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White wife and Black laborer come to together.
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Annie hated this backward part of Alabama that was known as the black belt. Located in West Alabama it wasn't close to any big city like she was use to. The land was known for its rich farming land, which was why she and her husband, Paul, found themselves living here.

The land had been in his family for years and now that his father was no longer able to work it he had turned the operation over to Paul and his younger brother Jim. Paul had a good job in Knoxville making plenty of money for them to live off and enjoy the things the larger town had to offer. Jim had never left the farm and he and Judy, his wife, were happy with the life they had here. As far as Annie cared they could have the whole place to themselves.

The old farmhouse was huge. It was more like a duplex than a single-family house. Annie and Paul had half and Jim and Judy the other half. It even had two kitchens and separate bathrooms. It wasn't sound proof and she and Paul could hear Jim and Judy fucking away all hours of the night. Fucking was about the only thing Annie enjoyed about living here. There was plenty of time for that with nothing else to do.

Annie and Paul were both twenty-six and Jim and Judy were twenty-four. Both brothers were about the same size with dark hair and blue eyes. They were quite an eye full to the girls they had grown up with. Now those girls had married and left town as soon as they could.

Annie was tall and slim with a beautiful head of blond hair. It was all natural as Paul could attest. Her breasts were high and firm even if they were not quite a c cup. Her hips were nice and her ass attracted a lot of attention in the jeans she constantly wore.

Judy was short and better endowed in the breasts department than Annie. She was also a blond and her ass looked just as good in jeans as did Annie's neither husband had anything to be shame of. At the swimming pool the two women were hard to ignore in the skimpy bikinis they wore. Both husbands didn't mind looking at either wife.

Annie hated to go into town alone. It was mostly blacks that stood around on the corners and made comments as she went about doing her shopping. Back in Knoxville she was use to this type behavior but not from young black men that made it clear what they could do for a long legged blond housewife.

Judy had grown up around most of them and they kidded her the same way. She just laughed and joked with them. "Eat your heart out guys, this all belongs to Jim."

Annie tried to only go into town when Judy could go with her.

During planting season the men were in the fields from dawn till late afternoon. The women fixed lunch and would take it to the field for them and the crew they had working. Most of the time there would be at least a dozen men to feed; all of them black except Paul and Jim. Annie could feel their eyes on her each time she was around them. Where most white men at least were sneaky about looking at women, the blacks didn't make any bones about noticing the women and their shapely asses. Annie couldn't believe how open they were with their comments.

She had talked to Paul about that several times. He didn't see any problem with it. "Men have hit on you all your life. Just act like Judy and don't let them know it gets to you." That was easier said than done.

She had been living here almost a year and it wasn't getting any better. If she had not loved Paul so much she would have gone back home and left him here with his beloved farm.

One day she finally talked to Judy as they were getting lunch ready for the men. "I don't see how you can take all the talk from the black men. I just can't get use to them being so open."

"Jim and I were talking just the other night about how unhappy you seem here on the farm. Is it all of us or just the blacks that causes you problems?"

"Oh, I'm sorry if you think it is you and Jim. I love being around you both. It's all the blacks and the lack of other white women around here. Where I grew up in the mid-west there weren't many blacks at all. What few there was stayed to themselves. I have never lacked from males hitting on me but these men don't just hit they make offers as to what they would like to do to me in bed, and Paul just blows it off as no big deal."

"Jim and I grew up with these same men. They have been offering to take me to bed from back in High School days. They do not frighten me because I know most of them and their families. I have even dated some of them as well as Jim with the black girls."

"You went out with black men? I could never do that. What did you do on dates?"

"The same thing I did with the white boys I went with, which wasn't much more than a hamburger, a movie and then a little making out down by the river."

"You made out with the blacks? What did Jim think about that?"

"He did his own share of making out. He went farther than I did. I was a virgin when we married but he wasn't so I am sure he got to more than first base with at least one of them. All I got was a lot of kisses and my tits squeezed and sucked from time to time."

