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Steve looked at the two women as if to make sure they were behaving as he wished, and then began at last to undress, kicking his shoes off and pulling his sweatshirt over his head before deliberately standing in the eye line of both women and loosening his jeans. He slipped both jeans and shorts down together, pushing his cock down before releasing it to rebound, hard, long and purple headed with arousal.

'I wonder who is going to get the benefit of this tonight?' He asked, as he kicked his jeans clear and took his shaft in his hand as if offering it to the women.

'It's supposed to be me.' Claire told him, still bothered by the feel of another girl's fingers on her pussy.'

He laughed and then bent to pick up his bag. 'You'll be surprised at what you're going to get.' He told her mysteriously. 'And I may fuck you, or I may fuck Tina.'

'You're here to help me enjoy my fantasy, not mess about with your ex.' Claire flared at him in a sudden and unexpected rush of frustrated temper. The last thing she needed to do was to be tied and displayed like this while he fucked his former girlfriend.

He turned to her in surprise, gazing as if speechless before placing his bag firmly back on the floor.

'I've told you once, I'm here tonight to do anything I want to you. That's what you said, remember?' He looked at her questioningly. 'No? Well, perhaps I should reinforce your memory.'

With his erection bobbing in front of him he walked around to the right hand side of the bed.

'Would you mind stepping back a moment please.' He motioned Tina away from the bed.

Claire waited with growing trepidation as he placed his left knee on the bed and then, leaning forward, pressed her legs right back, rolling her into a tighter ball and raising her bottom. She had a horrible feeling she knew what was to follow, and when he raised his free hand she knew she was right. It was just a case of how hard and how many.

His hand came down hard on her left buttock, making her cry out. It was not so much the severity of the smack, although it was administered with almost all his strength, but the suddenness of it and, strangely, the sound of it that had startled the sound from her lips. Of course it hurt; it hurt with a fierce heat that burned through her exposed flesh, but it was manageable, even pleasurable in a perverse sort of way.

He raised his hand again and then, still holding her in the uncomfortable folded back position, he made her wait, looking at his raised hand, waiting for it to come down, waiting for the pain of the next smack. The hand seemed to hover there forever, but then it came with a resounding thwack across her other buttock, spreading the fire into both cheeks. She managed to control her cry this time, keeping it down to a sharp gasp as the hand struck.

Again the hand went up, but this time he didn't keep it there for so long, bringing it down on her left cheek again. It was harder and she felt tears spring into her eyes as she fought to stay silent, determined not to let him defeat her. She glanced to the side, watching his cock still rebounding up and down from his movement as he spanked her. She stifled a giggle, an hysterical giggle born of lust and pain.

A fourth smack, back to her right buttock, and again she just gasped from the sting, a sting that was spreading right across her bottom, the vicious pain building with each smack.

He went back to her left cheek, and this time she did cry out, for the smack landed awkwardly and his fingertips caught her pussy, sending fire through her very tender and newly shaven flesh. There was no apology, no let up, immediately he went back to the other side and smacked her there again, just as hard. She was not crying, but tears were now welling up from the hurt and from the pure humiliation being spanked like that in front of her friend. Two more smacks landed, one to each side, before he finally straightened and went back around to the other side.

'I think that will do for the moment, but remember, any more and I'll use my belt instead of my hand.'

It was then that all of a sudden she understood that he had stopped, not because he wanted to, but because his hand hurt. She smiled inwardly at this perverse victory even though her bottom stung like crazy. All he had done was to increase her arousal and her willingness to be mistreated. She wanted to see just how much she could take.

'You can carry on where you left off.' He told Tina, watching until she sat back on the edge of the bed before turning his attention back to his shopping bag.

Claire speculated vaguely as to what he might have in it, but her attention for the moment was mainly on Tina's increasingly adventurous fingers. She still wondered how her friend had been persuaded take such intimate advantage of her helplessness. Not that she really minded, she realised, for it was just the kind of "out of her comfort zone" thing that she had wanted. She'd wanted to be mentally stretched and now she was being. Her pussy was being played with by a woman and, although her straight mind objected strongly, her uninhibited body didn't care what sex the fingers were, only that they was doing wonderful things to her. She looked directly at Tina's face, hoping to find some concern but instead seeing only a bright and sexy smile.

