Archna: Anal-Only Lesbian Friend

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Archna, my tough lesbian friend gets addicted to anal-sex.
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Hi all, its Ali here!

I've returned with another exciting sexual adventure. Today, I'm going to tell you how Archna, my lusty lesbian college-mate, seduced me to try cock once and instead got hooked on to anal-sex.

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About Me

I am Ali. I'm a 5'10"-tall, fair, good-looking guy with long dark hair. I have a slim but muscular physique as I've played soccer since I was small and also work out regularly to stay fit. I love three things in life -- books, bikes and booty. I am an introvert but can quickly turn on my charm when I want. Somehow, a lot of girls and women I meet find this attractive. It also works superbly to hook up for casual sexual relationships and satisfy my very high sex-drive.

I was born and raised in one of the bigger cities in central India. I come from a rich but conservative Muslim family. My huge libido has made me have secret sexual relationships with numerous girls and women I know. I have slept with girls and women from my family, neighborhood, co-workers, friend's family members and college-mates.

One of my favorite fuck-buddies from college is Archna Arya.

About Archna

Archna, "Archie" as she likes to be called, is a short, petite, and quite attractive girl who was openly lesbian since school. Archie is around 5'4"-tall, with fair skin and a skinny, but taut body, and a short boyish haircut. She keeps her dark straight hair cut short from the sides with a clean partition at the side. She has a square jaw with a small nose but cute rose-bud lips. Despite being known lesbian, Archna seemed alluring to many guys, with her tiny 30A-cup breasts, thin 24-inch waist, small round 30-inch buttocks and thin but strong legs.

Archna Arya looks like a twin of the popular lesbian porn-star Lily Cade.

Archna is very religious Brahman, a complete Shiv-devotee and follows strict Hindu traditions. She is the only daughter to her divorced mother, but is a complete tomboy. She is always dressed in short-sleeve shirts and jeans with heavy black boots and could be mistaken for a short slim guy from a distance. She is a butch lesbian and has a dominating personality. Despite her small size, she is quite fierce. She was also a gang-leader of a group of mean girls in college who followed her around almost everywhere.

Archna was openly-lesbian and a staunch feminist in college. She had a reputation for being the 'savior' of girls who were being harassed or bullied. Even before college, she had thrashed several guys larger than her, for the many reasons.

When college started, everyone, including me, was a bit wary of Archna. She wasn't hard to notice with the posse of mean minions following her around college. She was also aware of me, as I was a popular jock, but we never interacted till one fateful day.

For Context

It was in June 2006, a couple of weeks after classes began, that it happened.

I was held up in the lab and was one of the last to leave college. That's when I came across three students from the senior years teasing a girl in the parking-lot.

I recognized the girl was from my class so I tried to intervene. I walked up to them with a friendly smile, and nicely told them to quit. But they decided to target me instead, as I was a fresher. So, the three ganged up on me. The biggest one was standing in front and his two buddies were on each side. At this, the girl quickly walked away to her scooter, and got on it. I saw her hurriedly pull out of the parking-lot and stop to watch us from the street outside.

I tried to stay calm and talk it out, but they didn't seem to be in the mood. They started to talk shit and the one in the front shoved me back roughly. This immediately sent me into fighting mode. This was one of the times when the years of martial-arts training paid off.

I instantly raised my left foot, and kicked the guy standing in front hard in the groin with the heel of my riding boot. Before the other two could react, I turned on my right heel, twisted my torso around and drove my left knee straight into the crotch of the guy standing to my right. In the same move, I placed my left foot on the ground and turned to face the third guy in a fighting stance.

The two guys lay crumpled on the ground, holding their crotches silently, with the intense pain.

Seeing this, the third guy ran.

Then I exhaled and took deep breath to calm my thudding heart. I chastised myself for reacting that way, because it wasn't smart to face three guys alone. Thankfully, the swift sudden kicks had helped make it a fair fight. I was pretty sure there wouldn't be any lash-back from their end after this. The girl then rode into the parking lot. She thanked me and I just shrugged my shoulders. Then I watched her leave the parking.

I thought I was also lucky that the parking-lot was completely empty, and no one had seen the short quick scuffle.

