Aphrodisia Ch. 06

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Jamie starts to explain everything.
10.8k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 12/05/2008
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In the abyssal darkness of a long forgotten tomb wherein an ancient treasure lay buried next to a broken altar, a nineteen year old boy named Jamie Sloane opened his eyes. He was still sprawled upon the hard stone floor where he had fallen unconscious the previous night and still entangled in his arms was the beautiful girl who he had been so vigorously pleasuring at the time. Her steady slow breathing was the only sound that filled the room, though Jamie felt the beat of his own heart persistently ringing in his ears. There was a part of him that regretted what had transpired between them amidst an un-natural haze of lust for in taking her he had betrayed another. Two others actually. Two whom he loved fiercely despite the brief time they had been together.

Had his dreams not taken him into a great castle in the clouds where a beautiful goddess had laid the weight of the world on his shoulders he might have gently pushed the girl out of his embrace. Jamie's dreams however were no normal frolics into his subconscious as it was there where the goddess Aphrodite spoke to him and had told him about the terrors that lurked in the dark, broken places of the world. So the warmth and familiarity of the girl who he knew and loved as Elisha McKinnon, pressed against him in all her naked beauty, was at least a small comfort for the time being.

So he laid there staring into the blackness around him as the flashlight that had once given the place a faint glow had long since fizzled out. His keen senses fancied they could see the blackness swirling and moving around him as if it was alive rather than the mere absence of light that it should have been. It felt as if he'd been laying there looking into it for hours when he felt Elisha begin to stir against him. He felt her slowly bring herself out of her own dreams until she finally sensed where she was and fell very still.

"J-Jamie?" A tentative whisper echoed in the large empty room.

"I'm here." He said reassuringly.

"Are we dead?" She murmured as she blinked a few times in an attempt to get her eyes to adjust to the lack of light.

"No, the light is though. We're still in the cellar." He answered as a small smile touched his lips despite his current worries.

"I notice we're still naked too eh?" Her voice carried a note of concern.

"Seems that way." Jamie agreed.

"Think we should remedy that?"

"Can you see where our clothes are?"

There was a pause as Elisha turned her head and tried to see where the hell they had ended up in the room but soon realised that they could be upside down for all she knew.

"Good point. Erm...Jamie?" This time her voice was a little slower and more relaxed. It seemed Jamie's odd calm was infectious.


"What the bloody hell did we do last night!?" Though her tone was worried she hadn't yet seen fit to disentangle her limbs from his.

"We had a lot of sex 'Leesh." His voice was almost amusingly relaxed. As if having a lot of sex in strange old cellars was a day-to-day occurrence for him.

"Well deduced Miss-Bloody-Marple. I meant what the hell came over us? I've never been that horny in my life and there was no build up at all. It was just like...WHAM!"

"...Bam, thank you ma'am." Jamie added contemplatively.

"Look Jamie I'm a little bit freaked out here and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mrfff!" It should be said that although Elisha wasn't exactly fond of mrfffing, she didn't see the need to chastise Jamie for it right then. The noise had simply emerged as his mouth had silenced hers with a slow and penetrating kiss. As he felt the tension in her body start to melt away and her heartbeat begin to pound against his chest the kiss broke and they were left with the tips of their noses touching in the darkness.

"Feel better?" He asked.

"...Yeah." She admitted.

"Good. I'll explain everything soon, I promise. Sufficed to say that last night wasn't some trick I cooked up to get you like this. I wouldn't do that. Ever. Still, you're not the only one who deserves an explanation and I think I'd rather not do this twice." He turned his head up to the ceiling and let out a heavy breath.

"You mean the other two? The girls you said you were..." She remembered.

"Yes" He interrupted.

"You mean you're going back to them?" The hint of pain in Elisha's voice made his heart scream in agony.

"I have to. I love them. I love you too but that was an accident."

"Hey if you want me to fuck off then..." Her normally lyrical Irish accented voice could have sharpened knives right then.

"Elisha it was an accident I wouldn't change for anything. Still, I hate that it happened like this. I want Sonya and Gwen to know what happened. They deserve to know. They're good women 'Leesh and what we did here we couldn't have controlled even if we'd both been chained up to opposite walls of this place. I'm hoping they'll understand...and even if they don't I want to make sure they're happy." Jamie said aloud more to himself than to Elisha.

