Ashley's Campaign Ch. 07


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Ashley leaned on the tree and struggled to pull herself up. Her arms were weak from supporting her weight and throbbed with pain. It was pitch black and she had no idea which way to go. The wind masked any sound from the far away waterfall and clouds covered the stars. Ashley forced her legs to carry her forward on battered feet. She screamed as her thorn covered thighs brushed together. Ashley staggered ahead with her feet apart. She moved at a snail's pace, but she forced herself to keep moving. She came to the edge of the woods as the clouds parted. A full moon illuminated a field of tall corn stalks. There was a muddy path running along the edge of the field. She had no idea which direction to go and turned right.

Ashley stumbled along the path with labored steps. She slipped in the mud and landed face first in a filthy puddle. She struggled to her feet and continued on her way. As the mud dried, the pain from the thorns faded. When Ashley reached another puddle, she scooped up handfuls of muck and wiped it over as much of her body as she could reach. A larger pool provided a much-needed drink. She knelt down and scooped handfuls of water into her parched mouth.

When Ashley reached the end of the field, she saw a barn ahead. She thought "Thank god! Maybe I can find clothes or at least a burlap bag in the barn. If there is a barn, there has to be a farm house. I'll be safe at last."

Ashley entered a side door of the barn. Most of the barn was dark, but there was a light in the back by some horse stalls. She could hear a gentle woman's voice comforting a nervous horse. It reminded her of Amy in Heartland whispering to an anxious horse in her care. Ashley limped to the stall and called out.

"Please help me. I escaped from a mad man who was going to kill me. I need to call my Dad."

The woman turned around and Ashley was startled to see her arch enemy Ellen! Still no matter how bad their relationship had been in the past surely she would help.

Ellen said, "Oh my god! What happened to you?"

Ashley whispered, "I was skinny dipping at the waterfalls with some friends when the police came. I got separated from my friends and got captured by this crazy man. He called me Jezebel. I was lucky to escape. He said he was going to kill me in the morning!"

Ashley's naked body was plastered with mud and filth. Her stringy hair was plastered to her head with leafs and muck. Ellen did not recognize her at first. She took a horse blanket and through it over Ashley's shoulders. Ashley winced as the blanket brushed against her whipped back. There was a phone on the wall nearby.

Ellen picked up the receiver and asked, "Who should I call?"

Ashley said, "Please call my Dad, Robert Walker."

Ellen flinched and asked, "And who should I say is calling?"

"Tell him it's Ashley."

Ellen said, "Oh Ashley, I didn't recognize you, you poor girl. What monster would do something so wicked? I'll call the police first. If the man is still around, we are both in danger. The police will protect us. If we are lucky, they may be able to catch him so he won't do it again."

Ellen made the call and said, "Please come to the Somerfield place. Some monster attacked my school friend. He may still be around. She needs help. You should send an ambulance. We are in the barn."

Ellen said, "They should be here soon. They have a patrol car nearby. Can I get you some water to drink while we wait? It's cold well water."

Ashley nodded, "Please."

Ellen went to a sink and filled a glass with water. Ashley's hands trembled when Ellen gave her the glass and Ellen had to hold it up to Ashley's mouth. Ashley gulped down the refreshing liquid.

Ashley heard a car drive up and the door slam. Rapid footsteps indicated the person's urgency. Ashley turned expecting to see a police officer.

The man rushing into the barn was the madman who had kidnaped her! Ashley turned to run from the hideous monster, but Ellen grabbed her by the arm. Ashley struggled.

Ellen said, "Jezebel, I'd like you to meet my Uncle Fester. But he prefers to be called Elijah."

Ellen laughed. She grabbed the horse blanket covering Ashley and roughly pulled it away. Elijah seized her by the arm and shook her.

"I thought your redemption would wait until the morning. Never mind, there is no time like the present."

He dragged her to a large concrete basin in the corner of the barn. There was a drain in the middle of the slab. He reached up and pulled down a rope with straps on the end. He bound Ashley's wrists with the straps and pulled her up until she was standing on her tiptoes. Ashley screamed in pain. She tried to kick her captor despite the agony it caused her arms.

Ellen found some rope and tied each of Ashley's legs separately while her uncle restrained Ashley. When Ellen was done, Ashley was hanging spread-eagled in the air over the drain.

Ellen said, "The beautiful thing about a livestock barn is all of the devices for handling large animals. For example, this rig is designed to restrain animals while we are providing veterinary care as well as providing a place to slaughter the animal and drain its blood. For now, I think we need to be concerned with cleaning you up. You're as filth as a sow."

Ellen went over to a hose hanging coiled on the wall nearby. She turned on the water and adjusted the spray. She directed a firm stream of ice cold well water over Ashley's filthy body. Ashley screamed from the pain as the forceful jet of water hit her whipped back. Her body bucked as she struggled against her bindings. When the water hit her head, Ashley's brain went numb from the cold and she hung motionless except for intense shivering that racked her body.

Ellen walked around Ashley and sprayed her from every direction. When was satisfied with her effort to clean Ashley, she turned off the hose and hung it back on the wall.

