Asperger's Is No Drawback

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A guy with Asperger's lands a plasma hot "loving" wife.
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I'm Aiden Altman, adopted son of Jacob and Beatrice Altman and only sibling of my adopted one year younger sister LuAnn. Jacob, Beatrice and LuAnn are the smartest people that I know. LuAnn - who is of mixed Vietnamese and Dutch ancestry - and I were both adopted by the Altmans when we were just a month old.

Jacob and Beatrice are of average size and looks. Beatrice has a PhD in psychology, is a university professor and, fortunately for me, one of the experts in the world in cognitive development. It is because of her expertise and loving care as my mother that I am one of the most socially adept men with Asperger's in the U. S.

Jacob has a Masters in Electrical Engineering and an MBA and is the CEO and majority stockholder of ZYX Corporation. ZYX is the leading developer and manufacturer of proximity detectors, and related high tech equipment, in the United States.

My parents are wealthy.

LuAnn graduated summa cum laude with a degree in electrical engineering from Cal Tech and works as the director of research for ZYX. She did not get that position by nepotism since virtually every hi-tech company in the country tried to hire her. She is the most beautiful woman, inside and out, and the kindest person, that I have ever seen in my life. No one would ever mistake us for siblings, however, not just because she is half Vietnamese but also because she is five feet two inches, 105 pounds, and I am six feet five inches, 280 pounds, with blond hair.

While the other three members of my family are legitimate geniuses, I am not, in part because I have Asperger's and some learning issues. I am unusual for someone with that Syndrome, however, since I am gifted mathematically, and verbally a virtual idiot. I barely graduated High School since except for math, where I got all As, I got virtually all Ds in all of my High School classes. I would have flunked most of those classes without help from LuAnn and my Mom. I took the SATs despite no possibility that I could get into college. I was so discouraged after finishing the verbal section that I left without doing the writing sample. Not surprisingly, I got a perfect 800 on the math part but a pathetic 350 on the verbal part.

I also work for ZYX in the accounting department. While I definitely got the job because of nepotism I have subsequently earned it since I can analyze numbers better than anyone else in the department and have caught many errors in financial documents that could have caused major problems of all types for ZYX if they had not been detected. My Dad told me that the head of accounting considers me a valuable member of the team, and no important financial document is ever distributed outside of accounting unless I review it first.

My family was about the most loving that I have ever heard of. From the time that I was a toddler I had a strong sense of loyalty to and protectiveness of all three of them and would do anything for them. I don't know if those characteristics were related to my Asperger's, but my Mom thinks that they are, and she's the expert. Since I was always big and strong for my age, no one ever picked on LuAnn at school - or if they did they were sorry, big time!

Our parents gave LuAnn and I good values and a positive outlook on life. One thing that they always emphasized was addressing problems head on. No looking the other way, hoping for the best, or working around a problem. Both LuAnn and I live our lives with that as one of our guiding principles.


I might have been a professional athlete except for a lack of self-control in some situations, especially where my overprotectiveness of LuAnn was concerned. The prime example occurred during my sophomore year in High School.

At the time I was six feet four inches, 260 pounds, with just 8% body fat. I was not only the starting left tackle on the football team, but only one of two sophomores to make All-State. The wrestling coach talked me into wrestling after football season since he needed a heavyweight. Even though I didn't have much technique I won eight of my first ten matches, four by pins, against older and much more experienced wrestlers, primarily because I had a significant strength advantage over all of them.

LuAnn always attended my meets and cheered me on from the first row of the bleachers since we were as close as a brother and sister could be. Even though I was a year older, by then she was a year ahead of me in school since she skipped two grades because of how smart she was.

The guy I was wrestling, Chad Chambers, was a senior and the runner-up in the State championship tournament the year before. The team match was tight and would likely be decided by the heavyweight bout. Shortly before my match was supposed to start I saw Chambers go over to LuAnn and say something to her. It was obvious what he said distressed her. I went over to her and saw a tear in her eye.

"What did he say, LuAnn?" I asked.

