Turn around and find your partner with your hands. As soon as you find him, you will notice he is nude. Put your hands on his shoulders. Now touch him and caress him getting to know the texture of his skin, the places where he is hairy, the moles, scars and other features of his skin that would identify him from other men. Do not touch him below the waist."

He waited two minutes while these women studied the chests of their partners.

At the end of the two minutes he had the women stop touching the men and remove the rest of their clothing. The assistants were there and assisted when necessary and collected all the clothing. Nothing was said.

"The assistants are going to put the men side by side. Please do not resist when they move you."

Soon all the men were standing quite close together and not in the order they had been in before. An assistant took each one of the women and helped her stand on a small platform in front of a man, so she was five inches taller than normal. The men were told that they should reach out and gently examine the back of the woman before them. After two minutes they were told to put their hands down. "If you think that the woman you just examined is your partner, raise your hand."

Of the ten men exactly half raised their hands. All were wrong.

"Those of you ladies who think you are standing in front of your partner, raise your hand."

Two women raised their hands. One of these women was wrong.

"Thank you. Please put your hands down."

Nick held up a card with these words printed in large bold marker on it: "WIVES IN FRONT OF HUSBANDS." As the assistants started moving people he said, "You are being moved. Do not resist."

When every husband was standing behind his wife Nick spoke again.

"Gentlemen slowly lift your left hand until it touches the woman standing in front of you. When you touch her, limit your touch to your fingertips. Using the fingertips of your left hand explore her body from the neck down to the knees, without touching her genital area. Ladies, please stand as still as you can."

The sun was shining and each woman had it on her back. The outside temperature was about eighty degrees with only the gentlest of breezes. Nick watched as the men ran their fingertips over the women in front of them. He watched as one man ran his fingers down the slope of the women's chest from collarbone until he encountered her nipple. When he ran one fingertip around that nipple Nick noticed the man's penis begin to fill. Nick spoke again and reminded the men that this was a body exploration and that meant becoming familiar with every area of her body. Two men smiled and moved on from the nipple exploration they had been enjoying.

After a few more minutes Nick told them to stop and drop their hand to their side. Then Nick held up another sign for the assistants. "SHUFFLE & RETURN, WOMEN" it said. The assistants moved women around and returned them to the position they had been in on the platforms. Then Nick held up the next sign, "CHAIRS, MEN" and a chair was placed behind each man, half an inch behind his legs. They were non-folding chairs with a back but no arms. Each had a folded towel on the seat.

When all the chairs were in place Nick spoke again.

"Gentlemen, directly behind each of you is a chair. Do not use your hands to find it. Just slowly sit down. Keep your legs together after you sit." He waited and they sat down.

"Ladies, creep forward slightly until you can feel the edge of the platform with your toes."

Again, he waited until they had all found that edge. "Now step down off the platform until you are standing with both heels against the platform."

Again, he waited until they were all standing with their heels backed against the platform.

"Gentlemen, raise your arms until they extend out to your sides directly away from your shoulders." When they were all sitting with their arms out he spoke again. "Ladies there is a man sitting directly in front of you. Creep forward until you encounter him. When you encounter him, open your legs around him and continue forward straddling his legs. When you touch his body; stop."

From where Nick sat he could see that four of the men were already erect. He watched as women advanced, shuffling forward with the inside of their thighs touching the outside of the men's legs. Most were moving very slowly and two had their fingers extended, as though they were attempting to feel the man while still following Nick's direction not to be using their hands at all.

At a hand signal from each assistant that the couples were all touching, Nick spoke again.

"Ladies, very carefully sit down. Be careful not to sit on or have the penis below you, enter you. Gentlemen, use your left hand and hold your penis against your lower belly until the lady is seated. Then hang your hands off to your side."

As soon as everyone was seated he spoke again.

"Ladies, place your hands on the man's shoulders. Couples, notice the breathing of your partner. Notice their warmth, the texture of the skin that you are touching and that is touching you. Sit very still."

Nick held up another sign to the assistants, which said, "breathing in sync." At their signal that each couple was in sync he waited almost a minute and spoke.

"Gentlemen, very slowly reach out and around the woman sitting in your lap and put your hands firmly on her lower back."