"You think you can cheat on them and make them happy all in the same day?" Elisha said, though there wasn't any spite in her tone this time.

"I know I can." Jamie said simply as if pointing out the obviousness of an upside-down mountain.

There was something about the sheer honesty in Jamie's voice that made her put away her anger. Besides what he was saying was true. They hadn't been able to control themselves at all. It was almost as if they were drugged and although it had awakened feelings in them both she knew would change their relationship forever she was a little ashamed with herself too. Jamie clearly loved these women and despite how odd she found the idea of him dating two women who mutually consented to him banging the other it didn't mean they were both she-devils.

"Well as long as you're so certain of yourself you might wanna find our clothes first and then get us outta here." Elisha's tone, though slightly sarcastic, was resolute. As she spoke Jamie felt her starting to slowly sit up and feel her way about in the dark for anything resembling clothing.

"Alright." He agreed. "Give me a moment."

There was a little shuffling in the absolute darkness but before long a steady beam of light emanated from the end of the torch Jamie had found.

"I thought ye said the light'd be dead?" Elisha asked, puzzled.

"Apparently not." Jamie quickly surmised.

The light of the torch was enough to allow them to both see each other once more. Evidence of the night's exploits was seen in the form of teeth marks, small bruises and the grey splotches of dirt that riddled the pair of them. Though Elisha seemed to have caught the worst of that with Jamie's body only showing a light coating of dirt. Despite the small marks across her however Jamie couldn't help but admire the girl's beauty. All that smooth pale skin and those appealing curves brought back distinct memories of the lust fuelled bouts of sex that had ensued the previous night.

They paused for a moment as they looked at each other and as the tension in the room built Elisha was almost sure the boy would move to take her all over again. Yet just as she was about to succumb and take matters into her own hands Jamie turned away and picked up his jeans.

Despite herself Elisha couldn't quite subdue the wave of disappointment that she felt as he turned away but remained silent as she gathered her own clothes and began to dress.

"Jamie?" She finally broke the silence.

"Hmm?" He replied almost absently.

"Look love, you seem real distant. If you want to ignore me then fine but wait..." That twinge of anger re-emerged in the girl's voice but Jamie didn't let her finish.

"I'm sorry. I'm not ignoring you Elisha. I guess there's a lot on my mind right now. If I seem to stare off into space it's just because I'm thinking about something. It's part of what I have to explain." He said. Though he then looked up at her and offered a small comforting smile. "You're actually making it difficult to think about anything right now if you must know. Still, it's important and it's weighing on me so let's get moving so I can get it off of my chest."

"You're a very weird guy Jamie." She observed.

That actually got an abrupt and genuine laugh from him.

"Believe me you don't know the half of it 'Leesh." He said somewhat enigmatically before stepping out through the secret doorway and into the old cellar.

When Elisha joined him there he sealed the secret room shut and as he did so it occurred to her just why. In all her excitement she'd actually forgotten about the hoard of gold blocks that must have been hidden within that place for so long.

"Jamie, you mind if we stop off at our place before going to see these women? We could both do with a shower and a change of clothes. Plus I can give that guy I told you about a call and we can pick his truck up from him tomorrow." The girl slowly explained.

"Sure." Jamie agreed after thinking about it for a second. "It won't take long and we could do with starting to move that stuff out of there before someone else comes along and gets curious about this big hole in the field."

To get out of the hole Jamie had to lock his fingers together and give Elisha a boost so she could pull herself up into the open air of the field. A few moments after she was dusting herself off Jamie jumped up to grab the edge himself, a feat which he could easily accomplish, before pulling himself out of that cool dark place and onto the grass above.

"Well that sure was an adventure." Elisha remarked, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Sure was." Jamie agreed as he glanced down into the dark hole one last time before heading toward his car.

He still carried the torch they'd used to explore the small cellar and its secret chamber. As Elisha watched him open his car door and throw the torch in she could have sworn that he hadn't flicked the switch off. The light had merely extinguished as Jamie's fingers left the plastic casing which was odd to say the least. Instead of asking about it however, she put it down to herself seeing things and walked around to the passenger side of the car to hop in.