Ellen said, "It looks like my uncle was very thorough in his effort to rid you of sin. Oh yes, I've heard his message of salvation many times. I'm glad he hasn't decided to save me."

Ellen turned to her uncle and asked, "It appears you have tried everything. Has she repented?"

"No, the harlot refuses to accept Yahweh. She is damned forever if she does not give up her sinful ways."

Ellen said, "Elijah, there is only one way to cleanse this Jezebel. It means a great sacrifice on your part, but Yahweh will be pleased with you."

Elijah asked, "What do I have to do."

"You have to cleanse her by depositing your holy seed in her womb. Only then will she be saved. Then you can safely send her to paradise."

Ashley moaned, "Please no. I am a virgin. I'm saving myself for my husband. I'm a good girl. Please spare me."

Ellen laughed, "Good girl? I doubt it. Elijah, she screwed the whole football team in one night and begged for more. She is a slut, a harlot. She must be saved. You are the only one who can do it, Elijah!"

Elijah said, "If it is Yahweh's will then I must do his bidding."

Ellen said, "I'll get her ready for you to perform your obligation. I'll make sure she is as clean as I can get her before you take her."

Ellen twisted one of Ashley's nipples as she laughed, "Did I mention how well equipped a livestock barn is to treat animals?"

Ellen went to a cupboard and took out a gallon container of O B Lubricant.

Ellen chuckled, "This is our general purpose veterinary lube for procedures involving the vagina or colon. We even use it when a cow has an obstruction in its utter."

Ellen poured some of the lubricant over Ashley's breasts. She grabbed a breast in each hand and started to knead them roughly. Ellen pulled on the nipples as if she was milking a cow. Then she poured more lubricant over Ashley's pussy.

Ellen said, "I'm going to use it to prepare you for my uncle. He hates any trace of filth. Preparing you will take some effort since Uncle Fester has an enormous deformed penis that matches the deformities of his body. His father was exposed to a massive amount of radiation during the nuclear tests. Luckily my dad was born before that. Maybe my 'attractive' uncle can get you pregnant. I'd love to see what the offspring would look like. Lucky for me, this barn has an underground room built long ago to hide escaping slaves. No one will ever find you."

Ashley was horrified at the thought of bearing Elijah's offspring. She panicked since she had been off of the pill since her mother left for New York City. She hadn't planned on having sex so she had no need for birth control. It had been ten days since the end of her last period and she was at the height of her fertility cycle. Ashley strained against her bindings.

"No please no! You can't! He's insane! Oh please don't."

Ellen poured some of the O B Lubricant over her hand before jamming a finger into Ashley's tight vagina. As Ellen's finger pushed past Ashley's thorn covered labia, Ashley screamed in pain. Ashley jerked against her restraints as she struggled to escape Ellen's cruel finger. Ellen shoved her middle finger all of the way into Ashley's vagina and twisted it around. Ellen pulled her finger out to the mouth of Ashley's vagina and poured more lubricant over her fingers and Ashley's pussy. She pushed two fingers into Ashley.

Ashley yammered, "Please don't. Please, you can be the homecoming queen. I'll quit. Please just let me go. I'll do anything. I'll leave Riverdale and never come back. Please just let me go!"

Ellen snorted, "Ashley, this has gone way beyond homecoming queen. I'm going to eliminate any chance of you ever competing with me. I may even take Ryan back. Maybe I'll marry him and we'll have a bunch of gorgeous children."

Ellen withdrew her fingers from Ashley and poured lubricant on her hand and forearm. She pushed all of her fingers against the opening to Ashley's vagina and pressed her fingertips inside of Ashley's vagina. Ellen put her other hand in the small of Ashley's back and shoved with all of her strength. Ellen grunted as she put her weight behind the hand pressing against the taut opening to Ashley's vagina. Ellen was panting from her effort. Ashley's whimpering turned to a scream as Ellen's hand tore through the opening to Ashley's womb. Ellen rested her head against Ashley's stomach as she gasped for air. Her hand was buried deep in Ashley's vagina.

Ellen pulled her hand back to the entrance to Ashley's vagina and poured a liberal amount of lubricant over her hand and arm. She brutally shoved her hand into the depths of Ashley's vagina. Her fingers pushed against Ashley's cervix. Ellen began to thrust her hand back and forth in Ashley's vagina. Ashley's body twisted against her bindings, but she could not escape Ellen's driving arm. Ellen brought her free hand around and seized Ashley's stiff clit. Ashley screeched in agony as Ellen ran her fingers over the thorns in Ashley's labia. Ellen began to rub Ashley's clit as she continued driving her other hand into Ashley's tormented vagina. Ashley's body quivered with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Ellen's fingers began to fly over Ashley's clit. Gradually pleasure overwhelmed the pain from the thorns and from the horrible pressure of Ellen's hand in her vagina.

Ashley screamed as an intense orgasm surged from her clit and shot throughout her body. Her back arched as her limbs tensed against her bindings. Ellen continued stroking Ashley's clit and vagina until Ashley went limp. Both girls were panting in deep gasping breaths.

Ellen slowly drew her hand from Ashley's gaping vagina. She went to the nearby sink and washed her hand.

