Auntie Knows Best

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A sexually frustrated guy is comforted by his wife's aunt.
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Except for being significantly better looking than average and more devoted to his studies, David Tripp was an ordinary guy. He had ordinary smarts, ordinary athletic ability, and ordinary sex equipment (except for lime-sized testicles). He did badly want to become a physical therapist, however, and studied long and hard and since he had natural empathy when he got his bachelor's degree in kinesiology at the University of Rhode Island he was told by his professors that he would be a good physical therapist. However, David didn't have the money or the grades to get into a Doctor of Physical Therapy program at a good university, so he went to work as an assistant in a Physical Therapy practice.

Shortly after he got his BSc degree David met Anna Siddell. Anna is a short perky woman with a pretty face and thin body. They seemed to get along great and -- at least as expressed by Anna -- had many mutual goals, and the sex was nice; not particularly exciting, but eminently pleasurable. They married when they were both 23 years old in a medium-sized church wedding with the reception at a local venue.

The wedding was the first time that David had met some of Anna's relatives. Most notable among them was her Aunt Libby, who Anna called "Auntie." Since Anna's father was the oldest of the children in his family and Libby's mother the youngest, Libby was only eight years older than Anna.

Libby was married to a sixty-something wealthy businessman named Armand Heathcliff. It was apparent to David that Libby was an opportunist -- maybe even a gold-digger -- since she was much better looking than Armand and had twice the energy.

Libby did not have classic beauty. However, she was sultry and provocative as hell, and David's first impression was that there was no way that she could be in love with Armand, but given the gown and jewelry she wore obviously loved the good life. While her dress was not ostentatious so as not to upstage the bride, it was clearly classy and expensive.

Viewing Auntie Libby's dance moves from the standpoint of a kinesiologist David could not help but be impressed with Libby's bone structure and musculature.

At the reception after she had been suitably lubricated Auntie Libby sought out David for a dance. Her provocative movements during fast dances -- while amazing -- were somewhat disturbing, but when she glommed onto him during a slow dance he couldn't control the reaction of his cock. While dancing the slow dance Auntie slurred into his ear "You should have talked to me before marrying Anna, someone like me would be much better for you." When the dance was over she lightly grabbed his balls through his pants and said "Nice stones, I hope that Anna appreciates them," before walking away with an evil grin.

After wiping the sweat from his brow, and going to the bathroom to relieve himself and calm his dick down, David was finally able to regain his composure and enjoyed the rest of the reception, thankful for no more direct encounters with Auntie Libby.

After the newlyweds went to a local hotel room to spend their wedding night before flying to Aruba for their honeymoon the next morning something disturbing happened. While David started out making normal sweet love to Anna the images of Auntie grabbing his testicles and gyrating on the dance floor suddenly popped into his brain and instead of gentle reciprocations David started robustly laying pipe in Anna. After they came down from mutual orgasms Anna did not seem particularly pleased by the vigor of the encounter and while she didn't actually chastise David, she subtly let it be known that she preferred gentle lovemaking.

David was chagrined that his ejaculation was the most intense of his life, and vowed to put Auntie Libby out of his mind.


After they returned from their honeymoon the newlyweds often had contact with Anna's family, who was local. It seemed that Auntie Libby invited them to events at her house (more like a mansion with a pool and tennis courts) on a regular basis. During afternoon events Auntie would pump David for information about exercise and body wellness, and seemed to enjoy his company and spent more time with him than any other guest, but there were no repeats of the provocative actions at the reception. It was difficult for David to view Auntie in a bikini, however, because although she was not classically beautiful she had excellent bone structure, musculature, and sultriness, which were stimulating to David both in a professional capacity as well as a red-bloodied man.

Married life was good for David -- at least for the first two years, until Anna got pregnant with twins even though there was no history of them in either family. Her tiny body had difficulty in dealing with the increase in size occasioned by the twins, and she was on bedrest for the last two months of her pregnancy before her OB/GYN took the babies cesarean. Her attitude matched her discomfort the last three months of her pregnancy but David believed that it was just hormonal and was as pleasant and helpful as could be.