The next day, I was chilling with my group of friends on the college stairways when Archna walked up with her gang of girls. Things seemed to get quieter as everyone turned around to see what was up. I was wondering if a guy from my group had done something to her friends, but she came straight to me. That's when I noticed the girl from the parking-lot was at her side.

"Hi, my name's Archie. You must've heard about me." Archna smiled and said to me, ignoring everyone else around.

"Hi, I'm Ali." I replied and smiled in turn, now wondering what this was about.

I felt tensed at first, but Archna's smile didn't seem to be forced and she wasn't giving me the wrong vibes. So I relaxed a little and was civil throughout the conversation.

"I wanted to thank you," Archna spoke, "You helped her yesterday." She said and pointed to the girl, "She told me everything." She added, and held out her hand.

"Yeah." I replied, shaking her thin strong hand a little awkwardly, because I hadn't told my friends about the fight with older students in the parking-lot, "I'd do it for anyone." I added to play it down.

Archna saw that I was being modest, so she everyone around and told what had happened.

I felt increasingly awkward and embarrassed, because I hated being in the limelight for such reasons.

But Archna described in detail the short fight that had taken place. Then she told everyone to tell others that if she heard about a guy harassing a girl, she would handle it her way. Everyone was aware that she had quite a pull outside college too, as she was close to some local gang-leaders from our hometown. They also knew she could be really rough when she wanted to.

Archna also knew well that most people were scared of her. They were aware how hard she smacked around guys, and girls too. She was sure her threat wasn't going to be taken lightly. Then Archna and the girl thanked me again and left.

After that, Archna and I became close friends.

She'd always stop and talk to me when we passed each other on the campus. A few days later, she casually asked me if I smoked weed, and I admitted that I did. This seemed to please her, and she told me she was a devotee of Lord Shiva so she was a stoner. This was a surprise to me. Then she told me she learnt to smoke weed with her Pragya Mata, her "spiritual-Guru", which was more like a shock. She quickly explained how Pragya had practically adopted her when she came of age, and paid for everything.

Archna asked if we could smoke together, as I was a guy and it was easier for me to buy weed. I agreed, and Archna and I started smoking weed alone in different places. We would frequently sneak to the large lush public park in front of our college, to the woods on the other end of the soccer-field, or to the old Catholic cemetery right outside the college. The weed brought Archna and me closer as friends and we had a strange strong bond.

From June to August 2006, Archna and I became very close as friends. While smoking weed, she could drop her tough-girl persona a notch and simply relax. The smoking sessions also made us discover new things about the other. For instance, the girl I'd "saved" from the bullies was actually Archna's secret girlfriend. Seeing as how I rushed to help her, Archna realized I was a genuine guy and trusted me completely. I was pleased to hear this, and assured her I would help her any time she needs me.

The super-strong weed loosened Archna so much that she shared some secrets with me, which absolutely no one knew.

For instance, one day Archna confessed that Sadhvi Pragya, the local Hindu spiritual leader and foster-mother, was actually her lesbian-lover!

I was shocked speechless and listened in awe as Archna described everything from the beginning. She told me how "Mata", as she called Pragya, had enticed her into her first lesbian sex when she turned 18. Since then, Pragya Mata had been sponsoring Archna's education and paid for everything else she wanted. In return, Archna became her secret lesbian-lover.

Then I asked if this was the case, how could she have another "girlfriend" if Pragya was her lesbian-lover? Because I knew Archna frequently seduced new girls to satiate her Sapphic lust. So, Archna explained that as Pragya could not fuck her too frequently, she understood Archna's high sex-drive and allowed her to hook-up with other girls in secret.

This was sensational news!

But I had promised so I kept it a complete secret too and never told anyone.

Archna also talked more about her lesbian lust. She told me how she seduced different girls. She was extremely assertive and had convinced many straight girls into their first lesbian experiences. I knew her reputation, as she did mine. So, Archna and I frequently talked about our sexual exploits.

It was intriguing to learn the Sapphic mind, and intensely arousing. I get very sensual after smoking weed, so it was immensely exciting to hear Archna describe her lesbian experiences in her lusty voice. In turn, Archna was always eager to hear me recount my sex-sessions with different fuck-buddies.