"I could never let one of them touch me like that. It would totally freak me out."

"The only reason I was still a virgin was because I was afraid of one of the guys I went with and liked the best had the biggest cock I ever felt. It was fear that stopped me from having sex with him. If I had known Jim was so big I might have given in back then."

"Jim must be like his brother. Paul is huge and it took a while for me to take all of him."

"Well you must have managed very well. Jim and I can hear you and Paul at night and you sure don't have much of a problem then."

"You can hear us? We also hear you and Jim." She laughed and said, "Lack of size is not one of Paul's problems. In bed we don't have any problems."

"Annie, they are just men. Try treating them like you would any other man that has made a pass at you. They may pick at you at make lewd suggestions but they are really harmless. They aren't going to rape you like you read about in books that happened years ago. If the truth were known the women that claimed to have been raped probably wasn't but was caught and they yelled rape. Hammer is always telling Jim that he is going to take me to bed and teach me what a real man is like."

"Hammer? Isn't he one of the field hands?"

"Yes, he has worked here on the farm all his life. His father worked here and now he is here. He is also one of the black men I dated in school. That big cock I was telling you about; it belonged to him."

"Judy he must be at least 250 pounds and black as night. He is always looking at me when we take them lunch. I can feel his eyes just undressing me. He makes me nervous."

"Look, if it makes you feel any better, he does me the same way. I am surprised you haven't noticed it before. I would like to undress him and see just how big his cock is in the day light. All I ever did was feel it through his pants."

"Judy! You wouldn't do that!"

"No, but I sure would like to."

"You said Jim went with some of the black girls. Did Paul ever go with any of them?"

Judy shied away from that question. "We better hurry and get this food to the men or they will think we aren't coming." They packed the food in the truck along with the iced down drinks and headed to the backside of the farm where the men were in the last couple of hundred acres of corn.

Judy drove and Annie hung on for dear life as she bounced across the old cotton roads that lead to the fields. Annie was still thinking about their conversation back at the house. "You didn't answer my question which makes me think Paul did go out with a black girl."

"If you want to know why don't you ask him yourself? If he is anything like Jim he will tell you what you want to know." Annie let it drop as they were pulling into the field.

The men saw the truck and one by one they made the way to the shade trees at the edge of the field. There were six tractors and each driver had one man helping keep seed and fertilizer in the planters. It was a hot job and the men had all stripped down to just their pants. There was a lot of muscle showing in that corner of the field. Both women couldn't help but take notice of them. Before Annie had only paid attention to Jim and Paul in hopes that they would leave her alone.

Since the talk with Judy she managed to sneak a look at the black men as they helped their plates. She had to admit that there was a bunch of nice male flesh, both black and white setting under the trees.

She saw Paul setting next to the black she thought was Hammer. The two were in deep conversation as she went around refilling their plates. Annie and Judy made quite a nice pair with the tight jeans they wore, the men took notice.

As he usually did, Hammer thanked her for the food as she added more to his plate. His eyes took in all of her as she leaned over to serve him. Her top wasn't low cut but when she had to bend that far over she knew he was getting an eye full of her chest. She blushed and straightened up as soon as she could. Her eyes met his and she could see the flicker of lust pass over them. He just smiled and winked at her.

She turned away as soon as she could to stop him from seeing her blush. It was the same with all the men she served, including Jim, and Paul. Men, they were all alike. She wondered why Paul didn't do something to stop the men. He didn't even say anything to Jim when he would make some sexists commit.

That night Paul was ready for sex, which wasn't unusual. He was always ready for sex and she was just as eager for him as he was for her. She wanted to ask him about the girls he dated back in school. She wanted an answer before she gave in to sex for the night. Once they finished he would be asleep in minutes and the question would never be asked or answered.

Paul was in bed first. The cover was tossed to the foot of the bed and he lay on his back with his hard cock sticking straight up. There certainly wasn't anything reserved about Paul. One look and Annie knew she was in for good long night of loving. Jim and Judy might really hear the bed shake tonight.

