Ask Carol


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The next morning, he opened the email account, found Hot and Horny's email, and clicked "reply".

"Dear Hot and Horny. The problem isn't your figure or how much you show him. I wonder if you ever smile at him. No matter how you look, a frown isn't going to make him look at you like you want him to. A smile will, so smile every time he looks at you. He'll ask you why you're smiling and that will give you a chance to get to know him better. After that, it should be only a matter of time before he asks you out.


Harry read over his advice, and then frowned. It seemed lame. How would the guy know if Hot and Horny was smiling because she wanted to fuck him or if she was just being friendly? He erased everything and then stared at the blank screen.

He was still staring at it when Helen walked into his office.

"We got a couple of really racy questions in the mail this morning. I don't know if you can publish them or not."

Harry looked up.

"Like what?"

Helen took a deep breath.

"Well, this one woman, I guess she's a woman anyway, she calls herself 'Wet And Wanting' and she wants to know if men want a woman to lead."

"You mean like in dancing?"

Helen frowned.

"What she said was...God, I can't believe I'm saying this word...what she asked was if it was OK if she told her boyfriend she wanted to be...fucked... instead of waiting for him to ask her."

Harry shook his head.

"No, we can't publish that. I'll have Carol answer the question and then I'll send it to the woman."

Helen frowned.

"What do you think Carol is going to say?"

Harry shrugged.

"Carol is kind of a liberated woman, so I imagine she's going to say it's fine if the woman does that."

"You think that's acceptable behavior for a woman, using a word like that and asking for sex?"

Harry smiled.

"Well, what I think is a lot of men would be happy if their girlfriend told them that. Guys can be a little backward sometimes. It's hard for us to figure out how you women feel about sex because you dress sexy, but don't give us any hints that say you want to have sex. As for the word, yes, it can be pretty erotic sometimes if the right woman says it. If she doesn't seem like the type of woman who'd say that but she does, it's a real turn-on. It says she's saying what she wants in words the guy can understand. What do you think?"

Helen frowned.

"I don't know. My mother taught me that ladies don't do that sort of thing. I suppose if I really wanted to and that was the only way to tell him...I'd have to think about it for a while before I did. It just seems so crude."

"Well, some of us like a woman who says what she wants. We don't think it's crude. We think it's sexy. Now, you said there were two. What's the other one say?"

Helen took the top letter in her hand and moved it behind the next.

"This one is from a woman who calls herself 'Shy But Sexy'. She wants to know if men really I go again...if men really like having their...their dicks sucked."

Harry shook his head.

"Nope, can't publish that one either. I'll just send Carol an email and send her answer back to the woman."

Helen wrinkled up her brow.

"You're a man. Do men really like that?"

Harry grinned.

"I suppose it depends on the woman and why she's doing it. If she really likes doing it, I would too. If she's only doing it because she thinks she has to, well that would kind of ruin it for me."

"How could you tell?"

"Well, if she smiles before she starts, I'd believe she really wanted to. If she looks up at me when she is, I'd pretty much know she was enjoying it too. If she seemed hesitant or didn't look at my face, I'd know it wasn't something she really liked doing."

"Is that what Carol's going to tell her, that if she likes it, her guy will too?"

"Probably. Like I said, Carol's kind of a liberated woman. When I knew her in college she didn't seem like there was much about sex she didn't like."

Helen smiled.

"You and did it?"

Harry shook his head.

"No. We didn't click that way so we were just close friends. She just told me about what she likes."

"Her husband is probably really happy then, isn't he?"

Harry smiled.

"They have two kids and she's pregnant again, so I'd say they're both pretty happy."

Helen dropped both letters on Harry's desk.

"Well, you ask Carol what she thinks and then give me her answers. I kept the envelopes so I'll know who to mail them to."

After Helen left, it dawned on him that the answer to "Hot and Horny" was in the questions Helen had left on his desk. He started typing a new answer.

"Dear Hot and Horny,

Some men are a little backward about sex. They're not sure a woman wants to have sex so they don't ask. The only way around that is for you to tell him what you want, and you'll have to use words he'll understand. Try putting your arms around his neck, pushing your breasts into his chest, and then look into his eyes and say, "I want us to make love together". That probably seems like a drastic step, but if you really want him, this may be the only way he'll understand what you want.