The ride home was a quiet one. Each of the two young lovers became lost in their own thoughts. Elisha's mind was racing with all that had gone on in the previous twenty four hours and clashing with mixed thoughts of leaving Jamie alone or trying to reach over and un-fasten his zipper as he drove. Sweet fucking Jesus, she'd never experienced anything like what had happened to her last night. Until then she thought she knew how good sex could get and now she was left to marvel at just how wrong she'd been. It had been more like rolling along within a thunderstorm than anything else she knew of. The touch, scent and taste of Jamie had driven her almost insane with pleasure and even now, exhausted as she still was, she thought it would only take one move from the boy for her to give herself over to him all over again.

Jamie on the other hand had much deeper worries on his mind right then. When he'd collapsed that previous night he'd thought he'd never get used to all this. All of his new abilities along with Allison, Gwen, Sonya and the love that seemed to connect everything together. They'd all seemed so overwhelming and then Elisha had taken her clothes off amidst that lust-drunk fuckathon. Still, leave it to Allison to put things in perspective for him. The things she'd said still rung about his head and seemed to get louder by the minute. Yet there'd be time for all that later. Now he owed an explanation to the women he loved so deeply.

They stopped off at the flats as they'd planned to grab a shower and change clothes. Luckily no one else was around, the guys they lived with were apparently feeling last nights drinking and strippers a lot heavier this morning. After getting changed they hopped back in the car and drove off to Sonya's house. Jamie barely had time to get out of the car before the door to the house opened and Sonya, closely followed by Gwen, both hurtled out toward him.

Sonya wore a black dressing gown that whipped around her bare long legs as she ran to him. The sight of her in itself was a relief to Jamie and the expression on her face was one of mixed concern and desire. Gwen wore a similar expression and a shorter blue dressing gown Jamie guessed was on loan from Sonya. Gwen's magnificent breasts tried their best to jiggle out of the confines of the robe as she ran behind the other woman. The impact of the pair of them against him actually slammed Jamie's back up against the car. First Sonya's mouth was on his with its hot, soft familiarity and then Gwen's followed soon after. His arms instinctively wrapped around the pair of them and hugged them against him as the kissing went on. Both Sonya and Gwen wanted to ask Jamie where the hell he'd been and why he hadn't returned their calls as he said he was going to. Right then and there however, it didn't seem to matter.

That was until the door to the passenger side of his car opened and Elisha softly cleared her throat. Jamie turned around to see the creamy skinned redhead looking rather meek as she saw the way the other two women treated him. In truth Elisha had hoped that he'd leave them for her but seeing the absolutely stunning figures and almost eerie beauty of the two women had certainly stripped those hopes away.

"Jamie...what's going on? Why didn't you call?" It was Gwen who finally spoke. Despite her spoken questions her eyes were looking at Elisha and clearly asking 'who's this?'

"We'd better go inside." Jamie said finally. "Sonya, are your kids back yet?"

"No. I called their aunt and they're all going to catch a movie so it shouldn't be 'till later today when they get back." Sonya refused to let Jamie go and walked with him inside.

Gwen on the other hand was still looking at Elisha. The Irish girl couldn't quite make out the woman's expression, a mixture of curiosity and yet somewhat steely also. After a moment Elisha walked inside followed by Gwen. They all went into the living room and found Jamie stood by the fireplace. Sonya was sat down on the couch waiting for the other girls to join them.

Each took a seat with poor Elisha feeling a little out of place and very nervous considering what was going to be said. Thankfully before Jamie could get started Elisha's nervousness was abated abruptly when someone else interrupted.

On the opposite side of the fireplace to where Jamie stood there seemed to be a small flicker of light. Coming from nowhere at first, Sonya thought it was a shard of light that was reflected off of something else in the room. That was until the light suddenly became brighter and seemed to pulse with energy. Elisha gasped as Sonya and Gwen moved closer to one another. Jamie was the only one whose eyes didn't widen at the spectacle as the spot by the fire exploded with bright beams of pure white light. They each shielded their eyes until the light faded and each girl found themselves looking at the single most beautiful woman they had ever seen.

"Jeez Allison, you sure know how to make an entrance." Jamie thought to himself privately.