Trying to calm me down she gave a fake laugh and said "Nothing, Aiden, just normal scholastic trash talk." Although because of my Asperger's I'm not perceptive, I knew that wasn't true - she just didn't want me to do something extreme. It didn't work.

As soon as the match started I bull-rushed Chambers off the mat. I didn't stop with the whistle, however. I got him in a choke hold - illegal in wrestling - and wouldn't let go even when it was clear that he had passed out. I was so angry that I apparently had zoned out. I was told later that it took both coaches, the referee, and the two light heavyweights to detach me from Chambers; I likely would have killed him if they hadn't.

One thing I do remember is LuAnn coming over to me as I sat at the edge of the mat while Chalmers was being dragged away from me and the coaches were holding my arms. She held my face between her tiny hands, kissed me on the forehead, and told me "It's OK, best brother. Just calm down. I've got your back."

The EMTs, and the police, were called. My wrestling coach and LuAnn talked the cops into letting her ride with me in the back of the police car. Since the cops were about half my size and they saw what I had done to Chambers I think that they were happy to have LuAnn's stabilizing influence for our trip.

I spent the night in jail. Not surprisingly I was in a bad mood. One of the other "guests," either not the smartest guy in the world or someone with a highly over-inflated opinion of his toughness, or both, tried to bully me and made some gross comments about my "relationship" with my mother. I smashed him against the bars, knocking him out cold. Fortunately the fact that he put his hands on me first was caught on the jail cameras, and he was a hated regular "guest," so nothing ever came of that.

The next day I was bailed out by my parents and LuAnn. My parents didn't really get mad at me, but they were concerned. When we got home LuAnn sat on my lap in the living room. "Aiden, you're my hero, and I know that you were protecting my honor. I love you for it. But you don't need to do that anymore; we're not on the playground now. I'm a big girl. It would have been better for you to just beat that asshole in the match rather than almost kill him."

She kissed me on the forehead then continued, pinching my cheeks with one of her little hands. "Promise me you won't do something like that again, big brother. Promise me."

"I promise, LuAnn. But what if someone is going to physically hurt you?" I asked.

She got a big smile on her face. "Then you can knock his block off - but no fighting over just words, OK? Promise?"

"I promise, LuAnn," I replied with my own smile.

"All right. Then let's go bowling," she giggled. Bowling was one of her favorite activities, probably because she could overcome my strength with her finesse. She gleefully beat my ass.

I don't know what the details were but the charges against me for assaulting Chambers were dropped. I don't know whether my father's influence or money was responsible, or the fact that my father was represented by the best bad-ass law firm in the city. Unfortunately, however, the athletic conference my High School was in banned me from wrestling forever, and from all competitive sports for a year. During that year I developed other interests, including film, chess, weightlifting, and cross-training. Although I became a physical fitness nut - which has continued to this day (I still have only 8% body fat) - I never returned to competitive athletics.

One thing that that wrestling match did was give me real street cred. While I was always so big for my age that I was rarely picked on, after that incident no one who knew me, ever, ever, messed with me - or LuAnn. Actually for LuAnn it was a two edged sword. Creeps stayed away from her for fear of me beating the shit out of them, but some guys she might like to have dated probably didn't want to ask her out for fear of offending her and incurring my wrath. She never complained, but it bothered me.

One day I said to LuAnn "I'm sorry that guys are afraid to ask you out because they're afraid of me. Do you want me to transfer to another school?"

She first looked angry; then comforting. "Aiden, unless I find another guy like you - the perfect guy - I don't care if I have dates every weekend. Don't you dare transfer - I want to be with you as much as I can be."

Then she rose on her toes, pulled me down by the neck, and kissed me, with a tear in her eye.

She had similar responses every time I brought the subject up, even into our twenties. I knew that she couldn't be serious because how could a genius think that someone with Asperger's was the "perfect guy?" I interpreted her comments to mean that she was looking for someone who loved her unconditionally, like I did, and would lay down his life for her, like I would.