Every time he gave a command he waited to get a sign from the assistants that the couple they were monitoring had completed the task.

"Ladies, slowly lean forward turning your head to the side and placing your head against the man's neck, shoulder, or chest; whichever you encounter."

"Gentlemen, hold out one hand directly behind the lady on your lap. An assistant will put a quantity of lotion in that hand. When you have it rub both hands together to warm the lotion. Once the lotion is warm put your hands on her shoulders."

"With gentle pressure draw your hands down her back, staying at least an inch from her spine. When you reach your own legs, move your hands back up to her shoulders with less pressure than on the downward stroke. Then repeat the process."

"Tune in gentlemen to the subtle signals she is giving you. If she wants you to go more slowly, do that. If she wants more pressure, give it to her. If you want more lotion, hold out your hand. Make sure you massage her entire back in long slow strokes."

Nick looked at his watch. After nine minutes he spoke again.

"Ladies, lift your feet and with them find a small footrest at the back of the chair you and your partner are sitting on. Put your feet on these footrests."

"Gentlemen, get more lotion and warm it. Begin massaging the legs of your partner. Begin at her hips and lightly but firmly stroke along the outside of her legs all the way to her feet. When you reach her feet begin applying more pressure and move your hands up along the outside of her leg until you get to her hips. At her hip massage all the available skin of her hips and buttocks. Then repeat the entire process. When you want more lotion, hold out your hand."

He waited seven minutes.

"Ladies, still holding your hands on his shoulders lean back away from him until your arms are comfortably extended and your chest is not touching his."

"Gentlemen, hold out your hand. You will get more lotion. Raise your arms over your head and rub your hands together until the lotion is warm. Then, slowly put your hands inside her arms and onto her shoulders. Massage her shoulders and neck using circular motions and a moderate pressure."

After one minute Nick spoke. "Slowly massage down her chest to the outside of her breasts, along her ribs and then across her abdomen. Repeat this sequence. Notice her breathing, the warmth of her skin, any bumps, scars, or identifying marks."

"Ladies, notice his warmth. Can you feel his chest radiating heat? Are his hands hot? Can you feel his arousal?"

He waited three minutes.

"Gentlemen, slowly return your hands to her shoulders. Ever so slowly move your hands down and massage her breasts. Use your whole hand."

"Gentlemen, using only your finger tips grasp her nipples gently. Include a bit more of her breast than just the nipple and massage slowly. Listen for the signals she will give you about what feels good to her. Feel the signals her body is sending you about what feels good. Do those things. Learn from her. Does she like a little more pressure? Does she like it when you massage the entire breast or does she prefer you to concentrate on her nipples? Does she like her nipples pulled or twisted? Use every sense you have to learn what she likes."

He waited three minutes. The room filled with lots of moans and gasps.

"Gentlemen, put your hands on her back somewhere and gently pull her towards you. Ladies, allow yourself to lean towards him. Find your partner's lips. Kiss, as gently as you can. Feel these lips as though for the first time. Are they warm? Are they wet? Are they inviting you in? If they are, accept the invitation. Hands on her back, gentlemen. Ladies, keep your hands on his shoulders."

Nick let two minutes pass.

"Stop kissing, please. Ladies, sit up straight. Reach with both hands down in your lap and find his penis. Place yourself so that your vulva is pressing against the length of his penis. Not just touching but pressing against his penis."

"Now, as slowly as you are able, rock your hips and rub your vulva against his penis. "

Two minutes passed. Some of the men moaned and some of the women moaned or sighed.

Thomas felt his wife hold his penis for the first time in two years as she positioned it along her slit. He felt her press forward, trapping his hardening cock against his pubic bone and her vulva. When she began to rock it was the most sensual thing Thomas had ever felt. His wife was rubbing her sex against him, for pleasure! He kept getting harder and loved the pressure of her pressed against him.

Alicia felt strange touching Thomas' penis. There was something so alien about it. When they first had been married she tried to convince herself that a penis was a lot like a finger. She didn't find anything strange about fingers. But the finger illusion didn't last. Thomas had cum outside her once and the sticky mess repulsed her. It wasn't a finger after that and she didn't like it very much.