She turned her attention back to Steve, watching as he delved into his bag and wondering again what he was looking for. When his hand came out he held two small foldback spring clips. At first she didn't comprehend, wondering what he wanted to clip together, but as his hand moved towards her breast she understood and her eyes widened in momentary panic.

The pain as he fastened them over her nipples was intense, a sharp powerful sting followed by a deep heavy throbbing. This time it was genuine agony and she cried out for real, writhing and twisting uselessly until her body adjusted and she learned to deal with it. Then she simply lay and stared defiantly up at him, panting with pain but daring him to do his worst. He stared back, kneeling motionless, watching her fight the throbbing in her breasts.

Then he smiled wolfishly, reaching out and pulling briefly on the clips, stretching her mistreated nipples. She groaned aloud, gasping and grimacing with the pain of it, hating him for putting her through it, and yet loving the hurt at the same time. He pulled on them again, holding them out from her body, taut little peaks of tender flesh, before letting go and watching them snap back, making Claire call out with surprise rather then hurt.

Again he pulled on them, one after the other, but instead of simply releasing hold to let breast and clip drop back, this time he stretched them out as far as they would go, until Claire was clenching her teeth and hissing with pain, and then squeezed the clips open one at a time, releasing her nipples. The pain that followed as blood rushed back into the abused nipples was worse than ever, and Claire twisted and thrashed on the bed, swearing coarsely, casting doubt on Steve's parentage and likening him to intimate female anatomy. He just grinned at her curses and watched until her movements settled down.

'You okay?' Tina spoke for the first time.

'She's okay.' Steve answered for her.

'I didn't ask you.' Tina told him firmly, slipping easily into her second role. 'I want to be sure she's not had enough, that's what I'm supposed to be here for.'

Claire was pleased with her friend, feeling more secure for knowing that she was being taken care of and that Tina was doing her job. But she wanted to cope with it, and whatever else was coming, and not to have the session terminated by a well meaning minder, even one with two fingers firmly buried in her pussy.

'It's okay, I want to keep going.' She answered through gritted teeth.

'Then you shall.' Steve smiled again, the same feral look on his face.

Once again his hand dipped into his bag of magic tricks and Claire peered sideways, trying to see what he was bringing out this time. It was a pair of short candlesticks complete with blood red candles, which he lit and placed on the bedside table. He didn't explain what they were for, but she had a good idea. There was no mystery in it, but candle wax was something she'd never tried and she licked dry lips at the prospect. But then it couldn't be more painful than what she had just endured.

Having watched to make sure the candles were properly lit Steve reached for the mystery bowl he had brought upstairs, the ice it contained revealing itself noisily as he fished for a piece to suit his needs.

'Fire and ice.' He told her belatedly. 'You know what that can do, don't you?'

She nodded, gasping with sudden delight as, at that self same moment, two of Tina's fingers slid further into her wetness, sending a wave of prohibited pleasure running through her. It felt so damn good even if it was wrong. But then, she couldn't do anything about it and so she just closed her eyes and let it happen, hoping that Tina would understand that enjoying a woman's touch did not make her gay. Maybe, she thought, Steve's ice cube would take her mind from Tina's fingers before she was made to actually orgasm from them.

Even with that thought in her mind she was still shocked by the sudden sensation of intense cold on her tender skin. She gasped as Steve planted the ice right on the tip of her aching nipple and held it there for what seemed like forever before he began to move it slowly around her breast, leaving a trail of numbing cold wetness in its wake. It hurt, but it was a nice hurt, similar to being spanked, and the cold seemed to sooth her badly mistreated nipple.

'God, that's good.' She said, looking straight at Steve and his ice but really meaning the feel of Tina's fingers sliding up into her.

Steve smiled knowingly, glancing down at Tina's hand before moving his ice cube onto her other breast. 'I'm glad you like it.' He told her ambiguously.