David was immediately enamored by his little girl Lisa and little boy Aiden. They instantaneously became the loves of his life and he enjoyed time with them more than anything else he could think of -- unfortunately more than sex with Anna.

After delivering the twins it seemed like Anna's libido dropped off of a cliff. While she remained pleasant to David most of the time, and was far from being a shrew or demanding, she seemed to completely lose interest in sex. In the year after the twins were born the total number of times that Anna was receptive (sometimes grudgingly) to sex could easily be counted with his fingers and toes.

Although Auntie loved having David and Anna visit with Lisa and Aiden since she loved the idea of children, though not interested in any of her own with Armand, due to his sexual frustration David found it difficult to interact with Auntie without prurient thoughts. After most visits David either exercised vigorously, or beat his meat, since the one time he laid pipe in Anna after a visit it was not received well.


When Lisa and Aiden had recently turned two, and David's sexual frustration kept increasing, he realized that but for the kids he would divorce Anna since he had no desire to cheat, but was a healthy young man with a normal libido. However, he couldn't stand the idea of not seeing his kids every day, so he plodded on, distracting himself with so much exercise that he was easily in the top one tenth of one percent of being in shape of anybody in the country, and gaining an excellent reputation at work for his diligence and ability to diagnose and treat conditions. Even though he didn't have a degree qualifying him as a physical therapist, the therapists in his office treated him as an equal and respected his opinion just like they would that of another therapist.

It was when David was 28 that he was informed that Auntie had been in a car accident and was in a wheelchair. She was adamant that only David would consult with her about her physical therapy and was so difficult with other medical practitioners that they gladly deferred. Auntie made an arrangement with David's office, at their normal rates for a physical therapist, to visit her daily for an hour or two.

The first week of "treatment" David mostly talked with Auntie, and only superficially tested her limbs. He sensed that something was off, but he couldn't put his finger on it. As he got more comfortable in his interactions with Auntie they started discussing personal things. During one conversation something that he had never forgotten about his wedding reception popped into his head and he blurted it out when they were being particularly frank. "What did you mean at my wedding reception when you said that I should have talked to you first before marrying Anna?"

Auntie hesitated for a few seconds, then smiled, and said "Because I knew that she'd sexually frustrate you. All of the blood females in her family -- present company excepted -- have a low libido and fuck only to hook a husband and get a couple of babies. After that it's lucky if you can defrost them once a month."

David was flabbergasted. He inquired further and after a half hour of discussion he believed her. Then she opened up about her own problems.

"As you know Armand is much older than I am and I never found him sexually attractive to begin with. However, given my high libido I was willing to fuck him as much as he wanted. Over the last year or so he hasn't wanted to often, but seems to just like to parade me around as his trophy, making people think that he's virile. The last couple of times that I fucked him it was grossly disappointing. I only stay with him because I like the lifestyle."

David sat stunned; then was perplexed when Auntie asked him "Since you're acting as my physical therapist does that mean that you cannot reveal my condition to anyone else no matter what -- like a doctor-patient privilege."

"Uh...yes," David replied. "It's basically the same as with a doctor. Only under unusual circumstances can confidential information about a patient be disclosed to others, and then only to law enforcement.

Auntie smiled wickedly. "Tomorrow, when you get here at 10 a. m., I'm going to reveal confidential, privileged, information to you."

David was both stunned and intrigued. "Can't wait," he replied and then gave her a hug goodbye, as was their custom, while she sat in her wheelchair.


David arrived a little early the next morning and was surprised when he rang the doorbell that the maid didn't answer. Auntie Libby's voice over the Intercom said "Come in, David. The staff is off today and the door is unlocked."

David walked into the study where Auntie was in her wheelchair, with a short sundress on and a little more makeup than normal, and sporting a big grin. "Hi," he smiled, "you seem chipper this morning."

"Oh, I am," she said, "because today starts a new chapter in our lives."