About two years after I started working for ZYX a girl that I knew in High School - but who was never particularly solicitous of me - by the name of Jennifer Brighton saw me at a food store. She had just graduated junior college and had gotten an apartment - as it turns out - in a complex right next to mine.

Jennifer had attended a number of pool parties at my parents' house while in High School because her dates were invited. I don't think that LuAnn or I ever invited her ourselves, but of course we had no problem with her showing up as the date of an invited guest. She did make numerous flattering comments about my parents' tastes and wealth during at least two of the parties. LuAnn overheard her say to her date at one of the parties "If I ever got to be as rich as the Altmans are I hope that I will have their same good taste."

When my eyes met Jennifer's - she was already looking at me - she immediately initiated a conversation.

"Hi, Aiden," she said with a flirtatious smile. "I haven't seen you since High School. How are you doing?"

"Hi Jennifer," I replied. "I'm doing good; how about you." I know that I should have said "well" instead of "good," but looking at her beautiful face and smokin' body I was not thinking straight.

We engaged in some small talk and she asked me to take her to lunch. I enthusiastically agreed.

There are several things I need to tell you about Jennifer. Next to LuAnn I thought that she was the best looking girl/woman I had ever seen - in fact, out of my league. She was almost a 100% Caucasian version of LuAnn, including also being 5'2", and about 110 pounds. The extra five pounds she had over LuAnn had to all be tit weight. I remember many guys in High School marveling about how she could walk upright without a back brace her tits were so oversized.

Another thing about Jennifer was that she very "forward," hence asking me to take her to lunch. She had the reputation of being a gold-digger and never had any relationships that lasted very long; in fact she was famous for having multiple boyfriends at the same time, whether they knew about each other or not. She was not particularly academic or intelligent, but she was very wily.

Another thing that I found out was that Jennifer was an incredible fuck. While I got as much tail as someone with Asperger's could reasonably expect, mostly due to the expert socialization my Mom gave me and also because I was always kind and respectful to all females, I was not the most sexually experienced guy in the area. However I did pride myself on giving good oral and treating my sexual partners properly with their satisfaction my number one priority. I thought that I had had some really great sexual experiences - that is until I first fucked Jennifer.

The next weekend after our "lunch date" Jennifer and I went out at night. After dinner we went to a dance club, something that I wasn't particularly comfortable with, but Jennifer made me feel at ease with her constant attention. She oohed and aahed when she stroked my biceps, something that she did often that night. The evening was punctuated by what initially was a bad experience, although it turned out to be great.

When I went to the washroom I came back to our table and saw two drunk guys sitting with Jennifer. One tried to put his hand on her leg and she pushed it off - he didn't want to take "no" for an answer. Bad mistake.

I picked the handsy guy up by the neck and told him to leave. Apparently these two guys' bravado was fueled by alcohol because nobody their size would ever take on somebody my size if they had their wits about them. His buddy made the gaffe of swinging at me, hitting me a glancing blow on the right side of my face. I knocked him out cold with one punch. The handsy guy then hit me on the left side of my face with an even less forceful blow than his buddy's was. I knocked him out, also with one punch. Two bouncers at the dance club tried to evict me. I told them I'd go peacefully but to take their hands off of me. They didn't listen so I knocked both of them out too - that took five punches.

With a big smile on her face Jennifer stepped over one of the prone bodyguards, grabbed my big hand with her tiny one, and led me out of the club. "Come to my apartment, Aiden, and let me look at those nasty bruises on your face - you're my hero!"

When we got to Jennifer's apartment the last thing on her mind was the bruises on my face (even if they did exist; I could find no traces of them when I looked in the mirror the next morning). It was very clear that she wanted to make me feel better, but not by tending to my bruises. Rather she wanted to see if I'd feel better if I made a sperm deposit in her pussy.

"I'll probably be able to help you more if I'm not encumbered by my clothes," she chirped shortly after we made it past the threshold. With that she slowly stripped in front of me, making eye contact the whole time. At least I think that she made eye contact, but I can't really be sure since I was looking at her perfect oversized tits and inviting hairless pussy.