The difference between the two sensations made both feel more powerful, the cold, wet, slow and sensuous slide of an ice cube over her breast and against her nipple contrasted with the vigorous feel of two warm fingers pushing in and out of her vagina. Soon she wasn't sure which she liked best. She had to admit to herself that under normal circumstances she almost certainly wouldn't have liked either of them. Cold ice across warm skin was surely nobody's idea of pleasure, and the idea of having someone of the same sex finger-fucking her went totally against the grain. But now, in her completely exposed and defenceless state, she was enjoying them both, so much so that she began to fear that she might soon come. An orgasm would be wonderful, but she would be so embarrassed to have one under these circumstances. She didn't want to be thought of as completely depraved, even if it were true.

Tina shifted her position, leaning on her elbow, her face closer to Claire's hairless pussy, watching what she was doing as she turned her hand over so that her thumb rubbed against Claire's clitoris as the two fingers thrust into her passage. Claire groaned involuntarily, telling her tormentors of their success.

'That's good, she likes that.' Steve told Tina. 'Keep doing it.'

The ice slid from Claire's breast onto the expanse of her stomach, circling her naval, roaming across her belly, back and forth, leaving a snail trail of cold moisture behind it. She shivered, mostly from the cold but partly from the heightened state of her sense of touch, especially now that Tina was rubbing at her clitoris so eagerly. Tina had two fingers plunging as far into her vagina as she could get them as well as that energetic thumb, and it was getting too much to ignore. But she didn't want to succumb to a woman.

'Tina.' She gasped, looking to put off the inevitable. 'I'm going to come if you don't stop.'

'Then come.' Steve answered for Tina. 'There's plenty more where that one is coming from.'

Claire groaned, her sensibilities cringing as her body felt her climax bearing down on it. How the hell do I explain this afterwards, she thought frantically to herself. How can I look Tina in the face again knowing that I let her make me come? It was too late to worry. Her orgasm swept through her, tightening her muscles so that she hauled at her tethers, her bottom bouncing on the bed and squashing the pillow that still lay beneath her.

'That looked good.' Steve said as it subsided, amusement clear in his voice.

'It was.' Claire croaked, looking at Tina, who had withdrawn her crazy fingers and was sitting back on her haunches. She was openly gazing down at Claire's sopping wet pussy now, making her victim only too aware of the humiliation of losing control to another woman.

'So let's cool you down a bit.' Suddenly the ice cube was planted squarely onto her climax sensitised clitoris, the ice melting and trickling down her slit.

'Christ, that hurts.' She gasped. The sensation of cold on her overheated pussy was intense enough to be almost painful.

'Yes. Nice though, isn't it?'

'Yes.' She replied tightly. She had to admit that it was nice, and the pain, if such it could be called, was more of an intense sensation than real hurt, and it felt beautiful.

He ran the ice along her slit, down the inside of her labia, around her entrance and onto her perineum, down to circle her anus and then back. He pushed it into her, rubbing it around just inside of her vagina before trailing it back to her clitoris and beginning the circuit again. She gasped and squirmed, loving it, hating it, not wanting it to stop but wondering if her tender flesh could take it. The crazy vision of attending the emergency department with a frostbitten pussy flashed through her mind. Finally he removed what was left of the ice, dropping it back into the bowl and dipping his fingertips quickly into the warmth of the shaving water that was still beside him. She panted for breath, her entire pussy feeling cold and wet, and incredibly aroused.

'Are you ready for this now?' He asked, taking hold of his cock and showing it to her.

'Whenever you want.'

Claire wanted a man, needed a man. She'd come once from a woman's attentions and now she needed to come from a man's, and the heat of a man's cock after the cold of the ice would be wonderful.

'All in good time.' Steve chuckled, teasing her, understanding her frustration and deliberately adding to it. 'But it is time to move things along a little. You've had the ice, so now it's time for you to taste the fire.'

Claire had forgotten the candles and now she watched, helpless to do anything else, as he picked up the two candlesticks with their lighted candles and passed one carefully to Tina. She couldn't see, but she knew instinctively that the flames stood in tiny lakes of melted wax and she knew with nervous certainty where that wax was destined for.

'Her thighs, Tina, please.' Steve instructed her.