When she followed Nick's instructions she said she was only doing it because they had paid the money to be here so they needed to get their money's worth. She knew that the spark was long gone from their marriage. She also knew that, for her, the spark had never really been there. She married Thomas without any passion. He was a great guy, a wonderful companion, and he treated her so very well. When they decided to get married she also decided that she would tolerate sex with him. Until a year ago she thought her plan was going well. They had ordered cable a year ago and got HBO free for three months with the deal. One night they had watched a show called Real Sex. They were glued to the TV as one segment showed the intensive they were now attending. What they saw showed both of them that what they had been calling a sex life was not.

When she pressed against Thomas' penis and felt it swell she realized that it felt nice.

Nick said to slowly rock against it. Alicia wanted to go really slowly, slow enough that Thomas wouldn't get any ideas about shagging here in front of strangers. It was embarrassing enough that she was naked!

Alicia rocked very slowly and didn't move more than half an inch along Thomas' penis.

Nick didn't say anything so she did it again. And again. At about the fifth rock Alicia noticed that rocking like that felt good. At the fifteenth rock Thomas moaned. Alicia stopped moving.

"Keep rocking against your partner ladies. Keep your motion slow. Notice what the reaction is to your movement."

Alicia moved again. Thomas lifted his hips a fraction of an inch and another small moan escaped from him.

Nick had moved off the table and was close to Thomas and Alicia. He had noticed that Alicia was barely moving when she first started rocking. Then she stopped. Now she was moving again and every time Thomas moaned or tightened his leg muscles she rocked in a bigger arc.

"Oh, my God," Thomas thought. "This is better than fucking! This feels so good. I know if this goes on much longer I'm going to cum!"

"Ladies, stop rocking. Lift your right hand from your partners shoulder. Raise that hand over your head if you were approaching an orgasm."

Alicia didn't raise her hand over her head. She had never had an orgasm so she wouldn't know if she was getting close. From what she had seen on HBO she knew she had never even been close. There was more than one woman who kept her hand low. Being aware that other women were having orgasms, and enjoying them, was one of the reasons Alicia had agreed to attend this seminar. She no longer was as concerned with what her Church said as she was about enjoying life.

"Ladies, place your hands on the face of your partner. Slowly lean forward and kiss his lips and mouth."

"And mouth?" Alicia thought. "Oh, he means with tongue."

When Alicia's lips touched Thomas' he parted his lips just the customary tiny bit to allow his tongue to just touch her lips. In the ten years they had been kissing that was as close to tongue kissing as she would allow. "It's dirty." was what she had said every time he had gone too far.

This time his tongue was met by Alicia's tongue. They touched and probed in the tiny space between lips not really parted. Thomas was surprised and excited by this new experience. As time went on and the kissing continued Alicia heard noises from the other couples. Wet noises. Moans. She held on to Thomas' face and suddenly realized that her tongue was in his mouth! She had been doing what felt good and had pushed her tongue into his mouth!

Before she pulled back Alicia realized that it did feel good and she sucked Thomas' tongue into her mouth. He was surprised again. He used his tongue to dance with Alicia's and they really were enjoying kissing with tongue for the first time.

"Gentlemen, wrap your arms around your partner and gently embrace her. Draw her body to yours. Ladies, if you would be more comfortable with your hands on his back, move them. Otherwise keep holding his face."

Nick noticed that three couples stopped kissing when they made the change.

"Continue kissing."

Thomas was not one who stopped kissing. Alicia put her arms around Thomas, under his arms, and yielded to his gentle pressure until her nipples were able to just touch his chest. She felt his warmth and the hairs of his chest as they touched her nipples. She felt his strong hands one high on her back and the other residing just above her hip. They were callused and strong hands. She felt the pressure and the warmth.

As Thomas kissed Alicia her focus moved to her nipples. Thomas' breathing moved the hairs and changed the pressure of his chest against hers. She had never paid attention to their breathing when they were being intimate.

Her focus came back to her mouth when Thomas opened wider and sucked her tongue into his mouth. He varied the pressure and her tongue went in and out of his mouth. It felt good and she started getting into the motion when the thought hit her that she was behaving like her tongue was a penis and his mouth was a vagina!