Archna and I discovered that we shared a common kink for sexy MILFs, and this brought us even closer.

Soon, Archna and I almost always talked about sex when we smoked weed together.

I admit I strangely found Archna quite attractive, with her cute boyish appearance and tough demeanor. Still, I had no illusions and knew Archna was a staunch lesbian and tried not to fantasize about her too much. However, I couldn't help notice her behavior change a month into our friendship.

I caught Archna giving me knowing grins whenever we passed each other. She'd also started getting physically playful with me when we smoked together in the public-park. She'd sit closer than normal on our usual stone bench in the thicket near a pathway. Archna would play a game where we rated girls from college according to their looks. We would freely share our fantasies about girls we wished to sleep with. All this was extremely arousing and I always left with an aching hard-on.

Luckily, things turned out to be surprisingly different than I'd thought and Archna soon seduced me for her first cock.

This is the story of how Archna, my butch lesbian friend finally succumbed to craving my cock ... and became obsessed with having anal-sex.


Archna Enjoyed First Ass-Fuck

(3PM - 5PM, Tuesday 8 August 2006)

It was a cloudy humid August day, and I was in college as usual. In the morning I noticed Archna had not come to college. So, I texted her and she sent a short reply saying that she was busy. Then around 2:30 PM, just as the lunch-break was getting over, Archna called on my cell-phone.

"Hey, Archie!" I greeted her cheerfully, as always, "What's up?"

"Hi, Ali." Archna replied, and I immediately caught the unusually soft tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked, wondering why she sounded upset.

"I want to smoke some weed right now. Can you come over, please?" Archna asked, ignoring my question.

"Um, sure." I replied, knowing that I could ditch my afternoon classes, "Where do you want to meet?" I asked.

"Can you come to my home?" Archna said.

I was surprised because she'd never called me over. I did know where she lived because I'd dropped her off at her apartment building a few times when she smoked too much. Still, I agreed and told her I'd be there as fast as I could. I was genuinely worried about her, because she'd never sounded so down. So, I pulled the half-pack of cigarettes and checked the three long thick joints were there. Then I made some excuse to my friends and left college to ride to Archna's home.

It was around 3 PM when I reached Archna's small three-storied apartment building. I walked up the stairs to her top-floor apartment, still wondering what was wrong. After ringing the doorbell, I heard footsteps come close and the main-door opened.

"Hi, Ali." Archna smiled half-heartedly, and cracked the door open just enough for me to slip through.

After entering the apartment, I turned around to look at Archna and was pleasantly surprised to see her in her house-clothes for the first time.

Archna looked pretty cute and hot in the plain white oversized T-shirt and matching small white soccer shorts. I was shocked to see her nipples making clear dents on her flimsy T-shirt and realized she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. She stood on tiptoes to latch the door and my eyes went down to her slender smooth legs and got excited with the way her calves and thigh muscles flexed with her movements. Her small bare feet made her look even more alluring.

I quickly turned my face away when she turned around and followed Archna inside her small apartment.

It was a cozy 2-bedroom apartment. The small living-room had a door leading to a short hallway that ran across. To the left was her mother's bedroom. To the right, the hallway had the kitchen to the left and the door to Archna's room. At the end of the hallway were the toilet and the bathroom. Archna's bedroom was small and almost filled by the large low bed, two closets, TV-cabinet and PC-table. There was a large window on the opposite wall that looked out at an empty plot of land.

"Come on in, Ali. This is my room." Archna said sullenly.

Archna then thanked me for coming over and told me to get comfortable. So, I took off my boots near the door. She asked me to close and lock it and she went to stand at the window. I did as told and watched her cute petite figure from behind as I latched and locked the door. Then I also went to stand with her by the window.

"I know you have some joints ready." Archna said.

She knew well by now that I always carried a couple of pre-rolled spliffs to college, and had weed and rolling-papers in my back-pack at all times. Archna knew that I was always prepared.

I nodded my head and smiled. She waited impatiently for me to pull out the cigarette-pack and picked the thickest of the three joints. I noticed her hands were shaking with agitation. But I thought it best to keep my mouth shut. I knew her bad moods could get a lot worse if you tried to pester her with questions. Though Archna had never got mad at me, I wasn't about to give her any reasons to get more upset.

