Angela's Adventures

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Model Angela Sommers has to choose between two suitors.
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This story was written with the co-operation and input of Playboy & Adult model Angela Sommers. The author wishes to thank her for all her efforts on his behalf. ~~BrettJ


Angela could hear the driving beat of the music before she even entered the club. It was sexy and upbeat, just the kind of thing to lift her spirits. Her friend Salome had told her that the new club, "Mixx" would be just her type of club. Different types of music, reasonably-priced, everyone dressed up and most of the clientele were sexy. As Salome herself was lithe, sensual and dark, Angela trusted her evaluation of the word "sexy". Salome lived up to her name and had provided Angela with several hours of "entertainment" just 2 nights prior.

It was nice to have a night to herself. She wasn't doing any shoots forPlayboy or for the Randalls or for her own site this week -- so she could just be decadent, have a few drinks, shake a tail-feather and see just what she might get up to tonight. Angela was between regular lovers at the moment and Salome's attentions had only served to increase her libido. Angela removed a blonde curl from her eyes and surveyed the floor, anxious to see how much trouble she could get into and with what gender -- male or female? One of the things that Angela enjoyed most about her bi-sexuality is it gave her a nice range of options to choose from. Women of all shapes and sizes, with curves and soft skin and the subtle perfumes, the way they gasped and panted in bed and the sweet taste of pussy under a licking tongue. Men, all solid and hard, giving her a solid fucking, making sure that they had a firm grip on Angela and taking her from behind. Angela loved everything sexual and why shouldn't she? If there was anything better than hot sex, she had yet to discover it.

Angela went to the bar and ordered a Dirty Martini. Immediately, the bartender told her that someone had offered to buy it for her. Looking around and expecting to see an admiring male, she turned to see that her admirer was a rather good-looking female. The girl had dark, wavy hair and was petite but all of her wasva-va-voom curvy. She wore clothes well and it looked like she enjoyed wearing nice clothes. Not a hair was out of place, her shoes matched the outfit and her eyes seemed to dance with merriment. Angela raised her drink to the woman who came over to join her at the bar. Even the woman's movements seemed to invite sexual curiosity and Angela certainly had more than her share of that. The woman sidled up to Angela beside the bar and Angela could see that she was drinking a Cosmo. She made a little play out of that as well, letting her mouth tease the rim of the glass and revealing soft, red lips. The woman had piqued Angela's curiosity and now it was time to see if she could hold it. Angela turned around on her barstool and flashed the woman the kind of smile she usually reserved for photographers.

The woman held out her hand and Angela saw she was wearing some serious bling. "Hi, my name's Susan," She smiled, her voice low and melodious.

"I'm Angela ..."

"Oh, I know who you are," Susan smiled as she showed off teeth that were as white as an arctic snow drift. "I've been thinking of calling your agent and having you here for a promotional deal."

Angela had a confused look on her face until Susan told her that she was part owner of "Mixx". Angela complimented her on the high quality and décor, plus the quality of her staff and DJ.

"The DJ is my brother, he's one of the 3 investors," Susan explained as she placed her hand on top of Angela's. "He turned down a more lucrative offer from another club to work here, he does private shows on the nights he's not working here and he has his following. The 3rd investor is the guy who made your drink, that's my brother's best friend, Tony." Angela turned around and this time, she noticed Tony. He was strong and attractive looking, solidly-built, looking more like a construction worker than a bartender. Angela could see there was something intriguing about Tony, but she decided to deal with one thing at a time.

"So Angela, I'm wondering if you're interested in women - sexually?" Susan smiled as she placed her hand on top of Angela's.

"Very," Angela replied. "I'm interested in sexy women and sexy men, why limit myself? But fair warning, it's not as easy as just buying me a drink."

"I didn't think that it would be," Susan responded with a warm smile. "Why don't you let me buy you another drink and then I'll take you out for a late meal?"

"I think I'd enjoy that," Angela told Susan. Susan excused herself and as she left, Tony came over to Angela.

"Damn, she always does that," He said to Angela.

"Does what?" Angela asked, curious.

Tony laughed. "She goes after the same women I'm interested in. We must have similar tastes; I was going to ask you to dinner tomorrow."