Harry was congratulating himself for being so clever when he clicked the "send" icon. Hot and Horny might not do what he'd suggested, but if she did and her guy told her no, he probably wasn't worth her time anyway.

He thought while he was answering, he might as well look at the two Helen had brought him. He picked up the first one and read it.

"Dear Carol,

I was wondering what a man would think if I told him I wanted to fuck him. Do men like being told that, or will he think I'm a whore and never speak to me again? I don't want to drive him away, but all I can think about is having his dick in me. What should I do?

Wet and Wanting"

Harry smiled when he realized this question was the same question 'Hot and Horny' had asked. The same answer would work perfectly. He composed an email on Carol's account with the same answer worded a little differently.

"Dear Wet and Wanting,

"Men want a woman who isn't afraid to say what she wants, so he won't think you're a whore unless he's a real prude. He'll probably think it's really erotic if you say you want to have sex with him. Take a deep breath and tell him you want to make love to him instead of him making love to you. I'd bet he'll just grin and tell you that would be fantastic.


The other question, the one from Shy but Sexy was harder to answer.

"Dear Carol,

I saw a movie last week where it looked like the woman was sucking the man's dick. Of course, the movie didn't actually show her doing that, but he was laying on his back and her head was bobbing up and down and he was groaning a lot. I really want to try that, but I don't want my husband to think I'm some sort of freak. Do men really like having their dicks sucked?

Shy and Sexy"

Harry thought about what he'd told Helen, and decided that was the best answer he could give the woman.

"Dear Shy and Sexy,

In my experience, most men do like oral sex, but it depends mostly upon the woman. If you really want to and show him you really want to, he'll think it's great. If this is just a fantasy and once you start, you decide you don't like it, just stop right there. If you keep going, he'll know you don't really like it and it will ruin it for him.


Harry added all three answers to his file and then printed the last two answers. Since they had come in the mail, he put them in his desk so it would look to Helen like he'd sent them to Carol and Carol had replied a day later. He was feeling good when he went home that night.

The next morning, he took the two answers to Helen along with the original letters with the questions. Helen read the answers and then looked up a Harry.

"This Carol woman said the same things you told me. You didn't just write down what you said and put her name on it, did you?"

Harry shook his head.

"No, I didn't. These are Carol's answers. I can't help it if we think the same way."

Helen grinned.

"You sure you and she didn't ...?"

'Yes, I'm sure. I wouldn't lie about something like that."

"OK, if you say so", said Helen. I'll mail these out today."

Two days after that, Carol got another email from Hot and Horny.

"Dear Carol,

I think I can do what you said and tell him I want to have sex with him, but I don't know what would be the right place and the right time. Should I do it at work? That's the only place I see him.


Hot and Horny "

Harry had to think about that for a while. Most businesses had rules about what employees could say to other employees. He'd never heard of a man claiming a woman had harassed him sexually, but if the guy didn't like hearing what Hot and Horny wanted, he'd have a case.

He thought about how he'd feel if that happened, if some woman at The Daily News had come up to him and said she wanted to fuck him. He had to smile when he realized that would be a big boost to his ego. Harry didn't consider himself to be a man women would drool over, so if a woman told him that, he'd feel pretty good about himself.

It would have to be when they were alone though. If he didn't like the woman that way, he'd have to tell her he couldn't. If she really wanted him and he said no, she'd be crushed and probably cry and the other people would know something was wrong. They'd eventually figure it out and the woman would feel terrible about what she'd done.

Harry tapped the "reply" icon and then started typing.

"Dear Hot and Horny,

If you only see him at work, your only option is to tell him there. I would wait until you can find a way to be alone with him. If he likes the idea, you can make plans for where and when. If he doesn't, you won't be embarrassed in front of your co-workers.


Harry read over his answer, and then clicked "Send". Some guy was going to get the surprise of his life from Hot and Horny. He hoped for her sake the guy decided she was serious and that he wanted her too.