So, without a word, I helped her light the joint the joint and watched her close her eyes and take a long thirsty drag. Archna calmed down visibly as the super-strong weed took effect immediately. I blazed a thin joint and also took a deep drag. The familiar acrid smoke seemed to relax me almost instantly and I felt the tingling sensations in my fingertips and toes.

Archna and I wordlessly smoked for a minute or so while looking out the window, before she broke the silent.

"Thanks for coming over, Ali. I really needed this." Archna said, half-turning to me and patting my bare arm.

"No worries, Archie." I said cheerfully, and smiled wide.

"I knew I could count on you." Archna said and smiled quickly before going back to frowning.

"You want to talk about what happened?" I then asked gently.

I watched Archna take another deep drag on the joint. She held her breath for several seconds and let the soft grey smoke leak out of her perky nose as she replied.

"I guess I should." Archna said, as she suddenly got angry, "My slut of a girlfriend slept with a guy." She said, almost spitting the sentence in her anger.

"What?" I asked, truly shocked, "I'm so sorry to hear that, Archie." I said, consolingly.

"Her cousin called me to tell me in the morning. I called her and confronted her and she confessed. I was so pissed I just couldn't come to college. So, I finally decided to call you for some weed. I figured it would help me calm down." Archna explained and went on to describe how everything had unraveled.

Archna seemed pissed at not being able to figure out how her self-confessed lesbian girlfriend could cheat on her for cock. I kept listening to her without a comment, but inside my stoned mind was roiling with tangential thoughts. At first, I was impressed and mentally applauded the guy who could turn a lesbian girl to fuck a cock. Knowing Archna and her lesbian love-making skills, I knew she was an expert at satisfying her partners. Archna continued her male-bashing tirade, and I kept listening quietly.

Thankfully, the weed quickly calmed her down, and she resorted to dissing and cursing her ex-girlfriend. She started to smoke the joint faster too. She was clearly eager to get very high and forget about her sudden break-up. Then a few minutes later, Archna took a deep drag and made a comment which made my ears prick up.

"I often wonder how it feels like, you know?" Archna said softly, and watched me turn my head to look at her.

"Feel what?" I asked her in a seemingly casual way.

"You know, how it feels to fuck a cock. Though just thinking of letting a cock near my pussy makes me feel repulsive, dude." Archna replied, looking straight at me.

"Is it?" I commented, buying some time, "But you still wonder how it would feel to fuck a cock?" I asked plainly, but with my stoned sensual mind already running several steps ahead.

"No, I mean yes." Archna stammered at first, "I know I can't let anyone fuck my pussy because I've already committed it to Shiv Ji." She hurriedly explained and reminded me of her oath to her spiritual guru/lesbian sugar-mama.

Sadhvi Pragya had helped Archna perform some ritual that essentially made Archna Lord Shiva's symbolic concubine. So, because of this, Archna could never have normal sex with a man. This suited her just fine because she was openly lesbian. Mostly, Archna used her tongue and fingers during sex. But I knew she often used make-shift sex-toys with her different lesbian partners, but they didn't count as a cock.

So, hearing my lesbian butch friend wonder aloud what it would feel like to fuck a cock was strangely arousing.

Archna then turned to look out the window and we smoked in silence for a minute or so. I watched her in my peripheral vision. Archna seemed to take longer drags on the half-finished joint, though she was already very high. I stayed silent and took small tokes on my joint and enjoyed the buzz building up. Still, I could clearly see the signs of some internal mental struggle going on inside Archna.

"You've fucked a lot of girls, right? In the ass, I mean." Archna suddenly asked, still looking out the window.

"Um, yeah." I replied confused at the completely random and unexpected question, "Why?" I asked, and turned my head to look at her.

"I can trust you, right?" Archna asked in a serious manner.

"Yes, of course you can, Archie." I assured her.

"Okay," Archna said and looked at me, "What would you do if I asked you to fuck my ass, Ali?" She asked with a straight face.

"What?!" I blurted out, almost choking on the smoke, "What do you mean, Archie? We're friends. You're a lesbian." I blurted out, no actually shocked as I was not expecting this.