"So ask me," Angela chuckled. "There's no ring on my finger, Susan doesn't have exclusivity."

Tony laughed. "Wow, you're a pretty ballsy chick, making two dates in one night."

Angela stared at him, he seemed to be a little rough around the edges, but he also seemed to be a man's man and she would have bet he'd treat her with respect. She wrote down an address and smiled back "Pick me up at 8 tomorrow and I'd love to go to a nice Italian restaurant, if you know one."

Tony nodded and she smiled again just as Susan returned. She had changed outfits and was now wearing a skirt that Angela would have described as a strip of leather --tight leather. She was wearing patterned stockings and stiletto heels and was obviously trying to attract Angela's attention. It was working.

"I wanted you to think I was a sexy woman and tell you that my intentions towards you are strictly dishonorable," Susan grinned as she linked her arm through Angela's. "I want to get you into my bed as soon as I can accomplish it."

Angela frowned a bit. "I might be an adult model but I don't ..."

Susan saw her concern and addressed it. "Oh baby, I didn't mean itthat way. I meant that I wanted you to know I'm interested in you sexually but of course I want to know you as a friend.With benefits," She teased. "I can't help it if you're fucking hot," She teased the blonde.

"I am pretty amazing," Angela laughed.

"In that outfit, you sure are, sugar," Susan purred as they reached a very dazzling Jaguar. She opened the door for Angela who slid in, showing a nice deal of thigh in the slit skirt she had opted to wear that evening. Susan's eyes didn't leave Angela's body until she herself was behind the wheel and driving them to dinner.

The sensual brunette took her to a lovely French restaurant and was an outrageous flirt throughout the entire meal. She didn't seem to care if people noticed her dinner companion was another woman or if she was being a bit naughty. Susan filled Angela in on her past. She was nearly 30, her family had money but she preferred to earn most of her own. She was divorced and had no children. She was bi-sexual but preferred women, as her experiences with men had not been good. Susan was a woman very comfortable in her own skin and Angela found that quite alluring.

"May I see you again?" Susan asked her as she drove Angela to her home. Angela nodded yes; she liked Susan and was very attracted to her physically. Nothing was going to happen -- yet -- but she wasn't ruling it out for the future. Showing that she had manners, Susan insisted on escorting Angela right to her door.

"I know some girls don't kiss on the first date, but could I ask for one anyway?" Susan asked sweetly.

"I think I can make an exception," Angela smiled. She let Susan's lips brush her own and although the kiss was sweet, it was also electric and sensual. Oh yes, she was very interested in seeing Susan again. Images of the curvy brunette danced in her head as she drifted off to sleep that night.

She was looking forward to her date with Tony when she got up the next morning. Checking her messages, she discovered that she had no modeling assignments that week, so she was free to indulge herself a bit. She had a leisurely breakfast, soaked in nice hot tub and spent the afternoon lounging before she changed for her date. Angela rummaged through her wardrobe. She sensed that Tony liked a girl who was "out there" so she put on a low cut top and a push-up bra for extra oomph! She tried to decide between miniskirt or snug leather pants and opted for the pants that were so snug she could hardly breathe in them. She went for heels that were almost like a stripper heel, fairly confident that her slightly-decadent look would attract Tony's attention. Every little curve of her body was on display, there was nothing at all subtle about her attire. Tony's eyes almost bugged out when he saw her, but she was suitably impressed by him as well.

Dressed in a nice blue sports jacket and grey slacks, he'd had his hair cut and was also carrying half a dozen red roses which he presented to her. His shoes were neatly polished and he smelled great. What Angela took notice of most was the way Tony filled out his suit -- in the club's lighting, she had been unable to see it, but this man had muscles on top of his muscles.

Unlike Susan, he wasn't driving a Jaguar. He was driving a classic 1968 Mustang that he told Angela he had restored himself. He was very chatty and comfortable in his own skin, a bit on the macho side, but hey -- he was a man, Angela thought to herself. He had the foresight to compliment her on how she looked, even if it had been a comment like "Wow, you are the hottest thing on two legs!" She had giggled at that and said thank you.