"What?" David questioned. His interrogatory was answered when Auntie got up from her wheelchair, glided over to him, put her arms around his neck, and gave him as passionate a kiss as he had ever received.

For a few seconds David resisted. But when he felt Auntie's tits smashed against his chest and the power of her kiss he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed while he kissed her back as zealously as she was kissing him.

When they broke their kiss he started to ask "What...?" but that was all that he got out before she put a finger to his lips. "No more words for now; you want to fuck me as much as much as I want to fuck you, so let's get to it." With that she let her sundress drop to the floor -- it was all that she had on beside high heels and a diamond ankle bracelet. David's flagpole instantly saluted.

As Auntie dragged David over to the large couch in the study his mind started to rebel; but when he gazed on her toned body and remembered the last four rejections by Anna over the last week, instead of resisting he started removing his clothes.

It was only a few minutes more before Auntie was lying on her back on the couch with her legs splayed and her hands in David's hair as he sucked on her clit, fingered her pussy, and played with her labia, all at the same time. Her scream as she first orgasmed would have woken the entire neighborhood but for the fact that the nearest dwelling was 100 meters away.

Immediately when she started screaming David shinnied up her body and started abusing her tits. After she groaned for a while as her nipples were being twisted or sucked, David had to do something about the condition of his impossibly hard cock. He buried it in Auntie's snug pussy with one stroke, causing her to shiver in orgasm, and then proceeded to lay pipe with the urgency of a panther ravishing its mate, his lime-sized testicles banging against her thighs. His ejaculation, and the reaction of Auntie's pussy in clamping down on his cock like a vice, were epic.

When the drained lovers separated Auntie kiss David on the lips and said "Carry me upstairs to one of the guest rooms and ravish me like you haven't had sex in a year and I'm the most desirable woman on earth.

"Both not far from the truth," David chuckled as he lifted Auntie up and carried her naked body upstairs while she continuously planted kisses on his face and neck.

David had never before had three orgasms in a short period of time. He found out that day that it was because he had never before fucked a woman with the allure, body, and lasciviousness of Auntie. When after his third orgasm, and her tenth, they separated and lay nose-to-nose with big grins on their faces they spoke for the first time in at least an hour.

"OK -- what the hell is going on?" David inquired.

"My accident was faked -- I had to pay at least a half dozen people a couple of grand each to pull it off. I needed a way to get you alone and to insure that the toad that I'm married to didn't suddenly want to fuck -- I don't think that I could stand fucking him again."

"What made you think that I'd fall for your seduction?"

"The way that you ogled me when I'm in a bikini, and how your Johnson comes to attention around me, doofus. You're not too subtle. Also I knew for a fact from family gossip as well as discussions with you that Anna is as much of an iceberg as the other females in our family once she had a couple of kids. Someone with balls as big as yours couldn't possibly resist me more than the years that you already have if I blatantly came on to you."

"So, I'm an open book to you?" David laughed.

"No -- you're a pair of lime-sized testicles and a perfect aspect ratio dick, that's what," Auntie cackled before she shinned down and sucked one lime-sized testicle into her mouth and fondled the other. Her ministrations felt so fucking good that -- impossibly -- David's cock saluted again and as she rode him like a three dollar whore he mauled her tits and then flicked her clit just as they came again.


After fucking David for about two hours every day the next week Auntie Libby started her endgame. In the presence of others she gradually started walking with a walker, then a cane, and finally slowly without assistance. To anyone who would listen she credited David with her metamorphosis -- which actually was partially true since he gave her renewed life, and she him.

Both David and Auntie were very interested in hooking up permanently without being exposed. Auntie was working on a diabolical plan to achieve that objective when part of the plan became moot because Armand died in a small plane crash. Auntie put on a great acting job in dealing with Armand's first wife and two adult children from that marriage by demonstrating sorrow. Also, she endeared herself to them by coming directly to them and making concessions in the interpretation of his will that was to the benefit of his first wife and children. Auntie still ended up with ⅓ of his estate, more money than she and David could ever use in a lifetime.

