Bad Neighbors Pt. 07

Story Info
Katie and Jenna go out. Abbie welcomes a visitor.
8.9k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 05/15/2024
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The next morning, Katie awoke to loud knocking on her bedroom door.

"Katie, are you going to get up?" her mother called.  She tried to shake the cobwebs from her head as she looked over at the clock.  It was almost 11 am!  Katie couldn't believe she had slept in so late. She had never been a late sleeper, even on weekends and her mom's knocking only emphasized that fact.

"Katie, we're running behind, honey," her mom called out again, this time with a bit more urgency in her voice. 

Oh shit, she thought.  She had made plans with her parents to go to brunch this morning. Katie groaned as she reluctantly dragged herself out of bed. She opened the door and looked at her mom, still squinting from the daylight shining into the room.

"Sorry, mom," she croaked, her voice raspy, most likely from last night's drinking and smoking. "I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

Abbie frowned at her daughter. 

"Jeez, Katie," Abbie said, looking a bit concerned. "You look like you partied all night.  How long did you stay up after we went to bed?"

Katie looked at her mom trying to think of the best response. She knew she couldn't tell her mom the truth, that she'd stayed up all night drinking and having sex with her neighbor's friend.  The thought of it made her giggle out loud though and her mom looked at her as if she'd lost her mind.

"Uh, you know," Katie said with a sheepish grin. "I finished off the wine."

Abbie looked at her skeptically but didn't press the issue.

"Well, hurry up and get dressed. We're running late," she said turning and walking down the hallway.

Katie closed the door behind her mom and leaned against it, remembering the mind blowing events of the night before. It wasn't as if she hadn't had a one night stand before, but not with someone so much older. And certainly not while someone else watched! She couldn't help but smile as she shook her head, still shocked at her wanton behavior. She let out a sigh and headed for the shower.

In spite of her hangover, Katie spent a great day with her parents.  They had a lazy brunch, that lasted for almost 2 hours.  She and her mom each had a couple of mimosas and ended up giggling and being silly while Andy mostly shook his head and rolled his eyes at them.

They talked about how her classes were going, her job, and what was going on with Katie's dating life.  She told them she hadn't dated much, she'd been too busy with school and work.  But throughout their conversation she felt distracted, recalling the events from last night. The more she replayed it in her head the more shocked she was by her behavior. But she also felt her excitement build and at certain points she could barely focus on what her parents were saying.

As her mom and dad talked, Katie watched them carefully.  She knew they had a great marriage but she almost felt bad for them.  They seemed so straight laced.  Seing first hand the things their neighbors were up to made her parents lives seem so boring.  She wondered how they possibly felt fulfilled with such mundane lives in comparison.

As they left the restaurant, Katie couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the thought of seeing Jenna again.  She still hadn't figured out how to tell her parents she was going out for drinks with Jenna that night.  She knew they probably didn't want her spending too much time with their free-spirited neighbors but really, she was a grown woman.  It wasn't as if she was going to suddenly be led down a life-changing path of debauchery just by spending a few hours with them.  She laughed out loud, recalling the events of last night, and both her parents looked at her puzzled.

"Are you ok?" Andy asked. "Too many mimosas, perhaps?" he teased.

"Yep," she giggled. "That must be what it is."  

They spent the afternoon visiting a couple of Katie's favorite places in town before grabbing dinner to bring home with them.  As they finished eating, Katie glanced at the clock.  It was just after 7pm.  Her mind was swirling with excitement and trepidation at what the night had in store.

She excused herself from the table and went upstairs to shower.  She intended on coming up with a way to tell her parents that she was going out with Jenna for a couple of drinks and that they shouldn't worry about her, but she sensed they weren't going to be happy. She would need to come up with something though, her heart was now emphatically set on a girls night with Jenna.

After Katie went upstairs, Andy wrapped his arms around Abbie's waist and held her tight.

"I think our little girl is all grown up," he said with a sigh.

Abbie leaned back into him, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"She certainly is," she said, a wistful note in her voice.

Andy nuzzled into her neck, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo.

"I remember when we were young and carefree," he whispered, his voice low and playful.

Abbie turned in his arms, her eyes meeting his.

"Mmmmm. Do you ever think about what it would be like to be young again?" she mused.