The next week was pretty crazy. On Sunday, a water main broke and caused Main Street to develop a sinkhole. Harry drove to the site, took a lot of pictures, and interviewed the Mayor, the Water Commissioner, and the Road Commissioner. He went back to his office then and typed an article describing what had happened, how the town was going to fix it and how long it was going to take. There was some national news too, but the water main break would be his front-page story and he'd include several pictures.

On Monday, he found three op-eds in his email from people who lived along the street. He read them and one was critical of the Water Commissioner, but two praised the Mayor and the Water Commissioner for their prompt actions. He decided to publish all three.

Tuesday was the day to put the paper together into columns and that took some doing. Helen had put a picture or two on the front page before but never as many as Harry wanted to include. Harry knew it was going to take her all day to size the pictures and then fit them into his story about what happened. To help her out, he did the rest of the paper. There were a lot of ads from local businesses and the classified section as well as the "Ask Carol" column and the three opinion pieces.

It was almost seven Tuesday night when they finished. Maurice had gone home, but said he'd be in early to get the printing plates ready. He'd print the paper that afternoon so they'd be able to get it to the post office and in the mail by Friday morning.

Harry was sitting beside Helen at her desk and looking at the galleys she'd put together. Helen had done a great job. The people at The Daily News couldn't have done any better.

He turned to Helen and grinned.

"This is great work, Helen. It looks better than some of what the people at The Daily News did while I was there. I'm lucky to have you."

Helen smiled a funny smile and then her face changed to a serious expression.

"What if you could really have me? I'd like that. Would you?"

Harry looked at Helen, really looked at her, for the first time in a long time. She was leaning towards him a little, and the blouse she was wearing was cut low enough in the front her breasts had welled up enough to make her cleavage look deeper.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Helen."

Helen looked like she was struggling with something mentally, but then tried to grin.

"I mean, I want fuck you. There, I said it."

Harry leaned back.

"Helen, why would you say such a thing?"

"Because I do want to fuck you and that's what you told Hot and Horny she should say."

"How do you know about Hot and Horny? She always sent her questions to Carol in an email and Carol replied the same way."

Helen hung her head.

"Because I'm Hot and Horny. I'm Wet and Wanting and Shy but Sexy too."

Harry lifted Helen's chin up so he could see her face.

"Helen, you could have just told me."

"No, I couldn't. When you bought the paper I liked you and wanted you to notice me, but it wasn't right that I did, so I started acting like I was pretty conservative. That didn't work very well for me. I couldn't stop wondering how it would be and the more I wondered, the worse it got. If I'd said anything, you'd have thought I was some sort of slut."

"No, I wouldn't."

"Yes, you would. Any man would. That's why I wrote to Carol and asked her what I should do. It wasn't until she answered me I figured out it was you and not her."

"You knew?"

"Well, sure I did. I read all her answers, remember? Carol's not a liberated as you think she is. She's actually pretty conservative when it comes to sex. She'd never tell a woman what you did. She'd have said I should give you little hints or something"

"Why didn't you say something about that? Our readers might suspect too and that'll mean losing subscriptions again."

Helen shook her head.

"No, they won't. You've been giving the same answers Carol did and it's never to the same women, so they won't figure it out."

"So, why Wet and Wanting and Shy But Sexy?"

Helen grinned.

"Once I knew it was you answering me, I decided to see how honest you'd be with me. I admit I was a little shocked when you said a woman telling you she wanted to fuck you would be good."

Harry smiled.

"Well, it sounded like you wanted the truth. That was the truth."

Helen stood up and put her arms around Harry's neck.

"Harry, am I the right kind of woman to make saying 'fuck" sound sexy.'

Harry chuckled.

"Well, I sure as hell wouldn't have expected you to say it."

Helen hugged him a little tighter, tight enough he felt her breasts pressing into his chest and her lips against his ear when she whispered, "I want to fuck you Harry, right here, right now."

"On your desk?"

Helen kissed him and then smiled.

"You have a couch in your office. That would probably work better."

Harry didn't really know why he took Helen by the hand and led her back to his office and then closed the door. He hardly knew Helen, really, and he'd never thought she could be like this, but she was and she was exciting him.