He had been paying attention when she told him Italian, but she hadn't expected anything as nice as La Venezia. Everyone fussed over "Mr. Tony" and the aromas coming from the kitchen smelled heavenly. Tony informed her that every dish was made from scratch, including the pasta and bread. Angela remembered not to fill up on bread which was difficult; it was so thick, warm and tasty with rivulets of hot garlic butter drizzling over it. The salad was fresh and crisp with a wonderful homemade dressing and when the pasta came, the flavor itself almost triggered an orgasm. Zesty, thick, rich, aromatic and piping hot, it was some of the best Bolognese she had ever eaten. She raved over the food and the staff told Tony to bring back "Miss Angela" soon.

"Friends of the family," Tony explained as they got back in the Mustang. "What would you like to do next? Dancing, drinks or maybe a comedy club? I know one nearby where Jeff Dunham is playing!"

Angela was thrilled at the idea of seeing the talented ventriloquist so that's what they opted for. She hadn't laughed that hard in years, tears were rolling down her face when Dunham and his cast of characters -- Peanut, Walter, Achmed and friends -- were done. Tony's evening had equaled Susan's, maybe even slightly surpassed it. He got a warm kiss as well and now Angela was torn -- who should she date? Both of them were sexy, intelligent people and both of them made her libido race.

Angela's next date was with Susan and this time, the two of them rented a movie and just stayed in. Angela did note that her new friend had still dressed impeccably and worn a skirt, dangly earrings and put on evening makeup. The wine she brought to share wasn't cheap and she didn't try to get Angela drunk nor sway her to get her into bed. Susan just provided Angela with a nice, stay-at-home evening. This time, when Angela said good night, she held the kiss a little longer and there were second thoughts about asking Susan to stay. Tony had his work cut out for him on their next date -- he had asked her to come to his place for dinner.

She was surprised the next evening, as Tony had not told her he was cooking the entire meal. It was quite elaborate and he even made a cheesecake for dessert. The two of them sat and drank a nice bottle of wine, listened to some wonderful music and danced when the mood struck them. With the music beautiful and the lighting so soft and romantic, Angela had to fight the urge to stay and drag Tony into bed.

When she got to her own apartment that evening, she had to get out a toy and have a little self-pleasure. The past few days had been emotionally draining on the attractive blonde model -- until she had a revelation of her own. Why was she putting herself through this? It was flat-out ridiculous. The following morning, Angela called Susan and invited her to dinner Sunday evening. The next call was to Tony, she asked him over for lunch on Tuesday.

Susan was treated to a lovely meal when she arrived at 6 PM that Sunday. Angela had some of the food brought in, Susan provided the wine. There was no dessert and as Susan had a sweet tooth, she questioned Angela about it.

"I thought we'd have the dessert in thebedroom," Angela smiled as she got off the couch. She wore a warm smile and then nothing else, shrugging and letting her dress drop to the floor. The little black dress was now in a puddle at her feet. Standing before a pleased Susan was a blonde vision in black lingerie, stockings and heels, just a nice dusting of body glitter covering her skin. She held out her hand to Susan. "Get ready to have your fucking mind blown," She grinned at Susan.

Susan's body was shaking with anticipation, she hadn't expected them to end up in bed quite this soon, but she wasn't an idiot and decided not to question her good fortune. She entered Angela's bedroom where the sensual blonde was stretched out, almost as if she was posing for another magazine layout -- but this one was all live and very real. She licked her lips and cooked her finger at Susan in invitation.

Angela enjoyed the view of watching Susan get out of her own clothing. It was a bit cute to see that Susan was nervous, she was glad that she could have that affect on the successful, attractive brunette. Susan's lingerie was white and lacy, it was very sexy against her body -- or would have been, had it stayed on long.

The pent-up passion came tumbling out as lips sought lips. They tangled and mixed as their needs overpowered all else, Susan's hands fondled Angela's tits while trying to remove her bra. Angela nuzzled her new lover's neck while thinking what a fucking sexy bitch she was. She was happy she had waited, the anticipation had added to the desire. They tumbled around on the sheets, getting each other naked as best they could, both women opting to keep their stockings and heels on.

"Lick me good, whore!" Angela hissed, hoping her lewd behavior would inspire Susan. "Show me how much you want my fucking pussy!"