Andy laughed softly, his hand coming up to cup her cheek. 

"Maybe sometimes," he said. "But I think we're pretty happy with where we are now, right?"

Abbie smiled, but the look in her eye told Andy that she was thinking about something else entirely.

"Don't you think?" Andy asked, closely watching her reaction.

Abbie looked at him, biting her lip.

"Yes, of course," she said, but he could sense that she was holding something back. "Especially lately," she smiled.

Andy looked at her for some time, considering her answer.  Did she mean lately because they had been having some of the best sex of their marriage?  Or because of her infidelity with their neighbor?  He felt a pang of jealousy in his chest at the thought.  

Abbie didn't seem to notice and gave him a soft kiss on the lips before breaking from his arms.

"Ok, I'm going to tidy up," she said, starting to clear the table.  "You should go get ready," she said over her shoulder.

Andy looked at her, puzzled.  "Ready?" he asked.

"For tonight," she said shaking her head with a chuckle. "Its your golf party with the guys."

"Oh shit, is that tonight?" he asked, looking at his phone and checking his calendar. "It is!" he groaned, realizing he'd lost track of his days with Katie home and him taking some time off work. 

This was his end of year golf party that he and a few of his friends had planned.  It was at a local pub and he'd actually been looking forward to it for some time.

"Well, I shouldn't go, if Katie is home, should I?" he asked, unsure of what to do.

"Of course, silly," Abbie said. "Katie and I will be fine.  It will give us some girl time together." She winked.    

"Well, ok then," he agreed, looking at the time. "I guess I had better get moving then,"  he said, heading upstairs to change.  He quickly slipped on a new shirt and washed up before heading back downstairs.

He heard the shower running in the guest bathroom as he left his bedroom and knew it was Katie.  He wouldn't have a chance to say goodbye and he hoped she wouldn't be disappointed he'd abandoned them for the evening.

"Tell Katie I will see her later," he said to Abbie as he grabbed his keys from the side table.

"Have fun," Abbie said, coming to the door and planting a kiss on his lips before he left.

"You too," Andy replied with a smile. "You girls be good, now," he teased. "Remember, no boys over while I'm gone."

Abbie laughed and leaned in to kiss him again.

"Oh, no promises," she said playfully. "Two beautiful girls like us... I bet they'll be knocking down the door before you know it."

Andy smiled back, knowing she was only kidding, but somehow feeling uneasy as he left the house for the evening.

Abbie returned to the kitchen excited that her and Katie would enjoy an evening alone. She opened a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass, sitting on the sofa and turning on some music as she waited for Katie.

When her daughter finally came down the stairs, Abbie was on her second glass and it was already starting to hit her.  She gave Katie a big smile before it slowly turned to a look of confusion.  

Katie was dressed to kill.  She wore a red and black plaid mini skirt with a tight black short sleeved crop top that showed her bare midriff and showcased her young full breasts.  She had on a pair of black lace up boots that looked to Abbie like combat boots.  Her short blond hair was styled messily and her make up looked perfect.

"Wow," Abbie said, looking at her gorgeous daughter. "Got a big date?" She asked, trying to suppress the disappointment.

Katie grinned at her mother, twirling around to show off her outfit.

"No, actually, it's just me and Jenna tonight."

Abbie's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"What? Jenna our neighbor?"  Abbie was shocked. "How do you know Jenna?" Abbie asked.

Katie grinned at her mother.

"Well actually," she said casually while adjusting her eye liner in the mirror behind the door. "I met her last night after you and dad went to bed."

Abbie looked at her with surprise. "I thought you said you didn't do anything after we went to bed?"

"Well, no, that's not exactly what I said," Katie responded with a grin.  "I said I finished off the bottle of wine.  I also got a chance to meet Jenna.  In the back yard." She thought that was as much detail as she wanted to share with her mother regarding last nights events.

Abbie nodded slowly, trying to hide her apprehension. 

"Ah, I see.  So where are you guys going?" Abbie asked. She couldn't help but feel a little worried about her daughter spending the evening with their free spirited neighbor.

"Not sure, someplace downtown that Jenna recommended," Katie replied with a smile. "Apparently it's a nice spot."

Abbie felt uneasy. "I see," she said, taking another sip of her wine. "Well, have fun and be careful."