Annie undressed in the bathroom and came naked to the bed. Paul watched each move his sexy wife made as she moved towards the bed. He was one lucky man to have such a beautiful wife that loved sex as much as he did. He couldn't wait as he reached up and pulled her down in his arms and kissed her.

Annie pulled away and leaned back from him. She propped up on one arm so she could see his face when she was talking to him. He couldn't lie when she was looking him eye to eye.

Paul's hand was on her naked tit as he worked his thump over her erect nipple. It felt good to her and she didn't make a move to remove it. "Paul, I want to ask you something and I want the truth."

"What have I done now?" He couldn't remember anything that would have him in trouble. Since she was letting him play with her tit it couldn't be very bad.

"Nothing. I just had a talk with Judy today and she told me about her and Jim's school days. She said she had dated black boys and that Jim dated black girls when they were all in school. Did you ever date black girls?"

His first impulse was to lie but he knew that he would never get away with it with her looking him in the eye. "Yes. A few times."

"You never told me about them. All you ever told me about was some girl named Gloria."

"The way you feel about blacks I didn't think you would want to hear about them."

"Did you fuck them?"

"Hell Annie, I never asked you about your old boyfriends. Why are you asking me about someone I dated eight years ago?"

"I told you about the only boy I had ever been with. I was as close to being a virgin when we married as possible. All he did was try to get it in and shoot his load. He managed to take my virginity before he lost it. I missed being a virgin bride by a total of ten seconds. You were much more experienced than I was for sure."

"What do you want to know? I had rather keep it to myself but if you are just dying to know then I will tell you everything."

Her hand slipped down to his cock that had grown soft while they had been talking. She cupped his balls and felt his cock start to rise again. "I want to know everything you did growing up. Maybe it will help me get over my fear of the blacks that never leave me alone."

He started. "Life here is different. The rich people send their children to private schools to keep them away from the blacks. The rest of us went to school where we were out numbered 5 to 1 by the blacks. It didn't bother us since we had grown up with them anyway."

"A lot of the people, even the poor, frowned on mixing up the blacks and whites when it came to dating. So we just slipped around and went out together. I told you about Gloria. She and I dated some but most of the time I picked her up and she ended up with one of our black classmates and I was with a black girl. If anyone saw us they just thought we were with each other."

"I know that Jim and Judy did that some but they loved each other and finally married."

"What was the girl's name you went with? Is she still living here in town?"

"Yes, she is still in town. Jim and I both went with her at times."

"Dam, she must have been a really good fuck for both of you to keep her happy? Have you seen her since we moved back?"

"If you are asking me if I have slept with her the answer is no. Was she a really good fuck? The answer is really, really good. I see her every day are two, She married Hammer."

"Judy said she dated Hammer."

"That must have been after I left for school. What did she say about him?"

"She said he has a huge cock that she was afraid of back then but is now having second thoughts about not seeing it then. She feels like she must have missed something."

"Well, I am sure that Hammer would be more than happy to let her see the real thing."


"Hey, Jim has fucked Shauti. I am a sure Hammer think he should at least get his cut at Judy."

"You just said that you fucked her also. Do you think he feels I owe him something for what you did back then?"

"That is not what I meant."

"That is what you said. Is that why he looks at me like he wants to throw me on the ground and fuck me?"

He squeezed her tit he had been playing with. "No, he just would like to fuck you because of the way you look. Shit, you and Judy are the hottest women in the county. Every man here, black or white would like to get the two of you in the sack."

"I didn't know you felt like that about Judy."

"Look Judy is Jim's wife. I like to look at her and think about what she might be like in bed but that is as far as it goes. I am sure Jim looks at you the same way. I am not a jealous man and neither is Jim. We both know we have hot wives and other men looking at them are not going to stop. Makes us feel good to know we have wives other men would love to have. Now are you going to shut up and fuck or talk all night?"