Auntie used a small part of the money to set up a way for David to leave his un-fulfilling marriage to Anna without being the bad guy, and while still at least getting joint custody of his kids, absolutely essential to his happiness.

Using what was only pocket change to her, Auntie was able to get a national talent agent to find an actor that looked almost like David's doppelganger. After the actor -- Sean Greene -- worked out for six weeks so that his musculature more closely resembled that of David's and he got clothes and a haircut exactly the same as David's Auntie put him in contact with a local high-priced call girl whose business name was Amber. The two were seen around town together -- at times that David was not at his office or was with clients that he dealt with confidentially -- and the word soon got back to Anna. Since Anna had no sexual attraction to David (or anyone else for that matter) at that point, and since David was now doing very well financially, she decided to catch him in the act and go for a divorce.

Through surveillance by her own PI, Auntie knew when Anna hired a PI. Sean and Amber were "careless" in leaving the curtains open in a motel room at the outskirts of the city once Anna's PI was up to speed. At the time David had an airtight alibi provided by two work colleagues and two well-heeled clients, some of it caught on video at exactly the time the festivities in the motel were taking place.

Things could not have worked out better for David and Auntie when Anna not only sued for divorce alleging adultery but fraudulently alleged fear for her life in getting a protective order and publicized his alleged infidelity which caused a client (also set-up by Auntie) to stop doing business with him because of the alleged infidelity.

A "bereft" David "reluctantly" moved in with Auntie since he had no place to go because of the protective order. David and Auntie's constant fucking was extremely satisfying to both, but David became anxious to see his kids. Therefore in less than three weeks Auntie's high-powered attorneys had filed suit against Anna for defamation and fraud, had testimony presented that irrefutably demonstrated that David had not committed adultery with Amber, and the protective order was dissolved.

In order to settle the defamation and fraud suit Anna had to make major concessions in the divorce action which David filed for irreconcilable difference. Also, Auntie and David were able to successfully convince everyone (except for Anna's parents) that Auntie and David's romance blossomed because he was forced to live with Auntie due to the protective order, and in view of Auntie's already favorable opinion of him because he quickly got her healed and out of a wheelchair. Thus David came out as the "good guy" in the divorce, and his relationship with Auntie was not investigated.

In the end David got 75% physical custody of the twins by dismissing the suits against Anna and only taking his personal possessions and a small amount of cash from the divorce settlement, with no alimony or child support either way.


On David and Libby's (he no longer called her "Auntie") honeymoon in Hawaii after Libby sucked on David's lime-sized testicles, while he ate her pussy, and the third copulation of the day, Libby stared into his eyes. "David, in addition to your love and the best sex that any woman has ever had, I want one more thing from you."

"If you fuck me reverse cowgirl I'll probably agree," he grinned.

"I want a baby with you," she beamed; "now I know that I've never expressed interest before, but I really do love interacting with Lisa and Aiden, and the thought of a child with you intrigues me, because you really do make nice babies."

After a pregnant pause David replied "OK I want to share everything with you."

"I'm thrilled," she grinned, "because I threw my birth control pills out two weeks ago. Now ring my chimes again."

"Why you conniving little bitch," David humorously chided while tickling her, before he obliged.

Ten months later, to the joy of all concerned, and particularly Aiden and Lisa, Libby delivered another set of twins -- identical girls.

As the whole family cuddled together a few months later David acknowledged that he had learned a valuable lesson -- Auntie is always right!

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
oldtwitoldtwit20 days ago

It lacked feeling, in the way you wrote this,, it came over in parts that it was being written in English as a second language.

The plot could have been made to work, so sorry it didn't work for me

Syd254Syd2542 months ago

After having the baby did auntie act like the other female family members and go cold on sex?

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19694 months ago

fun devious romance. thanks.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy7 months ago

Fun and games as usual!


DanDraperDanDraperabout 2 years ago

The whole story was nonsensical with no real emotion here other than lust.

I just couldn't find myself feeling any empathy for the characters.

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