Susan grinned and said "I'm going to eat you inside-out, bitch!" Angela lived for moments like that, when she was on the verge of a new adventure, when the promise of sexual ferocity was vivid and new. Susan's heated kisses traveled all over her body and down to her pussy. Angela felt as if her entire body was made of jelly and when Susan went down on her, she lost all sense of space and time. The hot brunette ate cunt like it was her last meal, with hunger and desire. Angela's nails dug into her scalp and she hissed out profanity after profanity to egg Susan on. She shrieked so loudly that they probably heard her at the Playboy Mansion when her orgasm hit her. Gasping for air, she waited until Susan emerged from between her legs so that she could kiss the woman with gratitude, tasting a bit of herself on Susan's soft lips.

"Fuck, you are oneamazing little slut!" Angela smiled, knowing full well that Susan would take that as a compliment.

"And I don't even know you that well," Susan teased her. "Think how good it will be after a couple of months."

"I may not last that long," Angela sighed. "Okay, let me show you a few tricks I've learned over the years."

Angela decided to practice a different style on her newest lover. Instead of going for the kill directly, she massaged Susan's body with her hands in a slow, languid motion. She built it all up, surfing the woman's body with her hands and tongue, making Susan whimper and cry out every so often. Susan's eyes were closed as she luxuriated in the sensation of Angela exploring her body with determination and precision.

Angela loved the curves and contours of her lover's body, there were so many differences from her own. She loved the little coos and whimpers that Susan made when she was being touched erotically. Finally, she decided that enough was enough, the teasing was over. She threw Susan's legs over her shoulders and pulled her close. Now Angela feasted on Susan's perfectly-trimmed snatch and she didn't stop until she had wrung two intense orgasms out of the hot brunette.

Sunday night turned into Monday morning and if the two women thought of it, they did it. Susan told Angela that she knew about her dating Tony and hoped it wouldn't interfere with their relationship. Angela was completely open about where things stood with Tony, although she kept one little secret to herself -- for now. Susan left around 11 AM on Monday and Angela spent the rest of the day lounging around. She needed the time to rebuild her stamina.

When Tony arrived at her apartment the next afternoon, he was expecting a nice lunch. He wasn't expecting to find a sexy blonde in a slinky negligee and bedroom slippers standing in the doorway. She yanked him inside.

"I don't want to give the neighbors a show, even if most of them know what I do," Angela giggled as she kissed him hard. Tony had the goofiest grin on his face, it really was adorable.

"We can have lunch now or you can do the smart thing and take me into that bedroom andfuck the shit out of me," Angela smiled back. "I hope you'll choose the second option, because I really am a lot more horny than I am hungry!"

Tony's mother had taught him that a gentleman never argues with or refuses a lady. Food could wait, if the lady's libido was at this high a level, she was going to get what she wanted. He picked her up in his strong arms and carried her into the bedroom. Angela found that a bit amusing, but it was sweet and romantic in its own way. He placed her on the bed and looked at her like he had just won an Academy Award.

"I think you should get out of your clothes or would you like me to undress you?" Angela asked him.

"No, no, I can do it," Tony said, a hint of nerves showing in his voice. It was a little fun for Angela that she had pricked through his machismo and she was seeing a different side of him. As he undressed, she took in the full view. He was built rock-solid, like an athlete, with a toned and flat stomach and a broad chest. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch him, knowing her opportunity would present itself soon enough. He joined her in bed and took her in his arms; it seemed to her that his confidence was growing as he kissed her. This was the kind of kiss she liked from a man, strong and demanding, showing the promise of a passionate fucking.

Now Angela could explore that body fully, she pushed him on his back and stroked his chest with her fingernails. She could feel the pulsing strength underneath each muscle and began to kiss him wherever her urges took her. Tony's dark eyes were watching her with interest, but he wasn't saying much. Good -- she wanted to run the show for a while and get him off-balance. Her mouth began slithering all over his torso.

"Damn!" Was the only word that came out of the young bartender's mouth and then even that was lost as Angela took his cock in her mouth. She decided to put all of her oral skills into play right away and took him from tip to base. Tony groaned and wrapped his fingers in her long, blonde hair, egging her on with moans and groans. Otherwise, it was hard to understand what he was saying, although what he wanted was clear enough. When he was steel-hard, Angela pulled away from him.