Once Jen was undressed she cooed "It probably would help my inspection if you had your clothes off too, Aiden. Let me help you." She proceeded to take her time removing my clothes occasionally giggling at the flagpole in my pants. Once she exposed my rigid cock she stroked it gently and chuckled "I hope that this thing fits in my poor little pussy. It would be so terrible if it didn't, wouldn't it big boy?" Then she lightly squeezed my balls and pushed me backwards onto the couch in her living area.

Once I was seated with my cock sticking upright she backed her ass into my face and said "Look at how wet you've made me Aiden. I really need to do something about it." She then held onto my cock and gingerly lowered her pussy onto it, taking a few seconds to adjust after she lowered each inch. I involuntarily started groaning it felt so good.

Jen let out a long, loud combination sigh and moan when I was fully buried, and then she started moving up and down a little while squeezing her pc muscles. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and mauled her immense boobs as I started to buck upwardly every time that she pulsed her pc muscles. I couldn't believe how quickly she climaxed the first time - and then a second time - and then a third time. I had hoped to make this heavenly experience last, but given her bouncing up and down and flexing of her pussy muscles there was no way that I could continue for more than a couple of minutes. With a loud groan I unloaded what seemed like a pint of cum into her restless pussy just as she was wracked by her fourth orgasm. She went limp and would have fallen off of me if I wasn't glommed onto her massive tits.

While at that point I was certainly no virgin, I had never, ever, had a sexual experience that was anywhere near that satisfying. Every nerve in my body tingled, and every time that she moaned as my dick continued to move around in her pussy and my hands continued to manipulate her nipples an electric charge ran down my spine.

I would like to say that I fucked her again that night but that wouldn't be quite accurate. Actually, before the sun came up the next morning she had fucked me two more times, both of those times in bed. She would have fucked me again in the shower the next morning only by then my poor cock was worn out, so she settled for fondling my balls while I sucked and licked her prodigious knockers. After our shower I ate her pussy and sucked on her clit to bring her to two more orgasms before I left. I hadn't eaten food for breakfast, but I was one happy, satisfied, caballero.

After that, Jennifer had me. I would essentially have done anything to get to eat and fuck her sweet pussy again. Surprisingly, however, she didn't make me jump through hoops and treated me, with minor exceptions, much better than I remember her treating her boyfriends during High School. Also, she had a pleasantly high libido and was very anxious to fuck seven or eight times a week, and have me eat her an equal number. I couldn't have been happier since I typically experienced seven orgasms a week, and her fifteen or more.

The dance club incident increased my street cred to an even higher level. This was certainly due in part to the fact that Jen would tell anyone who would listen about it. If I was around I'd get embarrassed and turn red, but when I did she'd almost always whisper into my ear "I'll make it up to you." She always did, normally by riding me reverse cowgirl while she massaged my balls and I fingered her pucker hole. Fucking in this way was so euphoric that I was often rendered temporarily comatose.

One thing about her that did irritate me, however, and that she didn't make up for by fucking me comatose, was flirting with other guys in my presence. It wasn't really fair to them because most of the time they knew my reputation, or even if they didn't were intimidated by my size, and were too afraid to act upon it. It also wasn't fair to me because it would take the edge off of a good time. I have to admit that I became jealous and over-protective.

Sometimes after a particularly flirtatious outing as I was driving her home Jen would ask me - she always said that it was in a joking mood, but with my Asperger's I never knew if it was or not - "What would you do if you caught another guy fucking me, big boy?"

My standard response was "You better hope that it was someone you hated because I'd kill him."

"What would you do to slutty little me?" was her normal follow-up question, sticking her tongue in my ear right after she said it.

"I'd fuck you and then dump you," was my standard reply. That normally resulted in a giggle from her, and then she'd try and stroke my cock through my pants.


After Jennifer and I had been dating - and fucking - about five months she started bringing up the subject of marriage. To be honest I was quite amazed by that since she had never appeared to be the marrying type, and despite the fact that I was certain that I was satisfying her sexually, because of my Asperger's I still considered her out of my league.