Katie smiled and gave her a hug.

"I will mom, don't worry. Say bye to dad," She said before turning and rushing out the front door, climbing into the Uber that awaited her at the curb.

When Katie arrived at the address Jenna had given her, she was surprised to find that the building looked like an old, abandoned warehouse. She frowned, wondering if she had misread the address. She texted Jenna but got no reply. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, the door swung open and Jenna appeared, wearing a tight black leather dress and high heels.

Her full breasts were pushed together, creating a deep cleavage that Katie couldn't help but stare at.

"Hey there, you made it," Jenna said, a playful smile on her face.

"I wasn't sure if I had the right place," Katie said, holding up her phone with the address on the screen.

Jenna nodded and took a step back, motioning for Katie to come inside. "Let's go," she said, grabbing her by the hand.

The interior was dimly lit, and the music was loud.  Katie looked around at the packed dance floor.

"Wow, this place is insane," she shouted to Jenna over the pulsing music.

Jenna grinned, taking a sip of her martini.

"I told you it was a cool place," she said, pulling Katie towards the bar.

She ordered them shots of something Katie had never heard of and 2 fresh martinis.  She clinked Katie's glass and they downed their shots.  Katie's face puckered and she shivered at the strong taste of alcohol.  Before she knew it, Jenna was handing her another, and this one went down only slightly smoother.

They squeezed their way into two open seats at the bar and sipped their martinis, surveying the dance floor.

"I'm really glad you made it," Jenna said, leaning in so close that Katie could feel her warm breath on her cheek. "I've been looking forward to our date all day."

Katie felt her heart skip a beat. "Me too," she responded with a smile.

Jenna grinned, took a sip of her drink, and stood up.

"Come on, let's dance," she said setting her glass on the bar and pulling Katie towards the dance floor.

They moved to the beat of the music, their bodies swaying provocatively amidst the crowd of people. Katie felt a surge of excitement run through her veins as Jenna's hands roamed over her body. She had never felt attracted to a woman before, but something about Jenna was intoxicating.

As they danced, a large black man eased behind Jenna and began to grind against her, putting his hands on her hips.  Katie half expected Jenna to turn and slap the man, but she seemed unphased and continued to swing her hips, her hair flying side to side. She leaned her back against the large man, allowing his hands to explore her body as they danced.

Katie was taken aback, but surprisingly aroused by the almost lewd display unfolding in front of her. She began to loosen up as she continued to dance in front of Jenna. Suddenly she felt a hand slide up her back, and she glanced over her shoulder, startled by the contact. A dark haired man with his shirt half unbuttoned danced next to her, perspiration glistening on his chest. He had a muscular build, and his arms were covered in tattoos. He was handsome and Katie couldn't help but feel a jolt of excitement as he began to dance behind her.

She glanced over at Jenna, who barely seemed to notice.  Katie watched the man behind Jenna run his hands up her hips and abdomen before cupping her breasts. Rather than resist, Jenna reached one arm over her shoulder and put her hand behind the man's head as he groped her.

Katie felt her face burn red at their actions.  She hoped the guy she was dancing with would not be so bold, she wasn't ready for that. At least not publicly.

Regardless, she let him grind against her as they continued to dance to the deafening music. She could feel the length of his cock pressed against her ass, and she imagined what it would be like to have it inside of her.

"Come on!"

Katie opened her eyes and suddenly Jenna was pulling her off the dance floor by her hand.  She led her back to the bar where she ordered 2 more shots.  Katie was already feeling a buzz as the shot burned her throat for a third time.  She tried to chase the taste with a gulp of her martini and realized it tasted almost as strong. 

The booze was starting to go to her head, and she felt her cheeks heating up.

"I think I've had enough for a little while," Katie said. "I don't want to get too drunk."

"Oh, come on, loosen up. Think how much fun you had last time you were drunk," She winked at Katie, downing another one herself.

Katie blushed but reached for her shot glass and knocked it back. The liquor burned her throat and she coughed, feeling the warmth spread throughout her body. Jenna laughed and leaned in close to Katie, her lips brushing against her ear.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she said, then grabbed Katie's hand and pulled her along with her.