"OK, Elijah, it's time to get you ready. You need to remove your clothes so I can purify your body."

Elijah removed his camouflage shirt and pants leaving just his boxer shorts. The front of his underwear was tented with a massive erection.

Ellen said to her uncle, "I guess you need help."

Ellen knelt down in front of her uncle and grabbed the sides of his boxers. She pulled them down and his massive deformed penis sprung into view. His penis was long and impossibly thick. It was covered with swatches of purple and red. His heavy balls hung down to his lower thighs. They were the size of tennis balls. Ashley stared in horror at his disgusting member.

Ellen said, "We used to joke that Uncle Fester was descended from chimpanzees. When a female chimp goes into heat, all of the males have sex with her. The males contend for offspring by flooding the females with massive quantities of sperm. The male chimp with the most sperm stands the best chance of impregnating the female. I'm going to love watching his sperm flood your body and come out of your ears.

Ellen took some of the O B Lubricant and began rubbing her uncle's penis with the oily mixture. His penis increased in size as she stroked her hands up and down it length. Her hands did not even make it all of the way around the girth.

Ashley blabbed, "Elijah, you cannot do this. I'm a virgin. This is a sin and you'll be eternally damned. Please have mercy on me."

Ellen said, "Elijah, she is lying. I can show you pictures of her having sex with all of the football team. You have to purify her to save her soul."

Ellen stood up and led her uncle by pulling his monstrous cock over to Ashley. She positioned her uncle's penis at the entrance to Ashley's vagina.

Ellen looked Ashley in the eye and said, "Now you know why I had to prepare you by shoving my whole hand deep into your pussy. If anything his penis is thicker and longer than my arm. I've always wondered what it would be like to be fucked by Uncle Fester. I hope you don't mind if I enjoy watching this?"

Ellen stepped behind Ashley and pressed her body against Ashley's lacerated ass to give her uncle leverage. She wrapped her arms around Ashley and seized her thorn covered labia. Ellen spread Ashley's pussy lips as Ashley began to scream incessantly.

Elijah said, "Scream all you want demon. I will drive out the hell spawn and save this poor girl."

Elijah pushed his rigid penis against Ashley's vagina. Despite Ellen's efforts to open her up, Ashley's vagina was still too small to accommodate Elijah's mutant member. Ashley tried to struggle, but her bindings held her fast. Ellen's arms steadied Ashley's squirming body as Elijah's penis strained against Ashley's opening. Elijah grasped Ashley's muscular ass cheeks and forced his penis against her tight opening.

Ashley bawled, "Please, I'm a virgin. Please don't!"

And then she wasn't a virgin anymore. She screamed and screamed as Elijah's penis penetrated her shattered pussy. Ellen poured more O B lubricant on her uncle's already oily member. His massive penis was tearing Ashley's vagina open. He continued to push until the head of his penis rammed against Ashley's cervix. A quarter of his penis was still outside of her vagina. Elijah rested his head on Ashley's breasts as his breath came in heavy gasps. Elijah had also been a virgin and was uncertain what to do next.

Ellen said, "Come on uncle. You have to pump your cock into her womb to plant your seed and drive out her devil."

Ellen moved one of her hands from Ashley's labia and began to stroke Ashley's clit. Ashley shuddered in Ellen's arms. Ellen moved her other hand to her uncle's massive balls and started to massage them.

Ellen said, "Ashley, you are living my dream. Feel the ecstasy of his cock in the depths of your vagina. Soon his sperm will flood your womb. With any luck, you will bear his children."

Elijah began to slowly thrust in and out of Ashley's tight pussy. He pulled the head of his penis to the entrance of her vagina before sinking it back into the depths of her sex. Ellen's fingers began to strum over Ashley's clit. As Ellen's fingers stroked her uncle's balls, his pounding penis picked up speed. The head of his penis bounced off of Ashley's cervix with each lunge. Ashley was crying out in time with Elijah's driving penis.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh."

Elijah moved a hand to Ashley's breast and clamped his fingers on her nipple. He twisted her tender nipple between his fingers and brutally pulled it out from her body. He pulled back his hand and slapped Ashley's tender breasts over and over.

"Out demon out! I command you in the name of Yahweh to leave this girl's body."

Elijah was slamming his penis into Ashley with hard, rapid strokes. His face was straining with the effort as he punished Ashley's tender body.

Ellen squeezed her uncle's balls hard and he grunted as buried his cock against Ashley's womb. He shot massive quantities of his seed deep in Ashley's vagina as her pussy contracted over and over around his grotesque organ. Cum squirted out of the tight seal between Elijah's cock and Ashley's vagina. Streams of semen ran down Ashley's thighs. Hundreds of millions of Elijah's mutant sperm were swimming up Ashley's womb searching for an egg to fertilize. One found it first and wiggled through the cell wall and a new life was begun. Ashley howled as Ellen's fingers brought her to an intense orgasm.

Ashley tilted her head back and screamed and screamed.

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KeeperonKeeperonabout 2 years ago

How you go from the fun of father & son swapping remotes to the last 2 chapters is weird. Hated it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

wow way to ruin a story with this crappy last 2 pages

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