Helen excited him more when she unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off her shoulders, then unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. Her breasts were round, soft, and full and rose and fell as she breathed. Her nipples and nipple beds were a little darker, but were already showing the signs of arousal. Her nipple beds were contracted into wrinkles and her nipples were stiff and swollen.

Helen slipped out of her shoes and started working her pants down over her hips. Harry watched, spellbound, as her hips came into view, then the waistband of her panties, and finally her hair-covered mound under the black lace. As Helen worked them down her legs, she bent over and her firm breasts hung from her chest, a sight Harry always found to be extremely erotic.

Helen stood up and stepped out of her pants, then grinned.

"You get undressed now. I want to watch you."

Harry was down to his underwear when Helen dropped to her knees, hooked her fingers in the waistband, and pulled his underwear down to his ankles. He was starting to step out of them when Helen circled his stiff cock with her hand and then smiled at him.

What he felt next was her soft lips closing on his cock head and then her tongue licking the underside. He looked down and saw Helen looking up at him. She stopped, pulled her mouth off his cock, and smiled.

"Am I making you believe I like doing this, like you said?"

She didn't wait for an answer. She just started moving her mouth down over his cock, then down further until her lips touched the hand she had around his shaft. Harry groaned a little when she sucked in her cheeks and then slowly pulled her lips back up his length. She stopped when she got to his cock head, and then he felt her tongue swirl around the tip and then lick the underside.

"Damn, Helen, if you don't like it, you're doing a hell of a job of hiding that fact."

Harry's cock lurched when Helen hummed, "Ummm-hmmm", and then started sliding her mouth up and down his cock. The sensations were getting to him too fast.

"God, slow down a little."

Helen pulled off his cock, looked up and smiled.

"OK...this time."

Helen got up, pulled off her panties, and then laid down on the couch and held out her arms.

"Harry, come give me what I need."

There had been other women, but Harry didn't remember any being like Helen. One had sucked his cock, but it had been like he'd told Helen. He could tell she didn't like doing it, so he stopped her. He'd stopped Helen too but that wasn't because he wasn't enjoying it. It was because he was enjoying it too much to hold out.

Helen's body wasn't much different than the others, though her breasts were bigger than most and she wasn't shaved. That was erotic, but not as erotic as the way she reacted to every touch he made. Light strokes to her breasts made her smile. His fingertip touching her stiff nipples made her make little moans, and when he sucked gently on one, Helen caught her breath and held his face in place. When he kissed her, Helen opened her lips, mouthed his bottom lip a little and then stuck her tongue between his teeth. They both moaned when their tongues touched.

Helen shivered a little when he stroked his hand down her flank, and she giggled.

"Sorry. I'm ticklish there."

Harry smiled and cupped Helen's hip.

"Does this tickle too?"

"No, it feels great."

He slipped his hand down over the hair on Helen's mound and then between her thighs.

"Ticklish here?"

Helen caught her breath when Harry slipped a finger between her puffy lips, then murmured, "No, not ticklish, just really exciting. Can't you tell?"

Harry could tell. He could tell because Helen was already a little wet, and when he slipped his finger into her entrance, she moaned and Harry felt her body contract a little.

The longer he stroked his finger in and out, the wetter Helen got. When he moved his wet fingers up to Helen's clit and rubbed gently, she gasped and arched up a little. He slipped that finger back to her entrance and joined it with a second, while his thumb stroked the firm little button at the top of Helen's slit. Helen pulled his head to her left breast, and moaned when he sucked that nipple into his mouth.

Helen was starting to breathe panting breaths when she whispered, "Lay on your back Harry."

As Harry worked his way over to his back, Helen put her thigh over his legs. When he was on his back, Helen straightened up and then leaned down to kiss him. Harry felt the zap of the shock race to his cock when Helen found his tongue with hers. When Helen broke the kiss, he felt her reach between them for his cock, so he opened his eyes and looked down over his chest.

Helen moved his swollen cock head between her lips a few times, then moved it back, moved her hips around a little, and then sighed as she began impaling herself on his shaft.