Claire watched apprehensively as Tina carefully manoeuvred the candle over her thigh; high up to avoid the bondage tape that held her lower leg to it. She tensed herself as Tina began to cautiously tip the candle, wondering what it would feel like, - then she gasped and jumped as molten wax landed suddenly on her breast from the candle that Steve had moved over her unnoticed.

God, it stung. It was just, and only just, the right side of burning, but still it made her moan as the fire set in. Then, before she could accommodate the pain, a second drop landed, this time on the back of her thigh. She jerked and twisted, gasping again from pain. Then she watched fearfully as Tina tipped her candle over the soft skin of her inner thigh, and gasped and moaned as the wax landed, only to have to switch her anxious eyes to Steve as he dripped some on her breast, this time full square on her nipple. Then it was back to Tina, who switched to the other thigh for her next target, making her groan as the wax landed higher still, almost at the edge of her pussy. Her two tormentors seemed to want to take it in turns to drip wax on her.

Drip followed drop, sometimes singly, sometimes almost a trickle of molten candle wax landing on tender flesh. Claire panted and squirmed, once letting out a yelp of genuine pain as a misdirected droplet landed on newly shaven skin low down on her labia, tugging unconsciously and ineffectually at her restraints, her nails digging into her palms. Once again she found herself hating the person responsible for her discomfort, but loving the discomfort itself. She could feel her pussy opening with arousal, her nipples, one encased totally now in a thimble of solidifying wax, engorged and prominent. She could cope with it, and more, in fact she wanted more, wanted a more intense sting, just like when Steve had spanked her earlier, except that now she felt she wanted it even harder. She was going to make it hurt harder, she decided.

'Do you think you're going to make me submit?' She asked him, her voice tight and thin. 'Because you're not.'

She writhed under the patter of wax dropping on her breasts.

'What you can give, I can take.'

The next droplet landed on her clitoris and she hissed with the pain, looking accusingly at Tina, who wore an innocent expression of as if her aim was accidental.

'Yes.' She told her friend. 'That goes for both of you.'

'Are you trying to provoke us?' Steve asked, turning his attention to the soft skin of her belly.

'No. What's the point?' Claire lied, deliberately taunting him. 'You can't hurt me. Even when you spanked me you couldn't do it hard enough.'

'Didn't I?' He placed the candle on the bedside table and signalled Tina to stop. 'Do you want me to do it again, but harder, much, much harder?'

'If you want.' Claire's heart leapt. She wanted to see what she could take and now it seemed she was going to be taken to her limits.

'Get it ready.' He instructed Tina without explanation, before straddling Claire's body, planting his rock hard cock between her wax splattered breasts.

Claire could hear Tina exploring Steve's bag of equipment, but she had no idea what she was looking for. No doubt she would find out, she smiled to herself.

Steve squeezed her breasts over his cock and began rocking back and forth, tit fucking her, pressing her breasts hard against his shaft. It felt good, and once again Claire felt the need to have her pussy filled with cock, making her unsure which she wanted, spanking or fucking - or preferably both. But it didn't matter what she wanted, whichever he decided was what she would get, there was no getting away from that fact.

'I've got it.' Tina's voice came from behind Steve.

'Okay.' He called back, and then leaned down to whisper in Claire's ear. 'I was going to use a tawse on you. But that's what you want, isn't it? You want me to turn you backside red and sore, don't you?'

She remained silent, hoping he was intent on sex with her.

'But if you can't be spanked you'd like to be fucked, wouldn't you?'

Her mouth went dry with anticipation, but she forced herself not to reply and sound too eager.

'Wouldn't you?' He gripped her nipples between fingers and thumbs and twisted them, flaking away the mould of wax.

'Yes.' She gasped her admission, squirming from the pain in her already abused nubbins.

He released her abruptly and climbed away. 'Then fucked you will be.'

For a moment or so she didn't quite understand, but then she saw Tina standing at the foot of the bed and frightened comprehension flooded in. The 'it' that Tina had announced she had got was not the tawse that Claire had imagined, but the massive pink dildo that she must have strapped on while hidden behind Steve, and which now sprouted threateningly from her groin.

'No!' Claire shouted in panic, knowing even as she did so that it was pointless.