The goddess was held in the air by some unseen force and garbed in only a thin white length of cloth. The silken material wrapped loosely about her left shoulder to flow over her breasts, wrapping around her back and over her hip to hide her nakedness from their eyes. A mass of platinum blonde curls fell about her shoulders framing a face so wondrous it was hard to look upon and yet impossible to ignore. It was Allison of course, in all her divine radiance. She looked upon the three slack jawed women before her and smiled as if she were greeting old friends.

"Hello ladies. My name is Allison and I've come here to help Jamie explain a few things." The goddess informed them in that rich lyrical voice of hers.

Sonya, Gwen and Elisha stared dumbly in a mix of shock and awe. Jamie looked over them and suppressed a smile of his own. With their jaws hanging open and eyes bulging like that they did look rather silly. Allison saw that perhaps she had a little too much of their attention and that they might soon need to breathe again. Gracefully, she flopped down to stand on her feet and placed her hands on her hips.

"Alright, alright. I'm a goddess. Whupeee for me. Close your mouths and blink before your eyes dry out." She commanded and immediately the three women seemed to snap back to reality.

Unfortunately reality wasn't exactly agreeable either right then.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" The chorus of screams seemed to be about to shatter Sonya's windows so Jamie decided to step in.

"Ladies! LADIES!" He shouted them into silence and then actually did smile albeit through heavy breaths. "It's alright. Really, this is my friend Allison. Subtlety really isn't one of her strong suits, but she's really nice once you get to know her. Honest."

"Jamie there's a damn angel in Sonya's living room! This isn't exactly a calming situation!" It was Gwen who had finally found her senses. She was looking at Allison with a mixture of awe and wide eyed terror.

"I know, I know. It took me a while to get used to her too." The boy admitted.

"Mostly because he was trying to cop a feel," Allison chimed in impishly. "you wouldn't believe how hard it is sometimes to get this guy to concentrate."

"Yeah, yeah. Oh and Gwen, she's not an angel. She's kind of a goddess." Jamie explained.

"Oh...well...that's alright then." Gwen looked as if her head was about to explode.

"Look, I'll go and leave Jamie to explain everything. I came here to show you what I am and tell you that every bit of what he's going to say is true. Listen carefully, Jamie needs you. All of you. And probably more when the time comes. The four of you are going to go through a lot together in the near future. Remember what you feel, what you will feel for each other. That love will be essential." With that she turned to Jamie and reached out to caress his cheek with her fingertips. Her touch was so incredibly soft and warm that Jamie couldn't help but close his eyes. As he did the familiar mind-blowing feel off the goddess' lips against his own strengthened his will and, if it was possible, his adoration for her. Then when he opened his eyes she was gone.

A long silence filled the room.

"I need a cup of tea." Sonya said, her eyes slightly glazed as if she was experiencing shellshock.

There was a murmur of agreement between them all and a few moments later they were all sat around the table nursing teacups and looking between each other nervously.

Jamie finally took a breath and then began to speak.

"Ok so here's the story. Allison..."

"...the goddess." It was Elisha who spoke in a still slightly disbelieving tone.

"...the goddess." Jamie concurred. "She's been trapped for centuries in this little glass bottle."

"Like a genie?" Sonya asked.

"Exactly like that. Apparently a long time ago when the world was young, all the gods got together and helped this craftsman to create a number of glass vials powerful enough to contain the demons that infested the world back then."

"Demons!? Now there's demons!? I don't want there to be demons Jamie!" Gwen seemed rather startled by this news.

"Neither did the gods. These things weren't demons in the sense of hell spawn or bat-winged monsters with horns and forked tongues. Like the gods, they were born out of the minds of people and came to personify the worst in us. Anger, pain, loneliness, greed...you name it and there was a demon taking care of its interests."

"Wait, you said the gods were born out of the minds of people? I thought that was the other way around?" Elisha's expression was now more believing, or perhaps she just liked a story.

"No. Allison says that none of the gods know what made the universe any more than we do. They came into existence whenever mankind believed in something hard enough. It started out with the basics. Gods of the elements have been around almost as long as humanity, so have gods of courage and demons of pain and rage. Allison herself is one of the oldest ones and was born out of lust."