She moved over his naked body with his now hard cock. "Why don't you just slide this little bitty cock here in my hot cunt and show me how you fucked the black girl."

"You are asking for it!" He flipped her over on her back and moved between her legs. Just as quick he was deep in her hot wet cunt.

The first time didn't last long as they both were to excite to wait. The next time and the next lasted longer and longer until they heard Jim yell from down the hall. "Would you two hurry and get through so we can get some sleep." The tone of his voice told them that he was only joking. Soon they could hear the bed in the other room bouncing on the floor.

After that Annie made an effort to be more relaxed around the black labors. She even joked back with them when they made some remarks about her looks. It was Hammer that caused her the most problems.

He didn't say much more than he had before but his looks were all over her. She had even caught herself glancing down at his crotch. Lately it seemed to be getting larger when she was around.

She had met Shauti and liked her. She was a tall light skin girl that had to have some white blood in her history. Annie could see why Paul would have been attracted to her.

The spring planting season was over and the lazy days of summer were on them. The temperature had moved into the nineties and low hundreds. The humidity was awful. The wives spent most of their spare time in the pool just trying to keep cool.

The men worked on fences and baling hay for the winter. There was more free time for the men during the summer. They all took off for a week and went down to the Gulf. The women worked on what tan they didn't already have and the men went fishing. The nights were full of sex and more sex.

One hot summer afternoon the men had gone back to the pasture fences and the women headed for the pool. They had been out side cutting the grass and both were hot and sweaty. Judy spoke up. "Let's take a dip in the pool and cool off."

It sounded like a good idea to Annie as well. "Let me get my suit and meet you back here."

Judy spoke, "I am not waiting for a suit." She started pulling off her clothes and throwing them on a chair. Soon she was naked.

Annie looked around, "What if someone come by?"

"So what? I'm not ashamed of my body."

"Neither am I but that isn't what I was thinking about. What if Paul or Jim shows up?"

"They would probably just join us."

Annie was hesitant but she soon joined Judy in the cool pool water. It felt good on her hot body.

The time got away from them. Neither one thought about the time until a shadow passed over them.

Paul was standing next to the pool watching two of the hottest women he had ever seen swimming naked in the pool. He watched for several minutes before they saw him. He was watching Judy and her big breasts when she saw him and screamed. "Paul!" She ducked under the water to hide from her brother-in-law.

Annie looked to see her husband watching them. "What are you doing back here?"

He laughed and didn't bother to look away. "If I had known this was going on I would have come back sooner."

Judy said, "If you will go back to the barn Annie and I can get in our clothes."

"I was just thinking about joining the two of you."

Annie shook her head. "You wouldn't dare."

That was like red to a charging bull to Paul. A minute later his clothes had joined theirs and he was naked as he dove into the pool. As he broke water he looked to see Annie with a shocked look on her face. She didn't know it but it wasn't the first time Judy and Paul had swum naked. Many summer days were spent on the river swimming when they were younger and most of the time the boys and girls were all naked. Both black and white.

"Paul how could you?"

"It wasn't very hard." He looked down at his cock now growing. "But it is getting that way." He laughed and soon both Judy and Annie were laughing with him.

Jim found them that way and joined them. Annie found herself looking at Jim and his cock more than at her husband. The brothers were truly a lot alike.

They passed the rest of the day in and out of the pool. Annie was the only one that had trouble adapting, but as the evening went on she found herself having as much fun as the rest of them.

The rest of the summer suits were only worn when they had company. This way of life could only lead to one thing; sex. After each time they went back to their own rooms and fucked like crazy. It became a contest to see which couple could climax the most. It turned out to be a draw.

Being naked in the pool together soon gave way to touching. First husband and wife and then to the others spouse. Just when they decide to take it farther no one knew.

Annie found herself on her bed with Jim moving over her. For a second she had reservations about going this last step. These all disappeared when he moved her legs apart and his mouth covered her hot pussy. He was skilled with the use of his tongue and all thought of right are wrong went out the window as she reached down and pulled him up over her.