She navigated them through the crowded bar and into a secluded hallway where the restrooms were located, before pulling Katie into one of the bathroom doors and closing it behind them.  Jenna pulled up her dress and sat on the toilet as Katie looked in the mirror and pretended to adjust her makeup.

When Jenna finished, she pushed the flush and stood behind Katie, looking over her shoulder in the mirror and applied a bit of lip gloss to her own lips.

As Katie turned, Jenna put both hands on the side of Katie's face and pressed her lips against hers. Katie felt her heart race as their lips met, soft at first, then more urgent. She could feel Jenna's tongue searching for hers, and finally she opened her mouth, allowing Jenna to explore her completely. She could feel her body responding to the other woman's touch, and a longing washed over her.  She had never kissed another woman before.

Jenna pulled away just as suddenly and turned to the mirror to touch up her own make up.

"Do you have to pee?" Jenna asked as if nothing had just happened.

Katie stood stunned for a few seconds as Jenna re-applied some lip gloss.

"Uh, yea," Katie murmured and sat down on the toilet.

Her mind was still reeling from the kiss. She had never felt this kind of attraction towards a woman before and it was dizzying. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on the sensation of peeing, just as she heard a sudden knock on the door.

"Busy!" Jenna yelled, adjusting her dress in the mirror.

The knock came again and Jenna turned and yanked the door open. 

"I said, we're busy," Jenna started. 

Standing at the door was the large black gentleman that had been dancing with Jenna on the dance floor.  He looked at her and smiled.  Katie couldn't see the look on Jenna's face, but saw her reach out and grab the man's hand, pulling him into the bathroom.  He locked the door behind him and pulled Jenna roughly into his arms and they began to kiss.

Katie watched in shock as the two of them made out, their hands roaming over each other's bodies. She looked toward the door, wondering if she could squeeze past them but Jenna had the man pinned against it.

Jenna's hands quickly found their way to his belt, and she began to undo it. Katie watched as his pants fell to the floor, revealing a huge, thick cock.

she couldn't help but stare as Jenna took it in her hands, stroking it up and down while they kissed again.

"Holy shit," Katie muttered under her breath, a mixture of shock and arousal running through her veins.

Jenna broke their kiss and dropped to her knees, taking the huge cock into her mouth.

Katie watched in awe as she began to suck and stroke him, her head bobbing up and down.  The man groaned, his hands gripping Jenna's hair.

Katie's heart was racing as she watched them, her own arousal growing with each passing moment.  She felt embarrassed to be there, watching the lewd display they were putting on in front of her. She had never seen anything like it before.

She couldn't tear her gaze away as Jenna continued to bob her head up and down, taking in as much of the man's thick cock as she possibly could. Katie's own breath hitched in her throat as she watched but the man barely seemed to notice her there.

He let out a loud moan as he looked down at Jenna, his hands still gripping her hair tightly.

Katie watched as Jenna took more of him into her mouth, gagging slightly as she struggled to take him all in. 

Katie knew she should leave them alone but there was just no way to get past them without interrupting and she thought that may upset Jenna. She felt her face growing hotter with each passing second as she watched Jenna suck the stranger's thick cock.

Suddenly, Jenna pulled her head off his cock and began to stroke it furiously as she looked up at the stranger. 

"You gonna cum for me, baby?" Jenna  purred, her voice husky and seductive.

The man grunted in response.  Jenna took her other hand and massaged his large sack as she continued to stroke his girthy shaft.  She began to tease the tip of it with her tongue, pushing him closer to the brink.

"Oh fuck yeah, just like that," the man groaned.

Jenna must have sensed he was about to cum and suddenly took him deep in her mouth, moaning as he filled her throat with his hot, salty load. His cum spilled out from her lips, dripping down her chin and onto her chest.

Katie watched in disbelief as Jenna licked and cleaned him thoroughly, before slowly releasing him from her mouth with a pop.

The two of them exchanged a heated glance before Jenna stood up and pulled her dress back down.  She reached for the door and held it open for the man.

"Out you go, big guy," Jenna said, a playful grin on her face. "Playtime's over."

The man looked at her in surprise then glanced at Katie then back to Jenna. Then he simply nodded and left the bathroom without a word. Jenna locked the door behind him and turned to Katie, a sly grin on her face.

"Well, that was fun," she said, still breathing heavily from the exertion.